771 research outputs found

    On string cosmology and the RG flow in 2d field theory

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    Time-dependent solutions of bosonic string theory resemble renormalisation group trajectories in the space of 2d field theories: they often interpolate between repulsive and attractive static solutions. It is shown that the attractive static solutions are those whose spatial sections are minima of |\bar c-25|, where \bar c is the `c-function'. The size of the domain of attraction of such a solution may be a measure of the probability of the corresponding string vacuum. Our discussion has also an implication for the RG flow in theories coupled to dynamical 2d gravity: the flow from models with c>25 to models with c<25 is forbidden.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, BUTP-94/7, Imperial/TP/93-94/29 (some footnotes and references added.

    Quantum Poisson-Lie T-duality and WZNW model

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    A pair of conformal sigma models related by Poisson-Lie T-duality is constructed by starting with the O(2,2) Drinfeld double. The duality relates the standard SL(2,R) WZNW model to a constrained sigma model defined on SL(2,R) group space. The quantum equivalence of the models is established by using a path integral argument.Comment: 19 pages, late

    Elements of String Cosmology

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    Aspects of string cosmology for critical and non-critical strings are discussed emphasizing the necessity to account for the dilaton dynamics for a proper incorporation of ``large - small" duality. This drastically modifies the intuition one has with Einstein's gravity. For example winding modes, even though contribute to energy density, oppose expansion and if not annihilated will stop the expansion. Moreover we find that the radiation dominated era of the standard cosmology emerges quite naturally in string cosmology. Our analysis of non-critical string cosmology provides a reinterpretation of the (universal cover of the) recently studied two dimensional black hole solution as a conformal realization of cosmological solutions found previously by Mueller.Comment: 34 page

    Invariances and Equations of Motion in Double Field Theory

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    We investigate the full set of equations of motion in double field theory and discuss their O(D,D) symmetry and gauge transformation properties. We obtain a Ricci-like tensor, its associated Bianchi identities, and relate our results to those with a generalized metric formulation.Comment: 24 page

    Exact four dimensional string solutions and Toda-like sigma models from `null-gauged' WZNW theories

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    We construct a new class of exact string solutions with a four dimensional target space metric of signature (,+,+,+-,+,+,+) by gauging the independent left and right nilpotent subgroups with `null' generators of WZNW models for rank 2 non-compact groups GG. The `null' property of the generators (Tr(NnNm)=0{\rm Tr }(N_n N_m)=0) implies the consistency of the gauging and the absence of \a'-corrections to the semiclassical backgrounds obtained from the gauged WZNW models. In the case of the maximally non-compact groups (G=SL(3),SO(2,2),SO(2,3),G2G= SL(3), SO(2,2), SO(2,3), G_2) the construction corresponds to gauging some of the subgroups generated by the nilpotent `step' operators in the Gauss decomposition. The rank 2 case is a particular example of a general construction leading to conformal backgrounds with one time-like direction. The conformal theories obtained by integrating out the gauge field can be considered as sigma model analogs of Toda models (their classical equations of motion are equivalent to Toda model equations). The procedure of `null gauging' applies also to other non-compact groups.Comment: 33 p., harvmac, Imperial/TP/93-94/17 (minor changes: few explanations added

    A tachyonic extension of the stringy no-go theorem

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    We investigate the tachyon-dilaton-metric system to study the "graceful exit" problem in string theoretic inflation, where tachyon plays the role of the scalar field. From the phase space analysis, we find that the inflationary phase does not smoothly connect to a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) expanding universe, thereby providing a simple tachyonic extension of the recently proved stringy no-go theorem.Comment: TeX file (PHYZZX), 10 pages, change in the title, many changes in the text (the version to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    Finite sigma models and exact string solutions with Minkowski signature metric

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    We consider 2d2d sigma models with a D=2+ND=2+N - dimensional Minkowski signature target space metric having a covariantly constant null Killing vector. These models are UV finite. The 2+N2+N-dimensional target space metric can be explicitly determined for a class of supersymmetric sigma models with NN-dimensional `transverse' part of the target space being homogeneous K\"ahler. The corresponding `transverse' sub-theory is an n=2n=2 supersymmetric sigma model with the exact \gb-function coinciding with its one-loop expression. For example, the finite D=4D=4 model has O(3)O(3) supersymmetric sigma model as its `transverse' part. Moreover, there exists a non-trivial dilaton field such that the Weyl invariance conditions are also satisfied, i.e. the resulting models correspond to string vacua. Generic solutions are represented in terms of the RG flow in `transverse' theory. We suggest a possible application of the constructed Weyl invariant sigma models to quantisation of 2d2d gravity. They may be interpreted as `effective actions' of the quantum 2d2d dilaton gravity coupled to a (non-conformal) NN-dimensional `matter' theory. The conformal factor of the 2d2d metric and 2d2d `dilaton' are identified with the light cone coordinates of the 2+N2+N - dimensional sigma model.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac, Imperial/TP/92-93/

    S-Duality and Exact Type IIB Superstring Backgrounds

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    A geometrical approach in the non-symmetric connection framework is employed to examine the issue of higher order α\alpha' corrections to D=10 type IIB superstring backgrounds with a covariantly constant null Killing isometry and non-zero Ramond-Ramond field content. These describe generalized supersymmetric string waves and were obtained recently by us through the S-duality transformation of purely NS-NS plane wave backgrounds. We find that the backgrounds are exact subject to the existence of certain field redefinitions and provided certain restrictive conditions are satisfied.Comment: 21 Pages, LATEX fil

    Vanishing of the conformal anomaly for strings in a gravitational wave

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    Using the non-symmetric-connection approach proposed by Osborn, we demonstrate that, for a bosonic string in a specially chosen plane-fronted gravitational wave and an axion background, the conformal anomaly vanishes at the two-loop level. Under some conditions, the anomaly vanishes at all orders.Comment: Previously not available in hep-th. Published as Physics Letters B 313, 10 (1993). Plain TeX 6 pages. No figure