61 research outputs found

    Zur Minimierung von Gender Gaps bei der Ausbildungs- und Berufswahl

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    Roswitha Tschenett ist seit 1996 im Bildungsministerium (Koordination und Abwicklung von gleichstellungsbezogenen EU-Projekten und von ESF-kofinanzierten Projekten mit Schwerpunkt 'MĂ€dchen und BO / Technik' und langjĂ€hrige GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin der Arbeitsgruppe 'Gender Mainstreaming / Gender Budgeting' im BMUKK. Seit 2013 leitet sie die Abt. Gender Mainstreaming / Gender und Schule im BMUKK bzw. BMBF. Das vorliegende AMS info stellt die erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrages dar, den Roswitha Tschenett im Rahmen der Tagung 'Tagesvater meets Mechatronikerin - Aufbruch zu mehr beruflicher Vielfalt' am 18.9.2014 in Wien gehalten hat. Veranstalter dieser Tagung waren die Österreichischen Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen, die Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich und das sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut abif - Analyse, Beratung und interdisziplinĂ€re Forschung

    Neurosphere-Derived Cells Exert a Neuroprotective Action by Changing the Ischemic Microenvironment

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    BACKGROUND: Neurosphere-derived cells (NC), containing neural stem cells, various progenitors and more differentiated cells, were obtained from newborn C57/BL6 mice and infused in a murine model of focal ischemia with reperfusion to investigate if: 1) they decreased ischemic injury and restored brain function; 2) they induced changes in the environment in which they are infused; 3) changes in brain environment consequent to transient ischemia were relevant for NC action. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: NC were infused intracerebroventricularly 4 h or 7 d after 30 min middle cerebral artery occlusion. In ischemic mice receiving cells at 4 h, impairment of open field performance was significantly improved and neuronal loss significantly reduced 7–14 d after ischemia compared to controls and to ischemic mice receiving cells at 7 d. Infusion of murine foetal fibroblast in the same experimental conditions was not effective. Assessment of infused cell distribution revealed that they migrated from the ventricle to the parenchyma, progressively decreased in number but they were observable up to 14 d. In mice receiving NC at 7 d and in sham-operated mice, few cells could be observed only at 24 h, indicating that the survival of these cells in brain tissue relates to the ischemic environment. The mRNA expression of trophic factors such as Insulin Growth Factor-1, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A, Transforming Growth Factor-ÎČ1, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Stromal Derived Factor−1α, as well as microglia/macrophage activation, increased 24 h after NC infusion in ischemic mice treated at 4 h compared to sham-operated and to mice receiving cells at 7 d. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: NC reduce functional impairment and neuronal damage after ischemia/reperfusion injury. Several lines of evidence indicate that the reciprocal interaction between NC and the ischemic environment is crucial for NC protective actions. Based on these results we propose that a bystander control of the ischemic environment may be the mechanism used by NC to rapidly restore acutely injured brain function

    NPY Neuron-Specific Y2 Receptors Regulate Adipose Tissue and Trabecular Bone but Not Cortical Bone Homeostasis in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Y2 receptor signalling is known to be important in neuropeptide Y (NPY)-mediated effects on energy homeostasis and bone physiology. Y2 receptors are located post-synaptically as well as acting as auto receptors on NPY-expressing neurons, and the different roles of these two populations of Y2 receptors in the regulation of energy homeostasis and body composition are unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We thus generated two conditional knockout mouse models, Y2(lox/lox) and NPYCre/+;Y2(lox/lox), in which Y2 receptors can be selectively ablated either in the hypothalamus or specifically in hypothalamic NPY-producing neurons of adult mice. Specific deletion of hypothalamic Y2 receptors increases food intake and body weight compared to controls. Importantly, specific ablation of hypothalamic Y2 receptors on NPY-containing neurons results in a significantly greater adiposity in female but not male mice, accompanied by increased hepatic triglyceride levels, decreased expression of liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT1) and increased expression of muscle phosphorylated acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). While food intake, body weight, femur length, bone mineral content, density and cortical bone volume and thickness are not significantly altered, trabecular bone volume and number were significantly increased by hypothalamic Y2 deletion on NPY-expressing neurons. Interestingly, in situ hybridisation reveals increased NPY and decreased proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus of mice with hypothalamus-specific deletion of Y2 receptors in NPY neurons, consistent with a negative feedback mechanism between NPY expression and Y2 receptors on NPY-ergic neurons. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together these data demonstrate the anti-obesogenic role of Y2 receptors in the brain, notably on NPY-ergic neurons, possibly via inhibition of NPY neurons and concomitant stimulation of POMC-expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, reducing lipogenic pathways in liver and/or skeletal muscle in females. These data also reveal as an anti-osteogenic effect of Y2 receptors on hypothalamic NPY-expressing neurons on trabecular but not on cortical bone

    Mindfulness and exacerbations

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    Einleitung: Patient*innen mit der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung (COPD) leiden wĂ€hrend der Atemkrise nicht nur unter körperlichen Symptomen, sondern auch unter psychischer Belastung und Stress. Pharmakologische Interventionen sind in der Behandlung Letzterer nur begrenzt wirksam, woraus ein Bedarf an alternativen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten entsteht. Achtsamkeitsinterventionen konnten bei anderen chronischen Erkrankungen psychische Belastungen und Stress effektiv reduzieren. Bei COPD-Patient*innen wurden Achtsamkeitsinterventionen bisher jedoch kaum erforscht und Atemkrisen wurden dabei nicht fokussiert. Daher untersuchte die vorliegende Studie die bisherige Literatur sowie die Annehmbarkeit, Machbarkeit und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten von Achtsamkeitsinterventionen mit Fokus auf Atemkrisen bei COPD-Patient*innen. Methode: ZunĂ€chst wurde eine Literaturrecherche zu bisherigen Achtsamkeitsinterventionen bei COPD-Patient*innen durchgefĂŒhrt. Zudem wurden in einem qualitativen und explorativen Design halbstrukturierte Leitfadeninterviews durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Stichprobe bestand aus 10, aufgrund einer Atemkrise hospitalisierten, COPD-Patient*innen (60% Frauen; M=74.40 Jahre, SD=8.30). Die Daten wurden anhand der thematischen Analyse ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Die Literaturrecherche inkludierte acht Studien, die vorlĂ€ufige Ergebnisse bezĂŒglich der Machbarkeit und EffektivitĂ€t von Achtsamkeitsinterventionen bei COPD-Patient*innen lieferte. Die Interview-Analyse ergab folgende fĂŒnf Hauptergebnisse: (1) Die Patient*innen zeigen eine Offenheit fĂŒr und BedĂŒrfnis nach neuen Behandlungsmethoden. (2) Achtsamkeit ist ein schwer abgrenzbares Konzept von anderen Mind-Body-Interventionen. (3) Diverse Rahmenbedingungen sind zentral fĂŒr das Interesse der Patient*innen. (4) EinschrĂ€nkungen in der Einsetzbarkeit mĂŒssen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. (5) Nicht-interessierte Patient*innen unterscheiden sich von Interessierten. Schlussfolgerungen: StationĂ€re COPD-Patient*innen zeigten ein starkes Interesse fĂŒr neue Behandlungsmethoden wie Achtsamkeitsinterventionen. Achtsamkeitsinterventionen mit Fokus auf Atemkrisen scheinen annehmbar und machbar zu sein. Studien, die solche untersuchen, sind notwendig und sollten diverse Rahmenbedingungen der Intervention sowie die BedĂŒrfnisse und körperliche EinschrĂ€nkungen der Patient*innen beachten.Introduction: Exacerbating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) do not only suffer from physical symptoms but also from psychological distress and stress. As pharmacological interventions showed only limited effectiveness in targeting the latter, a need for alternative treatment options emerges. In other chronic conditions, mindfulness interventions (MIs) are effective in reducing psychological distress and stress. However, research on MIs in COPD is still scarce and not focusing on exacerbations. Therefore, the present study reviewed the existing literature and explored the acceptability, feasibility, and implementation of MIs focusing on exacerbations in COPD patients. Methods: Firstly, literature examining MIs in COPD patients was reviewed. Secondly, a qualitative and explorative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted. The sample consisted of 10 COPD patients (60% women; M=74.40 years, SD=8.30) hospitalised after an acute exacerbation. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The literature review yielded eight studies, providing preliminary evidence for the feasibility and effectiveness of MIs in COPD patients. The qualitative analysis revealed five main findings: (1) Patients express an openness and need for new treatment approaches. (2) Mindfulness is difficult to differentiate from other mind-body concepts. (3) Implementation conditions are crucial for patient’s interest. (4) Limitations of the application of interventions must be considered. (5) Not interested patients differ from interested ones. Conclusion: Hospitalized COPD patients showed a strong interest in new treatment approaches like MIs. MIs focusing on exacerbations seem acceptable and feasible. Future studies investigating those are needed and should consider implementation conditions, patients’ needs and physical limitations

    Die Kirche St. Helena in Deutschnofen (SĂŒdtirol) und ihre gotische Freskenausstattung

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    Die Gesamtausstattung der Eigenkirche St. Helena in Deutschnofen gilt als ein Juwel der gotischen Wandmalerei. Das Bildprogramm der Bergkirche ist ĂŒberraschend reich und vielschichtig. Auf eindrucksvolle Weise fĂŒhrt es den GlĂ€ubigen christliche Glaubensinhalte vor Augen. Obwohl die Gesamtausstattung der Kirche im Laufe der Zeit mehreren VerĂ€nderungen ausgeliefert war, ist sie heute in einem relativ guten Erhaltungszustand. Vor allem die Wandmalereien im Langhausgewölbe, welche von ÜbertĂŒnchung und Übermalung verschont blieben, zeugen von der einst prachtvollen Ausstattung. Diese wurde 1410 von der Bozner Handelsfamilie Niederthor in Auftrag gegeben

    The influence of Hatha Yoga on stress and attention

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    Mindfulness-based interventions may be able to promote human stress management and reduce anxiety or depression. They also seem to positively influence cognitive performance. We want to find out how Hatha Yoga, a well-established mindfulness intervention and the most common form of yoga, affects emotional and cognitive processes. Building on Attentional Control Theory (Eysenck et al., 2007), that states that anxiety and stress impair the inhibition and shifting functions of attention, we hypothesize that an eight-week yoga intervention improves inhibition, multimodal task switching and switching between different attentional control sets. We additionally hypothesize that these changes are achieved by lowering stress and anxiety levels and restoring the balance between goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention. We seek to prove these hypotheses by conducting a randomised controlled trial with an experimental and a waitlisted control group, with the experimental group actively participating in a 60-minute hatha yoga intervention at least three times a week for 8 weeks. We use a combination of questionnaires, electroencephalography (EEG), biological measures and behavioral experiments

    The influence of hatha yoga on stress, anxiety, and suppression: A randomized controlled trial

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    Engaging in yoga may mitigate stress and anxiety in individuals while potentially enhancing one's capacity to manage distractions. Our research aimed to explore the relation between these two outcomes: Can an eight-week yoga program foster distraction suppression, thereby reducing stress and discomfort? To answer this question, we used Hatha Yoga, the most commonly practiced form of yoga. We tested if the intervention improved participants' ability to suppress distractions and selectively decrease self-reported stress and stress reactivity. In Addition, we investigated whether such an intervention would increase participants' mindfulness. Our study included 98 healthy yoga novices between 18 and 40 years who were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a waitlist condition, with each participant completing pre- and post-intervention assessments, including questionnaires, as well as electrophysiological and behavioral measures. After eight weeks of yoga practice, significant reductions in self-reported stress and stress reactivity levels, as well as increased mindfulness, were observed among those participating in the intervention relative to those in the waitlist control group. There were, however, no significant changes in state or trait anxiety due to the intervention. Changes in stress measures could not be explained by changes in participants' ability to suppress distractors, which was not affected by the intervention. Overall, our findings suggest that regular participation in Hatha Yoga can improve mental health outcomes without impacting cognitive functioning directly related to distractor suppression. Clinical trial registration number: NCT0523242

    Chromosome 4q31-34 panic disorder risk locus: Association of neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor variants

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    There is strong evidence for a genetic contribution to the pathogenesis of panic disorder, with a recent linkage study pointing toward a risk locus on chromosome 4q31-q34 [Kaabi et al., 2006]. Since the neuropeptide Y (NPY) system has been reported to be involved in the pathophysiology of anxiety and in particular panic disorder and the genes coding for NPY Y1, Y2, and Y5 receptors are located in the suggested risk region (4q31-q32), variants in the NPY, NPY Y1, Y2, and Y5 genes were investigated for association with panic disorder in a sample of 230 German patients with panic disorder and matched healthy controls. A synonymous (Gly-426-Gly) NPY Y5 coding variant (rs11946004) as well as haplotypes including rs11946004 and an intronic NPY Y5 variant (rs11724320) were significantly associated with panic disorder (P = 0.027), with the effect originating from the subgroup of female patients (P = 0.030), particularly with concurrent agoraphobia (P=0.002-0.019). No association was observed for any variants located in the genes coding for NPY, NPY Y1, or Y2. The present results provide preliminary support for an influence of NPY Y5 receptor variants on the etiology of panic disorder in a potentially gender-specific manner further strengthening the evidence for a risk locus on chromosome 4q31-q34 in anxiety disorders. However, in order to allow for conclusive evaluation of the present finding and to exclude a false positive result, further studies in larger, independent, preferably family based samples are warranted. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc
