410 research outputs found

    National innovation and knowledge performance: The role of higher education teaching and training

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    This paper acknowledges the role of the higher education system (HES) in the production of knowledge and human capital. However, most of the literature attributes this production to the second (research activities) and third (exploitation of teaching and research activities) mission. This paper proposes to investigate the under explored role of the first mission (teaching) of HES in the production of national innovation


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    Geometri sekolah mempunyai peluang besar untuk dipahami oleh siswa dibandingkan dengan cabang ilmu matematika yang lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan pengenalan konsep dasar geometri sudah dikenal oleh siswa sejak usia dini, seperti mengenal bangun-bangun geometri. Namun beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar geeometri, khususnya pada tingkat SMP. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian terhadap level berpikir geometri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) level berpikir geometri siswa di SMP Negeri percontohan di Lembang, dan (2) menelaah apakah pembelajaran geometri yang berlangsung di sekolah menerapkan tahapan pembelajaran Van Hiele atau tidak. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IX dari dua sekolah menengah pertama di Lembang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1) instrumen tes, yaitu tes level berpikir geometri Van Hiele pada materi bangun datar. Hasil dari tes ini dianalisis dengan kategori level berpikir sebagai berikut: level 0 adalah tahap pengenalan; level 1 adalah tahap analisis; level 2 adalah tahap pengurutan; level 3 adalah tahap deduksi formal; dan level 4 adalah tahap akurasi. (2) Instrumen non tes, yaitu berupa wawancara terhadap guru dan murid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) secara keseluruhan siswa SMP telah memasuki tahap berpikir geometri Van Hiele. Sebagian besar siswa berada pada tahap pengenalan (level 0) yaitu 81,16%, sedangkan sisanya telah memasuki tahap analisis (level 1) sebesar 17,39% dan tahap pengurutan (level 2) sebesar 1,45%. (2) Pembelajaran geometri di sekolah kurang memperhatikan tahapan pembelajaran geometri Van Hiele---------- Student has a big opportunity to understand geometry because the basic concept has early familiar, such as know the geometry’s objects. However, some of the research were show that many student difficult to learn geometry, specifically for junior high school. Because of that, it necessary to research about the geometry level thinking. The goal of the research are to know: (1) student geometry level thinking at the model of junior high school in Lembang, and (2) observe the lesson geometry at school by use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning. The method is descriptive study with the subject are the student from IX class of two junior high school in Lembang. The instrument is: (1) test instrument, is Van Hiele geometry level test. The result will be analysis by categories of Van Hiele: level 0 is visualization; level 1 is analysis; level 2 is informal deduction; level 3 is deduction; and level 4 is rigor. (2) Non-test instrument, is interview to the teacher and student. Base of the research, the conclusion are: (1) by and large the student has include the Van Hiele geometry level. Student at level 0 is 81, 16%, at level 1 is 17,3% and at level 2 is 1,45%. (2) School did’nt use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning

    An Exploratory Quantitative Study into the Relationship between Catholic Affiliation and the Development of Social Entrepreneurship Education in the USA

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    Catholic educationalists have long stressed the role of Catholic universities in advancing the cause of social justice to counter the increasing commodification of business relationships and the lack of social responsibilities of the business world. Is this rhetoric or reality? In this empirical paper involving 501 USA universities that have an Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accredited business school, we examine the relationship between Catholic affiliation and the universities’ decisions to offer social entrepreneurship and non-profit management courses to business students. Our study found that universities with Catholic affiliation are significantly more likely to offer both non-profit management and social entrepreneurship courses to business students. Our results offer evidences that Catholic universities are indeed working towards making a difference, with the vision and flexibility to do so

    Improving consistency in AHP decision-making processes

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    Decision making in engineering is becoming increasingly complex due to the large number of alternatives and multiple conflicting goals. Powerful decision-support expert systems powered by suitable software are increasingly necessary. In this paper, the multiple attribute decision method known as analytical hierarchy process (AHP), which uses pairwise comparisons with numerical judgments, is considered. Since judgments may lack a minimum level of consistency, mechanisms to improve consistency are necessary. A method to achieve consistency through optimisation is described in this paper. This method has the major advantage of depending on just n decision variables – the number of compared elements – and so is less computationally expensive than other optimisation methods, and can be easily implemented in virtually any existing computer environment. The proposed approach is exemplified by considering a simplified version of one of the most important problems faced by water supply managers, namely, the minimisation of water loss. 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been performed under the support of project IDAWAS, DPI2009-11591 of the Direccionn General de Investigacion del Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Spain) and ACOMP/2011/188 of the Conselleria de Educacion de la Generalitat Valenciana. The first author was supported by Spanish project MTM2010-18539. The third author is also indebted to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the sabbatical leave granted during the first semester of 2011. The use of English in this paper was revised by John Rawlins.Benítez López, J.; Delgado Galván, XV.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez García, R. (2012). Improving consistency in AHP decision-making processes. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 219(5):2432-2441. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2012.08.079S24322441219

    An approach to AHP decision in a dynamic context

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    AHP (analytic hierarchy process) is used to construct coherent aggregate results from preference data provided by decision makers. Pairwise comparison, used by AHP, shares a common weakness with other input formats used to represent user preferences, namely, that the input mode is static. In other words, users must provide all the preference data at the same time, and the criteria must be completely defined from the start. To overcome this weakness, we propose a framework that allows users to provide partial and/or incomplete preference data at multiple times. Since this is a complicated issue, we specifically focus on a particular aspect as a first attempt within this framework. For that reason, we re-examine a mechanism to achieve consistency in AHP, i.e. a linearization process, which provides consistency when adding a new element to the decision process or when withdrawing an obsolete criterion under the dynamic input mode assumption. An algorithm is developed to determine the new priority vector from the users' new input. Finally, we apply the new process to a problem of interest in the water field, specifically, the adoption of a suitable leak control policy in urban water supply. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been performed under the support of the project IDAWAS, DPI2009-11591 of the Direccion General de Investigacion del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain), with the supplementary support of ACOMP/2011/188 of the Conselleria d'Educacio of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the support given to the first author by Spanish project MTM2010-18539. The third author is also indebted to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the sabbatical leave granted during the first semester of 2011. The use of English in this paper was revised by John Rawlins.Benítez López, J.; Delgado Galván, XV.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez García, R. (2012). An approach to AHP decision in a dynamic context. Decision Support Systems. 53(3):499-506. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2012.04.015S49950653

    Is equal access to higher education in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa achievable by 2030?

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    Higher education is back in the spotlight, with post-2015 sustainable development goals emphasising equality of access. In this paper, we highlight the long distance still to travel to achieve the goal of equal access to higher education for all, with a focus on poorer countries which tend to have lower levels of enrolment in higher education. Analysing Demographic and Health Survey data from 35 low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, we show wide wealth inequalities in particular, with few if any of the poorest gaining access to higher education in some countries. We further identify that wealth and gender inequalities interact and tend to be wider in countries where levels of higher education are higher. This implies that expansion in access to higher education may predominantly benefit the rich, unless measures are taken to tackle inequalities. We find that that the rates of increase necessary for the attainment of the equal access goal by 2030 are particularly high. They pose a particularly difficult challenge given the access inequalities present from primary and secondary education in a wide majority of countries in our analysis. We therefore suggest that any measures aimed at attaining the goal need to tackle inequalities in access within a system-wide approach, focusing on the level of education at which inequalities initially manifest, alongside higher education.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10734-016-0039-

    The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 and University–Industry Technology Transfer: A Model for Other OECD Governments?

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    Recent initiatives by a number of OECD governments suggest considerable interest in emulating the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, a piece of legislation that is widely credited with stimulating significant growth in university--industry technology transfer and research collaboration in theUS. We examine the effects of Bayh-Dole on university--industry collaboration and technology transfer in the US, emphasizing the lengthy history of both activities prior to 1980 and noting the extent to which these activities are rooted in the incentives created by the unusual scale and structure (by comparison with Western Europe or Japan) of the US higher education system. Efforts at “emulation” of the Bayh-Dole policy elsewhere in the OECD are likely to have modest success at best without greater attention to the underlying structural differences among the higher education systems of these nations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43108/1/10961_2004_Article_5384361.pd

    The evolution of the student as a customer in Australian higher education: a policy perspective

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    In 2014, the Australian Federal Government attempted to de-regulate higher education fees so as to allow universities to set their own tuition fees. The associated public debate offer critical insights into how the identity of a student as a ‘customer’ of higher education is understood and deployed when developing higher education policy. This paper uses the 2014 Australian higher education reforms as a lens through which to further scholarly research into the student-as-customer metaphor and to see how it is influenced by the perceptions and understandings of policy actors external to the higher education sector. These include politicians, special interest groups, the students and their parents and prospective employers. This study reveals that the public/private nexus—both of funding and benefit— problematizes traditional conceptualisations of students and others as higher education customers. In turn, this restricts the ability or desire of policy actors to describe how the student functions as a customer as a consequence of market reform. This inability compromises the development of effective and sustainable higher education polic