77 research outputs found

    Eesti ettevõtjate võimalused Lõuna-Korea turul

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    Eesti noorsportlaste saavutusspordile orienteeritus jalgrattaspordi näitel

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    Database Driven Updatable Hydraulic Model for Decision Making

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    AbstractDuring Feb 2011 – Dec 2012 Tallinn Water Company (AS Tallinna Vesi) took a target to improve the previous hydraulic model creation procedures that can be updated through the available geographic information system (GIS), client information system (Navision), supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA). The Phase 1 was finished in May 2012. The current phase, Phase 2, started in summer 2012 and included pressure measurement point selections, data validation and model calibration

    Kannatanute õiguste ja huvide kaitse kriminaalmenetluses

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    ZrO2 nanopulbrite järelhelendus ja termoluminestsents

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    Notariaalse testamendi vormistuslikud nõuded

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    The spatial location and an analysis of the single tree variables in the “Metsaülema park” in Järvselja

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    Uurimistöö on Järvselja pargi põõsaste ja puude kaardistamisest, takseertunnuste mõõtmisest ja statistilisest analüüsist. Töö eesmärk oli anda ülevaade Järvseljal asuva „Metsaülema pargi“ kooslusest, puude paiknemisest ja kirjeldada parki läbi üksikpuude takseertunnuste ja uurida kuidas erinevad diameeter ning kõrgus looduslikult kasvavatest puudest. Töös kasutati Fieldmap programmi andmete kogumiseks ja edasine andmetöötlus sai tehtud MS Office Excelis. Välitööde tulemusena valmis Järvselja pargist kaart, mille järgi on võimalik aru saada puude paiknemine ja nende võraulatus. Peamiseks tulemuseks oli lehiste ja pärnade suur osakaal pargis ja nende suured mõõtmed. Lehiste diameetri ruutkeskmine oli 86,16 cm ja pärnadel 63,03 cm. Lehiste tüvemahuks kujunes arvutuste tulemusena 151,40m3 /ha. Kõrguste võrdlemisel jõudis töö autor oodatud tulemuseni, et pargis ja avatud maastikul kasvavad puud on madalamad kui metsas kasvavad puud. Pargi ja metsa puude kõrguste erinevus oli lehiste puhul 18,5 m. Mõõtmisandmeid on võimalik kasutada teiste sarnaste parkide uurimisel, mõõtmisel ja analüüsimisel. Töö autor on seisukohal, et tulemuste paremaks võrdlemiseks oleks vaja Eestis rohkem läbi viia pargipuude mõõtmisi, et tekiks puude ja põõsaste gruppidest ning liikidest kindel mudel.The research is about mapping the trees and shrubs in the park, tree characteristics measurements and statistical analysis. The aim was to describe the park through a single tree characteristics and to find out how the diameters and heights differ from the naturally growing trees. In this research was used Fieldmap Data collector and statistical analysis was made with MS Office Excel. The result of the field work is a map about extent of the crown of the trees and their location. The main result was the proportion of big larches and lindens crown projections. Standard deviation of the larches trees was 86,16 cm and linden trees 63,03 cm. Larches stem volume was 151,40 m3 /ha. Comparing the heights of the park and open- landscape trees accomplished expected result that open-landscape trees are lower than forest trees. Larches first layers height difference between park and forest trees was 18,5m. The measurement data can be used for studies, measurements and analyses in other similar parks. For a better comparison of the results the author of the thesis suggests that additional measurements of park trees should be conducted in Estonia to create a universal model for trees and shrubs

    Monokliinse ZrO2 fotoluminestsentsi ning termiliselt ja optiliselt stimuleeritud luminestsentsi uuringud

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    Analysis of the impact of reduction of the minimum rotation age of Norway spruce

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    Magistritöö Metsamajanduse õppekavalKäesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida 2015. aasta Metsaregistri andmetel hariliku kuuse (Picea abies) uuendusraie pindala muutumist seoses metsaseaduse muudatusega. Enne 2017. aastat kehtisid Eesti Vabariigis kuuseraievanused IA ja I boniteedis 80 aastat. Nüüd on võimalus IA boniteedis raiuda 60 ja I boniteedis 70 aastaselt. Selline muudatus tõi kaasa lageraie pindalade suurenemise viljakates kuusikutes. Küpsusdiameeter jäeti samaks, kuusel vastavalt 26 cm. Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli leida vastus küsimusele, kas raievanuse vähendamine viljakates kasvukohatüüpides mõjutab oluliselt uuendusraiete pindala nii IA kui I boniteedi kuusikutes. Lisaks uuriti II ja III boniteediklassides raievanuse eeldatavat mõju, kui seadusemuudatus oleks tehtud ka nendes. Töös analüüsiti 2015. aasta Metsaregistri andmeid ning võrreldi neid metsaseaduse muudatusest lähtuvalt tekkinud uute küpsusvanustega. Andmeteks valiti küpsed kuusikud osakaaluga suurem kui 50%. Uuriti Metsaregistri andmeid, milles puudusid looduskaitselised piirangud.Kokku uuriti nelja boniteediklassi (IA,I,II,III) pindalaga 146 786,4 hektarit. Juurdetulev uuendusraie pindala on I ja IA boniteediklassides kokku 7138,1 hektarit. Seatud uurimisülesande järgi saab öelda, et juurde tulev pindala on suurem kui väidetud 4200 hektarit ning juurdetulev pindala tuleb enamuses otseselt raievanuse seaduse muudatusest, kuid olulist mõju lageraiepindalale see ei tekita. Uurimist vajaksid peale juurepessu ja ulukikahjustuste ka teised kuuski kahjustavad tegurid.The goal of this Master's thesis was to analyze the changes in the size of the area of regeneration of spruce (Picea abies) based on the 2015 Forest Registry data with reference to the change in the Forest Law in 2017. Before 2017, the valid cutting age of spruce in the Republic of Estonia in site quality classes IA and I was 80 years. Now it is possible to cut IA at the age of 60 and I at the age of 70. Such a change led to an increase in the clearcut area in fertile spruce stands. The mature diameter was left unchanged, for spruce, respectively, it is 26 cm. The aim of this master thesis was to find the answer to the question of whether the age reduction of spruce stands in fertile stands significantly affects the area of clearcut in both the IA and I quality classes. In addition, the expected effects of changing the cutting age in II and III quality classes were studied in theoretical case that the law was changed also in them. The thesis analyzed the data of the Forest Registry of the Year 2015 and compared them with the new maturity ages set after the forest law changes. Spruce stands were selected as the data for a percentage greater than 50%.Forest registry data of stands without any environmental protection limits was studyed - a total of 146786.4 hectares of four site quality classes (IA, I, II, III). The upcoming area of clearcutting in the I and IA quality classes will be totaling to 7138.1 hectares. According to the research task, it can be said that upcoming area is larger than the claimed 4200 hectares and the additional area is directly affected by the change of the mature age law but it does not have a significant impact on the overall clearcut area.Furthermore, besides the root pathogens and game damage, other factors that could harm spruce stands will need additional research

    Magnon and Phonon Excitations in Nanosized NiO

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    Single-crystal, microcrystalline and nanocrystalline nickel oxides (NiO) have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. A new band at ~200 cm-1 and TO-LO splitting of the band at 350–650 cm-1 have been found in the spectra of single-crystals NiO(100), NiO(110) and NiO(111). The Raman spectra of microcrystalline (1500 nm) and nanocrystalline (13–100 nm) NiO resemble those of the single crystals. They all contain the two-magnon band at 1500 cm-1, indicating that the oxides remain at room temperature in the antiferromagnetic phase. Besides, a new sharp Raman band has been observed at 500 cm-1 in nanocrystalline NiO. Its temperature dependence suggests the magnetic origin of the band, possibly associated with the one-phonon–one-magnon excitation at the Brillouin zone centre.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART