56 research outputs found

    New FTY720-docetaxel nanoparticle therapy overcomes FTY720-induced lymphopenia and inhibits metastatic breast tumour growth

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    Purpose: Combining molecular therapies with chemotherapy may offer an improved clinical outcome for chemoresistant tumours. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor antagonist and sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) inhibitor FTY720 (FTY) has promising anticancer properties, however, it causes systemic lymphopenia which impairs its use in cancer patients. In this study, we developed a nanoparticle (NP) combining docetaxel (DTX) and FTY for enhanced anticancer effect, targeted tumour delivery and reduced systemic toxicity. Methods: Docetaxel, FTY and glucosamine were covalently conjugated to poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). NPs were characterised by dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy. The cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumor efficacy of CNPs were evaluated. Results: We show for the first time that in triple negative breast cancer cells FTY provides chemosensitisation to DTX, allowing a four-fold reduction in the effective dose. We have encapsulated both drugs in PLGA complex NPs (CNPs), with narrow size distribution of ~ 100 nm and excellent cancer cell uptake providing sequential, sustained release of FTY and DTX. In triple negative breast cancer cells and mouse breast cancer models, CNPs had similar efficacy to systemic free therapies, but allowed an effective drug dose reduction. Application of CNPs has significantly reversed chemotherapy side effects such as weight loss, liver toxicity and, most notably, lymphopenia. Conclusions: We show for the first time the DTX chemosensitising effects of FTY in triple negative breast cancer. We further demonstrate that encapsulation of free drugs in CNPs can improve targeting, provide low off-target toxicity and most importantly reduce FTY-induced lymphopenia, offering potential therapeutic use of FTY in clinical cancer treatment

    Modular assembly of proteins on nanoparticles

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    Generally, the high diversity of protein properties necessitates the development of unique nanoparticle bio-conjugation methods, optimized for each different protein. Here we describe a universal bio-conjugation approach which makes use of a new recombinant fusion protein combining two distinct domains. The N-terminal part is Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) from Schistosoma japonicum, for which we identify and characterize the remarkable ability to bind gold nanoparticles (GNPs) by forming gold–sulfur bonds (Au–S). The C-terminal part of this multi-domain construct is the SpyCatcher from Streptococcus pyogenes, which provides the ability to capture recombinant proteins encoding a SpyTag. Here we show that SpyCatcher can be immobilized covalently on GNPs through GST without the loss of its full functionality. We then show that GST-SpyCatcher activated particles are able to covalently bind a SpyTag modified protein by simple mixing, through the spontaneous formation of an unusual isopeptide bond

    Real-Time Nanoparticle–Cell Interactions in Physiological Media by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Particle–cell interactions in physiological media are important in determining the fate and transport of nanoparticles and biological responses to them. In this work, these interactions are assessed in real time using a novel atomic force microscopy (AFM) based platform. Industry-relevant CeO2 and Fe2O3 engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) of two primary particle sizes were synthesized by the flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) based Harvard Versatile Engineering Nanomaterials Generation System (Harvard VENGES) and used in this study. The ENPs were attached on AFM tips, and the atomic force between the tip and lung epithelia cells (A549), adhered on a substrate, was measured in biological media, with and without the presence of serum proteins. Two metrics were used to assess the nanoparticle cell: the detachment force required to separate the ENP from the cell and the number of bonds formed between the cell and the ENPs. The results indicate that these atomic level ENP–cell interaction forces strongly depend on the physiological media. The presence of serum proteins reduced both the detachment force and the number of bonds by approximately 50% indicating the important role of the protein corona on the particle cell interactions. Additionally, it was shown that particle to cell interactions were size and material dependent

    Influence of shear stress and size on viability of endothelial cells exposed to gold nanoparticles

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    Screening nanoparticle toxicity directly on cell culture can be a fast and cheap technique. Nevertheless, to obtain results in accordance with those observed in live animals, the conditions in which cells are cultivated should resemble the one encountered in live systems. Microfluidic devices offer the possibility to satisfy this requirement, in particular with endothelial cell lines, because they are capable to reproduce the flowing media and shear stress experienced by these cell lines in vivo. In this work, we exploit a microfluidic device to observe how human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) viability changes when subject to a continuous flow of culture medium, in which spherical citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles of different sizes and at varying doses are investigated. For comparison, the same experiments are also run in multiwells where the cells do not experience the shear stress induced by the flowing medium. We discuss the results considering the influence of mode of exposure and nanoparticle size (24 and 13 nm). We observed that gold nanoparticles show a lower toxicity under flow conditions with respect to static and the HUVEC viability decreases as the nanoparticle surface area per unit volume increases, regardless of size

    Magnetic hyperthermia enhances cell toxicity with respect to exogenous heating

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    Magnetic hyperthermia is a new type of cancer treatment designed for overcoming resistance to chemotherapy during the treatment of solid, inaccessible human tumors. The main challenge of this technology is increasing the local tumoral temperature with minimal side effects on the surrounding healthy tissue. This work consists of an in vitro study that compared the effect of hyperthermia in response to the application of exogenous heating (EHT) sources with the corresponding effect produced by magnetic hyperthermia (MHT) at the same target temperatures. Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells were loaded with magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and packed into dense pellets to generate an environment that is crudely similar to that expected in solid micro-tumors, and the above-mentioned protocols were applied to these cells. These experiments showed that for the same target temperatures, MHT induces a decrease in cell viability that is larger than the corresponding EHT, up to a maximum difference of approximately 45% at T = 46 °C. An analysis of the data in terms of temperature efficiency demonstrated that MHT requires an average temperature that is 6 °C lower than that required with EHT to produce a similar cytotoxic effect. An analysis of electron microscopy images of the cells after the EHT and MHT treatments indicated that the enhanced effectiveness observed with MHT is associated with local cell destruction triggered by the magnetic nano-heaters. The present study is an essential step toward the development of innovative adjuvant anti-cancer therapies based on local hyperthermia treatments using magnetic particles as nano-heaters