394 research outputs found

    Software fault-tolerance by design diversity DEDIX: A tool for experiments

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    The use of multiple versions of a computer program, independently designed from a common specification, to reduce the effects of an error is discussed. If these versions are designed by independent programming teams, it is expected that a fault in one version will not have the same behavior as any fault in the other versions. Since the errors in the output of the versions are different and uncorrelated, it is possible to run the versions concurrently, cross-check their results at prespecified points, and mask errors. A DEsign DIversity eXperiments (DEDIX) testbed was implemented to study the influence of common mode errors which can result in a failure of the entire system. The layered design of DEDIX and its decision algorithm are described

    Inhomogeneous magnesium hydride synthesized by low temperature ion implantation: weak localization effect

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    Metastable MgHx hydride was prepared by H ion implantation into Mg films at 5 K. The resistivity and magnetoresistance temperature dependence reveal weak localization effects due to atomic disorder. At low hydrogen concentrations, x ≤0.3, the conductivity varies as σ∼log (T), typical of two-dimensional weak localization behaviour. The resistivity is also very sensitive to the sample inhomogeneity, due to H diffusion, which can be modelled by introducing a temperature-dependent geometrical percolating factor G. At higher H concentrations, 0.7 ≤x ≤3, after annealing at 20 K, 50 K and 110 K, the samples also exhibit weak localization but with three-dimensional behaviour i.e. a σT\sigma \sim \sqrt{T}. Our analysis is consistent with the existence of an inhomogeneous system formed by a mixture of two phases with contrasted conduction properties, one of which is a well-behaved metal, while the other displays the localization properties. The results lead us to identify the former phase to a non percolating superconducting phase at low temperature

    The UCLA Design Diversity Experiment (DEDIX) system: A distributed testbed for multiple-version software

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    To establish a long-term research facility for experimental investigations of design diversity as a means of achieving fault-tolerant systems, a distributed testbed for multiple-version software was designed. It is part of a local network, which utilizes the Locus distributed operating system to operate a set of 20 VAX 11/750 computers. It is used in experiments to measure the efficacy of design diversity and to investigate reliability increases under large-scale, controlled experimental conditions

    The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks : nerve growth factor signaling

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    It is becoming increasingly appreciated that the signal transduction systems used by eukaryotic cells to achieve a variety of essential responses represent highly complex networks rather than simple linear pathways. While significant effort is being made to experimentally measure the rate constants for individual steps in these signaling networks, many of the parameters required to describe the behavior of these systems remain unknown, or at best, estimates. With these goals and caveats in mind, we use methods of statistical mechanics to extract useful predictions for complex cellular signaling networks. To establish the usefulness of our approach, we have applied our methods towards modeling the nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation of neuronal cells. Using our approach, we are able to extract predictions that are highly specific and accurate, thereby enabling us to predict the influence of specific signaling modules in determining the integrated cellular response to the two growth factors. We show that extracting biologically relevant predictions from complex signaling models appears to be possible even in the absence of measurements of all the individual rate constants. Our methods also raise some interesting insights into the design and possible evolution of cellular systems, highlighting an inherent property of these systems wherein particular ''soft'' combinations of parameters can be varied over wide ranges without impacting the final output and demonstrating that a few ''stiff'' parameter combinations center around the paramount regulatory steps of the network. We refer to this property -- which is distinct from robustness -- as ''sloppiness.''Comment: 24 pages, 10 EPS figures, 1 GIF (makes 5 multi-panel figs + caption for GIF), IOP style; supp. info/figs. included as brown_supp.pd

    Structure and Magnetism of well-defined cobalt nanoparticles embedded in a niobium matrix

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    Our recent studies on Co-clusters embedded in various matrices reveal that the co-deposition technique (simultaneous deposition of two beams : one for the pre-formed clusters and one for the matrix atoms) is a powerful tool to prepare magnetic nanostructures with any couple of materials even though they are miscible. We study, both sharply related, structure and magnetism of the Co/Nb system. Because such a heterogeneous system needs to be described at different scales, we used microscopic and macroscopic techniques but also local selective absorption ones. We conclude that our clusters are 3 nm diameter f.c.c truncated octahedrons with a pure cobalt core and a solid solution between Co and Nb located at the interface which could be responsible for the magnetically inactive monolayers we found. The use of a very diluted Co/Nb film, further lithographed, would allow us to achieve a pattern of microsquid devices in view to study the magnetic dynamics of a single-Co cluster.Comment: 7 TeX pages, 9 Postscript figures, detailed heading adde

    Rationale and Design of the SENECA (StEm cell iNjECtion in cAncer survivors) Trial

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    Objectives SENECA (StEm cell iNjECtion in cAncer survivors) is a phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety and feasibility of delivering allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells (allo-MSCs) transendocardially in subjects with anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy (AIC). Background AIC is an incurable and often fatal syndrome, with a prognosis worse than that of ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Recently, cell therapy with MSCs has emerged as a promising new approach to repair damaged myocardium. Methods The study population is 36 cancer survivors with a diagnosis of AIC, left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction ≤40%, and symptoms of heart failure (NYHA class II-III) on optimally-tolerated medical therapy. Subjects must be clinically free of cancer for at least two years with a ≤ 30% estimated five-year risk of recurrence. The first six subjects participated in an open-label, lead-in phase and received 100 million allo-MSCs; the remaining 30 will be randomized 1:1 to receive allo-MSCs or vehicle via 20 transendocardial injections. Efficacy measures (obtained at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months) include MRI evaluation of LV function, LV volumes, fibrosis, and scar burden; assessment of exercise tolerance (six-minute walk test) and quality of life (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire); clinical outcomes (MACE and cumulative days alive and out of hospital); and biomarkers of heart failure (NT-proBNP). Conclusions This is the first clinical trial using direct cardiac injection of cells for the treatment of AIC. If administration of allo-MSCs is found feasible and safe, SENECA will pave the way for larger phase II/III studies with therapeutic efficacy as the primary outcome

    Chronic T cell receptor stimulation unmasks NK receptor signaling in peripheral T cell lymphomas via epigenetic reprogramming.

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    Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCLs) represent a significant unmet medical need with dismal clinical outcomes. The T cell receptor (TCR) is emerging as a key driver of T lymphocyte transformation. However, the role of chronic TCR activation in lymphomagenesis and in lymphoma cell survival is still poorly understood. Using a mouse model, we report that chronic TCR stimulation drove T cell lymphomagenesis, whereas TCR signaling did not contribute to PTCL survival. The combination of kinome, transcriptome, and epigenome analyses of mouse PTCLs revealed a NK cell-like reprogramming of PTCL cells with expression of NK receptors (NKRs) and downstream signaling molecules such as Tyrobp and SYK. Activating NKRs were functional in PTCLs and dependent on SYK activity. In vivo blockade of NKR signaling prolonged mouse survival, demonstrating the addiction of PTCLs to NKRs and downstream SYK/mTOR activity for their survival. We studied a large collection of human primary samples and identified several PTCLs recapitulating the phenotype described in this model by their expression of SYK and the NKR, suggesting a similar mechanism of lymphomagenesis and establishing a rationale for clinical studies targeting such molecules