120 research outputs found

    Assessing the Cultural in Culturally Sensitive Printed Patient-Education Materials for Chinese Americans With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes affects Chinese Americans at an alarming rate. To address this health disparity, research in the area of cultural sensitivity and health literacy provide useful guidelines for creating culturally appropriate health education. In this article, we use discourse analysis to examine a group of locally-available, Chinese and English language diabetes print documents from a surface and deep structure level of culture. First, we compared these documents to research findings about printed health information to determine if and how these documents apply current best practices for health literacy and culturally appropriate health communication. Second, we examined how diabetes as a disease and diabetes management is being constructed. The printed materials addressed surface level culture through the use of Chinese language, pictures, foods and exercises. From a deeper cultural level, the materials constructed diabetes management as a matter of measurement and control that contrasted with previous research suggesting an alternative construction of balance. A nuanced assessment of both surface and deeper levels of culture is essential for creating health education materials that are more culturally appropriate and can lead to increase health literacy and improved health outcomes

    Predicting Community Participation of Waste Separation for Informal Waste Recycling Facility using Binary Logistic Regression Model

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    Waste bank is informal waste recycling facility using the principle of community participation in reducing waste generation. Berkah Bersatu Waste bank was established in 2021 but the number of registered customers remains constant. Therefore, this study investigates participation decisions made by the villager. This cross-sectional study used data collected from 148 households randomly. Through a series of analysis, the impact of 24 influential factors on participation decision-making was explored using logistic regression analyses. The results showed seven variables are positively related to community participation in waste bank i.e. age, residence status, trash bin availability, knowledge of environmental issues, individual’s interest, intrinsic motivation, and norm existence. Probability calculation using the model shows the maximum probability is 99% if all determinants play role in the area indicating that most villagers are willing to participate in waste separation and reduction as they become WB member

    Stem Cells and Organoid Technology in Precision Medicine in Inflammation: Are We There Yet?

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    Individualised cellular models of disease are a key tool for precision medicine to recapitulate chronic inflammatory processes. Organoid models can be derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or from primary stem cells ex vivo. These models have been emerging over the past decade and have been used to reconstruct the respective organ-specific physiology and pathology, at an unsurpassed depth. In cancer research, patient-derived cancer organoids opened new perspectives in predicting therapy response and provided novel insights into tumour biology. In precision medicine of chronic inflammatory disorders, stem-cell based organoid models are currently being evaluated in pre-clinical pharmacodynamic studies (clinical studies in a dish) and are employed in clinical studies, e.g., by re-transplanting autologous epithelial organoids to re-establish intestinal barrier integrity. A particularly exciting feature of iPSC systems is their ability to provide insights into organ systems and inflammatory disease processes, which cannot be monitored with clinical biopsies, such as immune reactions in neurodegenerative disorders. Refinement of differentiation protocols, and next-generation co-culturing methods, aimed at generating self-organised, complex tissues in vitro, will be the next logical steps. In this mini-review, we critically discuss the current state-of-the-art stem cell and organoid technologies, as well as their future impact, potential and promises in combating immune-mediated chronic diseases

    Wireless Remote Display for Safety Critical Therapy Management

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    A team comprised of Loyola University Chicago Biomedical Engineering Capstone students, sponsored by Baxter Healthcare of Deerfield Illinois, created a system to limit clinicians’ exposure via proximity or contact with hospital patients in the face of COVID-19. The team was assigned to implement a solution regarding infusion pump care. An infusion pump is a medical device that delivers fluids, such as nutrients and medications, into a patient\u27s body in controlled amounts (FDA.gov). In order to maintain a clinician’s safe separation from the bedside, the team developed a wireless remote display to control an infusion pump from a safe distance. The software-based solution allows data to be sent over Wi-Fi to a remote device. The team is currently performing Design Verification Testing (DVT) on the system to verify that one design requirement was met. The system is fully functional and provides clinicians the opportunity to provide care while keeping themselves and others safe from infection

    Human T2R38 Bitter Taste Receptor Expression in Resting and Activated Lymphocytes

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    The human G-protein-coupled bitter taste receptor T2R38 has recently been demonstrated to be expressed on peripheral blood neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. To further define a potential contribution of the T2R38 receptor in adaptive immune response, the objective of this study was to analyze its expression in resting and activated lymphocytes and T cell subpopulations. Freshly isolated PBMC from healthy donors were used for expression analysis by flow cytometry. Quantum™ MESF beads were applied for quantification in absolute fluorescence units. Activation methods of T cells were anti-CD3/CD28, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) together with ionomycin. Lymphocytes from young donors expressed higher levels of T2R38 compared to the elderly. CD3+ T cells expressed higher levels that CD19+ B cells. Receptor expression followed T cell activation with an upregulation within 24 h and a peak at 72 h. Higher levels of T2R38 were produced in lymphocytes by stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28 compared to PHA or PMA/ionomycin. Both subpopulations of CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cells were found to express the T2R38 receptor; this was higher in CD4+ than CD8+ cells; the amount of T2R38 in central and effector memory cells was higher as compared to naïve cells, although this was not statistically significant for CD8+ cells without prior activation by anti-CD3/CD28. Upon treatment of PBMC with the natural T2R38 agonist goitrin Calcium flux was activated in the lymphocyte population with functional T2R38 receptor at >20 μM which was completely blocked by phospholipase Cβ-2 inhibitor U73211. Further, goitrin selectively inhibited TNF-alpha secretion in PBMC with functional T2R38. This quantitative analysis of T2R38 expression in distinct PBMC subsets may provide a basis for understanding the significance of bitter compounds in immune modulation. Whether these findings can have implications for the treatment of inflammatory and immunologic disorders by bitter tasting pharmaceuticals or foods needs further investigation

    Evaluation of an Aqueous Extract from Horseradish Root ( Armoracia rusticana

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    Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial crop and its root is used in condiments. Traditionally, horseradish root is used to treat bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and urinary bladder. The antiphlogistic activity, determined in activated primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), was evaluated for an aqueous extract and its subfractions, separated by HPLC. Compound analysis was done by UHPLC-QToF/MS and GC-MS. The aqueous extract concentration-dependently inhibited the anti-inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in terms of TNF-α release at ≥37 μg/mL. Further, the cyclooxygenase as well as lipoxygenase pathway was blocked by the extract as demonstrated by inhibition of COX-2 protein expression and PGE2 synthesis at ≥4 μg/mL and leukotriene LTB4 release. Mechanistic studies revealed that inhibition of ERK1/2 and c-Jun activation preceded COX-2 suppression upon plant extract treatment in the presence of LPS. Chemical analysis identified target compounds with a medium polarity as relevant for the observed bioactivity. Importantly, allyl isothiocyanate, which is quite well known for its anti-inflammatory capacity and as the principal pungent constituent in horseradish roots, was not relevant for the observations. The results suggest that horseradish root exerts an antiphlogistic activity in human immune cells by regulation of the COX and LOX pathway via MAPK signalling

    Impact of outpatient neuraminidase inhibitor treatment in patients infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 at high risk of hospitalization: an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis

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    Background: While evidence exists to support the effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) in reducing mortality when given to hospitalized patients with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection, the impact of outpatient treatment on hospitalization has not been clearly established. We investigated the impact of outpatient NAI treatment on subsequent hospitalization in patients with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. Methods: We assembled general community and outpatient data from 9 clinical centers in different countries collected between January 2009 and December 2010. We standardized data from each study center to create a pooled dataset and then used mixed-effects logistic regression modeling to determine the effect of NAI treatment on hospitalization. We adjusted for NAI treatment propensity and preadmission antibiotic use, including “study center” as a random intercept to account for differences in baseline hospitalization rate between centers. Results: We included 3376 patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, of whom 3085 (91.4%) had laboratory-confirmed infection. Eight hundred seventy-three patients (25.8%) received outpatient or community-based NAI treatment, 928 of 2395 (38.8%) with available data had dyspnea or respiratory distress, and hospitalizations occurred in 1705 (50.5%). After adjustment for preadmission antibiotics and NAI treatment propensity, preadmission NAI treatment was associated with decreased odds of hospital admission compared to no NAI treatment (adjusted odds ratio, 0.24; 95% confidence interval, 0.20–0.30). Conclusions: In a population with confirmed or suspected A(H1N1)pdm09 and at high risk of hospitalization, outpatient or community-based NAI treatment significantly reduced the likelihood of requiring hospital admission. These data suggest that community patients with severe influenza should receive NAI treatment

    Helicobacter pylori Type IV Secretion Apparatus Exploits β1 Integrin in a Novel RGD-Independent Manner

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    Translocation of the Helicobacter pylori (Hp) cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) effector protein via the cag-Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) into host cells is a major risk factor for severe gastric diseases, including gastric cancer. However, the mechanism of translocation and the requirements from the host cell for that event are not well understood. The T4SS consists of inner- and outer membrane-spanning Cag protein complexes and a surface-located pilus. Previously an arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD)-dependent typical integrin/ligand type interaction of CagL with α5β1 integrin was reported to be essential for CagA translocation. Here we report a specific binding of the T4SS-pilus-associated components CagY and the effector protein CagA to the host cell β1 Integrin receptor. Surface plasmon resonance measurements revealed that CagA binding to α5β1 integrin is rather strong (dissociation constant, KD of 0.15 nM), in comparison to the reported RGD-dependent integrin/fibronectin interaction (KD of 15 nM). For CagA translocation the extracellular part of the β1 integrin subunit is necessary, but not its cytoplasmic domain, nor downstream signalling via integrin-linked kinase. A set of β1 integrin-specific monoclonal antibodies directed against various defined β1 integrin epitopes, such as the PSI, the I-like, the EGF or the β-tail domain, were unable to interfere with CagA translocation. However, a specific antibody (9EG7), which stabilises the open active conformation of β1 integrin heterodimers, efficiently blocked CagA translocation. Our data support a novel model in which the cag-T4SS exploits the β1 integrin receptor by an RGD-independent interaction that involves a conformational switch from the open (extended) to the closed (bent) conformation, to initiate effector protein translocation