148 research outputs found

    Mercado de plataformas: la competencia desleal en la era de la economía colaborativa

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    Modern market dynamics have decided to incorporate into the notion of collaborative economy those practices for profit exercised by professionals, through the so called information and communication technologies. This situation differs from the initial intention with which the collaborative consumption, the genesis of the cooperative economy, arose. The situation described arises as a means of masking the commercial relationships behind the digital platforms, with the aim of freeing the fulfillment of the legislative burdens that are imposed in the normal course of commercial activities. This unjustified release of normative burdens has as its antecedent an historical search by the capitalist system to evade cumbersome taxes; all of which translates into economic operators as an unfair lowering of regulatory costs within their business processes, with the aim of finding an illegal displacement of demand in their favor and achieving high rates of profit maximization. In this context, this essay will seek to review the ways that have been used over time to avoid costs, ending with masking the methods of the collaborative economy, with a special review of these new business practices and their possible framing in unfair competition conduct, in the light of Ecuadorian legislation, particularly with regard to the specific clause of non-violation of rules.Las modernas dinámicas de mercado han optado por incorporar dentro de la noción de Economía Colaborativa aquellas prácticas con fines de lucro que son ejercidas de forma sofisticada, a través de las denominadas tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Esta situación, discurre con la intención inicial con que surgió el consumo colaborativo, génesis de la economía cooperativista. La situación descrita surge a modo de enmascarar las relaciones comerciales que subyacen detrás de las plataformas digitales, con el ánimo de liberar el cumplimiento de las cargas legislativas que se imponen en el curso normal de actividades mercantiles. Esta liberación injustificada de cargas normativas tiene como antecedente una búsqueda histórica del sistema capitalista por eludir los gravámenes engorrosos, todo lo cual traduce en los operadores económicos, un abaratamiento desleal de costos regulativos dentro de sus procesos mercantiles. Lo expuesto, con el ánimo de hallar un desplazamiento ilícito de la demanda en su favor y conseguir altos índices de maximización de utilidades. En ese contexto, el presente ensayo procurará pasar revista a las modalidades utilizadas a lo largo del tiempo para eludir costes, hasta llegar al enmascaramiento en las formas propias de la economía colaborativa, con una especial revisión de estas nuevas prácticas mercantiles y su eventual encuadre en conductas de competencia desleal, a la luz de la normativa ecuatoriana queregula las actividades de mercado, particularmente, respecto a la cláusula específica de no violación de normas

    La manifestación del consentimiento en condiciones de violencia económica: un asunto pendiente en el arbitraje

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    Despite the fact that the Arbitration building has been consolidated on the foundations of the unequivocal expression of consent, for years the institution of Arbitration has been subject to a regime that has not been able to establish the differential line between contract and arbitration consent, to such an extent that both terms are taken as synonyms in most studies on the matter. Hence, the observations and analyzes made on issues related to the aptitude and material validity of consent in Arbitration are scarce, confusing, and problematic.For such considerations, the present academic essay aims to propose a rereading of the feld of action of the arbitration consent, in order to purge it of the semantic faults inherited by the Arbitration Doctrine, highly influenced by the General Theory of Obligations. Finally it aims to highlight in an exclusive way the material product of the interrelation between violence, economy, and arbitration consensus, together with its jurisdictional consequences.Muy a pesar de que el edifcio del Arbitraje se ha consolidado sobre los cimientos de la expresión inequívoca del consentimiento, durante años la institución del Arbitraje se ha visto sometida a un régimen que no ha sido capaz de establecer la línea diferencial entre contrato y consentimiento arbitral, a tal punto que ambos términos son tomados como sinónimos en la mayoría de estudios de la materia. De ahí que, las observaciones y análisis realizados sobre temas referentes a la aptitud y validez material del consentimiento, en el Arbitraje, sean escasos, confusos y problemáticos.Por tales consideraciones, el presente ensayo de corte académico se fija como meta, el plantear una relectura del campo de acción del consentimiento arbitral, a fin de depurarlo de las faltas semánticas heredadas por la Doctrina arbitral, altamente infuenciada por la Teoría General de las Obligaciones, para fnalmente, destacar de manera exclusiva el producto material de la interrelación entre violencia economía y consenso arbitral junto con sus consecuencias jurisdiccionales

    Levels of the Novel Endogenous Antagonist of Ghrelin Receptor, Liver-Enriched Antimicrobial Peptide-2, in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a debilitating, chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease associated with cachexia. The substitutive therapy of gut hormone ghrelin has been pointed at as a potential countermeasure for the management of metabolic and inflammatory complications in RA. The recent discovery of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP2) as an endogenous inverse agonist/antagonist of the ghrelin receptor makes feasible the development of a more rational pharmacological approach. This work aimed to assess the serum LEAP2 levels, in a cohort of RA patients, in comparison with healthy individuals and determine its correlation with inflammatory parameters. LEAP2 levels were determined by a commercial ELISA kit, plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were evaluated using immunoturbidimetry, and serum levels of inflammatory mediators, namely IL-6, IL-8, IL-1 , MIP1 , MCP1, and LCN2, were measured by XMap multiplex assay. LEAP2 serum levels were significantly increased in RA patients (n = 101) compared with control subjects (n = 26). Furthermore, the LEAP2 levels significantly correlated with CRP and inflammatory cytokines, but not with BMI. These data reveal LEAP2 as a new potential RA biomarker and indicated the pharmacological control of LEAP2 levels as a novel approach for the treatment of diseases with alterations on the ghrelin levels, such as rheumatoid cachexia

    The Use of Augmented Reality to Strengthen Competence in Data Analysis and Problem Solving in Engineering Students at the Universidad del Valle de México

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the improvement in the data analysis and problem-solving competence of students of industrial and systems engineering (IIS) and mechatronics engineering (IMEC) through the use of this technology and its impact on the results of the undergraduate general examination (EGEL). A training course was held for teachers and students for the design of learning objects (LO), and a questionnaire on the use of AR and the improvement in learning was administered. AR is a technology that has begun to be introduced in different contexts and at different educational levels. The results obtained through the Wilcoxon test and the multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) showed that there were improvements in academic performance with the use of AR and an interest in this tool being used during the academic training process.Laureate EducationRevisión por pare

    Magnetothermally-responsive nanocarriers using confined phosphorylated halloysite nanoreactor for in situ iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis: a MW-assisted solvothermal approach

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    A family of easily recoverable magnetic and thermally responsive composite materials, with nanoscale dimensions, were synthesized by a rapid and simple solvothermal approach. The synthesis was thermally activated, accelerated, and controlled using a coaxial antenna to directly apply the microwave energy inside the solvothermal reactor. The composite materials were made up by a confined phosphorylated nanoreactor, namely halloysite nanotubes grafted on the inner lumen with phosphoric acid (HNTs-(H+-PO4)), that promoted the urea hydrolysis thus favoring the formation of a local alkaline environment to catalyze the homogeneous in situ precipitation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONs) selectively on their inner or outer surface. Two new MW-assisted solvothermal methodologies were used: 1) in the first the solvent is directly loaded into the MW-assisted reactor together with HNTs-(H+-PO4) mechanically preloaded with iron chloride and urea in the lumen 2) in the second the synthesis is preceded by a further pre-functionalization step of the iron salt with clove essential oil (EO) as a green functionalization agent. Structural, morphological, textural, and magnetic properties were assessed by TEM, N2 physisorption, TG-FTIR, ICP, XRD, magnetic and magnetic hyperthermia measurements. The MW-assisted solvothermal deposition of IONs was fully controlled using the phosphorylated nanoreactor, in short synthesis times, by a simple methodology following the principles of sustainable chemistry. IONs were selectively deposited on the outer surface or in the inner lumen of HNTs yielding easily recoverable superparamagnetic and thermally responsive nanocarriers suitable for applications like targeted hyperthermia therapy

    COVID-19 in Pregnant Women, Maternal—Fetal Involvement, and Vertical Mother-to-Child Transmission: A Systematic Review

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    Pregnant women are included in the COVID-19 risk groups even if they do not have any pathology. This requires an analysis of research focused on pregnant women to understand the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on their condition. There is also a need to know whether there is vertical mother-to-child transmission, as well as other consequences in case the pregnant woman is infected and COVID-19 positive. A systematic review was carried out to analyze the existing information on the complications of a pregnant woman infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the possibility of vertical transmission from mother to child, registered in the PROSPERO website and searched in the PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library databases. Finally, 22 articles were included in the review. The review suggests that vertical transmission from mother to child could be exceptionally possible at the time of delivery or breastfeeding, but not through the placenta. It is interesting to point out the good acceptance of vaccination by pregnant women, which may be the reason for the low infectivity. Further research on pregnant women should be carried out to provide evidence on vertical mother-to-child transmission and the role of breast milk in relation to SARS-CoV-2

    Aplicación de los principios éticos en las psicologías

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    El propósito de este libro es ofrecer material útil para la reflexión sobre la ética pensada y aplicada en psicología. El planteamiento se centra en responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cómo se entienden o asumen los principios psicoéticos de beneficencia, autonomía respeto y justicia desde los presupuestos teóricos en psicología que cada autor de capítulo profesa? y, ¿cómo se visibiliza su uso en el ejercicio de la profesión? La integración de varias perspectivas y experiencias configura un caleidoscopio que recrea las miradas desde los postulados epistemológicos, antropológicos y sus finalidades en el ejercicio profesional sea el clínico, investigativo, social, etcétera.ITESO. A.C

    Coping Strategies in Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    The author(s) disclose the receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: this study was supported by a grant from the Education Ministry (Program FPU16/01437), Madrid, Spanish Government.In Spain, 34,331 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in 2018 and 15,923 individuals died from this disease in the same year. The highest incidence of colorectal cancer is among individuals aged 65–75 years and the physiological consequences of aging, alongside the effects of the disease and its treatment, can exacerbate their physical deterioration and cognitive impairment and reduce their social relationships. The learning of coping strategies may help to improve the quality of life of patients after cancer diagnosis. To test the hypothesis that the utilization of coping strategies can improve the quality of life of elderly patients with colorectal cancer, PubMed and EBSCO databases were searched, up to 2021, using the following terms: “coping strategies and colorectal cancer” with “anxiety”, “quality of life”, “depression”, “unmet needs”, “optimism”, “intimacy”, “distress”, “self-efficacy” and “self-esteem” with Boolean operators “AND”, “OR”. The literature search retrieved 641 titles/abstracts written in English. After an exhaustive analysis, only 7 studies met the inclusion criteria. Randomized evidence was scant and was reported only in 3/7 of the studies analyzed. Data from available randomized evidence support that patients improved on their depression and quality of life and felt more prepared to deal with their cancer. Coping strategies in patients with colorectal cancer were effective in improving patient adaptation to their new situation. Healthcare professionals working with these patients should receive training in this complementary treatment, to be able to conduct comprehensive care in order to improve the quality of life of these patients.Education Ministry, Madrid, Spanish Government FPU16/0143

    IDEARQ. Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Investigación Arqueológica

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    Desde el Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) se presenta IDEArq, una plataforma orientada hacia la publicación de datos de investigaciones arqueológicas de ámbito peninsular en el marco de interoperabilidad que ofrecen las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE). Sobre la base de aproximadamente 2000 yacimientos arqueológicos georreferenciados se ofrecen datos relativos a más de 7000 dataciones radiocarbónicas recopiladas por el Dr. Antonio Gilman y de más de 3000 fotografías del Corpus de Pintura Rupestre Levantina realizado por Martín Almagro Basch y Gil Carlés (CPRL). IDEArq cuenta con un geoportal (www.idearqueologia.org) que da acceso a servicios de mapas conformes con el estándar Web Map Service (WMS) de OGC y a un visualizador cartográfico, además de a otra documentación de interés. Tanto el servicio WMS como el visualizador cartográfico permiten la consulta de datos de carácter genérico sobre los yacimientos (descripción, clasificación cronocultural) además de otros de carácter científico como son los resultados de las dataciones radiocarbónicas o la visualización de todas las imágenes recogidas en el CPRL. El interés de dichos conjuntos de datos reside además en el amplio marco cronológico y espacial que abarca toda la Península Ibérica (España, Andorra y Portugal) para yacimientos de toda la Prehistoria Reciente. La delicada naturaleza de la ubicación de los yacimientos, susceptibles en ocasiones de expolio, ha exigido la toma de precauciones como son la limitación de visualización, tanto del WMS como del visualizador cartográfico, a una escala máxima de 1:200.000, además del redondeo de las coordenadas de todos los yacimientos a 1Km, aunque en la base de datos se ha registrado la medición exacta. Nuevos conjuntos de datos, como el “Archivo de valores isotópicos de la Península Ibérica”, se añadirán próximamente, construyendo lo que esperamos sea un nodo de referencia para el desarrollo de IDE de carácter científico en el contexto de la investigación arqueológica.N

    IDEARQ. Archaeological Research Spatial Data Infrastructure

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    Documento PDF de la presentación realizada en el congreso internacional INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2016.The Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (CCHS) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) puts forward IDEArq, a platform focused on Cultural Heritage research dissemination within the interoperability framework of Spatial Data Infrastructures. Several georeferenced archaeological collections, product of the research carried out through many years will be available within IDEArq, arranging a thematic Spatial Data Infrastructure that is closely related to INSPIRE’s Annex I Protected Sites theme. Two significant datasets are currently available: the “Radiocarbon Date Archive for Andorra, Portugal and peninsular Spain” offering more than 8,000 C14 dates for archaeological samples and the “Corpus of Levantine Rock Art (CPRL)” with more than 3,000 images from 94 Levantine style rock art sites. A wide chronological and spatial framework, comprising all Recent Prehistory and the entire Iberian Peninsula ensure a strong interest from different communities. An OGC compliant Web Map Service and a geoportal (www.idearqueologia.org) with a map viewer grant direct access to the datasets and related documentation. Generic information about the archaeological sites, such as a chronological and functional description, is available along with the archaeological research data related to them. More datasets will be soon available, such as the Isotopic dataset for the Iberian Peninsula (isotopic values of strontium, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen to study diet and mobility), in an effort to build up a scientific Spatial Data Infrastructure, looking for a framework of scientific research data dissemination through SDI’s means.[EN]Peer reviewe