13 research outputs found

    Climate challenges, vulnerabilities, and food security

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    This paper identifies rare climate challenges in the long-term history of seven areas, three in the subpolar North Atlantic Islands and four in the arid-to-semiarid deserts of the US Southwest. For each case, the vulnerability to food shortage before the climate challenge is quantified based on eight variables encompassing both environmental and social domains. These data are used to evaluate the relationship between the “weight” of vulnerability before a climate challenge and the nature of social change and food security following a challenge. The outcome of this work is directly applicable to debates about disaster management policy

    Emergent Material Networks in the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest and Beyond

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    Repository for papers and data for the 2023 Southwest Symposium session titled "Emergent Material Networks in the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest and Beyond

    Figurines en contexte(s) à La Quemada. Production, performance et abandon

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    International audienceThis article presents an analysis conducted on the collection of ceramic figurines found at the Epiclassic center of La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico, during stratigraphic excavations of the La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. This corpus (1989-1999) constitutes an essential source of information about this community’s ritual and socio-economic life. The study develops a multi-perspective approach (stratigraphic, technological, and typological) to identify the context of production, use, and discard of these materials. We suggest that these figurines were manufactured by various production units and used during community ritual and performative events before being systematically discarded in middens or reused as construction materials.Este artículo presenta un análisis realizado sobre la colección de figurillas de cerámica procedente del centro epiclásico de La Quemada, Estado de Zacatecas, México, en el marco de las excavaciones estratigráficas del Proyecto Arqueológico La Quemada-Valle de Malpaso (1989-1999). Este corpus de figurillas constituye una fuente de información importante sobre la vida ritual y socioeconómica de esta comunidad. El estudio propone un acercamiento multi-perspectivas (estratigráfico, tecnológico y tipológico) para identificar el contexto de producción, el uso y el proceso de destrucción de estos artefactos. Sugerimos que las figurillas encontradas en La Quemada fueron manufacturadas por varias unidades de producción, y que fueron usadas durante eventos rituales y performativos comunitarios. Por último, fueron desechadas sistemáticamente en basureros o reusadas como material constructivo.Cette étude présente l’analyse de la collection de figurines en terre cuite provenant des fouilles stratigraphiques menées sur le site épiclassique de La Quemada, état du Zacatecas, Mexique, par le projet La Quemada-Valle de Malpaso (1989-1999). Ce corpus constitue une source d’information importante sur la vie rituelle et socioéconomique de cette communauté. L’approche multi-perspective (stratigraphique, technologique et typologique) de ces artefacts permet d’identifier leur contexte de production, d’utilisation et de destruction. Nous suggérons ainsi que les figurines découvertes à La Quemada ont été fabriquées par plusieurs unités de production, pour être utilisées lors d’évènements rituels et performatifs communautaires, avant d’être systématiquement jetées dans des dépotoirs ou réutilisées comme matériaux de construction

    Figurines en contexte(s) à La Quemada. Production, performance et abandon

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    International audienceThis article presents an analysis conducted on the collection of ceramic figurines found at the Epiclassic center of La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico, during stratigraphic excavations of the La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. This corpus (1989-1999) constitutes an essential source of information about this community’s ritual and socio-economic life. The study develops a multi-perspective approach (stratigraphic, technological, and typological) to identify the context of production, use, and discard of these materials. We suggest that these figurines were manufactured by various production units and used during community ritual and performative events before being systematically discarded in middens or reused as construction materials.Este artículo presenta un análisis realizado sobre la colección de figurillas de cerámica procedente del centro epiclásico de La Quemada, Estado de Zacatecas, México, en el marco de las excavaciones estratigráficas del Proyecto Arqueológico La Quemada-Valle de Malpaso (1989-1999). Este corpus de figurillas constituye una fuente de información importante sobre la vida ritual y socioeconómica de esta comunidad. El estudio propone un acercamiento multi-perspectivas (estratigráfico, tecnológico y tipológico) para identificar el contexto de producción, el uso y el proceso de destrucción de estos artefactos. Sugerimos que las figurillas encontradas en La Quemada fueron manufacturadas por varias unidades de producción, y que fueron usadas durante eventos rituales y performativos comunitarios. Por último, fueron desechadas sistemáticamente en basureros o reusadas como material constructivo.Cette étude présente l’analyse de la collection de figurines en terre cuite provenant des fouilles stratigraphiques menées sur le site épiclassique de La Quemada, état du Zacatecas, Mexique, par le projet La Quemada-Valle de Malpaso (1989-1999). Ce corpus constitue une source d’information importante sur la vie rituelle et socioéconomique de cette communauté. L’approche multi-perspective (stratigraphique, technologique et typologique) de ces artefacts permet d’identifier leur contexte de production, d’utilisation et de destruction. Nous suggérons ainsi que les figurines découvertes à La Quemada ont été fabriquées par plusieurs unités de production, pour être utilisées lors d’évènements rituels et performatifs communautaires, avant d’être systématiquement jetées dans des dépotoirs ou réutilisées comme matériaux de construction

    A Typology of Ancient Purépecha (Tarascan) Architecture from Angamuco, Michoacán, Mexico

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    The morphological study of architectural features, the building arrangement within urban spaces, and multiscalar variation are critical for understanding urbanism as a process. Building types and architectural typologies form the foundational blocks of urban morphology and are essential for identifying architectural patterning. We use a process-typological approach to present an architectural typology from the ancient Purépecha (Tarascan) city of Angamuco, located in the Lake Pátzcuaro Basin, Michoacán, Mexico. Using archaeological survey, lidar analysis, and excavation, we analyze building foundations from houses and public structures; storage facilities; monumental architecture such as pyramids, altars, and public buildings; and landscape features such as plazas, roads, terraces, and raised roadways locally known as huatziri. Our typology enhances understanding of the dense urban environment of this important prehispanic city during and after the formation of the Purépecha Empire

    Trafficking of adenosine A(2A) and dopamine D-2 receptors

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    An interaction between adenosine A(2A) and dopamine D-2 receptors has been demonstrated previously. It is generally found that agonist treatment internalizes receptors, including A(2A) and D-2, whereas less is known of the long-term effects involved in the agonist-mediated trafficking of A(2A) and D-2 receptors. Furthermore, the possible influence of the antagonists on receptor trafficking is still undefined. The present studies focus on the long-term effects of A(2A) and D-2 agonist and D-2 antagonist treatments on both A and D receptor trafficking studied at three different time intervals-3, 15, and 24 h. In addition, with the fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique, formation of heteromeric A(2A) and D-2 receptor complexes was shown in the cotransfected CHO cell line. Confocal microscopy analysis showed that a 3-h treatment with the D-2 agonist induced coaggregation of A(2A)/D-2 receptors. These A(2A)/D-2 receptor coaggregates internalized after 15 h with a recruitment of the receptors back to the cell membrane after 24 h. In contrast to the effects of the agonist treatment, a 3-h treatment with the D-2-like antagonist raclopride increased both A(2A) and D-2 immunoreactivity, indicating that the D-2 antaconist stabilizes the D-2 receptor and thereby reduces the internalization of both of the A(2A) and D-2 receptors. Taken together, an activation of either A(2A) and D-2 receptor or blockade of D-2 receptors will cause long-lasting changes in A(2A) and D-2 receptor trafficking