1,425 research outputs found

    Min-Max Predictive Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine

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    In this paper, a fuzzy-logic based operator is used instead of a traditional cost function for the predictive stator current control of a five-phase induction machine (IM). The min-max operator is explored for the first time as an alternative to the traditional loss function. With this proposal, the selection of voltage vectors does not need weighting factors that are normally used within the loss function and require a cumbersome procedure to tune. In order to cope with conflicting criteria, the proposal uses a decision function that compares predicted errors in the torque producing subspace and in the x-y subspace. Simulations and experimental results are provided, showing how the proposal compares with the traditional method of fixed tuning for predictive stator current control.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Unión Europea DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Universidad de Sevilla DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/42

    Las Mujeres marroquíes en Cataluña: entre la transgresión y el cambio

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    Aquesta comunicació és el resultat d?un treball de recerca que es va dur a terme per a l?assignatura d?estructura i canvi social, que tenia com a objectiu observar els canvis de rols de gènere produïts en les dones immigrades marroquines un cop havien arribat a Catalunya. D?aquesta manera es pretenia relacionar aquests canvis amb unes estratègies específiques d?inserció cultural i social en la societat receptora i estudiar quins factors influeixen en aquestes estratègies, distingint entre els factors que es donen en la societat d?origen (condicions objectives de vida de les dones marroquines, projectes vitals i projectes migratoris) i els que es donen en la societat receptora (situació jurídica, laboral, relacional).This communication is the result of research performed for the Social Structures and Changes subject and which sought to observe changes in gender roles that take place in Moroccan women once they have immigrated to Catalonia. The aim was to relate these changes to specific cultural and social insertion strategies in the host society and study what factors impact these strategies, distinguishing between factors that occur in the source society (objective living conditions of Moroccan women, life projects and migratory projects) and those arising in the host society (legal, occupational, relational situation).Esta comunicación es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación que se llevó a cabo para la asignatura de estructura y cambio social y que tenía como objeto observar los cambios de roles de género producidos en las mujeres inmigradas marroquíes una vez llegadas a Cataluña. De este modo se pretendía relacionar dichos cambios con unas estrategias específicas de inserción cultural y social en la sociedad receptora y estudiar qué factores influyen en dichas estrategias, distinguiendo entre aquellos factores que se dan en la sociedad de origen (condiciones objetivas de vida de las mujeres marroquíes, proyectos vitales y proyectos migratorios) y los que se dan en la sociedad receptora (situación jurídica, laboral, relacional)

    La Educación Emocional en Primaria: Una revisión sistemática desde 2015 hasta 2017

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    This article presents a literature review of emotional education in elementary schools. The topic in question is considered of utmost importance. To this end, articles published on the Web of Science (WOS) during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The 37 selected articles, after cleaning up the data, were classified by subject for analysis according to whether they addressed the students or the teachers. Thirty-one of the earmarked documents investigated students and eight teachers. For the student documents, the articles were classified according to the role that emotional education played: as an end in itself, 18 articles, as a means, 12, and together with other variables, four documents. The articles intended for teachers focus on the initial training, as well as on the ongoing training, getting the results of the experience of these and of the development of emotional education in the classroom.Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre la educación emocional en primaria. Se considera de suma importancia la temática en cuestión. Se han buscado los artículos publicados en la Web of Science (2015-2017). Treinta y siete artículos fueron seleccionados: 31 sobre alumnado y 8 sobre docentes. Para los documentos de los discentes, se clasificaron los artículos según el papel que jugaba la educación emocional: como fin, 18 artículos, como medio, 12, o en correlación con otras variables, 4 documentos. Los artículos dedicados a los docentes, se centran en la formación inicial, así como en la formación permanente, obteniéndose resultados de la experiencia de estos y del desarrollo en el aula de la educación emocional. En conclusión, la educación emocional en la etapa primaria atañe tanto a docentes, como a alumnado, como medio o como fin. Cada vez está más estudiada. Y es una necesidad desarrollarla como eje transversal en las escuelas para contribuir a aumentar el bienestar


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    At present, the Science of Law has not been immune to the transformation that has been generated through the significant advances in science and technology; Therefore, an important academic and investigative development has been identified in the foundation of the “episteme” of knowledge and the line of thought of Law as Science in the digital age; Likewise, in the normative sphere of national order, it is of great importance to highlight the jurisprudential contributions that from a protectionist vision of a Social State of Law have been made in the perspective of protection of the person and human dignity.En la actualidad la Ciencia del Derecho no ha sido inmune a la transformación que se ha generado por medio de los significativos avances en ciencia y tecnología; por lo que se ha identificado un importante desarrollo académico e investigativo en la fundamentación de la “episteme” del conocimiento y la línea de pensamiento del Derecho como Ciencia en la era digital; así mismo, en la esfera normativa de orden nacional, es de gran importancia destacar los aportes jurisprudenciales que desde una visión proteccionista de un Estado Social de Derecho se ha realizado en la perspectiva de protección de la persona y de la dignidad humana

    Nursing students bringing first aid to the community

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    AimThis study aimed to evaluate the theoretical and practical skills acquired by nursing students and school students after the service-learning project.MethodsThis study promotes nursing students and school students working together to gain awareness and basic theoretical knowledge of first aid. The learning project was conducted with nursing students (n = 67) and school students (n = 131) from April to June 2022. The nursing students gave scores higher than 8 on the aspects linked to expectations, self-perception, overall assessment, and attainment of the goals, and these results are in line with the qualitative analysis.ResultsMoreover, 100% of the school students reported a satisfactory outcome about the service.ConclusionService-learning is a challenging and motivating methodology for nursing students, which results in greater engagement with theory and practice and the development of essential skills for future professionals

    Promover el sentido algebraico en educación primaria: Tareas con patrones

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    En este artículo describimos diferentes tareas que pueden emplearse en el aula de Educación Primaria para promover el desarrollo del sentido algebraico. Para ello reflexionamos sobre las variables consideradas en el diseño de las tareas, describimos algunas dinámicas de aulas para implementar las tareas.In this paper we describe different tasks that might be used in the Primary Education classroom to promote the development of algebraic sense. For this purpose, we reflect on the variables considered in the design of the tasks, we describe some classroom activities to implement the tasks.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el proyecto con referencia PID2020-113601GB-I00, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) de Españ

    Muscle Satellite Cell Heterogeneity: Does Embryonic Origin Matter?

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    Funding This work was partially supported by grants PID2019-10 7492GB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain) and 06030050P1 PROY I + D + I. FEDER ANDALUCIA (Junta de Andalucia, Spain). LR-O is recipient of a FPU grant (FPU17/03843).Muscle regeneration is an important homeostatic process of adult skeletal muscle that recapitulates many aspects of embryonic myogenesis. Satellite cells (SCs) are the main muscle stem cells responsible for skeletal muscle regeneration. SCs reside between the myofiber basal lamina and the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber in a quiescent state. However, in response to physiological stimuli or muscle trauma, activated SCs transiently re-enter the cell cycle to proliferate and subsequently exit the cell cycle to differentiate or self-renew. Recent evidence has stated that SCs display functional heterogeneity linked to regenerative capability with an undifferentiated subgroup that is more prone to self-renewal, as well as committed progenitor cells ready for myogenic differentiation. Several lineage tracing studies suggest that such SC heterogeneity could be associated with different embryonic origins. Although it has been established that SCs are derived from the central dermomyotome, how a small subpopulation of the SCs progeny maintain their stem cell identity while most progress through the myogenic program to construct myofibers is not well understood. In this review, we synthesize the works supporting the different developmental origins of SCs as the genesis of their functional heterogeneity.Spanish Government PID2019-10 7492GB-I00FEDER ANDALUCIA (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) 06030050P1 PROY I + D + ISpanish Government FPU17/0384

    Decapod crustacean assemblages on trawlable grounds in the northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera

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    This study analyses the samples collected annually (2012 to 2018) on circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms (30 to 800 m) by the MEDITS surveys in the northern Alboran Sea (including Alboran Island) and the Gulf of Vera to determine the composition, structure and distribution of decapod crustacean assemblages. A total of 94 decapod crustacean species were identified. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed depth to be the main factor for distinguishing four main decapod assemblages: the inner shelf (30-100 m depth), outer shelf (101-200 m), upper slope (201-500 m) and middle slope (501-800 m). PERMANOVA analyses revealed further significant depth-related differences between three established geographical sectors of the study area (northern Alboran Sea, Gulf of Vera and Alboran Island). Generalized additive model analyses were used to assess the bathymetrical, geographical and environmental effects on the ecological indices of each assemblage. Results showed that depth and the geographical effect were the main drivers in all cases. Decreases in abundance and increases in species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity and Pielou’s evenness indices with depth were detected. This study shows the primacy of depth and geographical effect on the distribution of decapod species in the study area, in alignment with findings from other parts of the Mediterranean Sea.Versión del editor1,00


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    El objetivo del artículo es analizar la construcción material de espacios familiares y comunitarios que permite a mujeres mazahuas disponer de plantas medicinales. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas sobre las actividades realizadas por hombres y mujeres en cada espacio. Se identificó cómo la construcción social del espacio resulta en la disponibilidad de plantas medicinales. Se concluye que las mujeres cultivan, fomentan y toleran plantas medicinales locales e introducidas. Los espacios familiares y comunitarios son multipropósito. El artículo contribuye al estudio de la construcción material del espacio a partir de las relaciones de género