3,850 research outputs found

    Actividad biol?gica del veneno de dos especies de serpientes opistoglifas del departamento del Tolima

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    71 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas serpientes opistoglifas poseen colmillos posteriores acanalados conectados a la gl?ndula de Duvernoy, la cual produce secreciones t?xicas que ayudan a la captura y pre-digesti?n de la presa. El veneno de estas serpientes es poco estudiado debido a las dificultades que se presentan en el proceso de extracci?n del veneno y por ende a obtener suficientes cantidades de veneno para su estudio; sin embargo, han sido reportados casos graves de envenenamientos ocasionados por estas serpientes, lo cual las hace una fuente de estudio importante. Este trabajo evalu? algunos efectos y actividades biol?gicas in vitro de los venenos de las especies opistoglifas L. annulata y E. bizona in vitro. Se estableci? un m?todo de extracci?n directo utilizando microcapilares, el cual es un procedimiento no invasivo y con el que se obtienen resultados buenos en cuanto a su rendimiento. La toxicidad (DL50) de los venenos de las dos especies evaluadas en ratones (6,5 ?g/ml para Leptodeira annulata y 3,5 ?g/ml para Erythrolamprus bizona) fue moderadamente alta comparada con otras especies, indicando una importante toxicidad en mam?feros. El veneno de Leptodeira annulata caus? un bloqueo moderado de la contracci?n muscular en aves y uno leve en mam?feros; sin embargo, este veneno redujo la respuesta de acetilcolina y cloruro de potasio ex?geno en m?sculos de ave indicando un da?o importante de las fibras musculares, adem?s de inducir una despolarizaci?n de la membrana de las c?lulas musculares en preparaciones de mam?fero. El veneno de Erythrolamprus bizona tuvo efectos muy similares al anterior, pero en una concentraci?n determinada de 30 ?g/ml se present? una s?per-estimulaci?n en la respuesta de la acetilcolina indicando una posible acci?n inhibidora de la acetilcolinesterasa. Los dos venenos estudiados presentaron resultados muy similares en las actividades enzim?ticas que se evaluaron: actividad proteol?tica muy alta, actividad fosfolipasa A2 baja y actividad por ser?n proteasas inexistente. Los an?lisis morfol?gicos a trav?s de t?cnicas histol?gicas revelaron las alteraciones musculares ocasionadas por los venenos, las cuales constan de lesiones delta, necrosis, edema y vacuolizaci?n de las fibras. En conclusi?n, los resultados muestran que el veneno de Leptodeira annulata y Erythrolamprus bizona causan grandes efectos miot?xicos en preparaciones neuromusculares de vertebrados, probablemente debido a la alta actividad proteol?tica que envuelve la acci?n de metaloproteasas. Palabras Clave: Gl?ndula de Duvernoy, Miotoxicidad, Neuromuscular, Opistoglifas.Opistoglyphous snakes are characterized by having enlarged grooved posterior maxillary teeth connected to the Duvernoy?s gland, which produces toxic secretions involved in prey capture and pre-digestion. The venom from these snakes has not been studied so much due to the problems on the extraction methods carrying out insufficient venom quantities for investigation; however, there have been several envenomation cases occasioned by these snakes, which make them an important source for research. This research assessed some effects and biological activities of the venom from Leptodeira annulata and Erythrolamprus bizona in vitro. A direct extraction method using micropipette was established, this method is not invasive and it is possible to obtain good quantities of venom; the venom toxicity (LD50) in mice (6.5 ?g/ml for Leptodeira annulata and 3.5 ?g/ml for Erythrolamprus bizona) was moderately high compared to other species indicating an important lethality in mammals. On the other side, the effects on the neuromuscular activity are interesting, Leptodeira annulata venom caused a moderate blockade of the muscular contractions in birds and a slightly one in mammals, however, this venom abolished the exogenous acethilcoline and potassium chloride response in bird muscles indicating an important damage on muscle fibers, besides, inducing a depolarization of the muscle cells membrane in mammal preparations. Erythrolamprus bizona venom caused very similar effects on bird neuromuscular preparations, but with a specific concentration (30 ?g/ml), there was a super-stimulation in the acethilcoline contracture response indicating a possible acethilcolinesterase inhibitor action. Both venoms show very similar results in enzymatic activities, high proteolytic, low phospholipase A2 and no serine protease activity were found. The morphologic observations throughout histological techniques showed muscle alterations like delta lesions, necrosis, edema, and vacuolated muscle fibers occasioned by the venoms. In conclusion, the results show that the venom from Leptodeira annulata and Erythrolamprus bizona produce potent myotoxic effects in vertebrate neuromuscular preparations probably due to the high proteolytic activity involving metalloproteases action. Keywords: Duvernoy?s gland, Myotoxicity, Neuromuscular, Opistoglyphou


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    Para proteger a las mujeres de la violencia se requiere que los Estados, asuman sus deberes dentro de los cuales destaca el fomento de la educación social en la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Eso implica la adopción de políticas congruentes con esos deberes, teniendo en cuenta especialmente la situación de mujeres en condiciones vulnerables. Igualmente, se requiere que los Estados presenten informes en los medios de comunicación acerca de los avances de medidas adoptadas para erradicar y sancionar la violencia contra las mujeres, y que posteriormente sean evaluados por la comisión a cargo. En este escrito será muy fácil ubicar situaciones de violencia que pueda existir en cualquier contexto mexicano, ya que el presente ensayo ha sido realizado de acuerdo a la observación indirecta de la comparación, así como de datos cuantitativos de un caso en concreto, como es el del D.F.; haciendo un análisis de datos y al análisis de contenido. Las políticas públicas se constituyen como un conjunto de acciones a realizar a partir de la toma de decisiones en la esfera gubernamental, éstas se dedica a contrarrestar, en la práctica social, las demandas conflictivas o de establecer incentivos de la acción colectiva entre aquellos que comparta metas afines para la solución de un problema. El enfoque de la política pública varía según la postura ideológica de los tomadores de decisiones y los diversos enfoques teóricos que le han asignado a lo largo de su historia

    Planning a holistic summative eHealth evaluation in an interdisciplinary and multi-national setting: a case study and propositions for guideline development

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    Background: Summative eHealth evaluations frequently lack quality, which affects the generalizability of the evidence, and its use in practice and further research. To guarantee quality, a number of activities are recommended in the guidelines for evaluation planning. This study aimed to examine a case of an eHealth evaluation planning in a multi-national and interdisciplinary setting and to provide recommendations for eHealth evaluation planning guidelines. Methods: An empirical eHealth evaluation process was developed through a case study. The empirical process was compared with selected guidelines for eHealth evaluation planning using a pattern-matching technique. Results: Planning in the interdisciplinary and multi-national team demanded extensive negotiation and alignment to support the future use of the evidence created. The evaluation planning guidelines did not provide specific strategies for different set-ups of the evaluation teams. Further, they did not address important aspects of quality evaluation, such as feasibility analysis of the outcome measures and data collection, monitoring of data quality, and consideration of the methods and measures employed in similar evaluations. Conclusions: Activities to prevent quality problems need to be incorporated in the guidelines for evaluation planning. Additionally, evaluators could benefit from guidance in evaluation planning related to the different set-ups of the evaluation teams

    Comparación del modulo resiliente de la subrasante obtenido a partir de deflexiones de impacto y mediante ensayos de laboratorio en un proyecto vial del departamento de Cundinamarca

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    El presente estudio se llevará a cabo en la carretera El Portal El Antojo que vía une la ciudad de Bogotá, con la carretera Bogotá Villavicencio, esta es de gran importancia porque sirve de apoyo principalmente cuando la Concesión realiza labores de mantenimiento en el túnel de El Boquerón obligando a desviar el tráfico por esta carretera. Para calcular el módulo resiliente de la subrasante en carretera El Portal El Antojo se llevaron a cabo medidas de deflexión en el mes de enero de 2010, mediante el empleo del FWD KUAB 50 2m de la firma GEVIAL LTDA. Para el análisis y procesamiento de la información se llevará a cabo de acuerdo con los lineamientos y normas establecidos en la guía metodológica para la rehabilitación de pavimentos asfálticos de carreteras del INVIAS. Se determinarán parámetros estructurales como la deflexión central, el módulo resiliente de la subrasante, y el número estructural de la vía seleccionada a través de un procedimiento de retro cálcul

    Anurans trophic dynamic and guild structure in tropical dry forests of the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    Studies on the exploitation of trophic resources allow to establish interactions between predators and predator-prey, and this dynamic can present fl uctuations over time and space. We analysed stomach contents of 19 anuran species from tropical dry forests of Colombia, quantifi ed the overlap between species and identifi ed anuran trophic guilds. Most of the species were generalists in diet (89.5%), some with strong prey dominance and only two species were classifi ed as specialists. Two anurans guilds were identifi ed according to diet structure and habitat use: “ground foraging anurans, consuming Formicidae and Isoptera” and “arboreal ‘sit-and-wait’ predators, primarily consuming arachnids”. A considerable number of species did not clearly group in community trophic structure analysis. The level of taxonomic resolution with that preys are worked affects analysis of trophic niches segregation when analyzing regional and local patterns. Anuran species of tropical dry forest in the Colombian Caribbean display trophic resources partitioning at the level of species and/or morphospecies, as a mechanism of coexistence

    Habitat modification effects on anuran food webs in the Colombian tropical dry forest

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    Habitat loss and transformation are major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, but their effects on species interaction are often poorly understood. We evaluated effects of habitat transformation and seasonality on anuran-prey food webs in Colombian dry-forests. We asked whether anthropic transformation (anthropic vs natural) and/or seasonality (dry, minor and major rain seasons) affect predator load on arthropods, the occurrence of energetic bottlenecks, and the diet overlap of anurans. We selected six dry forest sites in the Caribbean of Colombia, sampled anurans, and identified their stomach contents to construct anuran-prey food webs. We show that the global structure of food webs was affected by disturbance and seasonality, but not by their interaction. Prey vulnerability was higher in anthropic habitats. Habitat transformation enhanced diet overlap among predators, but there was not a differential effect of habitat type according to seasonality for network metrics. Our study shows a strong effect of natural vegetation modification in tropical dry forest on anuran-prey food webs, while seasonality did not seem to further mediate these effects

    Trophic Relationships among Five Species of Anura in the Colombian Caribbean Tropical Dry Forest: A Spatial and Temporal Approach

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    Species of Bufonidae and Leptodactylidae are common in the Colombian tropical dry forest. Although some of them are associated with active foraging and consumption of termites and ants, their trophic ecology is mostly unknown. The diet of five anuran species of Bufonidae (Rhinella horribilis, R. humboldti) and the leptodactylid subfamily Leiuperinae (Engystomops pustulosus, Pleurodema brachyops, and Pseudopaludicola pusilla) was examined at six sites of the Colombian Caribbean in fragments of dry forest and different land uses. A total of 310 food items were identified. The greatest contribution was represented by Coleoptera, Hymenoptera (Formicidae), Isoptera, and Diptera. The species differed in number and volume of prey. Except for Pseudopaludicola pusilla, which behaves as a generalist predator, species had high intake of termites and ants. Engystomops pustulosus preferred termites, Pleurodema brachyops had high consumption of ants and termites, and the two bufonid species were myrmecophagous. Except for Pseudopaludicola pusilla, predator and prey size was related. Most species have overlapping diets (spatially and temporally) when analyzing food items identified at the order level. However, the richness of different prey within these orders allows the coexistence of species. The diet of these species presents similar trends in different habitats throughout their distribution area

    Personnel expenses and productivity change in Peruvian stock mining companies

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    Copper mining activities have a huge importance for both the Peruvian economy and the world. Then, it is important to analyze how mining companies face productivity to stay afloat in the competitive world market. For this reason, Peruvian mining companies were analyzed in the 2016-2019 period by employing the Malmquist index as well as its decomposition. Two-year, three-year, and four-year intervals were used for a better understanding of the results. It was found that the major determinants for productivity change was technical efficiency change and technological switch

    Hacia lenguajes de metamodelado orientados a aspectos

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    En este artículo se propone la extensión de los lenguajes de metamodelado con constructores de la orientación a aspectos. Tras justificar brevemente el interés que en la actualidad está teniendo el metamodelado, y sentar las bases necesarias para entender la propuesta, se presenta, a través de ejemplos, la necesidad de extender un lenguaje de metamodelado como Kermeta con conceptos introducidos en el ámbito de la orientación a aspecto

    Improving the adaptation of web applications to different versions of software with MDA

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    The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) has been proposed as a way of separating the details of an implementation platform from the problem domain. This paper shows that this approach is also good for the adaptation of software to the different versions of the same platform. As an example, Spring Web Flow (SWF), a framework that allows the definition and representation of user interface flows in web applications, has been chosen. After six months of evolution, the web flows de¯ned with SWF 1.0 RC1 were not compatible with SWF 1.0. The paper analyzes the changes introduced by the new release, and it proposes an MDA-based approach to soften the impact of these changes