8 research outputs found

    Intelligent Sitting Posture Classifier for Wheelchair Users

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    In recent years, there has been growing interest in postural monitoring while seated, thus preventing the appearance of ulcers and musculoskeletal problems in the long term. To date, postural control has been carried out by means of subjective questionnaires that do not provide continuous and quantitative information. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a monitoring that allows to determine not only the postural status of wheelchair users, but also to infer the evolution or anomalies associated with a specific disease. Therefore, this paper proposes an intelligent classifier based on a multilayer neural network for the classification of sitting postures of wheelchair users. The posture database was generated based on data collected by a novel monitoring device composed of force resistive sensors. A training and hyperparameter selection methodology has been used based on the idea of using a stratified K-Fold in weight groups strategy. This allows the neural network to acquire a greater capacity for generalization, thus allowing, unlike other proposed models, to achieve higher success rates not only in familiar subjects but also in subjects with physical complexions outside the standard. In this way, the system can be used to support wheelchair users and healthcare professionals, helping them to automatically monitor their posture, regardless physical complexions.This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Innovation-StateResearch Agency/Project funded by MCIN/State Research Agency(AEI)/10.13039/501100011033 under Grant PID2020-112667RB-I00,in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1726-22, and in part by the Predoctoral Contracts of the Basque Government under Grant PRE-2021-1-0001 and Grant PRE-2021-1-021

    Regional Hypertrophy: The Effect of Exercises at Long and Short Muscle Lengths in Recreationally Trained Women

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    The aim of the present study was to analyse the role of exercises' resistance profile in regional hypertrophy. Thirty-eight healthy women completed a 9-week resistance training program consisting of either 4 sets of 12 repetitions to volitional failure of inclined bicep curls (INC group) or preacher curls (PREA group), three times per week. Pre- and post-intervention muscle thickness was measured using B-mode ultrasound imaging with a linear-array transducer. Scan acquisition sites were determined by measuring 50%, 60% and 70% of the distance between the posterior crest of the acromion and the olecranon. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. No region of the INC group grew when comparing pre- to post-intervention. The 70% region of the PREA group grew significantly (muscle thickness increased from 2.7 ± 0.43 cm to 2.94 ± 0.44 cm). We found no growth differences between regions when analysing per group (p = 0.274), region (p = 0.571) or group*region (p = 0.367). Our results show that the distal region of the arm grows in response to the preacher curl that places the highest amount of strain in the range of motion in which the arm muscles are more elongated

    A preliminary analysis of gait performance of patients with multiple sclerosis using a sensorized crutch tip

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    The quality of life and functional mobility of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can significantly improve with exercise and a rehabilitation therapy adjusted to the needs of each patient. The assessment of gait and functional mobility of patients with MS is usually done based on clinical scales and tests, which have various limitations. This work presents the preliminary results of a clinical study carried out with patients with MS walking with a sensorized crutch tip. This tip allows to define new indicators that can be correlated with the clinical assessment scales and provide further objective and quantitative information to assess gait performance and level of impairment of patients with MS, and characterize their gait patterns. The results suggest that parameters such as the average cycle time and the average percentage of body weight might be useful to evaluate the gait performance and level of disability. Moreover, parameters related with the pitch angle of the crutch allow to determine crutch usage patterns and spot differences between patients with similar functional performance.This work was supported by the Government of the Basque Country (grant PRE-2018-2-210), by the University of the Basque Country (project GIU19/45), by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCI) under grant number DPI2017-82694-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), by Fundacion Euskampus and Fundacion BB

    Effect of Baduanjin on physical functioning and balance in adults with mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities: A comparative study

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    Background Adults with intellectual disabilities often experience mobility limitations. Baduanjin, a mindfulness-based exercise intervention, can exert positive effects on functional mobility and balance. This study examined the impact of Baduanjin on physical functioning and balance of adults with intellectual disabilities. Method Twenty-nine adults with intellectual disabilities participated in the study. Eighteen received a Baduanjin intervention for 9-months; 11 participants did not receive any intervention (comparison group). Physical functioning and balance were assessed using the short physical performance battery (SPPB) and stabilometry. Results Participants in the Baduanjin group experienced significant changes in the SPPB walking test (p = .042), chair stand test (p = .015), and SPPB summary score (p = .010). No significant changes between groups were observed in any of the variables assessed at the end of the intervention. Conclusions Baduanjin practice may cause significant, albeit small, improvements in physical functioning of adults with intellectual disabilities.The authors would like to acknowledge the staff and participants from Lantegi Batuak for their assistance and willingness to be part of the study. This study was facilitated by an agreement between the regional Government Diputación Foral de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia (Departamento de Acción Social/Gizarte Ekintza Saila) and Lantegi Batuak

    La Presencia Salesiana en Ecuador: Perspectivas históricas y sociales

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    Este libro recoge los resultados de un programa de investigación sobre las siguientes dimensiones de la presencia salesiana en el país: desarrollo comunitario, inclusión social, niñez y adolescencia; educación salesiana, con énfasis en la educación técnica; conformación de identidades e interculturalidad. Esta investigación fue realizada por un equipo de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana en convenio con la Sociedad Salesiana en el Ecuador. Participaron profesionales que aportaron sus propias visiones desde diversas ciencias sociales (historia, sociología y antropología) y de la educación. Por lo tanto, se trata de una obra interdisciplinaria que busca profundizar el diálogo entre la herencia espiritual-pedagógica salesiana, la ciencia y las expectativas de los pueblos y culturas de hoy en momento de complejidad creciente de la sociedad ecuatoriana sujeta a transformaciones radicales cargadas de desafíos para la comunidad salesiana y la misma Iglesia

    mTORC1-dependent AMD1 regulation sustains polyamine metabolism in prostate cancer

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    Users may view, print, copy, and download text and data-mine the content in such documents, for the purposes of academic research, subject always to the full Conditions of use: http://www.nature.com/authors/editorial_policies/license.html#termsActivation of the PTEN-PI3K-mTORC1 pathway consolidates metabolic programs that sustain cancer cell growth and proliferation,. Here we show that mTORC1 regulates polyamine dynamics, a metabolic route that is essential for oncogenicity. Through the use of integrative metabolomics in a mouse model and human biopsies of prostate cancer, we identified alterations in tumours impacting on the production of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (dcSAM) and polyamine synthesis. Mechanistically, this metabolic rewiring stems from mTORC1-dependent regulation of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 (AMD1) stability. This novel molecular regulation was validated in murine and human cancer specimens. AMD1 was upregulated in prostate cancer specimens with activated mTORC1. Conversely, samples from a clinical trial with the mTORC1 inhibitor everolimus exhibited a predominant decrease in AMD1 immunoreactivity that was associated to a decrease in proliferation, in line with the requirement of dcSAM production for oncogenicity. These findings provide fundamental information about the complex regulatory landscape controlled by mTORC1 to integrate and translate growth signals into an oncogenic metabolic program

    mTORC1-dependent AMD1 regulation sustains polyamine metabolism in prostate cancer

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    Activation of the PTEN-PI3K-mTORC1 pathway consolidates metabolic programs that sustain cancer cell growth and proliferation. Here we show that mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) regulates polyamine dynamics, a metabolic route that is essential for oncogenicity. By using integrative metabolomics in a mouse model and human biopsies of prostate cancer, we identify alterations in tumours affecting the production of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (dcSAM) and polyamine synthesis. Mechanistically, this metabolic rewiring stems from mTORC1-dependent regulation of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 (AMD1) stability. This novel molecular regulation is validated in mouse and human cancer specimens. AMD1 is upregulated in human prostate cancer with activated mTORC1. Conversely, samples from a clinical trial with the mTORC1 inhibitor everolimus exhibit a predominant decrease in AMD1 immunoreactivity that is associated with a decrease in proliferation, in line with the requirement of dcSAM production for oncogenicity. These findings provide fundamental information about the complex regulatory landscape controlled by mTORC1 to integrate and translate growth signals into an oncogenic metabolic program