35 research outputs found


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    A importância conferida ao papel desempenhado pelo empreendedorismo na sociedade mudou radicalmente ao longo do último meio século. Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, imperava na teoria económica a noção de que as grandes empresas seriam as únicas que reuniam condições para explorar plenamente as oportunidades de inovação (Schumpeter, 1942). Porém, desde os anos noventa, o empreendedorismo (entendido como criação de novas empresas, por natureza de pequena/média dimensão) tem sido identificado como uma das principais tendências socioeconómicas e um motor da inovação, da competitividade e do desenvolvimento económico. De facto, há resultados empíricos que comprovam a ideia de que as novas empresas estão mais associadas à introdução de inovações tecnológicas nos mercados e à promoção do crescimento económico e do emprego (Audretsch, 2003).(...

    Foreign divestment: What stays when multinationals leave?

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    When an MNE closes its doors, workers may find themselves in demand or struggling, depending on the nature of their employment and the characteristics of the foreign affiliate itself. The authors recommend a targeted policy approach that focuses on transition assistance for the most vulnerable employees

    Dynamic capabilities for hire - How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance

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    MNC subsidiaries benefit from managers with entrepreneurial skills for finding superior combinations of MNC and host-country resources. However, such management skills are scarce. We reason that subsidiaries can improve their performance by hiring host-country entrepreneurs as managers since they develop similar skills in start-ups. Our theoretical model integrates mechanisms from entrepreneurial experience into theory on the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities. We test and support our prediction using longitudinal employer–employee data for 5587 foreign MNC subsidiaries in Portugal. Further, we show that performance effects are weaker when a subsidiary’s management is internationally diverse and stronger in dynamic host-country environments

    Proceedings of the Conference on Entrepreneurship Education

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    Proceedings of the Conference on Entrepreneurship Education.publishe

    Universidade empreendedora no contexto português: das políticas públicas ao projeto GAPI 3

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    O fenómeno da universidade empreendedora em Portugal é relativemente recente, mas vital para impulsionar a inovação, a criatividade e o crescimento económico, no âmbito de um ecossistema inovador. A partir dos anos 90 verificou-se a implementação de políticas públicas e demais iniciativas de promoção do empreendedorismo e transferência de tecnologia que foram determinantes para alterar o paradigma das instituições de ensino superior Portuguesas. Por um lado, a criação da rede GAPI e a constituição das OTIC, a par de alteração do estatuto da carreira docente e enquadramento ao nível do regime jurídico do capital de risco, são disso exemplos relevantes e que muito contribuíram para o desempenho cada vez mais positivo de Portugal em termos da taxa de crescimento da performance ao nível da inovação. Por outro, tem-se verificado o alinhamento de interesses e a partilha de boas práticas entre instituições de ensino superior, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de estruturas de apoio e à promoção do espírito empresarial, à criação de empresas inovadoras de cariz tecnológico e ao aumento das competências empreendedoras dos alunos. Esta preocupação serviu de mote à implementação do projecto GAPI 3. Este projeto, promovido por seis universidades e institutos de investigação, decorreu entre 2013 e 2015, tendo sido apoiado pelo programa COMPETE e FEDER. As diversas atividades e iniciativas promovidas no âmbito deste projeto contribuíram de forma assinalável para a promoção de uma cultura empreendedora no seio das instituições participantes, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de universidades empreendedoras em Portugal

    How former business owners fare in the labor market? Job assignment and earnings

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in European Economic Review. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V.This study uses detailed longitudinal matched employer–employee data to examine the impact of entrepreneurial experience on job assignments, careers, and wages. The results suggest that there are significant differences in career mobility between former business owners and workers who were always wage employees. Former business owners enter firms at higher job levels and progress faster up the hierarchy than wage employees without entrepreneurial experience. The majority of the former business owners find jobs in small firms. The return to business ownership experience is lower than the return to wage employee experience, thus suggesting that the labor market imposes a penalty for business ownership experience.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Technology diffusion and income inequality: how augmented Kuznets hypothesis could explain ICT diffusion?

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    Proceedings of the Second Globelics Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 May - 3 June 2005

    The consequences of intrapreneurship in exporting firms: a structural-model approach

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    A number of recent scientific articles have studied the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm’s performance, though not all came in the scope of international entrepreneurship (IE). Researchers often test mediating or moderating variables that help explain this relationship. The extensive academic findings lead us to a wide range of mediating/moderating variables and to a lack of consensus in this domain. This study is in scope of IE literature, and it aims to provide new and robust insights supported by consistent empirical findings and to adopt this structural-model approach as a reference in the absence of academic consensus. Specifically, the paper examines the contribution of intrapreneurship to both the firm’s international orientation (IO) and performance in light of the IE guidelines. To this end, we examine how the EO of Portuguese exporters influences corporate performance taking into account the meditating effect of their IO on the EO –performance association through structural equation modelling. Results confirm that IO positively and significantly mediates the relationship between EO and corporate performance. EO and IO were also found to have a direct and positive effect on corporate performance. These findings confirm the relevance of intrapreneurship and international commitment to a better organisational performance and gives us empirical support to conclude that effort taken in these domains could enhance the exporters’ performance. Moreover, this study makes an empirical and theoretical contribution to the IE topic and therefore aims to be a reference to the literature in this domain

    Assessing the Impact of Universities’ Entrepreneurial Activity on Regional Competitiveness

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    The aim of this study is to test the multidimensional construct of the Entrepreneurial University (EU), and therefore to confirm whether EU factors make a positive contribution to regional competitiveness. Data were collected from ten Portuguese Public Universities (PPUs) through a self-administered questionnaire. First- and second-order confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were performed through factor and multiple linear regression analyses. The main findings show that EU related factors—perceived and combined with actual regional metrics—especially entrepreneurial supporting measures, positively contributed to regional competitiveness. This study shows policy makers that universities are not merely cost centres but provide knowledge spillovers that can have a positive influence on regional competitiveness