1,022 research outputs found

    Fomento de relaciones positivas en Educación Infantil. Propuesta de intervención mediante las fortalezas personales

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    Este TFG se centra en la Psicología Positiva, una corriente psicológica cuyo objetivo es el estudio del bienestar humano y de los elementos que contribuyen a dicho bienestar como las fortalezas personales. La finalidad de este TFG es obtener más información y conocimiento sobre este campo y elaborar una propuesta de intervención didáctica para Educación Infantil basada en cinco de las fortalezas: el amor (en concreto, la amistad), la amabilidad, la inteligencia social, el trabajo en equipo y la autorregulación. A lo largo del presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se incluye la información en la que se fundamenta dicha propuesta, así como aportaciones personales y reflexiones sobre mi experiencia al poner en práctica con los alumnos y las alumnas las diferentes actividades que la componen. El principal objetivo de esta propuesta de intervención es favorecer unas relaciones interpersonales positivas en el alumnado del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil utilizando una metodología activa y participativa.This FDP focuses on Positive Psychology, a psychological approximation whose objective is the study of human well-being and the elements that contribute to this well-being, such as personal strengths. The aim of this FDP is to obtain more information and knowledge about this field and to develop a proposal for didactic intervention for Childhood Education based on five of the strengths: love (specifically, friendship), kindness, social intelligence, teamwork and self-regulation. Throughout the present Final Degree Project, the information on which this proposal is based is included, as well as personal contributions and reflections about my experience in putting into practice with the students the different activities that comprise it. The main objective of this intervention proposal is to promote positive interpersonal relationships among students in the second cycle of Childhood Education using an active and participatory methodology.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Early Iron Age arrowheads in urban contexts from the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula: Peña Negra, La Fonteta and Meca

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    Se analiza un conjunto de puntas de flecha orientalizantes de bronce, en su mayoría del tipo de doble filo y arpón lateral, procedentes de tres destacados núcleos urbanos: Herna/Peña Negra y La Fonteta, en el Sureste peninsular, y El Castellar de Meca en los rebordes de la Meseta Sur. Se realiza la clasificación tipológica del medio centenar de piezas catalogadas, identificando nuevas variantes, se analizan las huellas de impacto y roturas así como el análisis metalográfico de algunas de ellas. A continuación se estudian los contextos de hallazgo, repasando posibles evidencias de inestabilidad, al tiempo que se revisa la presencia de este tipo de armas en contextos orientalizantes contemporáneos del cuadrante suroriental de la Península Ibérica. Finalmente se revisa la presencia de este tipo de puntas en contextos de la Segunda Edad del Hierro de la zonaA collection of Orientalizing bronze arrowheads, mainly of the one-barb, double edge, socketed type, are analyzed in this paper. They were found in three outstanding urban settlements: Herna/Peña Negra and La Fonteta in Southeastern Iberia, and Castellar de Meca, in the eastern limits of the Southern Plateau. A typological classification is also made, defining new subtypes. Impact traces, breakings and metallographic studies are also analyzed. Next their finding contexts are studied, revising possible contexts of instability and the appearance of this kind of weapon in contemporary Orientalizing contexts in Southeastern Iberia. Finally, the presence of this arrowhead type in Late Iron Age contexts of the area is reviewedEste trabajo se ha realizado dentro del marco del proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2013-41447-P “El Bronce Final y la Edad del Hierro en el Sureste y el Levante de la Península Ibérica: procesos hacia la urbanización

    Significado del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la anatomía: contribuciones desde las percepciones de los estudiantes.

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    Este articulo recoge las percepciones de un grupo de estudiantes de segundo semestre del programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Boyacá, respecto a su experiencia con la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la anatomía humana dentro de la materia Morfología I, la importancia que revisten estas temáticas para su desempeño profesional y las dificultades que genera su estudio considerando la extensión y profundidad con las que son abordados la osteología, artrología y miología, sistemas que fundamentan la formación básica en torno al objeto de estudio de esta profesión, el movimiento corporal humano, entendido como un elemento esencial para la salud y el bienestar del hombre (Herrera, et al. 2004). Los resultados del presente trabajo se obtienen a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario con tres preguntas centrales, la primera, relacionada con la experiencia personal de cada estudiante sobre el proceso de aprendizaje alcanzado, la segunda, con la enseñanza, referida a la actuación del docente (desde la representación de los propios estudiantes) y la tercera, a través de las percepciones sobre la materia y las unidades temáticas desarrolladas en este curso.

    Reporte de casos con deformidad articular: Artropatía de Jaccoud

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    Introducción: El médico Francois-Sigismond Jaccoud, describió en 1869 en un paciente joven con fiebre reumática (FR), algunas deformidades articulares que las mismas consistían en deformaciones clásicas observadas en la artritis reumatoide (AR), tales como el cuello de cisne, la subluxación del pulgar, la desviación cubital, pero que la principal diferencia tenían la característica de que las mismas eran reductibles al movimiento pasivo, por lo cual se las denominó con el nombre de artropatía de Jaccoud (AJ). Caso Clínico: Primer caso: Paciente femenino de 23 años, de profesión ama de casa, con antecedente de deformidad en manos y pies desde los 6 años aproximadamente, sin tratamiento. Niega manifestaciones sistémicas, artralgias. Segundo caso: Paciente femenino de 61 años, de profesión ama de casa, procedente del área rural, con diagnóstico de Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) desde los 23 años, con antecedente de deformidad en manos y pies desde esa misma edad aproximadamente, actualmente con tratamiento con hidroxicloroquina y prednisona. Refiere manifestaciones articulares como artralgias ocasionales en manos con edema importante en los dedos. Conclusión: La artropatía de Jaccoud (AJ) es un transtorno articular reversible crónico no erosivo que puede ocurrir después de episodios repetidos de artritis

    They Choose to Attend Academic Summer Camps? A Mixed Methods Study Exploring the Impact of a NASA Academic Summer Pre-Engineering Camp On Middle School Students in a Latino Community

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    Early exposure to engineering and mathematics career opportunities has been indicated to influence students’ decisions regarding their academic majors and career goals. This study utilized mixed methods to analyze how changes in middle school students’ affective characteristics might be linked to their future career decision-making, following participation in an integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics summer camp. As part of the summer camp, rising sixth- through eighth-grade students attended a weeklong learning experience based on a specific engineering context. Each grade level cohort participated with their same grade peers in a 36-hour, 6-day event focused on sparking their interest in engineering careers and developing their content knowledge in select science and mathematics content areas. Pre-post testing was conducted with 65 students of diverse backgrounds in grades six through eight to measure their self-reported engineering-related self-efficacy, knowledge of engineering careers, and motivation to pursue future engineering classes and careers. In addition, interviews were conducted to examine any changes in middle school camp participants’ affective characteristics of motivation, self-efficacy, and self-determination

    Geobotanical study of the microforests of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. badia in the Central and Southern Iberian Peninsula

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    We have studied Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. badia (H.Gay) Debeaux in the central and southern Iberian Peninsula, where the macrobioclimate ranges from Mediterranean-pluviseasonal-oceanic to Mediterranean-pluviseasonal-continental, and the thermotype from the thermo- to the supramediterranean. The releves were taken following the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological methodology. A statistical treatment was applied to establish a separation among Juniperus communities. To understand the presence of Juniperus communities in territories dominated by species in the Quercus genus, we applied Thornthwaite's formula to calculate potential evapotranspiration. The general cluster analysis clearly distinguishes two groups of plant communities and separates the different associations in each group. All the plant communities growing on rocky crests and in extremely steep sloping areas are significantly influenced by the soil. The ombroclimatic index does not explain the presence of plant communities influenced by substrate, so we proposed a new ombroedaphoxeric index which explains the presence of Juniperus communities in territories with a thermotype between the thermo- and supramediterranean. The areas of distribution of Juniperus species are expanding due to the spread of rocky areas; this phenomenon causes an increase in edaphoxerophilous areas and a decrease in climatophilous ones. We propose four new plant associations, with updated structures and floristic compositions. Efficient conservation is possible in both the territories studied (Spain and Portugal) through the implementation of specific cross-border cooperation projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Primer on Resonances in Quantum Mechanics

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    After a pedagogical introduction to the concept of resonance in classical and quantum mechanics, some interesting applications are discussed. The subject includes resonances occurring as one of the effects of radiative reaction, the resonances involved in the refraction of electromagnetic waves by a medium with a complex refractive index, and quantum decaying systems described in terms of resonant states of the energy. Some useful mathematical approaches like the Fourier transform, the complex scaling method and the Darboux transformation are also reviewed.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, lectures presented at the Advanced Summer School in Physics 2008, Cinvestav, Mexic

    Fanconi anemia cells with unrepaired DNA damage activate components of the checkpoint recovery process

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:The FA/BRCA pathway repairs DNA interstrand crosslinks. Mutations in this pathway cause Fanconi anemia (FA), a chromosome instability syndrome with bone marrow failure and cancer predisposition. Upon DNA damage, normal and FA cells inhibit the cell cycle progression, until the G2/M checkpoint is turned off by the checkpoint recovery, which becomes activated when the DNA damage has been repaired. Interestingly, highly damaged FA cells seem to override the G2/M checkpoint. In this study we explored with a Boolean network model and key experiments whether checkpoint recovery activation occurs in FA cells with extensive unrepaired DNA damage.METHODS:We performed synchronous/asynchronous simulations of the FA/BRCA pathway Boolean network model. FA-A and normal lymphoblastoid cell lines were used to study checkpoint and checkpoint recovery activation after DNA damage induction. The experimental approach included flow cytometry cell cycle analysis, cell division tracking, chromosome aberration analysis and gene expression analysis through qRT-PCR and western blot.RESULTS:Computational simulations suggested that in FA mutants checkpoint recovery activity inhibits the checkpoint components despite unrepaired DNA damage, a behavior that we did not observed in wild-type simulations. This result implies that FA cells would eventually reenter the cell cycle after a DNA damage induced G2/M checkpoint arrest, but before the damage has been fixed. We observed that FA-A cells activate the G2/M checkpoint and arrest in G2 phase, but eventually reach mitosis and divide with unrepaired DNA damage, thus resolving the initial checkpoint arrest. Based on our model result we look for ectopic activity of checkpoint recovery components. We found that checkpoint recovery components, such as PLK1, are expressed to a similar extent as normal undamaged cells do, even though FA-A cells harbor highly damaged DNA.CONCLUSIONS:Our results show that FA cells, despite extensive DNA damage, do not loss the capacity to express the transcriptional and protein components of checkpoint recovery that might eventually allow their division with unrepaired DNA damage. This might allow cell survival but increases the genomic instability inherent to FA individuals and promotes cancer

    The multiple sclerosis visual pathway cohort: understanding neurodegeneration in MS

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease of the Central Nervous System with two major underlying etiopathogenic processes: inflammation and neurodegeneration. The latter determines the prognosis of this disease. MS is the main cause of non-traumatic disability in middle-aged populations. FINDINGS: The MS-VisualPath Cohort was set up to study the neurodegenerative component of MS using advanced imaging techniques by focusing on analysis of the visual pathway in a middle-aged MS population in Barcelona, Spain. We started the recruitment of patients in the early phase of MS in 2010 and it remains permanently open. All patients undergo a complete neurological and ophthalmological examination including measurements of physical and disability (Expanded Disability Status Scale; Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite and neuropsychological tests), disease activity (relapses) and visual function testing (visual acuity, color vision and visual field). The MS-VisualPath protocol also assesses the presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), general quality of life (SF-36) and visual quality of life (25-Item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire with the 10-Item Neuro-Ophthalmic Supplement). In addition, the imaging protocol includes both retinal (Optical Coherence Tomography and Wide-Field Fundus Imaging) and brain imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Finally, multifocal Visual Evoked Potentials are used to perform neurophysiological assessment of the visual pathway. DISCUSSION: The analysis of the visual pathway with advance imaging and electrophysilogical tools in parallel with clinical information will provide significant and new knowledge regarding neurodegeneration in MS and provide new clinical and imaging biomarkers to help monitor disease progression in these patients

    Establecimiento de las bases biotecnológicas y ecológicas en la mejora genética de Vanilla planifolia Jacqs. (Orchidaceae)

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    Vanilla planifolia Jacks is a genetic resource of socio-economic importance to the State of Veracruz, México. However, in recent years, this culture is facing a serious problem due to the fall of its fruits. To contribute to the conservation, improvement and management of V. planifolia, it has been developed a network project for the strengthening of academic bodies sponsored by the Secretariat of public education. This paper presents some of the progress made in this context