1,013 research outputs found

    Historical evolution of public relations psychology in Europe and the United States

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    The study provides a chronological review of public relations (PR) analysed from the perspective of psychology, highlighting milestones, concepts, theories and models. It offers a synthesis of its origins in Europe and how it was imported to the United States, where it was strongly implemented at the academic, political and business levels. The foundations of the emergence and development of PR have psychology as a fundamental pillar (Bernays, 1928) in understanding the propagandistic effects on people’s social behaviour. Therefore, it seems that it would be practically impossible to understand and apply this construct throughout history without this joint interdisciplinary work, both in explaining individual and collective response and in diachronically changing behaviour in organizations (Grunig, 1976). An in-depth exploration is carried out of the international manuscripts published to date which highlight the interactions of PR with psychology in terms of public behaviour, leadership and behaviour within organizations. The results bring to light an international perspective of basic contributions and some historic gaps along the way. The identification of several key events from the past helps to understand better the general conceptual framework that connects PR and psychology. The research reveals that there is still a gap regarding the existence of a general theory to explain the history of PR psychology. Nevertheless, from a PR perspective, its psychological influence on the behaviours of the population and the persuasion of stakeholders seems indisputable.Estudio respaldado por la Ayuda de Recualificación Margarita Salas del Ministerio de Universidades de España y la Unión Europea –NextGeneration UE para el periodo 2022-24

    El profesor universitario, un agente de desarrollo moral

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    The article shows the classroom like an workplace to move moral development, from the relationship between students and professors in the university atmosphere. It proposes elements to take to the practice the ethics education a transverse curriculum line. It assumes the ethics, from a plural perspective, founded on the knowledge and the human action. It joins the integral formation with the conceptions of education, curriculum, pedagogical models and methodologies of education. It proposes actions to demonstrate the commitment of the professor with the integral formation. Finally, concludes that the professor is agent of moral development and that in the classroom is constructed: identity, autonomy and responsibility, from open and plural relation between professors and students and between these and the knowledge.El artículo plantea una reflexión sobre la manera como el aula de clase constituye un escenario que dinamiza el desarrollo moral, a partir de la interacción entre estudiantes y profesores, en el ambiente universitario. Propone elementos para llevar a la práctica la formación ética como un transversal curricular. Asume la ética, desde una perspectiva plural, fundada en el conocimiento y la acción humana. Vincula la formación integral con las concepciones de educación, currículo, modelos pedagógicos y metodologías de enseñanza. Propone acciones para evidenciar el compromiso del profesor con la formación integral. Concluye que el profesor es agente de desarrollo moral y que en el aula de clase se construye identidad, autonomía y responsabilidad, a partir de una relación abierta y plural, entre profesores y estudiantes y entre éstos y el conocimiento

    Heterogeneous information integration for mountain augmented reality mobile apps

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    Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications offer a new way to promote the collection of geo-referenced information, by engaging citizens in a useful experience and encouraging them to gather environment data, such as images of plant species or of mountain snow coverage. The distinctive characteristic of mobile AR applications is the overlay of information directly on top of what the user sees, based on the user’s context estimated from the device sensors. The application analyzes the sensor readings (GPS position, phone orientation and motion, and possibly also the camera frame content), to understand what the user is watching and enriches the view with contextual information. Developing mobile AR applications poses several challenges related to the acquisition, selection, transmission and display of information, which gets more demanding in mountain applications where usage without Internet connectivity is a strong requirement. This paper discusses the experience of a real world mobile AR application for mountain exploration, which can be used to crowdsource the collection of mountain images for environmental purposes, such as the analysis of snow coverage for water availability prediction and the monitoring of plant diseases

    Convolutional neural network for pixel-wise skyline detection

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    Outdoor augmented reality applications are an emerging class of software systems that demand the fast identification of natural objects, such as plant species or mountain peaks, in low power mobile devices. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have exhibited superior performance in a variety of computer vision tasks, but their training is a labor intensive task and their execution requires non negligible memory and CPU resources. This paper presents the results of training a CNN for the fast extraction of mountain skylines, which exhibits a good balance between accuracy (94,45% in best conditions and 86,87% in worst conditions), memory consumption (9,36 MB on average) and runtime execution overhead (273 ms on a Nexus 6 mobile phone), and thus has been exploited for implementing a real-world augmented reality applications for mountain peak recognition running on low to mid-end mobile phones

    Youtubers infantiles, los nuevos protagonistas de la comunicación comercial

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    Los estudios de audiencias infantiles nos muestran datos que revelan el importante papel que juega Internet y las redes sociales en la vida diaria de este público. El AIMC Niñ@s 2018 sitúa el consumo de vídeos en Internet de niños entre 6 y 13 años de edad en un 89%, e indica que 7 de cada 10 niños y niñas, de entre 12 y 13 años, utiliza las redes sociales. Cifras que convierten a Internet en el medio elegido por los más pequeños de la casa, quienes desde edades muy tempranas dominan ya las nuevas tecnologías. Uno de los contenidos más consumidos por el público infantil en este nuevo escenario son los espacios creados por los youtubers, influencers de un segmento de población especialmente vulnerable que se presentan como auténticas oportunidades en la gestión comunicacional de las marcas comerciales. El estudio que a continuación presentamos pretende, mediante el análisis de contenido de los principales canales de youtubers infantiles españoles, identificar la estructura que adoptan dichos espacios, los aspectos formales que describen sus publicaciones (frecuencia de aparición, duración…), así como la aparición de marcas comerciales y el uso de productos en los vídeos, valorando aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fundraising and communications strategies applied to the triangle enclosed by science, art and restauration/conservation: The case of special collections´heritage at Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

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    A research of actual quality interaction between Science, Art and Restauration/conservation from the perspective of a fundraising desirable sustainability, trough inside-outside PR communications tools to strength and ensure a better future for heritage world, exemplified in the economical and curating sustainability of special collections at Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Identification of helpful and not helpful online reviews within an eWOM community using text-mining techniques

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    Resumen de la comunicación[EN] Consumers represent today a significant source of information to learn about products and services quality thanks to the proliferation of user-generated content in the form of online reviews. It is thus of paramount to understand what makes online reviews helpful to consumers as this evaluation might affect their purchase decisions. In this regard, this research has applied textmining techniques by extracting the characteristics from online reviews' texts of an eWOM community, and further utilized these characteristics to train a logistic classifier using three classes: helpful, neutral and not helpful. The aim is identifying which unique attributes determine whether an online review is helpful or not. Findings reveal that there are much more unique attributes classified as helpful than attributes classified as not helpful. Additionally, the unique attributes associated to helpful reviews exhibit more objective appraisal while those associated to not helpful reviews show more subjective appraisal. The proposed methodology can be used to predict the helpfulness of posted reviews and to obtain their unique attributes.Olmedilla, M.; Martinez-Torres, R.; Toral, SL. (2018). Identification of helpful and not helpful online reviews within an eWOM community using text-mining techniques. En 2nd International Conference on Advanced Reserach Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2018). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 250-250. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2018.2018.8304OCS25025

    Public relations and fundraising as a management strategy for the private collections of the University of Oxford

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    Una investigación sobre la calidad actual de la interacción ciencia- arte-conservación desde la perspectiva de la comunicación y las relaciones públicas para la captación de fondos, a través del caso de las Bodleian Libraries de la Universidad de Oxford por su relevancia y prestigio internacional en la sostenibilidad económica y cuidado de sus colecciones privadas especiales. Para estimular el altruismo, el mecenazgo, la responsabilidad social y el patrocinio, los grupos de interés privados conforman una fuente alternativa de recursos para reducir el grado de dependencia de subvenciones nacionales y europeas, especialmente cuando el Brexit entra en escena

    Epigenética y el fin del debate natura vs nurtura: implicaciones para la psicología clínica

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    Trabajo Fin de Grado Curso 2015-2016[ES]Desde hace unas décadas, la epigenética se ha convertido en un campo emergente y prometedor a la hora de unificar las aportaciones de las distintas disciplinas de la salud. En el presente trabajo se expondrá una revisión de la creciente importancia de los mecanismos epigenéticos en las interacciones entre genes y ambiente implicadas en la etiología de diversos trastornos mentales, dentro del marco teórico de la psicología evolucionaria del desarrollo; así como sus potenciales usos para la mejora en la precisión de los estudios epidemiológicos y en la eficacia de las intervenciones psicoterapéuticas
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