470 research outputs found

    Immobilized soybean hull peroxidase for the oxidation of phenolic compounds in coffee processing wastewater

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    AbstractChitosan beads were prepared, using glutaraldehyde as a crosslinking agent for the immobilization of soybean hull peroxidase (SBP). The activity of free and immobilized SBP was studied. The optimum pH was 6.0 for both the free and immobilized enzyme; however, enzyme activity became more dependent on the temperature after immobilization. This study evaluated the potential use of immobilized and free enzyme in the oxidation of caffeic acid, of synthetic phenolic solution (SPS) and of total phenolic compounds in coffee processing wastewater (CPW). Some factors, such as reaction time, amount of H2O2 and caffeic acid were evaluated, in order to determine the optimum conditions for enzyme performance. Both enzymes showed a potential in the removal of caffeic acid, SPS and CPW, and immobilized SBP had the highest oxidation performance. The immobilized enzyme showed a potential of 50% in the oxidation of caffeic acid after 4 consecutive cycles

    Antioxidant responses under salinity and drought in three closely related wild monocots with different ecological optima

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    [EN] Antioxidant enzymes; antioxidant phenolics; ecological adaptation; Juncus; malondialdehyde (MDA); photosynthetic pigments; salt stress; water deficiency stress.This work was financed by internal funds for research support of the Polytechnic University of Valencia to M.P.D.-T., M.B. and O.V.Al Hassan, M.; Chaura, J.; Donat-Torres, MP.; Boscaiu, M.; Vicente, O. (2017). Antioxidant responses under salinity and drought in three closely related wild monocots with different ecological optima. AoB Plants. 9(2):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plx009S12092Abogadallah, G. M. (2010). Insights into the significance of antioxidative defense under salt stress. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(4), 369-374. doi:10.4161/psb.5.4.10873Aebi, H. (1984). [13] Catalase in vitro. Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, 121-126. doi:10.1016/s0076-6879(84)05016-3Al Hassan, M., López-Gresa, M. del P., Boscaiu, M., & Vicente, O. (2016). Stress tolerance mechanisms in Juncus: responses to salinity and drought in three Juncus species adapted to different natural environments. Functional Plant Biology, 43(10), 949. doi:10.1071/fp16007Alscher, R. G., Erturk, N., & Heath, L. S. (2002). Role of superoxide dismutases (SODs) in controlling oxidative stress in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53(372), 1331-1341. doi:10.1093/jxb/53.372.1331Anschütz, U., Becker, D., & Shabala, S. (2014). Going beyond nutrition: Regulation of potassium homoeostasis as a common denominator of plant adaptive responses to environment. Journal of Plant Physiology, 171(9), 670-687. doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2014.01.009Apel, K., & Hirt, H. (2004). REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES: Metabolism, Oxidative Stress, and Signal Transduction. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 55(1), 373-399. doi:10.1146/annurev.arplant.55.031903.141701Asada, K. (2006). Production and Scavenging of Reactive Oxygen Species in Chloroplasts and Their Functions: Figure 1. 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    Descoloration of industrial dyes and simulated textile effluents dyes by turnip peroxidase

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    The removal of important textile dyes by turnip peroxidase (TNP) was evaluated. The textile effluents besides the residual dyes contain also chemical auxiliaries such as salts, dispersing and wetting agents. The effect of these was evaluated in the removal of the dyes reactive blue 21 and reactive blue 19 by TNP in synthetic effluents. A decrease of the efficency decolorization was observed. The action of the enzyme on colour removal of dye mixture was equivalent to the dyes alone. The chemical demand of oxygen in the effluent after enzymatic treatment had a significant increase in relation to the untreated effluent

    Obtention of plant peroxidase and its potential for the decolorization of the reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%

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    Peroxidases can be used in the decolorization process. There is a growing interest for new sources of this enzyme and for obtaining economically viable processes. In this work, a low-cost vegetable peroxidase extraction process is proposed; the resulting enzyme is characterized to determine its optimum pH, temperature, and stability conditions, and it is then applied in the decolorization of reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%. The turnip peroxidase (TP) was utilized as an enzymatic source. This enzyme exhibited maximum activity at pH 7.0, and it was active in the temperature range of 30 to 50 °C, which favors its use in industrial processes. Acetone was the most efficient solvent to induce precipitation. The removal of Remazol Turquoise G 133% was 56.0% complete after 50 min, while 41.0% of the same dye was removed with the commercial horseradish peroxidase enzyme in 50 min. TP presents potential as a viable alternative in the decolorization of textile wastewaters

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of adolescent patients with osteosarcoma

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    O Osteossarcoma (OS) é uma neoplasia maligna que afeta o tecido ósseo, sem causa aparente, acomete mais o esqueleto apendicular, principalmente fêmur e tíbia de crianças e adolescentes. O tratamento consta de cirurgias de ressecção do tumor ou amputação de membros associados à quimioterapia. Quanto mais cedo se descobrir e tratar o OS, e quanto menor for a sua extensão melhor o prognóstico. Objetivo: Conhecer as características clínicas e epidemiológicas do paciente adolescente portador de OS atendido no Hospital do Câncer do Ceará (HCC) no Município de Fortaleza. Para isso foi investigado dados clínicos e epidemiológicos referentes aos pacientes adolescentes (de 10 à 19 anos) portadores de OS. Método: Realizou-se um estudo documental retrospectivo através dos prontuários dos pacientes atendidos nesse hospital no período de Janeiro de 2006 a Dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram coletados através de uma ficha semi-estruturada que constava de questões referentes às características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes, além dos dados de identificação. Foram selecionados 29 prontuários, sendo utilizados 26 para análise, pois 03 estavam incompletos por abandono de tratamento ou transferência hospitalar. Resultados: O OS foi mais frequente em pacientes do sexo masculino (57,7%), com idade entre 10 e 15 anos (73,1%), de raça afro-descendente (50%) e que residiam no interior (73,1%); 30,8% apresentavam história de câncer na família. O sintoma em comum detectado na queixa principal foi a dor (24 pacientes), seguida do aumento do volume local (20) e trauma prévio (08). O fêmur foi acometido em 65,4% dos casos, com ocorrência de metástase (76,9%), quase sempre ao diagnóstico e sua maioria (15 pacientes) para o pulmão. O tratamento consistia em quimioterapia (96,2%) associada a ressecção cirúrgica (69,2%) e amputação (73,1%) ou substituição por endoprótese. Outras especialidades como a fisioterapia foi prescrita em 42,3% dos casos tendo início no período do pós-operatório (23,1%) e geralmente para tratar as complicações. O paciente portador de OS se caracteriza por ser homem, afro-descendente, proveniente do interior e com antecedentes familiares de câncer. Conclusão: É necessário e importante conhecer as características clínicas e epidemiológicas do paciente portador de OS, redirecionando o olhar dos profissionais de saúde para a importância da inclusão de uma equipe multidisciplinar ao diagnóstico.Osteosarcoma (OS) is a malignant neoplasia that affects the bone tissue with no known cause. It most commonly affects the appendicular skeleton, mainly the femur and tibia bones, in children and adolescents. The surgery treatment consists of a resection of the tumor or amputation of the affected limb, associated with chemotherapy. The earlier it is diagnosed and treated, and the smaller it is, the better the prognosis will be. Objective: The main objective of this study was to present the clinical characteristics and epidemiology of adolescent patients from the Ceará Cancer Hospital (HCC) in the city of Fortaleza. Clinical and epidemiologic data about these patients, who ranged from the age of 10 to 19 years old, was investigated in order to fulfill our objectives with this study. Method: A retrospective cohort study was developed gathering information from patients’ charts from the above-mentioned hospital from the period of January 2006 to December 2007. The data was collected through a semi-structured form that consisted of questions that appraised both the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients, as well as the demographic data. After selecting 29 cases, only 26 were used for the analysis due to either incomplete information, abandonment of treatment, or hospital transference. Results: Our results show that Osteosarcoma was found to be more frequent in male patients (57.7%), in patients between 10 and 15 years old (73.1%), in afro-descendant patients (50%), and in patients that came from more rural areas (73.1%). This study also shows that 30.8% of the patients presented a family history of cancer. The symptom that these patients seemed to have in common was pain (24 patients), followed by an increase of local volume (20 patients), and previous trauma (8 patients). The femur bone was affected in 65.4% of the cases, with occurrence of metastasis (76.9%), almost always during the diagnosis and with the majority (15 patients) to the lungs. The treatment consisted of chemotherapy (96.2%) associated with the surgical resection (69.2%) and amputation (73.1%) or limb replacement. Other treatments such as Physical Therapy were prescribed in 42.3% of the cases, mostly during post-surgery (23.1%), and generally just to treat the complications. Conclusion: This study suggests that the common profile of a patient with Osteosarcoma is male, afro-descendant, coming from the more rural areas and presenting a family history of cancer. In conclusion, this study suggests the importance of knowledge about both clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Osteosarcoma patients, so that there is more regard from health professionals concerning multidisciplinary teamwork at the time of the diagnosis

    Hepatopulmonary syndrome has low prevalence of pulmonary vascular abnormalities on chest computed tomography

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    Purpose Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is defined as an arterial oxygenation defect induced by intrapulmonary vascular dilatations associated with hepatic disease. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of type 1 and 2 pulmonary vascular abnormalities on chest computed tomography (CT) in patients with cirrhosis and HPS and to characterize intra- and interobserver reliability. Materials and methods Two thoracic radiologists retrospectively evaluated chest CT scans from 38 cirrhosis patients with HPS. They classified the pulmonary vascular abnormalities as type 1 (multiple dilated distal pulmonary arteries), type 2(nodular dilatation or individual pulmonary arterial malformation), or absence of abnormality. Furthermore, they measured the diameters of the central pulmonary arteries and subsegmental pulmonary arteries and bronchi. We analyzed the prevalence, intraobserver reliability, and interobserver reliability of abnormal CT findings related to HPS, and the correlation of these findings with partial arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2). Results The overall prevalence of pulmonary vascular abnormalities was 28.9% (95% confidence intervals: 15.4%, 45.9%). Moreover, 26.3% of patients had type 1 abnormality (13.4%, 43.1%) and 2.6% of patients had type 2 abnormality (0.0%, 13.8%). The intraobserver reliability kappa value was 0.666 (0.40, 0.91) and the interobserver kappa value was 0.443 (0.12, 0.77). There was no correlation between pulmonary vascular abnormalities on CT and PaO2 values. Conclusions The prevalence of pulmonary vascular abnormalities on chest CT of patients with cirrhosis and HPS is low and not correlated with PaO2. These findings question the usefulness of chest CT for the evaluation of patients with cirrhosis and HPS

    The prominence of social responsibility disclosure in Portuguese companies’ web pages

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    This study investigates Portuguese companies’ use of the Internet to communicate social responsibility information, and the factors that affect this use. It examines the characteristics of companies that influence the prominence of social responsibility information on the Internet. Firm-specific factors that explain SRD by companies operating in a European country in which capital market fund raising is not regarded to be an important source of financing are analysed. The results are interpreted through the lens of a “political economy” framework which combines stakeholder and legitimacy theories perspectives, according to which companies disclose social responsibility information to present a socially responsible image so that they can legitimise their behaviours to their stakeholder groups and influence the external perception of reputation. Results suggest that a theoretical framework combining stakeholder and legitimacy theories may provide an explanatory basis for SRD by Portuguese companies. However, this study does not provide us with enough evidence to determine that the prominence given to CSR activities by Portuguese companies in their websites is linked to relationships with their stakeholder

    Uma intervenção do curso de pedagogia na gestão da educação básica / A pedagogy course intervention in basic education management

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    Diante da realidade atual, em um mundo de acelerada transformação, os órgãos responsáveis ela gestão e desenvolvimento da educação, bem como as instituições formadoras de profissionais têm revisto os processos de formação. A Universidade, a Escola, os gestores e os professores são desafiados constantemente a modificar e dinamizar suas estratégias educativas, em todos os níveis e modalidades de ensino. A gestão eficaz é exigência dos mantenedores, da família e da própria sociedade. Nesse sentido, esse grupo de educadores, atuando no curso de Pedagogia e na gestão da Educação Básica na rede pública estadual,experienciou a realização de um Projeto de Capacitação voltado para a gestão escolar, por meio da prática de um planejamento coletivo em uma estreita relação com a Universidade, as Escolas e a SEED, buscando a efetiva relação entre teoria e prática. O objetivo foi trazer elementos coletados por acadêmicos em um grupo de 30 diretores de escolas públicas, de 16municípios, jurisdicionado do NRE de Apucarana-PR, relatando essa experiência, a partir da concepção de gestão da educação, discutindo em que perspectiva vem sendo trabalhada na IES e nas unidades escolares e comunidade específica. O aporte teórico e metodológico para desenvolver a pesquisa segue os princípios da gestão democrática proposta pela LDB (1996)por Luck, (2004) Nóvoa (2010) Paro (2005) entre outros. A perspectiva norteadora foi a da Pesquisa-ação, com a qual percebemos que, se os gestores tiverem conhecimento, liderança atuarem com a equipe pedagógica, poderão obter melhores resultados. Já o acadêmico vivenciou ações que o habilitaram a resolver outros problemas que surgirem, transferindo conhecimento adquirido de forma significativa para situações semelhantes, formando-se para atuar de forma mais responsável, com conhecimento e capacidade de gerir recursos e situações que surgem no cotidiano, projetando assim gestores mais preparados para as suas funções.

    Descoloração de corantes industriais e efluentes têxteis simulados por peroxidase de nabo (Brassica campestre)

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    The removal of important textile dyes by turnip peroxidase (TNP) was evaluated. The textile effluents besides the residual dyes contain also chemical auxiliaries such as salts, dispersing and wetting agents. The effect of these was evaluated in the removal of the dyes reactive blue 21 and reactive blue 19 by TNP in synthetic effluents. A decrease of the efficency decolorization was observed. The action of the enzyme on colour removal of dye mixture was equivalent to the dyes alone. The chemical demand of oxygen in the effluent after enzymatic treatment had a significant increase in relation to the untreated effluent