1,763 research outputs found

    On the existence of pure strategy equilibria in large generalized games with atomic players

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    We consider a game with a continuum of players where only a finite number of them are atomic. Objective functions and admissible strategies may depend on the actions chosen by atomic players and on aggregate information about the actions chosen by non-atomic players. Only atomic players are required to have convex sets of admissible strategies and quasi-concave objective functions. We prove the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibria. Thus, we extend to large generalized games with atomic players the results of equilibrium existence for non-atomic games of Schemeidler (1973) and Rath (1992). We do not obtain a pure strategy equilibrium by purification of mixed strategy equilibria. Thus, we have a direct proof of both Balder (1999, Theorem 2.1) and Balder (2002, Theorem 2.2.1), for the case where non-atomic players have a common non-empty set of strategies and integrable bounded codification of action profiles. Our main result is readily applicable to many interesting problems in general equilibrium. As an application, we extend Aumann (1966) result on the existence of equilibrium with a continuum of traders to a standard general equilibrium model with incomplete asset markets.Generalized games; Non-convexities; Pure-strategy Nash equilibrium

    Cultivation of Tilapia Orechromis Niloticus in Treated Water: A Case Study

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    Treated water represents a real alternative to reduce the global freshwater crisis However management approaches are applied that depart from the linear thinking of producing consuming and discarding In this sense the circular economy is an option to generate products that from their origin are oriented to be reused In this way if we think about treated water from this conceptual framework we would mitigate water scarcity in cities The effluent generated in the Las Joyas Wastewater Treatment Plant was evaluated in the survival development and cultivation of Oreochromis niloticus 350 adult tilapia specimens were sown 50 females and 300 males The effluent will achieve the survival development and cultivation of tilapi

    Visible light assisted organosilane assembly on mesoporous silicon films and particles

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    Porous silicon (PSi) is a versatile matrix with tailorable surface reactivity, which allows the processing of a range of multifunctional films and particles. The biomedical applications of PSi often require a surface capping with organic functionalities. This work shows that visible light can be used to catalyze the assembly of organosilanes on the PSi, as demonstrated with two organosilanes: aminopropyl-triethoxy-silane and perfluorodecyl-triethoxy-silane. We studied the process related to PSi films (PSiFs), which were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) before and after a plasma patterning process. The analyses confirmed the surface oxidation and the anchorage of the organosilane backbone. We further highlighted the surface analytical potential of 13 C, 19 F and 29 Si solid-state NMR (SS-NMR) as compared to Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in the characterization of functionalized PSi particles (PSiPs). The reduced invasiveness of the organosilanization regarding the PSiPs morphology was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FESEM. Relevantly, the results obtained on PSiPs complemented those obtained on PSiFs. SS-NMR suggests a number of siloxane bonds between the organosilane and the PSiPs, which does not reach levels of maximum heterogeneous condensation, while ToF-SIMS suggested a certain degree of organosilane polymerization. Additionally, differences among the carbons in the organic (non-hydrolyzable) functionalizing groups are identified, especially in the case of the perfluorodecyl group. The spectroscopic characterization was used to propose a mechanism for the visible light activation of the organosilane assembly, which is based on the initial photoactivated oxidation of the PSi matrixWe acknowledge MSC funding provided by the European Commission through FP7 grant THINFACE (ITN GA 607232) and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through grant NANOPROST (RTC-2016-4776-1

    Inspección eléctrica según el Retie y la NTC 2050 en el edificio de eléctrica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En general, la utilización y dependencia tanto industrial como doméstica de la energía eléctrica ha traído consigo la aparición de accidentes por contacto con elementos energizados o incendios, los cuales se han incrementado cada vez más. El número de accidentes sigue al avance de electrificación de un país. La mayor parte de los accidentes con origen eléctrico se presentan en los procesos de distribución y utilización. A medida que el uso de la electricidad se extiende se requiere ser más exigentes en cuanto a la normalización y reglamentación. De acuerdo a las definiciones dadas en el RETIE y la NTC ISO 9000, se puede decir que INSPECCION es “La evaluación de conformidad de la instalación eléctrica a través de mediciones, pruebas o comparaciones con requisitos específicos dados por el RETIE y sobre la base de un juicio profesional”(1) Un proceso de inspección se divide en dos actividades: la primera tiene que ver con el conocimiento y reconocimiento del proyecto a inspeccionar, tiene que ver con la revisión y el estudio del diseño. La segunda etapa del proceso se realiza directamente en obra y consiste en comprobar que todo lo encontrado en la etapa de caracterización esté debidamente instalado en obra, siguiendo los lineamientos del diseñador, condiciones de instalación de aparatos y equipos de acuerdo a lo establecido en el RETIE

    Antropologia a partir do conceito de coração segundo o pensamento de São João Eudes

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    The book on the Divine Heart of Jesus, known as “The book twelf ”, that is the last part of Saint John Eudes’ work The admirable Heart of the Blessed Mother of God, necessarily implies the concept of the heart, presented in this work, both in book I and in the book: “Devotion to the Most HolyHeart and to the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virginb Mary”, and which highlights the content of the concept “Heart” from the nine meanings of the word heart, the structure of an integral anthropology is developed, of biblical flavor and very convenient for young people, culminating in a horizon of different relationships, and which particularly favours action on communities and society.El libro doce sobre el Divino Corazón de Jesús, última parte de la obra de san Juan Eudes El Corazón admirable de la Santísima Madre de Dios, implica necesariamente el concepto de corazón, presentado en esta obra, tanto en el libro I como en el Libro La devoción al Santísimo Corazón y al Sacratísimo nombre de la Bienaventurada Virgen María, y que saca a flote el contenido del concepto Corazón A partir de los nueve significados de la palabra corazón, se desarrolla la estructura de una antropología integral, de sabor bíblico y muy conveniente para los jóvenes, que culmina en un horizonte de diferentes relaciones, y que favorece de manera especial la acción sobre las comunidades y la sociedad.O livro doze sobre o Divino Coração de Jesus, última parte da obra de São João Eudes O Coração admirável da Santíssima Mãe de Deus, implica necessariamente o conceito de coração, apresentado nesta obra, tanto no livro I como no livro: “Devoção ao Santíssimo Coração e ao Santíssimo Nome da Santíssima Virgem Maria”, e que destaca o conteúdo do conceito de “Coração” a partir dos nove significados da palavra coração, desenvolvese a estrutura de uma antropologia integral, com um sabor bíblico e muito adequada aos jovens, que culmina num horizonte de relações diferentes, e que favorece de forma especial a acção sobre as comunidades e a sociedade

    Estrategia para el desarrollo de la industria del software y la computación en Colombia

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    La industria de computadores en el mundo se está desarrollando a grandes velocidades y con la introducciónpermanente de importantes innovaciones

    Modelamiento y metamodelamiento de la Resumen incertidumbre en problemas de ingeniería.

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    Modelamiento y metamodelamiento de la Resumen incertidumbre en problemas de ingeniería

    Perdas de phosphatos

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