8,111 research outputs found

    Quantum diffusion on a cyclic one dimensional lattice

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    The quantum diffusion of a particle in an initially localized state on a cyclic lattice with N sites is studied. Diffusion and reconstruction time are calculated. Strong differences are found for even or odd number of sites and the limit N->infinit is studied. The predictions of the model could be tested with micro - and nanotechnology devices.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    New results on pushdown module checking with imperfect information

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    Model checking of open pushdown systems (OPD) w.r.t. standard branching temporal logics (pushdown module checking or PMC) has been recently investigated in the literature, both in the context of environments with perfect and imperfect information about the system (in the last case, the environment has only a partial view of the system's control states and stack content). For standard CTL, PMC with imperfect information is known to be undecidable. If the stack content is assumed to be visible, then the problem is decidable and 2EXPTIME-complete (matching the complexity of PMC with perfect information against CTL). The decidability status of PMC with imperfect information against CTL restricted to the case where the depth of the stack content is visible is open. In this paper, we show that with this restriction, PMC with imperfect information against CTL remains undecidable. On the other hand, we individuate an interesting subclass of OPDS with visible stack content depth such that PMC with imperfect information against the existential fragment of CTL is decidable and in 2EXPTIME. Moreover, we show that the program complexity of PMC with imperfect information and visible stack content against CTL is 2EXPTIME-complete (hence, exponentially harder than the program complexity of PMC with perfect information, which is known to be EXPTIME-complete).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    On a class of 2-surface observables in general relativity

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    The boundary conditions for canonical vacuum general relativity is investigated at the quasi-local level. It is shown that fixing the area element on the 2- surface S (rather than the induced 2-metric) is enough to have a well defined constraint algebra, and a well defined Poisson algebra of basic Hamiltonians parameterized by shifts that are tangent to and divergence-free on $. The evolution equations preserve these boundary conditions and the value of the basic Hamiltonian gives 2+2 covariant, gauge-invariant 2-surface observables. The meaning of these observables is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, a discussion of the observables in stationary spacetimes is included, new references are added, typos correcte

    Classical and quantum time dependent solutions in string theory

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    Using the ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics in a particular sense, we obtain the classical behaviour of the scale factor and two scalar fields, derived from a string effective action for the FRW time dependent model. Besides, the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is solved exactly. We speculate that the same procedure could also be applied to S-branes.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). Exploring the dependence of the three-point correlation function on stellar mass and luminosity at 0.5<z<1.1

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    The three-point correlation function (3PCF) is a powerful probe to investigate the clustering of matter in the Universe in a complementary way with respect to lower-order statistics, providing additional information with respect to the two-point correlation function and allowing us to shed light on biasing, nonlinear processes, and deviations from Gaussian statistics. In this paper, we analyse the first data release of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS), determining the dependence of the three-point correlation function on luminosity and stellar mass at z=[0.5,1.1]z=[0.5,1.1]. We exploit the VIPERS Public Data Release 1, consisting of more than 50,000 galaxies with B-band magnitudes in the range −21.6â‰ČMB−5log⁥(h)â‰Č−19.9-21.6\lesssim M_{\rm B}-5\log(h)\lesssim-19.9 and stellar masses in the range 9.8â‰Člog⁥(M⋆[h−2 M⊙])â‰Č10.79.8\lesssim\log(M_\star[h^{-2}\,M_\odot])\lesssim 10.7. We measure both the connected 3PCF and the reduced 3PCF in redshift space, probing different configurations and scales, in the range 2.5<r 2.5<r\,[Mpc/h]<20<20. We find a significant dependence of the reduced 3PCF on scales and triangle shapes, with stronger anisotropy at larger scales (r∌10r\sim10 Mpc/h) and an almost flat trend at smaller scales, r∌2.5r\sim2.5 Mpc/h. Massive and luminous galaxies present a larger connected 3PCF, while the reduced 3PCF is remarkably insensitive to magnitude and stellar masses in the range we explored. These trends, already observed at low redshifts, are confirmed for the first time to be still valid up to z=1.1z=1.1, providing support to the hierarchical scenario for which massive and bright systems are expected to be more clustered. The possibility of using the measured 3PCF to provide independent constraints on the linear galaxy bias bb has also been explored, showing promising results in agreement with other probes.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): PCA-based automatic cleaning and reconstruction of survey spectra

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    Identifying spurious reduction artefacts in galaxy spectra is a challenge for large surveys. We present an algorithm for identifying and repairing residual spurious features in sky-subtracted galaxy spectra with application to the VIPERS survey. The algorithm uses principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the galaxy spectra in the observed frame to identify sky line residuals imprinted at characteristic wavelengths. We further model the galaxy spectra in the rest-frame using PCA to estimate the most probable continuum in the corrupted spectral regions, which are then repaired. We apply the method to 90,000 spectra from the VIPERS survey and compare the results with a subset where careful editing was performed by hand. We find that the automatic technique does an extremely good job in reproducing the time-consuming manual cleaning and does it in a uniform and objective manner across a large data sample. The mask data products produced in this work are released together with the VIPERS second public data release (PDR-2).Comment: Find the VIPERS data release at http://vipers.inaf.i

    Moving beyond European and Latin American Typologies:The Peculiarities of AKP’s Populism in Turkey

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    Despite the growing literature on Turkish populism, there is yet no consensus on how best to categorise the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi or AKP). This article argues that this lack of consensus is due to a selective focus on the attributes of AKP’s populism. Indeed, when the party’s features are examined holistically, it does not neatly conform to the dominant typologies of populism, which were conceived mostly for European and Latin American examples. For historical reasons, AKP’s populist discourse defines “the people” versus “the elite” in civilisational terms and combines this with strategies of neo-liberalism, strong party organisation and grassroots mobilisation. This blend of populism distinguishes the AKP case from the exclusionary/inclusionary and classical/neo-liberal/radical typologies previously identified by the literature. However, the Bharatiya Janata Party in India and the Thai Rak Thai Party in Thailand have similar attributes to the AKP, drawing attention to the need to move beyond the existing ideological and strategic approaches to populism and towards a more comprehensive socio-cultural approach. The article contributes to the literature on populism by highlighting possible avenues for further research based on such a comprehensive understanding of populism based also on cases from Asia

    Discovery of a rich proto-cluster at z=2.9 and associated diffuse cold gas in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS)

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    [Abridged] We characterise a massive proto-cluster at z=2.895 that we found in the COSMOS field using the spectroscopic sample of the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS). This is one of the rare structures at z~3 not identified around AGNs or radio galaxies, so it is an ideal laboratory to study galaxy formation in dense environments. The structure comprises 12 galaxies with secure spectroscopic redshift in an area of 7'x8', in a z bin of Dz=0.016. The measured galaxy number overdensity is delta_g=12+/-2. This overdensity has total mass of M~8.1x10^(14)M_sun in a volume of 13x15x17 Mpc^3. Simulations indicate that such an overdensity at z~2.9 is a proto-cluster that will collapse in a cluster of total mass M~2.5x10^(15)M_sun at z=0. We compare the properties of the galaxies within the overdensity with a control sample at the same z but outside the overdensity. We did not find any statistically significant difference between the properties (stellar mass, SFR, sSFR, NUV-r, r-K) of the galaxies inside and outside the overdensity. The stacked spectrum of galaxies in the overdensity background shows a significant absorption feature at the wavelength of Lya redshifted at z=2.895 (lambda=4736 A), with a rest frame EW = 4+/- 1.4 A. Stacking only background galaxies without intervening sources at z~2.9 along their line of sight, we find that this absorption feature has a rest frame EW of 10.8+/-3.7 A, with a detection S/N of ~4. These EW values imply a high column density (N(HI)~3-20x10^(19)cm^(-2)), consistent with a scenario where such absorption is due to intervening cold gas streams, falling into the halo potential wells of the proto-cluster galaxies. However, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that this absorption is due to the diffuse gas within the overdensity.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (revised version after referee's comments and language editing

    Discovering extremely compact and metal-poor, star-forming dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey

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    We report the discovery of 31 low-luminosity (-14.5 > M_{AB}(B) > -18.8), extreme emission line galaxies (EELGs) at 0.2 < z < 0.9 identified by their unusually high rest-frame equivalent widths (100 < EW[OIII] < 1700 A) as part of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). VIMOS optical spectra of unprecedented sensitivity (IABI_{AB} ~ 25 mag) along with multiwavelength photometry and HST imaging are used to investigate spectrophotometric properties of this unique sample and explore, for the first time, the very low stellar mass end (M* < 10^8 M⊙_{\odot}) of the luminosity-metallicity (LZR) and mass-metallicity (MZR) relations at z < 1. Characterized by their extreme compactness (R50 < 1 kpc), low stellar mass and enhanced specific star formation rates (SFR/M* ~ 10^{-9} - 10^{-7} yr^{-1}), the VUDS EELGs are blue dwarf galaxies likely experiencing the first stages of a vigorous galaxy-wide starburst. Using T_e-sensitive direct and strong-line methods, we find that VUDS EELGs are low-metallicity (7.5 < 12+log(O/H) < 8.3) galaxies with high ionization conditions, including at least three EELGs showing HeII 4686A emission and four EELGs of extremely metal-poor (<10% solar) galaxies. The LZR and MZR followed by EELGs show relatively large scatter, being broadly consistent with the extrapolation toward low luminosity and mass from previous studies at similar redshift. However, we find evidences that galaxies with younger and more vigorous star formation -- as characterized by their larger EWs, ionization and sSFR -- tend to be more metal-poor at a given stellar mass.Comment: Letter in A&A 568, L8 (2014). This replacement matches the published versio
