256 research outputs found


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    The concept involves an active or more likely passive RFID data tag that stores information on the product that can easily be retrieved by a reader system. Therefore entities in the supply can identify a pallet, a case and increasingly, as the prices of the tag drop even individual products. The consequence will be that the supply chain will become more transparent, since products can be tracked individually. If a product disappears for any reason or is misrouted, the discrepancy can be located immediately.1 Heavy loss generated by theft and poor planning can be minimized and wholesalers can offer their products with a much better service. Over the last twenty years the barcode has been indicating the characteristics of a consumer products’ specific category. This has been sufficient for many years, but since markets are more dynamic than ever before companies have to adapt quickly to the changing environment. Therefore the Electronic Product Code (EPC), which will be first introduced in 2008, will definitely change the existing business habits and procedures from the ground. According to the consumer industry and their objectives, inefficiencies in the supply chain will be removed and costs can be decreased, which will finally benefit the end-customer. However on the other hand, there are a number of concerns the consumer industry as well as the end-customer needs to face: the EPC-technology requires a new infrastructure and organization that will cause huge expenses into the logistic.2 Regarding privacy issues many consumers reject the new technology so far and companies will have a hard job on convincing them of the great overall value. As trends in the industry have shown, the EPC technology will have an enormous impact on mass products and on a variety of items. The end customers’ acceptance of the Electronic Product Code will become essential, whether all the efforts done in the research and development will finally pay off. This paper presents the results of an exploratory study about the consumers’ perception regarding the EPC-technology and how it could affect their purchase habits; the study focused on consumers of a specific supermarket chain (HEB in Monterrey, Mexico) I will thanks to the master students for your collaboration in this empirical study . An already existing research study about the US end-customer perception regarding the EPC technology was conducted by Capgemini in October 2003 and served as an outline for this project in order to better compare the final results.customer; product; code; retailer; perception

    The G2 checkpoint activated by DNA damage does not prevent genome instability in plant cells

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    Root growth, G2 length, and the frequency of aberrant mitoses and apoptotic nuclei were recorded after a single X-ray irradiation, ranging from 2.5 to 40 Gy, in Allium cepa L. root meristematic cells. After 72 h of recovery, root growth was reduced in a dose-dependent manner from 10 to 40 Gy, but not at 2.5 or 5 Gy doses. Flow cytometry plus TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) showed that activation of apoptosis occurred only after 20 and 40 Gy of X-rays. Nevertheless, irrespective of the radiation dose, conventional flow cytometry showed that cells accumulated in G2 (4C DNA content). Simultaneously, the mitotic index fell, though a mitotic wave appeared later. Cell accumulation in G2 was transient and partially reversed by caffeine, thus it was checkpoint-dependent. Strikingly, the additional G2 time provided by this checkpoint was never long enough to complete DNA repair. Then, in all cases, some G2 cells with still-unrepaired DNA underwent checkpoint adaptation, i.e., they entered into the late mitotic wave with chromatid breaks. These cells and those produced by the breakage of chromosomal bridges in anaphase will reach the G1 of the next cell cycle unrepaired, ensuring the appearance of genome instabilit

    Aceleración y frenado de la proliferación celular

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    Plants possess the structural and functional homologs of the yeast and human CDK-cyclin complexes, apart from some specific ones as those that participate in cytokinesis, a process that differs essentially in plant and animal cells. Apart from the human CAK homologue that activates CDKs by phosphorylating the threonine residue in the T-loop, plant cells have an additional CAK (CDKGF1) and a whole group of cyclins, the P ones, that are orthologues of the yeast ones. This unveils an occasional endosymbiotic process with a horizontal gene transfer between yeast and plant genomes. Plant cells also possess the braking mechanisms that prevent CDK activation to face an irreversible transition between subsequent cycle phases when the cell is not completely ready for it. Such mechanisms mostly prevent CDK activation by inhibiting dephosphorylation of the CDK threonine14-tyrosine15 residues brought about by the Cdc25 phosphatase plant homolog.Las células de plantas poseen análogos estructurales y funcionales de los complejos CDK-ciclina de levaduras y animales que permiten iniciar o avanzar la proliferación celular. Las células vegetales presentan además versiones específicas de CDKs y ciclinas sin homología con las del hombre, tales como las implicadas en citocinesis, un proceso que difiere en ambos reinos. Finalmente, las plantas no sólo poseen homólogos de la CAK humana (CDKDs) que activan otras CDKs por fosforilación de una treonina situada en su lazo T, sino también otra segunda CAK (CDKF1) y un grupo de ciclinas, las P, que son homólogas de las existentes en levaduras. Ello apoya una historia de endosimbiosis ocasional entre levaduras y la célula precursora de plantas, con transmisión horizontal de genes. Las plantas también conservan los mecanismos de frenado por rutas de chequeo que retrasan la activación de CDKs, generalmente al evitar la defosforilación de la treonina14 y la tirosina 15 mediante inhibición de la fosfatasa Cdc25 o sus homólogos funcionales, cuando las condiciones de la propia célula son inadecuadas para afrontar sin riesgos una transición irreversible entre fases consecutivas del ciclo

    El cuidado de la vida en común en tiempos de pandemia y pospandemia

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    In this essay, I reflect on the way that the COVID-19 pandemic deepens the care crisis and the radical, democratic transformation this turning point demands. Beginning with an assessment of the status of the free-riding on care (Nancy Fraser) and the gender division of labor, I continue with an analysis of the hegemonic justifications that, as Wendy Brown has shown, underpin such unbalance. I conclude with some remarks on the imminent challenge to advance towards a model of state, society and citizenship capable of securing a sustained and co-responsible social compromise with the care of the community.En este ensayo reflexiono sobre cómo la pandemia del covid-19 profundiza la crisis de los cuidados y la transformación radical, democrática, que este punto de inflexión demanda. Comienzo con una ponderación del estado del free-riding del cuidado (Nancy Fraser) y la división por género del trabajo, para continuar con un análisis de las justificaciones hegemónicas que, como Wendy Brown ha demostrado, avalan este desbalance. Concluyo con algunas consideraciones en torno al reto inminente de avanzar hacia un modelo de Estado, sociedad y ciudadanía capaz de asegurar un compromiso social sostenido y corresponsable con el cuidado de la vida en comunidad

    Extracellular Vesicles from Healthy Cells Improves Cell Function and Stemness in Premature Senescent Stem Cells by miR-302b and HIF-1α Activation.

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    Aging is accompanied by the accumulation of senescent cells that alter intercellular communication, thereby impairing tissue homeostasis and reducing organ regenerative potential. Recently, the administration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)-derived extracellular vesicles has proven to be more effective and less challenging than current stem cell-based therapies. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain a cell-specific cargo of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that are released and taken up by probably all cell types, thereby inducing functional changes via the horizontal transfer of their cargo. Here, we describe the beneficial properties of extracellular vesicles derived from non-senescent MSC, cultured in a low physiological oxygen tension (3%) microenvironment into prematurely senescent MSC, cultured in a hyperoxic ambient (usual oxygen culture conditions, i.e., 21%). We observed that senescent MCS, treated with EVs from non-senescent MCS, showed reduced SA-β-galactosidase activity levels and pluripotency factor (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and cMYC, or OSKM) overexpression and increased glycolysis, as well as reduced oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Moreover, these EVs' cargo induced the upregulation of miR-302b and HIF-1α levels in the target cells. We propose that miR-302b triggered HIF-1α upregulation, which in turn activated different pathways to delay premature senescence, improve stemness and switch energetic metabolism towards glycolysis. Taken together, we suggest that EVs could be a powerful tool to restore altered intercellular communication and improve stem cell function and stemness, thus delaying stem cell exhaustion in aging

    PTEN Mediates the Antioxidant Effect of Resveratrol at Nutritionally Relevant Concentrations

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    Introduction. Antioxidant properties of resveratrol have been intensively studied for the last years, both in vivo and in vitro. Its bioavailability after an oral dose is very low and therefore it is very important to make sure that plasma concentrations of free resveratrol are sufficient enough to be active as antioxidant. Aims. In the present study, using nutritionally relevant concentrations of resveratrol, we aim to confirm its antioxidant capacity on reducing peroxide levels and look for the molecular pathway involved in this antioxidant effect. Methods. We used mammary gland tumor cells (MCF-7), which were pretreated with different concentrations of resveratrol for 48 h, and/or a PTEN inhibitor (bpV: bipy). Hydrogen peroxide levels were determined by fluorimetry, PTEN levels and Akt phosphorylation by Western Blotting, and mRNA expression of antioxidant genes by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results. Resveratrol treatment for 48 h lowered peroxide levels in MCF-7, even at low nutritional concentrations (1 nM). This effect was mediated by the activation of PTEN/Akt pathway, which resulted in an upregulation of catalase and MnSOD mRNA levels. Conclusion. Resveratrol acts as an antioxidant at nutritionally relevant concentrations by inducing the expression of antioxidant enzymes, through a mechanism involving PTEN/Akt signaling pathway

    BCL-xL, a Mitochondrial Protein Involved in Successful Aging: From C. elegans to Human Centenarians.

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    B-Cell Lymphoma-extra-large (BCL-xL) is involved in longevity and successful aging, which indicates a role for BCL-xL in cell survival pathway regulation. Beyond its well described role as an inhibitor of apoptosis by preventing cytochrome c release, BCL-xL has also been related, indirectly, to autophagy and senescence pathways. Although in these latter cases, BCL-xL has dual roles, either activating or inhibiting, depending on the cell type and the specific conditions. Taken together, all these findings suggest a precise mechanism of action for BCL-xL, able to regulate the crosstalk between apoptosis, autophagy, and senescence, thus promoting cell survival or cell death. All three pathways can be both beneficial or detrimental depending on the circumstances. Thus, targeting BCL-xL would in turn be a 'double-edge sword' and therefore, additional studies are needed to better comprehend this dual and apparently contradictory role of BCL-XL in longevity. View Full-Text Keywords: healthy aging; apoptosis; autophagy; senescence; longevity; mitochondri

    Laboratory diagnosis for Insulin Resistance: Literature Review

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    Introducción. A medida que se avanza en la comprensión de la fisiopatología de la resistencia a la insulina, también se ha presenciado el desarrollo y la aplicación de diversas técnicas de diagnóstico de laboratorio. Objetivo. Analizar las principales pruebas de análisis utilizadas en laboratorios clínicos en cuánto al diagnóstico de laboratorio para la RI con el propósito de proporcionar una visión exhaustiva del estado actual sobre este tema. Metodología. La investigación se caracterizó por ser una revisión bibliográfica de enfoque descriptivo, diseño documental y no experimental, cohorte transversal con un enfoque retrospectivo. Para llevar a cabo esta revisión, se accedió a artículos digitales a través de diversas bases de datos, como Pub-Med, Medline, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge y Ciencia Digital, entre otras. Se revisaron 58 artículos científicos y quedaron seleccionados 17 artículos por medio de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados. Varios métodos de diagnóstico están disponibles, incluyendo la medición de la glucosa en ayunas y la prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa. Además, la evaluación de biomarcadores, como la hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c) y la insulina sérica, puede proporcionar información valiosa. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la precisión de estos métodos puede verse afectada por varios factores, incluyendo la variabilidad biológica y las condiciones médicas concurrentes. Conclusiones. Los resultados individuales de las pruebas de laboratorio son de difícil interpretación, por lo que es necesario el conocimiento y registro de las características clínicas básicas, calculadas a partir del peso, talla e índice de circunferencia abdominal de los sujetos evaluados para relacionarlas con las variables bioquímicas como glucosa e insulina basal y triglicéridos, que posibilitan el cálculo de índices matemáticos como HOMA-IR e índice triglicéridos/glucosa, los mismos que aseguran una detección temprana de trastornos metabólicos y la introducción de acciones preventivas oportunas.Introduction. As progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology of insulin resistance, we have also seen the development and application of various laboratory diagnostic techniques. Objective. To evaluate the main analysis techniques used in clinical laboratories regarding laboratory diagnosis for IR with the purpose of providing a comprehensive overview of the current state on this topic. Methodology. The research was characterized by being a bibliographic review with a descriptive approach, documentary and non-experimental design, cross-sectional cohort with a retrospective approach. To carry out this review, digital articles were accessed through various databases, such as Pub-Med, Medline, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge and Ciencia Digital, among others. 58 scientific articles were reviewed, and 17 articles were selected through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Several diagnostic methods are available, including fasting glucose measurement and glucose tolerance testing. Additionally, assessment of biomarkers, such as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and serum insulin, can provide valuable information. However, it is important to note that the accuracy of these methods may be affected by several factors, including biological variability and concurrent medical conditions. Conclusion. The individual results of the laboratory tests are difficult to interpret, so it is necessary to know and record the basic clinical characteristics calculated from the weight, height and abdominal circumference index of the subjects evaluated to relate them to the biochemical variables. such as basal glucose and insulin and triglycerides, which will allow the HOMA-IR index to be calculated as well as the triglycerides/glucose index, information that generates the main tests for the diagnosis of insulin resistance

    Laboratory diagnosis for Insulin Resistance: Literature Review

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    Introducción. A medida que se avanza en la comprensión de la fisiopatología de la resistencia a la insulina, también se ha presenciado el desarrollo y la aplicación de diversas técnicas de diagnóstico de laboratorio. Objetivo. Analizar las principales pruebas de análisis utilizadas en laboratorios clínicos en cuánto al diagnóstico de laboratorio para la RI con el propósito de proporcionar una visión exhaustiva del estado actual sobre este tema. Metodología. La investigación se caracterizó por ser una revisión bibliográfica de enfoque descriptivo, diseño documental y no experimental, cohorte transversal con un enfoque retrospectivo. Para llevar a cabo esta revisión, se accedió a artículos digitales a través de diversas bases de datos, como Pub-Med, Medline, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge y Ciencia Digital, entre otras. Se revisaron 58 artículos científicos y quedaron seleccionados 17 artículos por medio de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados. Varios métodos de diagnóstico están disponibles, incluyendo la medición de la glucosa en ayunas y la prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa. Además, la evaluación de biomarcadores, como la hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c) y la insulina sérica, puede proporcionar información valiosa. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la precisión de estos métodos puede verse afectada por varios factores, incluyendo la variabilidad biológica y las condiciones médicas concurrentes. Conclusiones. Los resultados individuales de las pruebas de laboratorio son de difícil interpretación, por lo que es necesario el conocimiento y registro de las características clínicas básicas, calculadas a partir del peso, talla e índice de circunferencia abdominal de los sujetos evaluados para relacionarlas con las variables bioquímicas como glucosa e insulina basal y triglicéridos, que posibilitan el cálculo de índices matemáticos como HOMA-IR e índice triglicéridos/glucosa, los mismos que aseguran una detección temprana de trastornos metabólicos y la introducción de acciones preventivas oportunas.Introduction. As progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology of insulin resistance, we have also seen the development and application of various laboratory diagnostic techniques. Objective. To evaluate the main analysis techniques used in clinical laboratories regarding laboratory diagnosis for IR with the purpose of providing a comprehensive overview of the current state on this topic. Methodology. The research was characterized by being a bibliographic review with a descriptive approach, documentary and non-experimental design, cross-sectional cohort with a retrospective approach. To carry out this review, digital articles were accessed through various databases, such as Pub-Med, Medline, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge and Ciencia Digital, among others. 58 scientific articles were reviewed, and 17 articles were selected through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Several diagnostic methods are available, including fasting glucose measurement and glucose tolerance testing. Additionally, assessment of biomarkers, such as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and serum insulin, can provide valuable information. However, it is important to note that the accuracy of these methods may be affected by several factors, including biological variability and concurrent medical conditions. Conclusion. The individual results of the laboratory tests are difficult to interpret, so it is necessary to know and record the basic clinical characteristics calculated from the weight, height and abdominal circumference index of the subjects evaluated to relate them to the biochemical variables. such as basal glucose and insulin and triglycerides, which will allow the HOMA-IR index to be calculated as well as the triglycerides/glucose index, information that generates the main tests for the diagnosis of insulin resistance