357 research outputs found

    Emoción y percepción: una aproximación ecológica

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    The aim of this paper is to sketch a theory of emotion. Our thesis is that emotional experience is a type of perceptual experience. Agents perceive emotionally the world whose objects and situations present to them as being relevant to their well-being and they do it by means of practical relations towards their environment. Our proposal attempts to avoid, in this way, the problem of some classical theories of emotions such as James’s theory of emotions as feelings and cognitivist theories of emotions (Deigh 2004). Moreover, contrary to what we call priopioceptive theories of emotions (Damasio1994, Prinz 2004), our theory is an ecological approach, according to which the world belongs to the conditions of individuation of emotional episodes

    Kin discrimination allows plants to modify investment towards pollinator attraction.

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    Pollinators tend to be preferentially attracted to large floral displays that may comprise more than one plant in a patch. Attracting pollinators thus not only benefits individuals investing in advertising, but also other plants in a patch through a 'magnet' effect. Accordingly, there could be an indirect fitness advantage to greater investment in costly floral displays by plants in kin-structured groups than when in groups of unrelated individuals. Here, we seek evidence for this strategy by manipulating relatedness in groups of the plant Moricandia moricandioides, an insect-pollinated herb that typically grows in patches. As predicted, individuals growing with kin, particularly at high density, produced larger floral displays than those growing with non-kin. Investment in attracting pollinators was thus moulded by the presence and relatedness of neighbours, exemplifying the importance of kin recognition in the evolution of plant reproductive strategies

    Structure of the upper ice mantle of Triton

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Flow patterns and mass transfer performance of miscible liquid-liquid flows in various microchannels: Numerical and experimental studies

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    The advantages of miniaturized systems and the laminar flow regime that is present in microfluidic channels have opened a new range of applications in which the use of multiple streams with different reagents is exploited. However, further development of these microdevices needs deeper understanding on the phenomena involved in order to efficiently design such microsystems. In this work, we report the analysis of the solute mass transport performance in Y-Y-shaped microchannels as a function of the coupled influence of both the flow patterns and mass transport kinetics. With this objective, the influence of the following operation variables has been analyzed, the ratio between the residence and diffusion times (γ) and the volumetric ratio between the fluid phases (α), that was determined for three different geometric configurations. The performance of the devices was presented as the solute separation factor in the donor fluid and the concentration factor in the receiving phase. Results showed that the ratio α greatly impacts the solute concentration value reported in both phases for the same γ value, which in turn influences the solute mass flow at the channel outlets. Both the flow patterns and the concentration gradients developed inside the systems were numerically studied by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and experimentally analyzed by fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein employed as model solute. This study represents a thorough analysis of the phenomena that determine the performance of the separation of solutes between homogeneous flowing fluids in microdevices where the fluid dynamics are coupled with mass transfer phenomena and facilitates its extension to the general case where separation is enhanced by chemical reactions.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the projects CTQ2015-72364-EXP/AEI and CTQ2015-66078-R (MINECO/FEDER) is gratefully acknowledged. Jenifer Gómez-Pastora also thanks the FPI postgraduate research grant (BES2013-064415). Cristina González-Fernández thanks the Concepción Arenal postgraduate research grant from the University of Cantabria

    Sapiens y demens

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    Todo universo carcelario es particular y contextual a su ubicación socioespacial. Este artículo deriva de investigación realizada del 2015 al 2017, al interior del Centro de Reinserción Social, Lic. Eduardo Ruiz, de Uruapan, Michoacán. Se pretende mostrar un fragmento de la complejidad carcelaria y de los seres que la habitan a través de relación dialógica entre las nociones sapiens/ demens, y orden y caos; profundizando en el análisis de dimensiones afectivas en la reclusión. Se enfatizarán las reflexiones de un ex miembro de las redes de narcotráfico que en el encarcelamiento ha podido poner en perspectiva sus experiencias y decisiones mostrando claroscuros (sapiens/ demens) de su escala de valores, razones, afectos y motivaciones.  Every prison universe is particular and contextual to its socio-spatial location. In this paper I will analyze a fragment of prison complexity and the people that inhabit it based on research conducted between 2015 to 2017 in Uruapan, Michoacán in Mexico (strategic region for criminal economies). I will take the perspective of sapiens / demens, order and chaos. I present some nuances based on affective and religious dimensions of seclusion. The nodal point resides in the reflections of a former member of drug trafficking networks that has been able to situate his experiences in perspective, showing the chiaroscuro (sapiens / demens) of its scale of values, reasons, affections and motivations.Todo universo carcelario es particular y contextual a su ubicación socioespacial. Este artículo deriva de investigación realizada del 2015 al 2017, al interior del Centro de Reinserción Social, Lic. Eduardo Ruiz, de Uruapan, Michoacán. Se pretende mostrar un fragmento de la complejidad carcelaria y de los seres que la habitan a través de relación dialógica entre las nociones sapiens/ demens, y orden y caos; profundizando en el análisis de dimensiones afectivas en la reclusión. Se enfatizarán las reflexiones de un ex miembro de las redes de narcotráfico que en el encarcelamiento ha podido poner en perspectiva sus experiencias y decisiones mostrando claroscuros (sapiens/ demens) de su escala de valores, razones, afectos y motivaciones.

    Las trabajadoras sociales del siglo XXI: su perfil actual

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    El estudio se propone contribuir al conocimiento de la realidad profesional de los Trabajadores Sociales y Asistentes Sociales de España a nivel nacional. Se centra en la elaboración de un diagnóstico de los Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales atendiendo a dos objetivos específicos: Caracterizar el perfil socio-profesional en sus dimensiones sociodemográfica, formativa y laboral y conocer las necesidades y dificultades percibidas por las trabajadoras sociales en relación a la formación, la inserción laboral y el ejercicio profesiona

    Theropod dinosaurs from the upper cretaceous of the south pyrenees basin of Spain

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    The dinosaur record in the South Pyrenees Basin is diverse and rich. A total of 142 theropod teeth were studied for this paper, which constitutes one of the richest samples for these remains in Europe. Eight upper Campanian to upper Maastrichtian outcrops from the Pyrenees produced six non-avian theropod taxa (Theropoda indet., Coelurosauria indet., ?Richardoestesia, ?Dromaeosauridae indet., ?Pyroraptor olympius, ?Paronychodon). These six taxa are added to two previously described theropods (a Richardoestesia-like form and a possible ornithomimosaurid), indicating that there was considerable theropod diversity on the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Cretaceous. © 2015 L. Xing et al

    La memoria en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales

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    El presente trabajo consiste en una fundamentación teórica sobre la memoria en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales. Este documento está dividido en tres bloques, en el primer bloque se desarrollan contenidos relacionados con la memoria y con el aprendizaje. Como pueden ser los procesos de memoria, así como los tipos de memoria (memoria literal y comprensiva). Durante el desarrollo del segundo bloque, podemos observar cómo tratar la memoria en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Ciencias Sociales. Tendemos a pensar que las Ciencias Sociales son una disciplina en la que debemos desarrollar un tipo de memoria literal para poder aprender los diferentes acontecimientos de la historia, sin embargo debemos tratar de fomentar el uso de los dos tipos de memoria, tanto la literal como la comprensiva, comentados en apartados anteriores. Por último, en el tercer bloque se dedica a un tratamiento de la memoria en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, es decir, se aplican todos los contenidos teóricos tratados a la realidad del aula. Para ello, se ubica una Unidad Didáctica en los anexos del documento. Para concluir, en el presente documento podrá encontrar que, a partir de una base teórica se procede a realizar una intervención, en una determinada aula, guiada por una Unidad Didáctica.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Socia

    Sapiens y demens: Complejidad, orden y caos en una cárcel michoacana

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    Every prison universe is particular and contextual to its socio-spatial location. In this paper I will analyze a fragment of prison complexity and the people that inhabit it based on research conducted between 2015 to 2017 in Uruapan, Michoacán in Mexico (strategic region for criminal economies). I will take the perspective of sapiens / demens, order and chaos. I present some nuances based on affective and religious dimensions of seclusion. The nodal point resides in the reflections of a former member of drug trafficking networks that has been able to situate his experiences in perspective, showing the chiaroscuro (sapiens / demens) of its scale of values, reasons, affections and motivations.Todo universo carcelario es particular y contextual a su ubicación socioespacial. Este artículo deriva de investigación realizada del 2015 al 2017, al interior del Centro de Reinserción Social, Lic. Eduardo Ruiz, de Uruapan, Michoacán. Se pretende mostrar un fragmento de la complejidad carcelaria y de los seres que la habitan a través de relación dialógica entre las nociones sapiens/ demens, y orden y caos; profundizando en el análisis de dimensiones afectivas en la reclusión. Se enfatizarán las reflexiones de un ex miembro de las redes de narcotráfico que en el encarcelamiento ha podido poner en perspectiva sus experiencias y decisiones mostrando claroscuros (sapiens/ demens) de su escala de valores, razones, afectos y motivaciones.