77 research outputs found

    Maintenance of immune tolerance by Foxp3+ regulatory T cells requires CD69 expression

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    Although FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are key players in the maintenance of immune tolerance and autoimmunity, the lack of specific markers constitute an obstacle to their use for immunotherapy protocols. In this study, we have investigated the role of the C-type lectin receptor CD69 in the suppressor function of Tregs and maintenance of immune tolerance towards harmless inhaled antigens. We identified a novel FoxP3+CD69+ Treg subset capable to maintain immune tolerance and protect to developing inflammation. Although CD69+ and CD69−FoxP3+ Tregs exist in homeostasis, only CD69-expressing Tregs express high levels of CTLA-4, ICOS, CD38 and GITR suppression-associated markers, secrete high amounts of TGFβ and have potent suppressor activity. This activity is regulated by STAT5 and ERK signaling pathways and is impaired by antibody-mediated down-regulation of CD69 expression. Moreover, immunotherapy with FoxP3+CD69+ Tregs restores the homeostasis in Cd69−/− mice, that fail to induce tolerance, and is also highly proficient in the prevention of inflammation. The identification of the FoxP3+CD69+ Treg subset paves the way toward the development of new therapeutic strategies to control immune homeostasis and autoimmunityThis work was supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: SAF2011-27330 to P.M., SAF2010-15106 to M.L.T and SAF2011-25834 to F.S-M.; grant INDISNET (S2010/BMD-2332) from Comunidad de Madrid and RETICS Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (RD12/0042/0056) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III to P.M and F. S-M; and ERC-2011-AdG294340-GENTRIS to F.S-M. J.R.C. was supported by a CNIC post-doctoral fellowship, R. S-D is funded with a pre-doctoral fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid and E.R.B. and A.M-M. were supported by a FPI pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Pro CNIC Foundatio

    Regulation of the transcriptional program by DNA methylation during human αβ T-cell development

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    © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. Thymocyte differentiation is a complex process involving well-defined sequential developmental stages that ultimately result in the generation of mature T-cells. In this study, we analyzed DNA methylation and gene expression profiles at successive human thymus developmental stages. Gain and loss of methylation occurred during thymocyte differentiation, but DNA demethylation was much more frequent than de novo methylation and more strongly correlated with gene expression. These changes took place in CpG-poor regions and were closely associated with T-cell differentiation and TCR function. Up to 88 genes that encode transcriptional regulators, some of whose functions in T-cell development are as yet unknown, were differentially methylated during differentiation. Interestingly, no reversion of accumulated DNA methylation changes was observed as differentiation progressed, except in a very small subset of key genes (RAG1, RAG2, CD8A, PTCRA, etc.), indicating that methylation changes are mostly unique and irreversible events. Our study explores the contribution of DNA methylation to T-cell lymphopoiesis and provides a fine-scale map of differentially methylated regions associated with gene expression changes. These can lay the molecular foundations for a better interpretation of the regulatory networks driving human thymopoiesis.Plan Nacional de [I+D+I 2008–2011]; Instituto de Salud Carlos III [grant number PI12/02587]; Red Española de Investigación Renal (REDinREN) [grant number RD12/0021/0018 and RD12/0021/0021]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number SAF2010- 15106 and PLE2009-0110]; European Union [Fondos FEDER]Peer Reviewe

    Specific NOTCH1 antibody targets DLL4-induced proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells

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    Targeting Notch signaling has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), particularly in NOTCH1-mutated patients. We provide first evidence that the Notch ligand DLL4 is a potent stimulator of Notch signaling in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells while increases cell proliferation. Importantly, DLL4 is expressed in histiocytes from the lymph node, both in NOTCH1-mutated and -unmutated cases. We also show that the DLL4-induced activation of the Notch signaling pathway can be efficiently blocked with the specific anti-Notch1 antibody OMP-52M51. Accordingly, OMP-52M51 also reverses Notch-induced MYC, CCND1, and NPM1 gene expression as well as cell proliferation in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells. In addition, DLL4 stimulation triggers the expression of protumor target genes, such as CXCR4, NRARP, and VEGFA, together with an increase in cell migration and angiogenesis. All these events can be antagonized by OMP-52M51. Collectively, our results emphasize the role of DLL4 stimulation in NOTCH1-mutated CLL and confirm the specific therapeutic targeting of Notch1 as a promising approach for this group of poor prognosis CLL patients

    Notch1 signaling in NOTCH1-mutated mantle cell lymphoma depends on Delta-Like ligand 4 and is a potential target for specific antibody therapy.

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    Background NOTCH1 gene mutations in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) have been described in about 5-10% of cases and are associated with significantly shorter survival rates. The present study aimed to investigate the biological impact of this mutation in MCL and its potential as a therapeutic target. Methods Activation of Notch1 signaling upon ligand-stimulation and inhibitory effects of the monoclonal anti-Notch1 antibody OMP-52M51 in NOTCH1-mutated and -unmutated MCL cells were assessed by Western Blot and gene expression profiling. Effects of OMP-52M51 treatment on tumor cell migration and tumor angiogenesis were evaluated with chemotaxis and HUVEC tube formation assays. The expression of Delta-like ligand 4 (DLL4) in MCL lymph nodes was analyzed by immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. A MCL mouse model was used to assess the activity of OMP-52M51 in vivo. Results Notch1 expression can be effectively stimulated in NOTCH1-mutated Mino cells by DLL4, whereas in the NOTCH1-unmutated cell line JeKo-1, less effect was observed upon any ligand-stimulation. DLL4 was expressed by histiocytes in both, NOTCH1-mutated and -unmutated MCL lymph nodes. Treatment of NOTCH1-mutated MCL cells with the monoclonal anti-Notch1 antibody OMP-52M51 effectively prevented DLL4-dependent activation of Notch1 and suppressed the induction of numerous direct Notch target genes involved in lymphoid biology, lymphomagenesis and disease progression. Importantly, in lymph nodes from primary MCL cases with NOTCH1/2 mutations, we detected an upregulation of the same gene sets as observed in DLL4-stimulated Mino cells. Furthermore, DLL4 stimulation of NOTCH1-mutated Mino cells enhanced tumor cell migration and angiogenesis, which could be abolished by treatment with OMP-52M51. Importantly, the effects observed were specific for NOTCH1-mutated cells as they did not occur in the NOTCH1-wt cell line JeKo-1. Finally, we confirmed the potential activity of OMP-52M51 to inhibit DLL4-induced Notch1-Signaling in vivo in a xenograft mouse model of MCL. Conclusion DLL4 effectively stimulates Notch1 signaling in NOTCH1-mutated MCL and is expressed by the microenvironment in MCL lymph nodes. Our results indicate that specific inhibition of the Notch1-ligand-receptor interaction might provide a therapeutic alternative for a subset of MCL patients

    Inmunoterapia con células CAR-T en hematooncología pediátrica

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    Resumen A pesar de ser una enfermedad rara, el cáncer es la primera causa de mortalidad por enfermedad durante la edad pediátrica en los países desarrollados. En este momento, la irrupción de nuevos tratamientos como la inmunoterapia constituye un nuevo paradigma clínico y regulatorio. Uno de estos tipos de inmunoterapia es la inmunoterapia celular. En particular, los medicamentos de terapia avanzada con receptores antigénicos quiméricos en los linfocitos T (CAR-T), y en concreto las células CAR-T19, han supuesto un nuevo escenario en el abordaje de los tumores hematológicos, como la leucemia aguda linfoblástica y los linfomas de células tipo B. La aprobación por las autoridades regulatorias de tisagenlecleucel y axicabtagene ciloleucel, ha impulsado la puesta en marcha del Plan Nacional de Terapias Avanzadas-Medicamentos CART en Espana, ˜ evidenciándose no solo la conveniencia de identificar los centros más adecuados para su administración, sino la necesidad de que estos sufran una profunda transformación para que su actividad asistencial se extienda en algunos casos a la capacidad de fabricación propia de este tipo de terapias. Los hospitales especializados en hematooncología pediátrica tienen por tanto el reto de evolucionar hacia un modelo asistencial que integre la inmunoterapia celular, dotándose de capacidad propia para gestionar todos los aspectos relativos al uso, fabricación y administración de estos nuevos tratamientos.Abstract Despite being a rare disease, cancer is the first cause of mortality due to disease during the paediatric age in the developed countries. The current, great increase in new treatments, such as immunotherapy, constitutes a new clinical and regulatory paradigm. Cellular immunotherapy is one of these types of immunotherapy. In particular, the advanced therapy drugs with chimeric antigen receptors in the T-lymphocytes (CAR-T), and particularly the CART19 cells, has opened up a new scenario in the approach to haematology tumours like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and the B-Cell lymphomas. The approval of tisagenlecleucel and axicabtagene ciloleucel by the regulatory authorities has led to the setting up of the National Plan for Advanced Therapies-CAR-T drugs in Spain. There is evidence of, not only the advantage of identifying the centres most suitable for their administration, but also the need for these to undergo a profound change in order that their healthcare activity is extended, in some cases, to the ability for the in-house manufacture of these types of therapies. The hospitals specialised in paediatric haematology-oncology thus have the challenge of progressing towards a healthcare model that integrates cellular immunotherapy, having the appropriate capacity to manage all aspects relative to their use, manufacture, and administration of these new treatments

    Downregulation of Glutamine Synthetase, not glutaminolysis, is responsible for glutamine addiction in Notch1-driven acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The cellular receptor Notch1 is a central regulator of T-cell development, and as a consequence, Notch1 pathway appears upregulated in > 65% of the cases of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). However, strategies targeting Notch1 signaling render only modest results in the clinic due to treatment resistance and severe side effects. While many investigations reported the different aspects of tumor cell growth and leukemia progression controlled by Notch1, less is known regarding the modifications of cellular metabolism induced by Notch1 upregulation in T-ALL. Previously, glutaminolysis inhibition has been proposed to synergize with anti-Notch therapies in T-ALL models. In this work, we report that Notch1 upregulation in T-ALL induced a change in the metabolism of the important amino acid glutamine, preventing glutamine synthesis through the downregulation of glutamine synthetase (GS). Downregulation of GS was responsible for glutamine addiction in Notch1-driven T-ALL both in vitro and in vivo. Our results also confirmed an increase in glutaminolysis mediated by Notch1. Increased glutaminolysis resulted in the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway, a central controller of cell growth. However, glutaminolysis did not play any role in Notch1-induced glutamine addiction. Finally, the combined treatment targeting mTORC1 and limiting glutamine availability had a synergistic effect to induce apoptosis and to prevent Notch1-driven leukemia progression. Our results placed glutamine limitation and mTORC1 inhibition as a potential therapy against Notch1-driven leukemia.This work was supported by funds from the followinginstitutions: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion/Euro-pean Regional Development Fund, European Union(PGC2018-096244-B-I00, SAF2016-75442-R), Ministryof Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain,Spanish National Research Council—CSIC, InstitutNational de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale—INSERM, Ligue Contre le Cancer—Gironde, Univer-site de Bordeaux, Fondation pour la Recherche Medi-cale, the Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine, SIRIC-BRIO,Fondation ARC and Institut Europeen de Chimie etBiologie. MJN was supported by a bourse d’excellencede la Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles (WBI) and a post-doctoral fellowship from Fondation ARC. We thankVincent Pitard (Flow Cytometry Platform, Universitede Bordeaux, France) for technical assistance in flowcytometry experiments. We thank Diana Cabrera(Metabolomics Platform, CIC bioGUNE, Spain) fortechnical assistance in metabolomics analysi

    CSL–MAML-dependent Notch1 signaling controls T lineage–specific IL-7Rα gene expression in early human thymopoiesis and leukemia

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    Notch1 activation is essential for T-lineage specification of lymphomyeloid progenitors seeding the thymus. Progression along the T cell lineage further requires cooperative signaling provided by the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R), but the molecular mechanisms responsible for the dynamic and lineage-specific regulation of IL-7R during thymopoiesis are unknown. We show that active Notch1 binds to a conserved CSL-binding site in the human IL7R gene promoter and critically regulates IL7R transcription and IL-7R α chain (IL-7Rα) expression via the CSL–MAML complex. Defective Notch1 signaling selectively impaired IL-7Rα expression in T-lineage cells, but not B-lineage cells, and resulted in a compromised expansion of early human developing thymocytes, which was rescued upon ectopic IL-7Rα expression. The pathological implications of these findings are demonstrated by the regulation of IL-7Rα expression downstream of Notch1 in T cell leukemias. Thus, Notch1 controls early T cell development, in part by regulating the stage- and lineage-specific expression of IL-7Rα

    The polyadenylation factor FIP1 is important for plant development and root responses to abiotic stresses

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    17 Pág.Root development and its response to environmental changes is crucial for whole plant adaptation. These responses include changes in transcript levels. Here, we show that the alternative polyadenylation (APA) of mRNA is important for root development and responses. Mutations in FIP1, a component of polyadenylation machinery, affects plant development, cell division and elongation, and response to different abiotic stresses. Salt treatment increases the amount of poly(A) site usage within the coding region and 5' untranslated regions (5'-UTRs), and the lack of FIP1 activity reduces the poly(A) site usage within these non-canonical sites. Gene ontology analyses of transcripts displaying APA in response to salt show an enrichment in ABA signaling, and in the response to stresses such as salt or cadmium (Cd), among others. Root growth assays show that fip1-2 is more tolerant to salt but is hypersensitive to ABA or Cd. Our data indicate that FIP1-mediated alternative polyadenylation is important for plant development and stress responses.This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Government (BIO2017-82209-R and BIO2014-52091-R to J.C.P.) and by the "Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain (grant SEV-2016-0672 (2017-2021)) to the CBGP. B.T. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (BES-2012-054056) from MINECO (Spain). C.M. was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (Root Barriers 655406) from the European Commission. S.M.B is supported by an Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Faculty Scholar Fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Fratricide-resistant CD1a-specific CAR T cells for the treatment of cortical T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Relapsed/refractory T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) has a dismal outcome, and no effective targeted immunotherapies for T-ALL exist. The extension of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells (CARTs) to T-ALL remains challenging because the shared expression of target antigens between CARTs and T-ALL blasts leads to CART fratricide. CD1a is exclusively expressed in cortical T-ALL (coT-ALL), a major subset of T-ALL, and retained at relapse. This article reports that the expression of CD1a is mainly restricted to developing cortical thymocytes, and neither CD34+ progenitors nor T cells express CD1a during ontogeny, confining the risk of on-target/off-tumor toxicity. We thus developed and preclinically validated a CD1a-specific CAR with robust and specific cytotoxicity in vitro and antileukemic activity in vivo in xenograft models of coT-ALL, using both cell lines and coT-ALL patient–derived primary blasts. CD1a-CARTs are fratricide resistant, persist long term in vivo (retaining antileukemic activity in re-challenge experiments), and respond to viral antigens. Our data support the therapeutic and safe use of fratricide-resistant CD1a-CARTs for relapsed/refractory coT-ALL.This research was supported by the European Research Council (H2020) (CoG-2014-646903), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion/European Re- ´ gional Development Fund (SAF2016-80481-R and SAF2016-75442-R), and the Catalunya Government (SGR330 and PERIS 2017) (P.M.), as well as the Asociacion Española Contra el C ´ ancer, Beca FERO, and the ´ ISCIII/FEDER (PI17/01028) (C.B.). P.M. also acknowledges institutional support from the Obra Social La Caixa-Fundacio Josep Carreras. J.G.P. ` holds a Miguel Servet contract (CP15/00014), and O.B.-L. is supported by an AGAUR-FI fellowship from the Catalan Government. P.M. is an investigator of the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative network (TERCEL).Peer reviewe