11 research outputs found

    Smartphone sleep technology: health apps during covid-19 to mitigate psychosocial stress among children and adolescents

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    Children and adolescents are prone to physical fatigue and psychosocial anxiety because of the ongoing social distancing and sleep deprivations due to the long exposure to digital technology usage during the covid-19 pandemic. This scenario of sleep deprivation affects their educational endeavors and health quality. Through the use of smartphones as a sleep technology approach in mental health, this article reviews relevant literature concerning the mobile health applications for sleep hygiene among children and adolescents. It provides insight into smartphone sleep technology utilization that can alleviate the psychosocial stress and mental health issues that children and adolescents can experience amid the pandemic. The author stressed that the collaboration among health practitioners, educators, and researchers are also pertinent to strengthen health measures and to conduct evidence-based research on digital health interventions. The scientific results can increase smartphone-based sleep applications' monitoring as health interventions for children and adolescents to practice sleep hygiene. Future investigation should also examine and assess the effectiveness of smartphone sleep technologies for sleep quality and mental health outcomes

    ‘Sana All’ Inclusive Education amid COVID-19: Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects of Special Education Teachers

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    People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are confronted with diverse challenges as COVID-19 caused tremendous disruption in face-to-face educational settings. Apart from this situation, teachers are also facing difficulties in making their lessons adaptive and responsive to the educational learning needs of people with SEND. This article explores the challenges, strategies, and prospects of teachers for inclusive education during the pandemic. Using a qualitative approach, the researcher gathered data through Messenger chatbot and emails with five special education teachers in the Philippines. Findings revealed that the teachers’ experience educational apprehensions, intermittent virtual socialization, and psychological crisis. However, the teachers assisted the parents in supervising their children with disabilities' through online communication, homeschooling, parental engagement, psychological safety, and empathetic language strategies. The special education teachers also look forward to inclusivity in school policies and government-driven emergency interventions for people with developmental disabilities

    Experimento de educación remota de emergencia en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19 en instituciones de aprendizaje en Filipinas

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    Technology has been instrumental for efficient communication to counter the pandemic that the world is facing today. It also redefines how the educational system can proliferate the delivery of the teaching-learning process amidst COVID-19. This paper articulates the effectiveness of distance education, highlights the possible challenges in emergency remote education, and recommends emerging remote learning platforms along with policies for the utilisation of emergency remote teaching and protocols for the prevention of COVID-19 in Philippine learning institutions. The paper offers further research of innovative strategies, virtual learning experiences, and the transition from the physical classroom into an emergency remote education environment during the pandemic.La tecnología ha sido fundamental para una comunicación eficiente para contrarrestar la pandemia que el mundo enfrenta hoy. También redefine cómo el sistema educativo puede proliferar la entrega del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en medio de COVID-19. Este documento articula la efectividad de la educación a distancia, destacalos posibles desafíos en la educación remota de emergencia y recomienda plataformas emergentes de aprendizaje remoto junto con políticas para la utilización de la enseñanza remota de emergencia y protocolos para la prevención de COVID-19 en las instituciones de aprendizaje de Filipinas. El documento ofrece más investigación sobre estrategias innovadoras, experiencias de aprendizaje virtual y la transición del aula física a un entorno de educación remota deemergencia durante la pandemia.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Análisis de la participación en línea de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje en línea de emergencia

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    The spread of the COVID-19 virus has affected many organizations across the globe and has forced them to adapt and make use of a variety of emerging online communication technologies. However, because of the abrupt shift, the education sector has experienced challenges such as relative to students’ interaction and engagement with their peers and teachers. This study aimed to test the association among students’ (n=189) social needs, social interaction, and student engagement in emergency online learning platforms. Inferential statistics for this correlational study included Pearson correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, and analysis of variance. The results show a positive correlation among the variables, which means the engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional) forms a set of indicators or predictors that can influence the student's social needs and social interaction in this emergency online learning platform. Thus, attaining engagement would create strong communication and meet the needs of the students, which will lead to good academic performance despite the challenges of emergency online learning.La propagación del virus COVID-19 ha afectado a muchas organizaciones en todo el mundo y las ha obligado a adaptarse y hacer uso de una variedad de tecnologías emergentes de comunicación en línea. Sin embargo, debido al cambio abrupto, el sector de la educación ha experimentado desafíos relacionados con la interacción y el compromiso de los estudiantes con sus compañeros y profesores. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo probar la asociación entre las necesidades sociales de los estudiantes (n = 189), la interacción social y la participación de los estudiantes en plataformas de aprendizaje en línea de emergencia. Las estadísticas inferenciales para este estudio correlacional incluyeron análisis de correlación de Pearson, análisis de regresión lineal y análisis de varianza. Los resultados muestran una correlación positiva entre las variables, lo que significa que el compromiso (cognitivo, conductual y emocional) forma un conjunto de indicadores o predictores que pueden influir en las necesidades sociales y la interacción social del estudiante en esta plataforma de aprendizaje en línea de emergencia. Por lo tanto, lograr el compromiso crearía una comunicación sólida y satisfaría las necesidades de los estudiantes, lo que conducirá a un buen rendimiento académico a pesar de los desafíos del aprendizaje en línea de emergencia

    Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): a collective reflection from the educational landscape

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    While ChatGPT has recently become very popular, AI has a long history and philosophy. This paper intends to explore the promises and pitfalls of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI and potentially future technologies by adopting a speculative methodology. Speculative future narratives with a specific focus on educational contexts are provided in an attempt to identify emerging themes and discuss their implications for education in the 21st century. Affordances of (using) AI in Education (AIEd) and possible adverse effects are identified and discussed which emerge from the narratives. It is argued that now is the best of times to define human vs AI contribution to education because AI can accomplish more and more educational activities that used to be the prerogative of human educators. Therefore, it is imperative to rethink the respective roles of technology and human educators in education with a future-oriented mindset

    'Sana All' Inclusive Education amid COVID-19: Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects of Special Education Teachers

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    People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are confronted with diverse challenges as COVID-19 caused tremendous disruption in face-to-face educational settings. Apart from this situation, teachers are also facing difficulties in making their lessons adaptive and responsive to the educational learning needs of people with SEND. This article explores the challenges, strategies, and prospects of teachers for inclusive education during the pandemic. Using a qualitative approach, the researcher gathered data through Messenger chatbot and emails from five special education teachers in the Philippines. Findings revealed that the teachers’ experience educational apprehensions, intermittent virtual socialization, and psychological crisis. Nevertheless, the teachers assisted the parents in supervising their children with disabilities' through online communication, homeschooling, parental engagement, psychological safety, and empathetic language strategies. The special education teachers also look forward to inclusivity in school policies and government-driven emergency interventions for people with developmental disabilities.Las personas con Necesidades Educativas Especiales y Discapacidades (SEND, por sus siglas en inglés) se enfrentan a diversos desafíos, ya que COVID-19 causó una tremenda interrupción en los entornos educativos cara a cara. Aparte de esta situación, los profesores también enfrentan dificultades para hacer que sus lecciones se adapten y respondan a las necesidades de aprendizaje educativo de las personas con SEND. Este artículo explora los desafíos, estrategias y perspectivas de los docentes para la educación inclusiva durante la pandemia. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo, el investigador recopiló datos a través del chatbot Messenger y correos electrónicos de cinco maestros de educación especial en Filipinas. Los hallazgos revelaron que los maestros experimentan aprensiones educativas, socialización virtual intermitente y crisis psicológica. Sin embargo, los maestros ayudaron a los padres a supervisar a sus hijos con discapacidades mediante la comunicación en línea, la educación en el hogar, la participación de los padres, la seguridad psicológica y estrategias de lenguaje empático. Los maestros de educación especial también esperan la inclusión en las políticas escolares y las intervenciones de emergencia impulsadas por el gobierno para las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo

    Academic Silver Linings in a Philippine State University Amid the Early Stages of Pandemic Cases

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    The primary role of the academe is knowledge building, however, due to the prevailing digital divide, some institutions of higher learning were not able to offer even Emergency Online Teaching (EOT) for continuous formal education during the early stages of the pandemic. This article highlights diversified ways that a state university from a developing country  (Philippines)  responded to the crisis to offer assistance towards the social development of the stakeholders amid the COVID-19 pandemic. &nbsp

    Academic Silver Linings in a Philippine State University Amid the Early Stages of Pandemic Cases

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    The primary role of the academe is knowledge building, however, due to the prevailing digital divide, some institutions of higher learning were not able to offer even Emergency Online Teaching (EOT) for continuous formal education during the early stages of the pandemic. This article highlights diversified ways that a state university from a developing country  (Philippines)  responded to the crisis to offer assistance towards the social development of the stakeholders amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Inclusion of People with Disabilities amid COVID-19: Laws, Interventions, Recommendations

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an ongoing challenge especially for those people and children with special needs and disabilities as their voices are unheard in normal times and this unfortunate situation is heightened during this emergency. Government policies during the pandemic necessitate inclusion for people with disabilities who also have their global rights for no one should be left behind in this crisis. This article examines the laws of the Philippine Government on the provision for the inclusive special education and rights of the said learners, highlights the possible educational interventions to supplement their learning amid the pandemic and offers recommendations for the emergency preparedness legislative policies and services to be responsive to the educational, socio-emotional, and mental health needs of the students with disabilities amid the pandemic. Future research should examine the experiences of the children with disabilities in using digital media during the pandemic period and evaluate the effectiveness of assistive technologies to meet the learning needs of people with disabilities.

    Struktur Teks Ekspositori: Representasi Visual Strategis dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Pemahaman Membaca Peserta Didik

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    Expository Text Structure strategy addresses the informational structure of the text that provides students with a feasible way to analyze through a visual representation of the text which creates an understanding of the basic part of the expository text. This study was carried out through a quasi-experimental design or two group pre-test post-test designs to determine the effectiveness of the Expository Text Structure strategy on the reading comprehension of the students. The researchers developed a reading comprehension test to gather data and were analyzed using percentage rate, frequency count, percentage mean, and t-test for independent samples. Results revealed an increase in the result of the experimental group than the control group after the application of the intervention. Therefore, there was a difference in the reading comprehension level of the pupils in both groups. The change between pre-test and post-test scores of both groups was significantly different. Hence, the study concluded that the Expository Text Structure strategy was significantly effective in enhancing the reading comprehension skills of the students. This offers pedagogical implications such that the Expository Text strategy can be applied to increase the comprehension of the students.Strategi Struktur Teks Ekspositori membahas struktur informasional dari teks yang memberikan siswa cara mudah untuk menganalisis melalui representasi visual teks yang menciptakan pemahaman tentang bagian dasar teks ekspositori. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui desain quasi eksperimen atau two group pre-test post-test design untuk mengetahui keefektifan strategi struktur teks ekspositori terhadap pemahaman bacaan siswa. Peneliti mengembangkan tes pemahaman bacaan untuk mengumpulkan data dan dianalisis menggunakan tingkat persentase, jumlah frekuensi, rata-rata persentase, dan uji-t untuk sampel independen. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan hasil kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan kelompok kontrol setelah penerapan intervensi. Oleh karena itu, terdapat perbedaan tingkat pemahaman bacaan siswa pada kedua kelompok. Perubahan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test dari kedua kelompok berbeda secara signifikan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi Struktur Teks Ekspositori efektif secara signifikan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan pemahaman bacaan siswa. Hal ini menawarkan implikasi pedagogis sehingga strategi teks ekspositori dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa