734 research outputs found

    Large N limit of SO(N) gauge theory of fermions and bosons

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    In this paper we study the large N_c limit of SO(N_c) gauge theory coupled to a Majorana field and a real scalar field in 1+1 dimensions extending ideas of Rajeev. We show that the phase space of the resulting classical theory of bilinears, which are the mesonic operators of this theory, is OSp_1(H|H )/U(H_+|H_+), where H|H refers to the underlying complex graded space of combined one-particle states of fermions and bosons and H_+|H_+ corresponds to the positive frequency subspace. In the begining to simplify our presentation we discuss in detail the case with Majorana fermions only (the purely bosonic case is treated in our earlier work). In the Majorana fermion case the phase space is given by O_1(H)/U(H_+), where H refers to the complex one-particle states and H_+ to its positive frequency subspace. The meson spectrum in the linear approximation again obeys a variant of the 't Hooft equation. The linear approximation to the boson/fermion coupled case brings an additonal bound state equation for mesons, which consists of one fermion and one boson, again of the same form as the well-known 't Hooft equation.Comment: 27 pages, no figure

    Which personality traits are related to traditional bullying and cyberbullying? A study with the Big Five, Dark Triad and sadism

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    Studies have shown that both Big Five and Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) personality traits are related to traditional bullying and cyberbullying behaviors in adolescents as well as in adults. Increasingly, scholars call for sadism as an addition to the Dark Triad in the study of antisocial and delinquent behaviors. In the current study we analyze whether the Big Five, Dark Triad and sadism predict traditional bullying and cyberbullying. The sample consisted of 1568 participants (61.9% female), ranging in age from 16 to 21 years. Using hierarchical linear regression analyses, controlling for age and gender, it was found that agreeableness, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and sadism were significantly related to traditional bullying, and agreeableness and sadism were related to cyberbullying. Taken together, the results more firmly establish that sadism could be a predictor of antisocial behaviors, by establishing its relations with bullying and cyberbullying.Development Psychopathology in context: clinical setting

    Perspective of turkish medicine students on cancer, cancer treatments, palliative care, and oncologists (ares study): A study of the palliative care working committee of the turkish oncology group (TOG)

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    Cancer is one of the most common causes of death all over the World (Rahib et al. in Cancer Res 74(11):2913–2921, 2014; Silbermann et al. in Ann Oncol 23(Suppl 3):iii15–iii28, 2012). It is crucial to diagnose this disease early by effective screening methods and also it is very important to acknowledge the community on various aspects of this disease such as the treatment methods and palliative care. Not only the oncologists but every medical doctor should be educated well in dealing with cancer patients. Previous studies suggested various opinions on the level of oncology education in medical schools (Pavlidis et al. in Ann Oncol 16(5):840–841, 2005). In this study, the perspectives of medical students on cancer, its treatment, palliative care, and the oncologists were analyzed in relation to their educational status. A multicenter survey analysis was performed on a total of 4224 medical school students that accepted to enter this study in Turkey. After the questions about the demographical characteristics of the students, their perspectives on the definition, diagnosis, screening, and treatment methods of cancer and their way of understanding metastatic disease as well as palliative care were analyzed. The questionnaire includes questions with answers and a scoring system of Likert type 5 (absolutely disagree = 1, completely agree = 5). In the last part of the questionnaire, there were some words to detect what the words “cancer” and “oncologist” meant for the students. The participant students were analyzed in two study groups; “group 1” (n = 1.255) were phases I and II students that had never attended an oncology lesson, and “group 2” (n = 2.969) were phases III to VI students that had attended oncology lessons in the medical school. SPSS v17 was used for the database and statistical analyses. A value of p < 0.05 was noted as statistically significant. Group 1 defined cancer as a contagious disease (p = 0.00025), they believed that early diagnosis was never possible (p = 0.042), all people with a diagnosis of cancer would certainly die (p = 0.044), and chemotherapy was not successful in a metastatic disease (p = 0.003) as compared to group 2. The rate of the students that believed gastric cancer screening was a part of the national screening policy was significantly more in group 1 than in group 2 (p = 0.00014). Group 2 had a higher anxiety level for themselves or their family members to become a cancer patient. Most of the students in both groups defined medical oncologists as warriors (57% in group 1 and 40% in group 2; p = 0.097), and cancer was reminding them of “death” (54% in group 1 and 48% in group 2; p = 0.102). This study suggested that oncology education was useful for the students’ understanding of cancer and related issues; however, the level of oncology education should be improved in medical schools in Turkey. This would be helpful for medical doctors to cope with many aspects of cancer as a major health care problem in this country. © 2018, American Association for Cancer Education

    Regional-Scale Simulations of Fungal Spore Aerosols Using an Emission Parameterization Adapted to Local Measurements of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles

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    Fungal spores as a prominent type of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) have been incorporated into the COSMO-ART (Consortium for Small-scale Modelling- Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases) regional atmospheric model. Two literature-based emission rates for fungal spores derived from fungal spore colony counts and chemical tracer measurements were used as a parameterization baseline for this study. A third, new emission parameterization for fluorescent biological aerosol particles (FBAP) was adapted to field measurements from four locations across Europe. FBAP concentrations can be regarded as a lower estimate of total PBAP concentrations. Size distributions of FBAP often show a distinct mode at approx. 3 μm, corresponding to a diameter range characteristic for many fungal spores. Previous studies for several locations have suggested that FBAP are in many cases dominated by fungal spores. Thus, we suggest that simulated FBAP and fungal spore concentrations obtained from the three different emission parameterizations can be compared to FBAP measurements. The comparison reveals that simulated fungal spore concentrations based on literature emission parameterizations are lower than measured FBAP concentrations. In agreement with the measurements, the model results show a diurnal cycle in simulated fungal spore concentrations, which may develop partially as a consequence of a varying boundary layer height between day and night. Temperature and specific humidity, together with leaf area index (LAI), were chosen to drive the new emission parameterization which is fitted to the FBAP observations. The new parameterization results in similar root mean square errors (RMSEs) and correlation coefficients compared to the FBAP observations as the previously existing fungal spore emission parameterizations, with some improvements in the bias. Using the new emission parameterization on a model domain covering western Europe, FBAP in the lowest model layer comprise a fraction of 15% of the total aerosol mass over land and reach average number concentrations of 26 L�1. The results confirm that fungal spores and biological particles may account for a major fraction of supermicron aerosol particle number and mass concentration over vegetated continental regions and should thus be explicitly considered in air quality and climate studies

    Visible light nearly perfect absorber: an optimum unit cell arrangement for near absolute polarization insensitivity

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    In this work, we propose an optimum unit cell arrangement to obtain near absolute polarization insensitivity in a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) based ultra-broadband perfect absorber. Our findings prove that upon utilizing this optimum arrangement, the response of the absorber is retained and unchanged over all arbitrary incidence light polarizations, regardless of the shape of the top metal patch. First, the impact of the geometry of the top nanopatch resonators on the absorption bandwidth of the overall structure is explored. Then, the response of the MIM design for different incidence polarizations and angles is scrutinized. Finally, the proposed design is fabricated and characterized. © 2017 Optical Society of America

    Ice nucleation activity of agricultural soil dust aerosols from Mongolia, Argentina, and Germany

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    Soil dust particles emitted from agricultural areas contain considerable mass fractions of organic material. Also, soil dust particles may act as carriers for potentially ice-active biological particles. In this work, we present ice nucleation experiments conducted in the Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere (AIDA) cloud chamber. We investigated the ice nucleation efficiency of four types of soil dust from different regions of the world. The results are expressed as ice nucleation active surface site (INAS) densities and presented for the immersion freezing and the deposition nucleation mode. For immersion freezing occurring at 254 K, samples from Argentina, China, and Germany show ice nucleation efficiencies which are by a factor of 10 higher than desert dusts. On average, the difference in ice nucleation efficiencies between agricultural and desert dusts becomes significantly smaller at temperatures below 247 K. In the deposition mode the soil dusts showed higher ice nucleation activity than Arizona Test Dust over a temperature range between 232 and 248 K and humidities RHice up to 125%. INAS densities varied between 109 and 1011m-2 for these thermodynamic conditions. For one soil dust sample (Argentinian Soil), the effect of treatments with heat was investigated. Heat treatments (383 K) did not affect the ice nucleation efficiency observed at 249 K. This finding presumably excludes proteinaceous ice-nucleating entities as the only source of the increased ice nucleation efficiency.Fil: Steinke, I.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Funk, R.. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Busse, J.. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Iturri, Laura Antonela. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Kirchen, S.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Leue, M.. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Möhler, O.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Schwartz, T.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Schnaiter, M.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Sierau, B.. Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science; SuizaFil: Toprak, E.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Ullrich, R.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Ulrich, A.. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Hoose, C.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; AlemaniaFil: Leisner, T.. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Alemania. Heidelberg University; Alemani

    Süphan stratovolkanı'nın volkanostratigrafisi ve jeokimyasal evrimi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG01.09.2009Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan çarpışma kökenli volkanizma kuzeydoğuda Erzurum-Kars Platosundan güneyde Karacadağ’a kadar uzanan geniş bir alanda yüzeylenmektedir. Bölgenin yaklaşık olarak 2/3 sini kaplayan volkanizma irili ufaklı çıkış merkezleri ile büyük hacimlere sahip kalkan ve stratovolkanlar ile karakterize edilir. Van Gölü’nün kuzeyinde yer alan Süphan Stratovolkanı 4050 m yüksekliği ile Doğu Anadolu’da yer alan Kuvaterner yaşlı volkanların en önemli üyelerinden biridir. Neojen-Kuvaterner yaşlı sedimanter birimler üzerine yerleşen Süphan volkanizmasının ilk ürünleri debris avalanche, I. evre piroklastik ürünler ve riyolitik obsidiyen lavlarıdır. Bu birimlerin üzerine ise bazalttan riyolite kadar uzanan lav akışları, riyolitik/dasitik domlar, piroklastik birimler gelmektedir. Volkanizmanın en son ürünleri ise Aygır Maarı’na ait piroklastik birimlerdir. Mineralojik-Petrografik çalışmalar ve lavların major-iz element karakteristikleri volkanizmanın gelişiminde plajiyoklaz + olivin + klinopiroksen + ortopiroksen + amfibol + biyotit + K-felsdpat fraksiyonel kristalleşmesinin etkin olduğunu göstermektedir. Süphan volkanikleri genel olarak subalkali ve alkali karakterler arasında geçiş göstermektedir. İz element içerikleri ele alındığında HFS elemetler LIL elementlere oranla, LRE elementler HRE elementlere oranla zenginleşme göstermiştir. Volkanikler içerisinde yeralan anklavların jeokimyasal özellikleri Süphan volkanizmasının genel karakteri ile uyum göstermektedir. Th/Y-Nb/Y ve izotop korelasyon diyagramları (87Sr/86Sr -143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr – Pb206/Pb204, Pb207/204-Pb206/204) volkanizmanın kaynağının dalma-batma bileşeni ile zenginleşmiş bir manto kaynağı olduğunu işaret etmektedir. Bununla birlikte Ba/Nb - Ce/ Nb diyagramı üzerindeki karışım eğrisi de Süphan volkaniklerinin zenginleşmiş bir manto kaynağı ile dalma-batma bileşeni içeren bir kaynağın karışımından oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde kabuk kalınlığı ile ilgili jeofizik tabanlı çalışmalar da göz önüne alındığında bu manto kaynağının, dalan levhanın krılması (slab breakoff) yoluyla yitim bileşeni kazanmış astenosferik bir kaynak olabileceği öngörülmüştür. Volkanikler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen Ar-Ar yaş analizleri trakitik lavlar için 0.55±0.34 ile 0.037±0.020 my arasında riyolitik lavlar için ise 0.040±0.022 my yaş vermiştir.Collision-related volcanics in Eastern Anatolia are exposed in a broad zone from the Erzurum-Kars Plateau in the northeast to Karacadağ in the south. Volcanic rocks covered two thirds of the plateau and are characterized by secondary eruption centers and huge shield and stratovolcanoes. Süphan Stratovolcano, located to the north of the Lake Van is one of the most important Quaternary volcanos in Eastern Anatolia with its 4050 m high elevation. Initial products of the Süphan stratovolcano which overly the Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary rocks are the debris avalanche, Ist cycle pyroclastic rocks and rhyolitic obsidian flows. These units are overlain by lava flows with compositions ranging from basalt to rhyolite, rhyolit-dasidic domes and pyroclastic rocks. Aygır maar deposits are the last products of the volcano. Mineralogical-petrographical and major-trace element compositions of the volcanic products point to the effects of plagioclase + olivine + clinopyroxene + ortopyroxene + amphibole + biotite + K-feldspar fractionation in the evolution of the volcanics. Süphan volcanics are transitional between subalkaline and alkaline character. LIL and LRE elements are enriched over HFS and HRE elements respectively. Most of the Süphan enclaves show similar geochemical properties with the Süphan volcanics. Th/Y-Nb/Y and isotope correlation (87Sr/86Sr -143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr – Pb206/Pb204, Pb207/204-Pb206/204) diagrams point out a subduction modified enriched mantle source for the source of the volcanics. Mixing curves on Ba/Nb - Ce/ Nb diagrams further suggest that the Süphan volcanics are formed by mixing of an enriched mantle and a source bearing effects of subduction. In the light of geochemical constraints and recent geophysical data regarding lithospheric structure of eastern Anatolia, the source of the Suphan volcanics is interpreted as an astenospheric mantle bearing the effects of previous subduction events via slab breakoff. Ar-Ar ages of the trachytes and rhyolites range between 55±0.34 - 0.037±0.020, 0.040±0.022 ma respectively