13 research outputs found

    Qualitative insights into the feelings, knowledge, and impact of SUDEP: A narrative synthesis

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    People with epilepsy (PWE) have a two- to threefold increased chance of premature death due to the condition. Interested in exploring the first-person perspective on this topic, we conducted a narrative synthesis to present the qualitative insight of PWE, their family, friends, and healthcare providers (HCPs) in relation to epilepsy-related death. A comprehensive electronic search of all peer-reviewed qualitative studies was conducted through databases using relevant keywords and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. Handsearching and exploration of pertinent gray literature was conducted thereafter. After a comprehensive literature search, the decisions of inclusion of literature were discussed and confirmed between the two authors. A total of 20 peer-reviewed papers were included. Within this, 17 were qualitative or mixed methods studies, and three were gray literature and guidelines/recommendations in discussing sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) with PWE and their families. The resultant main categories were the following: a) understanding of SUDEP and b) discussion of SUDEP. Findings show that there is an overall lack of understanding of unexpected epilepsy-related death for PWE and their relations. The literature focused on the education of PWE and their family in relation to SUDEP, and therefore, there is a lack of discussion on the general topic of epilepsy-related death. Findings show the conflicting perceptions, feelings, and thought processes that occur in learning about and deciding to discuss SUDEP as a HCP, PWE, or family/friend of a PWE. The literature suggests that it would be appropriate and necessary to discuss the topic of SUDEP with patients and their family members upon diagnosis

    Improvement of Personnel Motivation and Evaluation at SIA "Spaineta Latvija"

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir ā€žPersonāla motivācijas un novērtÄ“Å”anas pilnveidoÅ”ana SIA ā€žSpaineta Latvijaā€. NovērtÄ“Å”ana un darbinieku motivācija ir cieÅ”i saistÄ«ts process, jo balstoties uz novērtÄ“Å”anas rezultātiem un individuāliem sasniegumiem var izveidot, kā arÄ« pilnveidot darbinieku motivācijas sistēmu. Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir izanalizēt darbinieku motivācijas un novērtÄ“Å”anas sistēmu, jo personāla novērtÄ“Å”anas pamatā ir personāla attÄ«stÄ«ba un motivācija, kā arÄ« noskaidrot, kā tā realizējas uzņēmumā un izstrādāt priekÅ”likumus tās pilnveidoÅ”anai. Darba gaitā ir apkopoti secinājumi par darbinieku motivÄ“Å”anu un novērtÄ“Å”anu uzņēmumā. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām, no kurām pirmajām divām piemÄ«t teorētiskais raksturs, bet pārējās divas satur praktisku pētÄ«jumu par SIA ā€Spaineta Latvijaā€ notiekoÅ”iem procesiem uzņēmuma darbÄ«bā un izmantotās literatÅ«ras saraksta. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no 73 lpp., darbā ir izmantoti 28 attēli un 2 tabulas, kā arÄ« darbam ir pievienots 1 pielikums.The topic of the bachelorā€™s thesis is ā€žImprovement of Personnel Motivation and Evaluation at SIA ā€žSpaineta Latvijaā€. Personnel motivation and evaluation is tightly connected process, as motivation system can be built and developed due to evaluation results and individual success. The main purpose of the bachelorā€™s thesis is to analyze employeeā€™s motivation and evaluation policy, since the basis of personnel evaluation stems from personnel development and motivation, also to determine its realization efficiency in particular enterprise and propose opportunities for its improvement. During the work there were summarized conclusions concerning personnel motivation and evaluation in the enterprise. The bachelorā€™s thesis consists of four divisions, where first two parts include theoretical concepts and rest of parts include practical analysis of SIA ā€˜Spaineta Latvijaā€™ existing working processes, as well as literature review. The bachelorā€™s thesis consists of 73 pages, 28 images and 2 tables, also paper includes 1 appendix

    Expert Provisioner: A Range Management Aid

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    Expert Provisioner is a knowledge-based provisioning system prototyped for use by the RAF Logistics Command to support their Range Managers in the procurement of consumable parts. It was jointly developed by AIAI at the University of Edinburgh and Logistics Research (LR) branch of the RAF. Spares re-provisioning is one of the most fundamental and difficult logistics processes. Any item of equipment will need to have some of its component parts replaced at some time during its operational life. Re-provisioning is the art of ensuring that spare parts are available when required without tying up much needed capital in excessive inventory holdings. To conduct re-provisioning properly requires a great deal of specific knowledge about item characteristics and customer requirements, coupled with a high level of expertise in re-provisioning procedures. The RAF has lost many of its most experienced Range Managers in the last few years. To address this situation the knowledge based system (KBS) ..