61 research outputs found

    Recent Developments: Washington Gas Light Company v. Maryland Public Service Commission

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    Lincoln’s “Unfathomable Sorrow”: Vinnie Ream, Sculptural Realism, and the Cultural Work of Sympathy in Nineteenth-Century America

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    I think that history is particularly correct in writing Lincoln down as the man of sorrow. The one great, lasting, all-dominating impression that I have always carried of Lincoln has been that of unfathomable sorrow, and it was this that I tried to put into my statue. --Vinnie Ream On August 30th, 1866, Vinnie Ream, at the age of 18, became the youngest person, and the first woman, to be awarded a commission for a statue by the U.S. government [see figure 1]. The commission was for a life-si..

    Algorithm for prediction of tumour suppressor p53 affinity for binding sites in DNA

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    The tumour suppressor p53 is a transcription factor that binds DNA in the vicinity of the genes it controls. The affinity of p53 for specific binding sites relative to other DNA sequences is an inherent driving force for specificity, all other things being equal. We measured the binding affinities of systematically mutated consensus p53 DNA-binding sequences using automated fluorescence anisotropy titrations. Based on measurements of the effects of every possible single base-pair substitution of a consensus sequence, we defined the DNA sequence with the highest affinity for full-length p53 and quantified the effects of deviation from it on the strength of protein–DNA interaction. The contributions of individual nucleotides were to a first approximation independent and additive. But, in some cases we observed significant deviations from additivity. Based on affinity data, we constructed a binding predictor that mirrored the existing p53 consensus sequence definition. We used it to search for high-affinity binding sites in the genome and to predict the effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in these sites. Although there was some correlation between the Kd and biological function, the spread of the Kds by itself was not sufficient to explain the activation of different pathways by changes in p53 concentration alone

    The disruptive positions in human G-quadruplex motifs are less polymorphic and more conserved than their neutral counterparts

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    Specific guanine-rich sequence motifs in the human genome have considerable potential to form four-stranded structures known as G-quadruplexes or G4 DNA. The enrichment of these motifs in key chromosomal regions has suggested a functional role for the G-quadruplex structure in genomic regulation. In this work, we have examined the spectrum of nucleotide substitutions in G4 motifs, and related this spectrum to G4 prevalence. Data collected from the large repository of human SNPs indicates that the core feature of G-quadruplex motifs, 5′-GGG-3′, exhibits specific mutational patterns that preserve the potential for G4 formation. In particular, we find a genome-wide pattern in which sites that disrupt the guanine triplets are more conserved and less polymorphic than their neutral counterparts. This also holds when considering non-CpG sites only. However, the low level of polymorphisms in guanine tracts is not only confined to G4 motifs. A complete mapping of DNA three-mers at guanine polymorphisms indicated that short guanine tracts are the most under-represented sequence context at polymorphic sites. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a strand bias upstream of human genes. Here, a significantly lower rate of G4-disruptive SNPs on the non-template strand supports a higher relative influence of G4 formation on this strand during transcription

    The disruptive positions in human G-quadruplex motifs are less polymorphic and more conserved than their neutral counterparts

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    Specific guanine-rich sequence motifs in the human genome have considerable potential to form four-stranded structures known as G-quadruplexes or G4 DNA. The enrichment of these motifs in key chromosomal regions has suggested a functional role for the G-quadruplex structure in genomic regulation. In this work, we have examined the spectrum of nucleotide substitutions in G4 motifs, and related this spectrum to G4 prevalence. Data collected from the large repository of human SNPs indicates that the core feature of G-quadruplex motifs, 5′-GGG-3′, exhibits specific mutational patterns that preserve the potential for G4 formation. In particular, we find a genome-wide pattern in which sites that disrupt the guanine triplets are more conserved and less polymorphic than their neutral counterparts. This also holds when considering non-CpG sites only. However, the low level of polymorphisms in guanine tracts is not only confined to G4 motifs. A complete mapping of DNA three-mers at guanine polymorphisms indicated that short guanine tracts are the most under-represented sequence context at polymorphic sites. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a strand bias upstream of human genes. Here, a significantly lower rate of G4-disruptive SNPs on the non-template strand supports a higher relative influence of G4 formation on this strand during transcription

    MethylExtract: High-Quality methylation maps and SNV calling from whole genome bisulfite sequencing data

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    [v2; ref status: indexed, http://f1000r.es/301]Whole genome methylation profiling at a single cytosine resolution is now feasible due to the advent of high-throughput sequencing techniques together with bisulfite treatment of the DNA. To obtain the methylation value of each individual cytosine, the bisulfite-treated sequence reads are first aligned to a reference genome, and then the profiling of the methylation levels is done from the alignments. A huge effort has been made to quickly and correctly align the reads and many different algorithms and programs to do this have been created. However, the second step is just as crucial and non-trivial, but much less attention has been paid to the final inference of the methylation states. Important error sources do exist, such as sequencing errors, bisulfite failure, clonal reads, and single nucleotide variants. We developed MethylExtract, a user friendly tool to: i) generate high quality, whole genome methylation maps and ii) detect sequence variation within the same sample preparation. The program is implemented into a single script and takes into account all major error sources. MethylExtract detects variation (SNVs – Single Nucleotide Variants) in a similar way to VarScan, a very sensitive method extensively used in SNV and genotype calling based on non-bisulfite-treated reads. The usefulness of MethylExtract is shown by means of extensive benchmarking based on artificial bisulfite-treated reads and a comparison to a recently published method, called Bis-SNP. MethylExtract is able to detect SNVs within High-Throughput Sequencing experiments of bisulfite treated DNA at the same time as it generates high quality methylation maps. This simultaneous detection of DNA methylation and sequence variation is crucial for many downstream analyses, for example when deciphering the impact of SNVs on differential methylation. An exclusive feature of MethylExtract, in comparison with existing software, is the possibility to assess the bisulfite failure in a statistical way. The source code, tutorial and artificial bisulfite datasets are available at http://bioinfo2.ugr.es/MethylExtract/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/methylextract/, and also permanently accessible from 10.5281/zenodo.7144.This work was supported by the Spanish Government [BIO2008-01353 to JLO and BIO2010-20219 to MH], and Basque country 'AE' grant (GB)

    CpG Islands Undermethylation in Human Genomic Regions under Selective Pressure

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    DNA methylation at CpG islands (CGIs) is one of the most intensively studied epigenetic mechanisms. It is fundamental for cellular differentiation and control of transcriptional potential. DNA methylation is involved also in several processes that are central to evolutionary biology, including phenotypic plasticity and evolvability. In this study, we explored the relationship between CpG islands methylation and signatures of selective pressure in Homo Sapiens, using a computational biology approach. By analyzing methylation data of 25 cell lines from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium, we compared the DNA methylation of CpG islands in genomic regions under selective pressure with the methylation of CpG islands in the remaining part of the genome. To define genomic regions under selective pressure, we used three different methods, each oriented to provide distinct information about selective events. Independently of the method and of the cell type used, we found evidences of undermethylation of CGIs in human genomic regions under selective pressure. Additionally, by analyzing SNP frequency in CpG islands, we demonstrated that CpG islands in regions under selective pressure show lower genetic variation. Our findings suggest that the CpG islands in regions under selective pressure seem to be somehow more “protected” from methylation when compared with other regions of the genome

    Human single-nucleotide polymorphisms alter p53 sequence-specific binding at gene regulatory elements

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    p53 coordinates the expression of an intricate network of genes in response to stress signals. Sequence-specific DNA binding is essential for p53-mediated tumor suppression. We evaluated the impact of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in p53 response elements (p53RE) on DNA binding and gene expression in response to DNA damage. Using a bioinformatics approach based on incorporating p53 binding strength into a position weight matrix, we selected 32 SNPs in putative and validated p53REs. The microsphere assay for protein–DNA binding (MAPD) and allele-specific expression analysis was employed to assess the impact of SNPs on p53-DNA binding and gene expression, respectively. Comparing activated p53 binding in nuclear extracts from doxorubicin- or ionizing radiation (IR)-treated human cells, we observed little difference in binding profiles. Significant p53 binding was observed for most polymorphic REs and several displayed binding comparable to the p21 RE. SNP alleles predicted to lower p53 binding indeed reduced binding in 25 of the 32 sequences. Chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing in lymphoblastoid cells confirmed p53 binding to seven polymorphic p53 REs in response to doxorubicin. In addition, five polymorphisms were associated with altered gene expression following doxorubicin treatment. Our findings demonstrate an effective strategy to identify and evaluate SNPs that may alter p53-mediated stress responses

    The Toll-Like Receptor Gene Family Is Integrated into Human DNA Damage and p53 Networks

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    In recent years the functions that the p53 tumor suppressor plays in human biology have been greatly extended beyond “guardian of the genome.” Our studies of promoter response element sequences targeted by the p53 master regulatory transcription factor suggest a general role for this DNA damage and stress-responsive regulator in the control of human Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene expression. The TLR gene family mediates innate immunity to a wide variety of pathogenic threats through recognition of conserved pathogen-associated molecular motifs. Using primary human immune cells, we have examined expression of the entire TLR gene family following exposure to anti-cancer agents that induce the p53 network. Expression of all TLR genes, TLR1 to TLR10, in blood lymphocytes and alveolar macrophages from healthy volunteers can be induced by DNA metabolic stressors. However, there is considerable inter-individual variability. Most of the TLR genes respond to p53 via canonical as well as noncanonical promoter binding sites. Importantly, the integration of the TLR gene family into the p53 network is unique to primates, a recurrent theme raised for other gene families in our previous studies. Furthermore, a polymorphism in a TLR8 response element provides the first human example of a p53 target sequence specifically responsible for endogenous gene induction. These findings—demonstrating that the human innate immune system, including downstream induction of cytokines, can be modulated by DNA metabolic stress—have many implications for health and disease, as well as for understanding the evolution of damage and p53 responsive networks