42 research outputs found

    Heritability and Environmental Correlation of Phase Angle with Anthropometric Measurements: A Twin Study

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)-derived phase angle (PhA) is a valuable parameter to assess physical health. However, the genetic and environmental aspects of PhA are not yet well understood. The present study aimed to estimate the heritability of PhA and investigate the relationships between PhA and anthropometric measurements. PhA and skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) were examined using multi-frequency BIA in 168 Japanese twin volunteers (54 males and 114 females; mean age = 61.0 ± 16.5 years). We estimated the narrow-sense heritability of these parameters and the genetic and environmental relationships between them using a genetic twin modeling. For the PhA, 51% (95% confidence interval: 0.33, 0.64) of the variance was explained by additive genetic effects, and 49% (95% confidence interval: 0.36, 0.67) was explained by unique environmental effects. The heritability of PhA was lower than the height, body weight, and body mass index. PhA shared almost no genetic variation with anthropometric measurements and SMI but shared an environmental variation (14%) with SMI. These findings suggest that the genes affecting PhA are different than those affecting anthropometric measurements and SMI. The correlation between PhA and SMI is caused by common environmental factors

    Heritability and Environmental Correlation of Phase Angle with Anthropometric Measurements: A Twin Study

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)-derived phase angle (PhA) is a valuable parameter to assess physical health. However, the genetic and environmental aspects of PhA are not yet well understood. The present study aimed to estimate the heritability of PhA and investigate the relationships between PhA and anthropometric measurements. PhA and skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) were examined using multi-frequency BIA in 168 Japanese twin volunteers (54 males and 114 females; mean age = 61.0 ± 16.5 years). We estimated the narrow-sense heritability of these parameters and the genetic and environmental relationships between them using a genetic twin modeling. For the PhA, 51% (95% confidence interval: 0.33, 0.64) of the variance was explained by additive genetic effects, and 49% (95% confidence interval: 0.36, 0.67) was explained by unique environmental effects. The heritability of PhA was lower than the height, body weight, and body mass index. PhA shared almost no genetic variation with anthropometric measurements and SMI but shared an environmental variation (14%) with SMI. These findings suggest that the genes affecting PhA are different than those affecting anthropometric measurements and SMI. The correlation between PhA and SMI is caused by common environmental factors

    Lobular Difference in Heritability of Brain Atrophy among Elderly Japanese: A Twin Study

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    Background and Objectives: Brain atrophy is related to cognitive decline. However, the heritability of brain atrophy has not been fully investigated in the Eastern Asian population. Materials and Methods: Brain imaging of 74 Japanese twins registered in the Osaka University Twin Registry was conducted with voxel-based morphometry SPM12 and was processed by individual voxel-based morphometry adjusting covariates (iVAC) toolbox. The atrophy of the measured lobes was obtained by comparing the focal volume to the average of healthy subjects. Classical twin analysis was used to measure the heritability of its z-scores. Results: The heritability of brain atrophy ranged from 0.23 to 0.97, depending upon the lobes. When adjusted to age, high heritability was reported in the frontal, frontal-temporal, and parietal lobes, but the heritability in other lobes was lower than 0.70. Conclusions: This study revealed a relatively lower heritability in brain atrophy compared to other ethnicities. This result suggests a significant environmental impact on the susceptibility of brain atrophy the Japanese. Therefore, environmental factors may have more influence on the Japanese than in other populations


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    本研究はSPとシナリオを用いたシミュレーション教育における演習デザインの評価と満足度・自信度、具体的な学びの内容を学生の参加方法別に明らかにすることを目的とした。演習を受講した看護学部2年生85名を対象に、演習デザイン、満足度、自信度、参加方法に関する自記式質問紙調査と同時に演習後のレポートをテキストマイニングで分析した。演習デザインは『フィードバック/リフレクション』の評価が最も高く、『忠実度』、『問題解決過程の活用』が最も低かった。参加形態別の比較で有意差はなく、『目的の理解/情報提示』、『サポート』、『問題解決過程の活用』で有意に低いブースがあった。学生の満足度と自信度で参加方法による有意差はなかった。満足度と『忠実度』以外の演習デザイン(反映度)、自信度と全ての演習デザイン(反映度)に有意な正の相関がみられ、特に満足度と『問題解決過程の活用』r=0.55(p<0.001)、自信度と『サポート』r=0.52(p<0.001)に最も高い相関がみられた。学生の学びの内容は、「患者」に共起するカテゴリでは「不安・不快」「満足・安心」など患者の心情を推察した語が多く、「学生」に共起するカテゴリでは「困る、説明が悪い、不十分さ、改善策」などの実習場面で学生が気づくような内省に類した語が多く抽出された。カテゴリ間の関連からは、全てのブースで「患者、看護師、援助、足浴、説明、体勢」の関連がみられ、「言語的コミュニケーション、非言語的コミュニケーション」が直接または何かを介在して繋がっていた。コミュニケーションからの繋がりが「援助、説明、足浴」等の比較的単純なブースもあれば、「理由・根拠」、「学生- 改善策」などとも繋がっているブースもみられた。ブース間で捉えられた患者の状態や反応、学生の困難や不十分さ、改善策の発展性には相違がみられた

    Smoking remains associated with education after controlling for social background and genetic factors in a study of 18 twin cohorts

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    We tested the causality between education and smoking using the natural experiment of discordant twin pairs allowing to optimally control for background genetic and childhood social factors. Data from 18 cohorts including 10,527 monozygotic (MZ) and same-sex dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs discordant for education and smoking were analyzed by linear fixed effects regression models. Within twin pairs, education levels were lower among the currently smoking than among the never smoking co-twins and this education difference was larger within DZ than MZ pairs. Similarly, education levels were higher among former smoking than among currently smoking co-twins, and this difference was larger within DZ pairs. Our results support the hypothesis of a causal effect of education on both current smoking status and smoking cessation. However, the even greater intra-pair differences within DZ pairs, who share only 50% of their segregating genes, provide evidence that shared genetic factors also contribute to these associations.Peer reviewe

    模擬患者(Simulated Patient : SP)に求められる資質 : 訓練されたSPの語り

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    看護教育における模擬患者(Simulated Patient : SP)参加型学習はシミュレーション教育方法の一つであり、学内演習と臨床実習とのギャップを小さくするためには重要な学習機会である。しかし、求められるSPの資質は十分に明らかにされていない。したがって、本研究は、SPに求められる資質を明らかにすることを目的とする。方法:研究デザインは探索的質的研究である。対象者は現役SP 3名で、養成講座を受講後、経験は5年&#12316;20年であった。データは、半構造化面接法で収集され、質的記述的に分析された。結果:SPの語りの中には、【連続的な自己内省】【リアルな患者の探求】【学生と向き合うスタンス】【自立的な組織力】の4つのカテゴリーが抽出され、各カテゴリーは3つのサブカテゴリーで構成されていた。考察:描かれたSPは、学生との相互作用の中で患者としての自分を表現し、教育的評価者ではなく、現実の患者に限りなく近づこうとしていた。本研究の結果は、SPのキャリア形成上の重要な視点を提供するものであり、SP養成プログラムの軸となり得

    Genetic and environmental variation in educational attainment : an individual-based analysis of 28 twin cohorts

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    We investigated the heritability of educational attainment and how it differed between birth cohorts and cultural-geographic regions. A classical twin design was applied to pooled data from 28 cohorts representing 16 countries and including 193,518 twins with information on educational attainment at 25 years of age or older. Genetic factors explained the major part of individual differences in educational attainment (heritability: a(2)=0.43; 0.41-0.44), but also environmental variation shared by co-twins was substantial (c(2)=0.31; 0.30-0.33). The proportions of educational variation explained by genetic and shared environmental factors did not differ between Europe, North America and Australia, and East Asia. When restricted to twins 30 years or older to confirm finalized education, the heritability was higher in the older cohorts born in 1900-1949 (a(2)=0.44; 0.41-0.46) than in the later cohorts born in 1950-1989 (a(2)=0.38; 0.36-0.40), with a corresponding lower influence of common environmental factors (c(2)=0.31; 0.29-0.33 and c(2)=0.34; 0.32-0.36, respectively). In conclusion, both genetic and environmental factors shared by co-twins have an important influence on individual differences in educational attainment. The effect of genetic factors on educational attainment has decreased from the cohorts born before to those born after the 1950s.Peer reviewe


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