16 research outputs found

    The representation and processing of synonyms and translations: a masked priming study with European Portuguese-English bilinguals

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    Aims/Objectives: According to Multilink, words from the first (L1) and (L2) second languages share a common store and their access is non-selective. Thus, the presentation of a target word activates in parallel lexical candidates from both languages that share form and semantic overlap. The degree of words' activation also depends on their resting levels of activation (words that are more used have a higher resting levels of activation). Since non-cognate translations and synonyms share meaning, they may be seen as qualitatively similar lexical representations, and consequently subject to similar processing if their frequency levels are matched. However, whereas masked priming lexical decision studies with synonyms failed to find reliable masked priming effects, the majority of those with non-cognate translations (especially in the forward direction, i.e., from L1 to L2) showed significant effects. The present study extends those findings by directly comparing the processing of synonyms and translations in bilinguals.Design/methodology: A masked priming lexical decision task (targets were preceded by a related 50-ms word [an L1 translation or an L2 synonym] or by a 50-ms unrelated word) was conducted. Lexical frequency of usage was higher for primes than for targets.Data and analysis: Reaction times and accuracy from 24 sequential (highly proficient) European Portuguese-English bilinguals were analyzed with linear mixed effects models.Findings/conclusions: Results showed priming effects for translations, but not for synonyms, indicating a differential processing of synonyms and non-cognate translations.Originality: This is the first empirical work that directly compares the processing of synonyms and translations in bilinguals by using the same targets words for both prime types.Significance/implications: The findings contradict the Multilink model, since they index a differential representational nature of lexico-semantic links for translations and synonyms. Modifications in the model are needed to account the data.- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi), University of Minho, and supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UID/01662/2020). It has also been supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (Reference ANR-16-CE28-0009-01)

    The mechanisms underlying grammatical gender selection in language production: a meta-analysis of the gender congruency effect

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    Grammatical gender retrieval during language production has been largely addressed through the picture-word interference (PWI) paradigm, with the aim of capturing the so-called gender congruency effect (GCE). In the PWI paradigm, participants name target pictures while ignoring superimposed written distractor nouns. The GCE shows faster responses when target and distractor nouns share the same gender than when gender differs. Yet, the locus of this effect is not clear: it might be either due to the selection of a determiner or due to the selection of a gender node at the lemma level, which may be primed or delayed by competition. Importantly, many of those who argue that the GCE is not a genuine effect of gender conclude that gender is a feature that is retrieved automatically. Such a claim is controversial since the PWI paradigm has been seen as too complex and perhaps not sensitive enough to capture small effects. Besides, for Romance languages, mixed results draw a complex picture with effects occurring mainly in the opposite direction, i.e., a gender incongruency effect (GIE). In the present study, we conducted a meta-analysis of the 18 studies that have addressed this issue. The results confirm the existence of the GCE as a determiner effect in Germanic/Slavic languages, while little support is found for the GIE in Romance languages. Nevertheless, we argue that the absence of gender effects in Germanic and Slavic languages within the PWI paradigm cannot be taken as evidence of an absence of priming/competition during gender selection and thus as evidence of an automatic selection of gender. Parametric replication of previous studies, especially those featuring bound morphemes, together with the use of other measuring techniques such as event related potentials are suggested as a way forwardThis work was supported by the Government of Spain, Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, through the Training program for Academic Staff (Ayudas para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario, FPU [FPU16/06983]); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [research project PID2019-110583GB-I00]; the Galician Government [grant for research groups ED431B 2019/2020]; and the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal [IF / 00784/2013 / CP1158 / CT0013]. Finally, the study has also been partially supported by the FCT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER- European Regional Development Fund through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement [POCI-01-0145- FEDER-007653]S

    What a transparent Romance language with a Germanic gender-determiner mapping tells us about gender retrieval: Insights from European Portuguese

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    The study of the representation and processing of grammatical gender during language production has encountered mixed results regarding which conditions must be met to observe gender effects and whether these reflect the selection of gender values or competition between elements of agreement. The answer seems to depend on the number of determiners associated with each gender and on the language being explored. The present study aims to assess this issue through three picture-word interference tasks in European Portuguese. This is a transparent Romance language featuring a one-to-one gender-determiner mapping system similar to opaque Germanic languages. Conditions of gender in/congruency between targets and distractors were considered, along with gender transparency and agreement. We observed a gender congruency effect restricted to noun phrases. Importantly, the effect was modulated by transparency, which seems relevant regardless of agreement. To explain the results, we adapted the Dual-Route Model of language comprehension to productionThis work was supported by the Government of Spain, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, through the Training program for Academic Staff (Ayudas para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario, FPU [FPU16/06983]); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [research project PID2019-110583GB-I00]; the Galician Government [grant for research groups ED431B 2022/2019]; and the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal [IF / 00784/2013 / CP1158 / CT0013]. Finally, the study has also been partially supported by the FCT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement [POCI-01-0145- FEDER-007653]S


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    O jejum pré-operátório é benéfico para diminuir a aspiração pulmonar de conteúdo gástrico e regurgitação. Tradicionalmente, o período de jejum submete o paciente a períodos longos com privação absoluta, tanto de líquidos quanto de sólidos. Este trabalho consiste em analisar o prognóstico de pacientes colecistectomizados após jejum pré-operatório reduzido. Para isso será realizado uma pesquisa aplicada, experimental e quantitativa, a partir de uma amostragem intencional, visando a análise de variáveis categóricas previamente selecionadas. O projeto realizará um ensaio clínico randomizado, onde serão formados 2 grupos distintos de pacientes, estes diferenciados com base no tempo de jejum pré-operatório. No grupo 1 (controle), será adotado o período de jejum indicado convencionalmente para cirurgias em adultos, que é de 8 horas antes da cirurgia. Já o grupo 2 (intervenção) adotaremos um jejum mais curto, com restrição de sólidos por 8 horas e ingestão do suplemento nutricional líquido 2 horas antes do procedimento cirúrgico. Ambos os grupos serão analisados via amostras de sangue e exames laboratoriais bem como informações sobre complicações, via prontuário. A finalidade das coletas é a mensuração dos níveis séricos de glicose e insulina dos pacientes, para aplicação desses valores no Teste Quicki, parâmero para análise de sensibilidade à insulina.  Além disso, 30 dias após o ato cirúrgico, pretende-se realizar outra coleta de dados, via ligação telefônica ao paciente, com a finalidade de rastrear intercorrências intra e pós-operatórias. Assim, por meio do ensaio clínico tem-se a expectativa de averiguar a equidade dos riscos na redução de jejum desses pacientes, quando comparados ao jejum tradicional

    Alternativa tecnológica na utilização de peixe de baixo valor comercial oriundo da modalidade de pesca de arrasto: tira-vira percophis brasiliensis enlatado / Technological alternative in the use of low commercial value fish arising from the trawl fishing mode: tira-vira percophis brasiliensis canned

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    Introdução: O estoque decrescente das principais espécies marinhas consumidas no Brasil tem estimulado estudos a cerca do aproveitamento e desenvolvimento de produtos utilizando espécies de baixo valor comercial. A modalidade de pesca de arrasto de camarão produz grande volume de categoria mistura que são peixes de baixo valor comercializados. Porém, é necessário desenvolver produtos com maior praticidade para atender a atual demanda do consumidor brasileiro. A conserva desenvolvida com peixes da categoria mistura pode ser alternativa viável para indústrias e consumidores, aliando alto valor nutricional e praticidade. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver produto enlatado utilizando o tira-vira (Percophis brasiliensis) de baixo valor comercial capturado e comercializado na categoria “mistura” da modalidade de pesca de arrasto, assim como realizar análise físico-química, microbiológica, toxicológica e sensorial do produto. Metodologia: Para a avaliação microbiológicas realizaram-se pesquisa de Salmonella sp., contagens de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes e clostrídio sulfito redutor a 46ºC e os resultados indicaram que o produto se encontrava dentro dos padrões microbiológicos da legislação. Resultados: Os resultados da composição centesimal dos peixes analisados foram: umidade 73,54%, proteínas 17,93%, carboidratos 2,67%, lipídios totais 4,88% e cinzas 0,98%. As avaliações toxicológicas mostraram que os produtos apresentaram qualidade satisfatória conforme a legislação, e o resultado do teste de pré-esterilidade comercial indicou que o tratamento térmico foi adequado para manter a inocuidade das conservas durante armazenamento. A análise sensorial indicou que o produto foi aceito com 97,70% e o aspecto global do produto atingiu média de 6,11 (±0,93). Conclusão: A partir dos resultados, conclui-se que o uso da tecnologia de enlatamento para este peixe de baixo valor comercial mostrou-se viável e resultou em um produto com excelente aceitação sensorial.

    Serão os sinónimos e as traduções processados de forma semelhante na mente bilingue?

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em PsicologiaAccording to the Multilink model (Dijkstra et al., 2018), words from the first (L1) and second (L2) language share a common store and their access is non-selective. Thus, the presentation of a target-word activates in parallel lexical candidates from both languages that share with it orthographic, phonological, and semantic overlap. The degree of words’ activation not only depends on the form and semantic overlap but also on their resting level of activation (i.e., words that are more used, usually L1 words, have a higher resting level of activation). Since translations and synonyms share meaning, they are seen as qualitatively similar lexical representations and so might be subject to a similar processing if their frequency levels are matched. The aim of the present study was to test the tenets of the Multilink model regarding the representation and processing of synonyms and translations by using a masked priming lexical decision task (LDT). Twenty-two unbalanced highly proficient bilinguals of European Portuguese and English were recruited for the task. In the LDT, English target words could be preceded either by synonyms or their corresponding unrelated English control prime words. One month later, the target words were preceded by their non-cognate European Portuguese translations or their corresponding unrelated European Portuguese control prime words. The order of the presentation was counterbalanced. Results showed no significant priming effects for synonyms nor translations.De acordo com o modelo Multilink (Dijkstra et al., 2018), as palavras de primeira (L1) e segunda (L2) língua partilham um armazenamento comum e o seu acesso é não-seletivo. Desta forma, a apresentação de uma palavra-alvo ativa, em paralelo, candidatos léxicos de ambas as línguas que partilham sobreposição ortográfica, fonológica e semântica com o alvo. O grau de ativação de palavras depende da forma, sobreposição ortográfica e semântica, bem como do seu nível de ativação em repouso (i.e., palavras usadas com mais frequência, usualmente palavras de L1, têm um maior nível de ativação em repouso). Dado que as traduções e sinónimos partilham significado, podem ser vistas como representações léxicas qualitativamente semelhantes e, portanto, sujeitas a um processamento similar se os níveis de frequência forem comparáveis. O presente estudo objetivou testar as assunções do modelo Multilink (Dijkstra et al., 2018) relativamente à representação e processamento dos sinónimos e traduções recorrendo a uma tarefa de decisão lexical com priming mascarado (TDL). Vinte e dois bilingues proficientes de Português Europeu e Inglês foram recrutados para a tarefa. Na TDL, palavras-alvo Inglesas eram precedidas pelo seu sinónimo ou por uma palavra Inglesa de controlo não relacionada. Após um mês, as palavras-alvo eram precedidas pela sua tradução em Português Europeu ou por uma palavra Portuguesa de controlo não relacionada. A ordem de apresentação dos primes foi contra balanceada. Os resultados não mostraram quaisquer efeitos significativos de priming para sinónimo ou traduções

    Appearance and performance at the limits of spatial vision

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    Human visual perception is usually investigated by measuring performance. However, when measuring performance, only limited information on how a stimulus appeared to the observers is obtained. The general aim of this dissertation was to better understand how stimuli appear to observers at the limits of spatial vision. For Study 1, an interactive square-grid interface was developed to capture the appearance of stimuli by letting observers select squares on the grids to obtain ‘appearance spaces' (i.e., how sets of stimuli looked like) of the presented targets. The appearance of target symbols (optotypes) was investigated below, at and above observers' visual resolution limit. Results showed how depictions on the grids varied between observers, targets, and sizes, and revealed characteristic errors that were previously unknown for targets presented around the visual resolution limit. In Study 2, typical alternative-forced-choice tasks were used to investigate appearance. Experiment 2.1 investigated whether target appearance was shared across observers. Results showed no evidence for shared appearance spaces at and below threshold. Experiment 2.2 examined the strength of the relation between physical targets and their appearance within participants. When presented with a previously seen target, the initial (canonical) target shape was reported as the best target match more often than any of their previously captured target depictions, indicating that relations between targets and their reported appearance may be strongly modulated by other factors, such as biases to report canonical targets. Experiment 2.3 explored whether observers identify a target given their own corresponding (previous) target depictions. Results showed that given highly distinct response options, the mapping of target and appearance was strong. Taken together, in this dissertation a new tool to capture appearance has been developed and applied to investigate spatial vision. The current work has revealed how stimuli appear to observers at the visual resolution limit and that reported target appearance is strongly modulated by other factors when response categories are limited. Future work will focus on using the grids interface to capture the appearance of stimuli in cases of visual dysfunction; probing the consistency of appearance in other viewing conditions (e.g., in the visual periphery); as well as using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) to disentangle the impact of the optical aberrations of the eye from other possible neural limitations on stimulus' appearance.La perception visuelle humaine est généralement étudiée en mesurant la performance. Cependant, cette mesure ne permet d'obtenir que des informations limitées sur la manière dont un stimulus est apparu aux observateurs. L'objectif général de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre comment les stimuli apparaissent aux observateurs aux limites de la vision spatiale. Pour l'étude 1, une interface interactive à grille carrée a été développée pour saisir l'apparence des stimuli en permettant aux observateurs de sélectionner des carrés sur les grilles pour obtenir des "espaces d'apparence" (c.-à-d. comment les ensembles de stimuli se présentent) des cibles présentées. L'apparence des symboles des cibles (optotypes) a été étudiée en dessous, au niveau et au-dessus de la limite de résolution visuelle des observateurs. Les résultats ont montré que les représentations sur les grilles variaient selon les observateurs, les cibles et les tailles, et ont révélé des erreurs caractéristiques jusqu'alors inconnues pour les cibles présentées autour de la limite de résolution visuelle. Dans l'étude 2, des tâches typiques de choix alternatif forcé ont été utilisées pour étudier l'apparence. L'expérience 2.1 visait à déterminer si l'apparence des cibles était partagée entre les observateurs. Les résultats n'ont montré aucune preuve de partage des espaces d'apparence au seuil et en dessous du seuil. L'expérience 2.2 a examiné la force de la relation entre les cibles physiques et leur apparence chez les participants. Lorsqu'on leur présentait une cible déjà vue, les participants déclaraient plus souvent que la forme initiale (canonique) de la cible correspondait le mieux à la cible qu'à n'importe quelle représentation de la cible précédemment capturée, ce qui indique que les relations entre les cibles et leur apparence déclarée peuvent être fortement modulées par d'autres facteurs, tels que les biais de déclaration des cibles canoniques. L'expérience 2.3 visait à déterminer si les observateurs identifiaient une cible en fonction de leurs propres représentations correspondantes (antérieures) de la cible. Les résultats ont montré qu'en présence de choix de réponses très distincts, la correspondance entre la cible et l'apparence était forte. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse a permis de mettre au point un nouvel outil de capture de l'apparence et de l'appliquer à l'étude de la vision spatiale. Le travail actuel a révélé comment les stimuli apparaissent aux observateurs à la limite de la résolution visuelle et que l'apparence de la cible rapportée est fortement modulée par d'autres facteurs lorsque les catégories de réponses sont limitées. Les travaux futurs porteront sur l'utilisation de l'interface des grilles pour saisir l'apparence des stimuli en cas de dysfonctionnement visuel, sur l'étude de la cohérence de l'apparence dans d'autres conditions d'observation (par exemple, dans la périphérie visuelle), ainsi que sur l'utilisation de l'ophtalmoscopie laser à balayage par optique adaptative (AOSLO) pour démêler l'impact des aberrations optiques de l'œil des autres limitations neuronales possibles sur l'apparence des stimuli

    Apparence et performance aux limites de la vision spatiale

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    La perception visuelle humaine est généralement étudiée en mesurant la performance. Cependant, cette mesure ne permet d'obtenir que des informations limitées sur la manière dont un stimulus est apparu aux observateurs. L'objectif général de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre comment les stimuli apparaissent aux observateurs aux limites de la vision spatiale. Pour l'étude 1, une interface interactive à grille carrée a été développée pour saisir l'apparence des stimuli en permettant aux observateurs de sélectionner des carrés sur les grilles pour obtenir des "espaces d'apparence" (c.-à-d. comment les ensembles de stimuli se présentent) des cibles présentées. L'apparence des symboles des cibles (optotypes) a été étudiée en dessous, au niveau et au-dessus de la limite de résolution visuelle des observateurs. Les résultats ont montré que les représentations sur les grilles variaient selon les observateurs, les cibles et les tailles, et ont révélé des erreurs caractéristiques jusqu'alors inconnues pour les cibles présentées autour de la limite de résolution visuelle. Dans l'étude 2, des tâches typiques de choix alternatif forcé ont été utilisées pour étudier l'apparence. L'expérience 2.1 visait à déterminer si l'apparence des cibles était partagée entre les observateurs. Les résultats n'ont montré aucune preuve de partage des espaces d'apparence au seuil et en dessous du seuil. L'expérience 2.2 a examiné la force de la relation entre les cibles physiques et leur apparence chez les participants. Lorsqu'on leur présentait une cible déjà vue, les participants déclaraient plus souvent que la forme initiale (canonique) de la cible correspondait le mieux à la cible qu'à n'importe quelle représentation de la cible précédemment capturée, ce qui indique que les relations entre les cibles et leur apparence déclarée peuvent être fortement modulées par d'autres facteurs, tels que les biais de déclaration des cibles canoniques. L'expérience 2.3 visait à déterminer si les observateurs identifiaient une cible en fonction de leurs propres représentations correspondantes (antérieures) de la cible. Les résultats ont montré qu'en présence de choix de réponses très distincts, la correspondance entre la cible et l'apparence était forte. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse a permis de mettre au point un nouvel outil de capture de l'apparence et de l'appliquer à l'étude de la vision spatiale. Le travail actuel a révélé comment les stimuli apparaissent aux observateurs à la limite de la résolution visuelle et que l'apparence de la cible rapportée est fortement modulée par d'autres facteurs lorsque les catégories de réponses sont limitées. Les travaux futurs porteront sur l'utilisation de l'interface des grilles pour saisir l'apparence des stimuli en cas de dysfonctionnement visuel, sur l'étude de la cohérence de l'apparence dans d'autres conditions d'observation (par exemple, dans la périphérie visuelle), ainsi que sur l'utilisation de l'ophtalmoscopie laser à balayage par optique adaptative (AOSLO) pour démêler l'impact des aberrations optiques de l'œil des autres limitations neuronales possibles sur l'apparence des stimuli.Human visual perception is usually investigated by measuring performance. However, when measuring performance, only limited information on how a stimulus appeared to the observers is obtained. The general aim of this dissertation was to better understand how stimuli appear to observers at the limits of spatial vision. For Study 1, an interactive square-grid interface was developed to capture the appearance of stimuli by letting observers select squares on the grids to obtain ‘appearance spaces' (i.e., how sets of stimuli looked like) of the presented targets. The appearance of target symbols (optotypes) was investigated below, at and above observers' visual resolution limit. Results showed how depictions on the grids varied between observers, targets, and sizes, and revealed characteristic errors that were previously unknown for targets presented around the visual resolution limit. In Study 2, typical alternative-forced-choice tasks were used to investigate appearance. Experiment 2.1 investigated whether target appearance was shared across observers. Results showed no evidence for shared appearance spaces at and below threshold. Experiment 2.2 examined the strength of the relation between physical targets and their appearance within participants. When presented with a previously seen target, the initial (canonical) target shape was reported as the best target match more often than any of their previously captured target depictions, indicating that relations between targets and their reported appearance may be strongly modulated by other factors, such as biases to report canonical targets. Experiment 2.3 explored whether observers identify a target given their own corresponding (previous) target depictions. Results showed that given highly distinct response options, the mapping of target and appearance was strong. Taken together, in this dissertation a new tool to capture appearance has been developed and applied to investigate spatial vision. The current work has revealed how stimuli appear to observers at the visual resolution limit and that reported target appearance is strongly modulated by other factors when response categories are limited. Future work will focus on using the grids interface to capture the appearance of stimuli in cases of visual dysfunction; probing the consistency of appearance in other viewing conditions (e.g., in the visual periphery); as well as using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) to disentangle the impact of the optical aberrations of the eye from other possible neural limitations on stimulus' appearance