104 research outputs found

    Effects of very low frequency electromagnetic method (VLFEM) and physicochemical change of Zango abattoir

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    The study examined the impact of livestock dung on ground water status in the study area. To achieve this, a very low frequency EM survey was conducted; the aim and objective was to detect fractures in the subsurface. VLF data were acquired at 5m intervals along two profiles, with maximum length of 60m in the North-South direction. The fraser filtered real component of the processed VLF data detected anomalous zones/ litho logical boundaries that may possibly serve as conduit for the movement of solid waste contaminant into the ground water. Water sample from the hand dug wells were collected in prewashed 250ml plastic container and analyzed in the Laboratory. Result obtained shows that physicochemical analysis deviate from WHO and SON standard and complement with VLF EM survey. This has shown that it is not free from certain heavy metals, as such, the water is not suitable for human and livestock consumption. It is recommended that the ground water in Zango should be treated using coagulants before use.Keywords: Abattoir, Livestock, SON, Water quality, WHO, Zang

    Radio Propagation Environment Analysis for Neutrino Radio Detection in Salt Mines

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    Abstract a We consider a neutrino large-scale radio Cherenkov observatory in a Romanian salt mine. We include propagation effects on the radio signal generated and make a threshold analysis, taking into account how the pulse couples to a realistic receiver and signal-to-noise ratio limiting situations

    On noise treatment in radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers

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    Precise measurements of the radio emission by cosmic ray air showers require an adequate treatment of noise. Unlike to usual experiments in particle physics, where noise always adds to the signal, radio noise can in principle decrease or increase the signal if it interferes by chance destructively or constructively. Consequently, noise cannot simply be subtracted from the signal, and its influence on amplitude and time measurement of radio pulses must be studied with care. First, noise has to be determined consistently with the definition of the radio signal which typically is the maximum field strength of the radio pulse. Second, the average impact of noise on radio pulse measurements at individual antennas is studied for LOPES. It is shown that a correct treatment of noise is especially important at low signal-to-noise ratios: noise can be the dominant source of uncertainty for pulse height and time measurements, and it can systematically flatten the slope of lateral distributions. The presented method can also be transfered to other experiments in radio and acoustic detection of cosmic rays and neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to NIM A, Proceedings of ARENA 2010, Nantes, Franc

    The LOPES experiment - recent results, status and perspectives

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    The LOPES experiment at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has been taking radio data in the frequency range from 40 to 80 MHz in coincidence with the KASCADE-Grande air shower detector since 2003. Various experimental configurations have been employed to study aspects such as the energy scaling, geomagnetic dependence, lateral distribution, and polarization of the radio emission from cosmic rays. The high quality per-event air shower information provided by KASCADE-Grande has been the key to many of these studies and has even allowed us to perform detailed per-event comparisons with simulations of the radio emission. In this article, we give an overview of results obtained by LOPES, and present the status and perspectives of the ever-evolving experiment.Comment: Proceedings of the ARENA2010 conference, Nantes, Franc

    The KASCADE-Grande Experiment and the LOPES Project

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    KASCADE-Grande is the extension of the multi-detector setup KASCADE to cover a primary cosmic ray energy range from 100 TeV to 1 EeV. The enlarged EAS experiment provides comprehensive observations of cosmic rays in the energy region around the knee. Grande is an array of 700 x 700 sqm equipped with 37 plastic scintillator stations sensitive to measure energy deposits and arrival times of air shower particles. LOPES is a small radio antenna array to operate in conjunction with KASCADE-Grande in order to calibrate the radio emission from cosmic ray air showers. Status and capabilities of the KASCADE-Grande experiment and the LOPES project are presented.Comment: To appear in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplements, as part of the volume for the CRIS 2004, Cosmic Ray International Seminar: GZK and Surrounding

    Radio detection of cosmic ray air showers with LOPES

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    In the last few years, radio detection of cosmic ray air showers has experienced a true renaissance, becoming manifest in a number of new experiments and simulation efforts. In particular, the LOPES project has successfully implemented modern interferometric methods to measure the radio emission from extensive air showers. LOPES has confirmed that the emission is coherent and of geomagnetic origin, as expected by the geosynchrotron mechanism, and has demonstrated that a large scale application of the radio technique has great potential to complement current measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We describe the current status, most recent results and open questions regarding radio detection of cosmic rays and give an overview of ongoing research and development for an application of the radio technique in the framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory.Comment: 8 pages; Proceedings of the CRIS2006 conference, Catania, Italy; to be published in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplement

    The spectrum of high-energy cosmic rays measured with KASCADE-Grande

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    The energy spectrum of cosmic rays between 10**16 eV and 10**18 eV, derived from measurements of the shower size (total number of charged particles) and the total muon number of extensive air showers by the KASCADE-Grande experiment, is described. The resulting all-particle energy spectrum exhibits strong hints for a hardening of the spectrum at approximately 2x10**16 eV and a significant steepening at c. 8x10**16 eV. These observations challenge the view that the spectrum is a single power law between knee and ankle. Possible scenarios generating such features are discussed in terms of astrophysical processes that may explain the transition region from galactic to extragalactic origin of cosmic rays.Comment: accepted by Astroparticle Physics June 201
