48 research outputs found

    La banalización del periodismo cultural. Show mediático y contenidos culturales en la prensa escrita peruana

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    Cultural Journalism is one of the most important fields of information in social life. Since its inception, it has been linked to the written press and to the world of sciences, arts and letters, and today, it has become a wide space of varied topics, which includes not only the most relevant events of the cultural world, but also those of entertainment and media show. Given this scenario, this research seeks to demonstrate, through a content analysis of three of the most important national newspapers in the peruvian written press (El Comercio, La República, Perú21) that cultural contents have been replaced by questions of “farandula”, gossip and mediatic facts, contributing to an increasingly negative meaning of entertainment journalism and the trivialization of true Cultural Journalism.El periodismo cultural es uno de los campos informativos de mayor trascendencia en la vida social. Desde su nacimiento, ha estado ligado a la prensa escrita y al mundo de las ciencias, letras y artes, hasta convertirse hoy en un espacio de amplia y variada temática, que incluye no solo los acontecimientos más relevantes del mundo cultural, sino también los del entretenimiento y el espectáculo. Ante este escenario, esta investigación pretende demostrar, mediante un análisis de contenido de tres de los diarios nacionales más importantes de la prensa escrita peruana (El Comercio, La República, Perú21) que los contenidos culturales han sido reemplazados por cuestiones de farándula, chisme y hechos mediáticos, contribuyendo a una acepción cada vez más negativa del periodismo de espectáculos y a la banalización del verdadero periodismo cultural

    Prácticas restaurativas: estrategias para mejorar para mejorar la convivencia escolar

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    In this reflection article, the application of restorative practices to school conflicts and their manifestations that affect school coexistence is analyzed; In the same way, the role of teachers, students and parents in the approach and treatment of conflictive situations is described, as well as the need to make adjustments to the current curriculum so that they are given the training they require for conflict resolution; However, regarding the results, it is established that the strategy based on restorative practices encompasses the deep analysis of the causes of the conflict to establish the truth of what happened, through the organization of meetings between the aggressor and the victim, the facts are reported from different perspectives in order to reach agreements and for the transgressor to assume his responsibility, avoiding the repetition of the damage and fully repairing the victim. Regarding the conclusions, it is stated that the training of teachers, students and parents in restorative practices as a strategy is necessary, because they include various tools, supported by an experienced facilitator, for a proactive or reactive approach to the conflictive situation. that affects school life.En el presente artículo de reflexión se analiza la aplicación de las prácticas restaurativas a los conflictos escolares y a las manifestaciones de estos que afectan la convivencia escolar; de igual manera se describe el rol de los docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia en el abordaje y tratamiento de las situaciones conflictivas y la necesidad de realizar ajustes al currículo actual para que se les brinde la formación que requieren para la solución de los conflictos; ahora bien, con respecto a los resultados, se establece que la estrategia basada en prácticas restaurativas abarca el análisis profundo de las causas del conflicto para establecer la verdad de lo ocurrido, mediante la organización de reuniones entre agresor y víctima, se relatan los  hechos desde diferentes perspectivas con el objeto de llegar a acuerdos y que el transgresor asuma su responsabilidad, evitando la repetición del daño y repare integralmente a la víctima. En lo referente a las conclusiones, se plantea que es necesaria la formación de docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia en las prácticas restaurativas como estrategia, porque incluyen diversas herramientas, apoyados por un facilitador experimentado, para un abordaje proactivo o reactivo de la situación conflictiva que afecta la convivencia escolar

    DECam-GROWTH Search for the Faint and Distant Binary Neutron Star and Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers in O3a

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    Synoptic searches for the optical counterpart to a binary neutron star (BNS) or neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger can pose significant challenges towards the discovery of kilonovae and performing multi-messenger science. In this work, we describe the advantage of a global multi-telescope network towards this end, with a particular focus on the key and complementary role the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) plays in multi-facility follow-up. We describe the Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) Marshal, a common web application we built to ingest events, plan observations, search for transient candidates, and retrieve performance summary statistics for all of the telescopes in our network. Our infrastructure enabled us to conduct observations of two events during O3a, S190426c and S190510g. Furthermore, our analysis of deep DECam observations of S190814bv conducted by the DESGW team, and access to a variety of global follow-up facilities allowed us to place meaningful constraints on the parameters of the kilonova and the merging binary. We emphasize the importance of a global telescope network in conjunction with a power telescope like DECam in performing searches for the counterparts to gravitational-wave sources

    The 2022–2023 accretion outburst of the young star V1741 Sgr

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/V1741 Sgr (= SPICY 71482/Gaia22dtk) is a Classical T Tauri star on the outskirts of the Lagoon Nebula. After at least a decade of stability, in mid-2022, the optical source brightened by ∼3 mag over 2 months, remained bright until early 2023, then dimmed erratically over the next 4 months. This event was monitored with optical and infrared spectroscopy and photometry. Spectra from the peak (October 2022) indicate an EX Lup-type (EXor) accretion outburst, with strong emission from H I, He I, and Ca II lines and CO bands. At this stage, spectroscopic absorption features indicated a temperature of T ∼ 4750 K with low-gravity lines (e.g. Ba II and Sr II). By April 2023, with the outburst beginning to dim, strong TiO absorption appeared, indicating a cooler T ∼ 3600 K temperature. However, once the source had returned to its pre-outburst flux in August 2023, the TiO absorption and the CO emission disappeared. When the star went into outburst, the source’s spectral energy distribution became flatter, leading to bluer colours at wavelengths shorter than ∼1.6 m and redder colours at longer wavelengths. The brightening requires a continuum emitting area larger than the stellar surface, likely from optically thick circumstellar gas with cooler surface layers producing the absorption features. Additional contributions to the outburst spectrum may include blue excess from hotspots on the stellar surface, emission lines from diffuse gas, and reprocessed emission from the dust disc. Cooling of the circumstellar gas would explain the appearance of TiO, which subsequently disappeared once this gas had faded and the stellar spectrum reemerged.Peer reviewe

    Updated observing scenarios and multi-messenger implications for the International Gravitational-wave Network's O4 and O5

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    Advanced LIGO and Virgo's third observing run brought another binary neutron star merger (BNS) and the first neutron-star black-hole (NSBH) mergers. While no confirmed kilonovae (KNe) was identified in conjunction with any of these events, continued improvements of analyses surrounding GW170817 allow us to project constraints on the Hubble Constant (H0H_0), the Galactic enrichment from rr-process nucleosynthesis, and ultra-dense matter possible from forthcoming events. Here, we describe the expected constraints based on the latest expected event rates from the international gravitational-wave network (IGWN) and analyses of GW170817. We show the expected detection rate of gravitational waves and their counterparts, as well as how sensitive potential constraints are to the observed numbers of counterparts. We intend this analysis as support for the community when creating scientifically-driven electromagnetic follow-up proposals. During the next observing run O4, we predict an annual detection rate of electromagnetic counterparts from BNS of 0.430.26+0.580.43^{+0.58}_{-0.26} (1.971.2+2.681.97^{+2.68}_{-1.2}) for the Zwicky Transient Facility (Rubin Observatory)

    GROWTH on S190426c: Real-time Search for a Counterpart to the Probable Neutron Star–Black Hole Merger using an Automated Difference Imaging Pipeline for DECam

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    The discovery of a transient kilonova following the gravitational-wave (GW) event GW170817 highlighted the critical need for coordinated rapid and wide-field observations, inference, and follow-up across the electromagnetic spectrum. In the southern hemisphere, the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the Blanco 4 m telescope is well suited to this task, as it is able to cover wide fields quickly while still achieving the depths required to find kilonovae like the one accompanying GW170817 to ~500 Mpc, the binary neutron star (NS) horizon distance for current generation of LIGO/Virgo collaboration (LVC) interferometers. Here, as part of the multi-facility follow-up by the Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen collaboration, we describe the observations and automated data movement, data reduction, candidate discovery, and vetting pipeline of our target-of-opportunity DECam observations of S190426c, the first possible NS–black hole merger detected in GWs. Starting 7.5 hr after S190426c, over 11.28 hr of observations, we imaged an area of 525 deg^2 (r band) and 437 deg^2 (z band); this was 16.3% of the total original localization probability, and nearly all of the probability visible from the southern hemisphere. The machine-learning-based pipeline was optimized for fast turnaround, delivering transients for human vetting within 17 minutes, on average, of shutter closure. We reported nine promising counterpart candidates 2.5 hr before the end of our observations. One hour after our data-taking ended (roughly 20 hr after the announcement of S190426c), LVC released a refined skymap that reduced the probability coverage of our observations to 8.0%, demonstrating a critical need for localization updates on shorter (~hour) timescales. Our observations yielded no detection of a bona fide counterpart to m_z = 21.7 and m_r = 22.2 at the 5σ level of significance, consistent with the refined LVC positioning. We view these observations and rapid inferencing as an important real-world test for this novel end-to-end wide-field pipeline

    GROWTH on S190510g: DECam Observation Planning and Follow-Up of a Distant Binary Neutron Star Merger Candidate

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    The first two months of the third Advanced LIGO and Virgo observing run (2019 April–May) showed that distant gravitational-wave (GW) events can now be readily detected. Three candidate mergers containing neutron stars (NS) were reported in a span of 15 days, all likely located more than 100 Mpc away. However, distant events such as the three new NS mergers are likely to be coarsely localized, which highlights the importance of facilities and scheduling systems that enable deep observations over hundreds to thousands of square degrees to detect the electromagnetic counterparts. On 2019 May 10 02:59:39.292 UT the GW candidate S190510g was discovered and initially classified as a binary neutron star (BNS) merger with 98% probability. The GW event was localized within an area of 3462 deg^2, later refined to 1166 deg^2 (90%) at a distance of 227 ± 92 Mpc. We triggered Target-of-Opportunity observations with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a wide-field optical imager mounted at the prime focus of the 4 m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. This Letter describes our DECam observations and our real-time analysis results, focusing in particular on the design and implementation of the observing strategy. Within 24 hr of the merger time, we observed 65% of the total enclosed probability of the final skymap with an observing efficiency of 94%. We identified and publicly announced 13 candidate counterparts. S190510g was reclassified 1.7 days after the merger, after our observations were completed, with a "BNS merger" probability reduced from 98% to 42% in favor of a "terrestrial classification

    Appliying inmersive worlds for solving real problems of Agronomic and Forest Engineering and Enology

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    El Plan de Innovación Docente 2016-2017 de la Universidad de Córdoba planteaba en sus líneas prioritarias de proyectos el trabajo por competencias, las actividades académicamente dirigidas y la transferencia del conocimiento teórico a la práctica. En este contexto, se planteó desarrollar una serie de casos prácticos en un espacio virtual adaptado a las características de los mismos donde, a través de juegos de rol (en los que participaran no sólo los estudiantes sino profesionales del sector) los estudiantes organizados en grupos tendrían que resolver problemas y/o plantear y analizar sus posibles soluciones. Se presenta en el siguiente trabajo un proyecto colectivo donde diferentes escenarios prácticos y agentes involucrados en los temarios de asignaturas como Proyectos y Comercialización y Regulación de Mercados Agrarios comunes al Grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural, Ingeniería. Forestal y Enología fueron representados. En el primer caso, se propuso la elaboración y presentación de una licitación pública y en el segundo caso, la simulación de los actores de una subasta pública en una lonja. Entre los resultados del proyecto, se destacan los vídeos protagonizados por los alumnos reproduciendo las entrevistas reales y negociaciones de los agentes de la lonja o en el caso de la licitación, la preparación de los pliegos de una licitación por parte de los técnicos de un ayuntamiento, la elaboración de las plicas por parte de empresas licitadoras y la evaluación de las mismas por parte de la mesa de contratación. Además, los resultados de las encuestas a los estudiantes pusieron de manifiesto la importancia de este tipo de proyectos para mejorar la adquisición de conocimiento práctico de las asignaturas así como competencias de comportamiento y particularmente de tipo creativo.The Teaching Innovation Plan 2016-2017 of the University of Cordoba proposed in its priority lines of projects the work by competences, the academically directed activities and the transfer of theoretical knowledge to the practice. In this context, the development of a series of practical cases in a virtual space or role plays were proposed in which not only students but professionals of the sector participated. The students, organized in groups, had to solve problems and / or raise and analyze their possible solutions. We presented in the following work a collective project where different practical scenarios and agents involved in the subjects “Projects” and “Marketing and Regulation of Agrarian Markets” of the Degrees of Agri-food Engineering and Rural Environment, Forest Engineering and Oenology were represented. The first case was the preparation and the presentation of a public contract whereas in the second case, the simulation of the actors of a public auction was played. Among the results of the project, it is worth highlighting the videos played by the students reproducing the actual interviews and negotiations of the agents of the auction or in the case of the tender, the preparation of the bidding documents by the technicians of a town hall, the offers of the bidding companies and the evaluation of the same by the contracting table. In addition, the results of the student surveys showed the importance of this type of projects to improve the acquisition of practical knowledge of the subjects as well as behavioural competences and, particularly, of a creative type