112 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Collagen Membranes as Drug Carriers of Geranylgeraniol to Counteract the Effect of Zoledronate

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    To counteract the effect of zoledronate and decrease the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) development in patients undergoing guided bone regeneration surgery, the use of geranylgeraniol (GGOH) has been proposed. Collagen membranes may act as biomimetical drug carriers. The objective of this study was to determine the capacity of collagen-based membranes doped with GGOH to revert the negative impact of zoledronate on the growth and differentiation of human osteoblasts. MG-63 cells were cultured on collagen membranes. Two groups were established: (1) undoped membranes and (2) membranes doped with geranylgeraniol. Osteoblasts were cultured with or without zoledronate (50 ÎŒM). Cell proliferation was evaluated at 48 h using the MTT colorimetric method. Differentiation was tested by staining mineralization nodules with alizarin red and by gene expression analysis of bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 7, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 7 (BMP-2 and BMP-7), type I collagen (Col-I), osterix (OSX), osteocalcin (OSC), osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor for RANK (RANKL), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx-2), TGF-ÎČ1 and TGF-ÎČ receptors (TGF-ÎČR1, TGF-ÎČR2, and TGF-ÎČR3), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) with real-time PCR. One-way ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis and post hoc Bonferroni tests were applied (p < 0.05). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations were also performed. Treatment of osteoblasts with 50 ÎŒM zoledronate produced a significant decrease in cell proliferation, mineralization capacity, and gene expression of several differentiation markers if compared to the control (p < 0.001). When osteoblasts were treated with zoledronate and cultured on GGOH-doped membranes, these variables were, in general, similar to the control group (p > 0.05). GGOH applied on collagen membranes is able to reverse the negative impact of zoledronate on the proliferation, differentiation, and gene expression of different osteoblasts’ markers.Grant PID2020-114694RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI 10.13039/501100011033FPU of Ministry of Universities [grant FPU20/00450

    Comparison of ALBAYZIN query-by-example spoken term detection 2012 and 2014 evaluations

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    Query-by-example spoken term detection (QbE STD) aims at retrieving data from a speech repository given an acoustic query containing the term of interest as input. Nowadays, it is receiving much interest due to the large volume of multimedia information. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN QbE STD 2014 evaluation held as a part of the ALBAYZIN 2014 Evaluation campaign within the context of the IberSPEECH 2014 conference. This is the second QbE STD evaluation in Spanish, which allows us to evaluate the progress in this technology for this language. The evaluation consists in retrieving the speech files that contain the input queries, indicating the start and end times where the input queries were found, along with a score value that reflects the confidence given to the detection of the query. Evaluation is conducted on a Spanish spontaneous speech database containing a set of talks from workshops, which amount to about 7 h of speech. We present the database, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and compare this second evaluation with the first ALBAYZIN QbE STD evaluation held in 2012. Four different research groups took part in the evaluations held in 2012 and 2014. In 2014, new multi-word and foreign queries were added to the single-word and in-language queries used in 2012. Systems submitted to the second evaluation are hybrid systems which integrate letter transcription- and template matching-based systems. Despite the significant improvement obtained by the systems submitted to this second evaluation compared to those of the first evaluation, results still show the difficulty of this task and indicate that there is still room for improvement.This research was funded by the Spanish Government ('SpeechTech4All Project' TEC2012 38939 C03 01 and 'CMC-V2 Project' TEC2012 37585 C02 01), the Galician Government through the research contract GRC2014/024 (Modalidade: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva 2014) and 'AtlantTIC Project' CN2012/160, and also by the Spanish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project TACTICA

    TipologĂ­a de consumidores de miel con educaciĂłn universitaria en MĂ©xico

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    Mexico is a honey-producing country, paradoxically, its per capita consumption is low compared to European countries. The objective was to make a typology of honey consumers in Mexico with a minimum educational level of bachelor’s degree in ages from 20 to 60 years and to determine their socioeconomic characteristics and aspects that motivate consumption. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 1,003 honey consumers who met the conditions of age and school level. The information was analyzed using cluster and discriminant analysis. Three types of consumers were identified: 1) educated consumers with average income (34.4 %), they were those who consume honey frequently, have extensive knowledge about beekeeping by-products and honey properties, prefer to buy the product from beekeepers; 2) highly educated consumers with high income (25.8 %), most of them have postgraduate degrees and receive income greater than 5,000perweek,theywerepeopleofmatureageandwithmoderateconsumptionofhoney,athirdofthisgrouponlyknowhoney,haveknowledgeofitspropertiesandqualities,theyareindifferenttotheplaceofpurchase;and3)educatedconsumerswithlowincome(39.85,000 per week, they were people of mature age and with moderate consumption of honey, a third of this group only know honey, have knowledge of its properties and qualities, they are indifferent to the place of purchase; and 3) educated consumers with low income (39.8 %), it grouped young consumers who only have a bachelor’s degree, their consumption is moderate, they prefer to buy the product in markets. The groups of consumers formed provide information on a segment of the honey market in Mexico, it is necessary to continue conducting research on issues related to consumption and preference of honey consumers in Mexico.MĂ©xico es un paĂ­s productor de miel, paradĂłjicamente, su consumo per cĂĄpita es bajo comparado con los paĂ­ses europeos. El objetivo fue realizar una tipologĂ­a a consumidores de miel en MĂ©xico con nivel educativo mĂ­nimo de licenciatura en edades de 20 a 60 años y determinar sus caracterĂ­sticas socioeconĂłmicas y aspectos que motivan el consumo. Se aplicĂł un cuestionario a una muestra de 1,003 consumidores de miel que cumplieran con las condiciones de edad y nivel escolar. La informaciĂłn se analizĂł mediante anĂĄlisis de conglomerados y discriminante. Se identificaron tres tipos de consumidores: 1) consumidores educados con ingresos promedio (34.4 %), fueron los que consumen miel frecuentemente, tienen un amplio conocimiento sobre los subproductos de la apicultura y propiedades de la miel, prefieren comprar el producto con los apicultores; 2) consumidores altamente educados con ingresos altos (25.8 %), en su mayorĂ­a tienen posgrado y reciben ingresos mayores a 5,000 semanales, fueron personas en edad madura y con consumo moderado de miel, una tercera parte de este grupo solo conocen la miel, tienen conocimiento de sus propiedades y cualidades, les es indiferente el lugar de compra; y 3) consumidores educados con ingreso bajo (39.8 %), agrupĂł a consumidores jĂłvenes que solo tienen nivel de licenciatura, su consumo es moderado, prefieren comprar el producto en mercados.  Los grupos de consumidores conformados brindan informaciĂłn sobre un segmento del mercado de la miel en MĂ©xico, es necesario continuar realizando investigaciones sobre temas referentes a consumo y preferencia de los consumidores de miel en MĂ©xico

    Search on speech from spoken queries: the Multi-domain International ALBAYZIN 2018 Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection Evaluation

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    [Abstract] The huge amount of information stored in audio and video repositories makes search on speech (SoS) a priority area nowadays. Within SoS, Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection (QbE STD) aims to retrieve data from a speech repository given a spoken query. Research on this area is continuously fostered with the organization of QbE STD evaluations. This paper presents a multi-domain internationally open evaluation for QbE STD in Spanish. The evaluation aims at retrieving the speech files that contain the queries, providing their start and end times, and a score that reflects the confidence given to the detection. Three different Spanish speech databases that encompass different domains have been employed in the evaluation: MAVIR database, which comprises a set of talks from workshops; RTVE database, which includes broadcast television (TV) shows; and COREMAH database, which contains 2-people spontaneous speech conversations about different topics. The evaluation has been designed carefully so that several analyses of the main results can be carried out. We present the evaluation itself, the three databases, the evaluation metrics, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and the detailed post-evaluation analyses based on some query properties (within-vocabulary/out-of-vocabulary queries, single-word/multi-word queries, and native/foreign queries). Fusion results of the primary systems submitted to the evaluation are also presented. Three different teams took part in the evaluation, and ten different systems were submitted. The results suggest that the QbE STD task is still in progress, and the performance of these systems is highly sensitive to changes in the data domain. Nevertheless, QbE STD strategies are able to outperform text-based STD in unseen data domains.Centro singular de investigaciĂłn de Galicia; ED431G/04Universidad del PaĂ­s Vasco; GIU16/68Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; TEC2015-68172-C2-1-PMinisterio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Competitividad; RTI2018-098091-B-I00Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    ALBAYZIN 2018 spoken term detection evaluation: a multi-domain international evaluation in Spanish

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    [Abstract] Search on speech (SoS) is a challenging area due to the huge amount of information stored in audio and video repositories. Spoken term detection (STD) is an SoS-related task aiming to retrieve data from a speech repository given a textual representation of a search term (which can include one or more words). This paper presents a multi-domain internationally open evaluation for STD in Spanish. The evaluation has been designed carefully so that several analyses of the main results can be carried out. The evaluation task aims at retrieving the speech files that contain the terms, providing their start and end times, and a score that reflects the confidence given to the detection. Three different Spanish speech databases that encompass different domains have been employed in the evaluation: the MAVIR database, which comprises a set of talks from workshops; the RTVE database, which includes broadcast news programs; and the COREMAH database, which contains 2-people spontaneous speech conversations about different topics. We present the evaluation itself, the three databases, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and detailed post-evaluation analyses based on some term properties (within-vocabulary/out-of-vocabulary terms, single-word/multi-word terms, and native/foreign terms). Fusion results of the primary systems submitted to the evaluation are also presented. Three different research groups took part in the evaluation, and 11 different systems were submitted. The obtained results suggest that the STD task is still in progress and performance is highly sensitive to changes in the data domain.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2015-64282-R,Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; RTI2018-093336-B-C22Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TEC2015-65345-PXunta de Galicia; ED431B 2016/035Xunta de Galicia; GPC ED431B 2019/003Xunta de Galicia; GRC 2014/024Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/04Agrupación estratéxica consolidada; GIU16/68Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TEC2015-68172-C2-1-

    Bisphenol A Induces Accelerated Cell Aging in Murine Endothelium.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widespread endocrine disruptor affecting many organs and systems. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that BPA could induce death due to necroptosis in murine aortic endothelial cells (MAECs). This work aims to evaluate the possible involvement of BPA-induced senescence mechanisms in endothelial cells. The ÎČ-Gal assays showed interesting differences in cell senescence at relatively low doses (100 nM and 5 ”M). Western blots confirmed that proteins involved in senescence mechanisms, p16 and p21, were overexpressed in the presence of BPA. In addition, the UPR (unfolding protein response) system, which is part of the senescent phenotype, was also explored by Western blot and qPCR, confirming the involvement of the PERK-ATF4-CHOP pathway (related to pathological processes). The endothelium of mice treated with BPA showed an evident increase in the expression of the proteins p16, p21, and CHOP, confirming the results observed in cells. Our results demonstrate that oxidative stress induced by BPA leads to UPR activation and senescence since pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in BPA-treated cells reduced the percentage of senescent cells prevented the overexpression of proteins related to BPA-induced senescence and reduced the activation of the UPR system. The results suggest that BPA participates actively in accelerated cell aging mechanisms, affecting the vascular endothelium and promoting cardiovascular diseases.post-print3206 K

    ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation

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    [EN] Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection (QbE STD) aims to retrieve data from a speech repository given an acoustic (spoken) query containing the term of interest as the input. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN QbE STD 2016 Evaluation held as a part of the ALBAYZIN 2016 Evaluation Campaign at the IberSPEECH 2016 conference. Special attention was given to the evaluation design so that a thorough post-analysis of the main results could be carried out. Two different Spanish speech databases, which cover different acoustic and language domains, were used in the evaluation: the MAVIR database, which consists of a set of talks from workshops, and the EPIC database, which consists of a set of European Parliament sessions in Spanish. We present the evaluation design, both databases, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and a thorough analysis and discussion. Four different research groups participated in the evaluation, and a total of eight template matching-based systems were submitted. We compare the systems submitted to the evaluation and make an in-depth analysis based on some properties of the spoken queries, such as query length, single-word/multi-word queries, and in-language/out-of-language queries.This work was partially supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under the projects UID/EEA/50008/2013 (pluriannual funding in the scope of the LETSREAD project) and UID/CEC/50021/2013, and Grant SFRH/BD/97187/2013. Jorge Proenca is supported by the SFRH/BD/97204/2013 FCT Grant. This work was also supported by the Galician Government ('Centro singular de investigacion de Galicia' accreditation 2016-2019 ED431G/01 and the research contract GRC2014/024 (Modalidade: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva 2014)), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the projects "DSSL: Redes Profundas y Modelos de Subespacios para Deteccion y Seguimiento de Locutor, Idioma y Enfermedades Degenerativas a partir de la Voz" (TEC2015-68172-C2-1-P) and the TIN2015-64282-R funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain, the Spanish Government through the project "TraceThem" (TEC2015-65345-P), and AtlantTIC ED431G/04.Tejedor, J.; Toledano, DT.; Lopez-Otero, P.; Docio-Fernandez, L.; Proença, J.; PerdigĂŁo, F.; GarcĂ­a-Granada, F.... (2018). ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-018-0125-9S125Jarina, R, Kuba, M, Gubka, R, Chmulik, M, Paralic, M (2013). UNIZA system for the spoken web search task at MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 791–792).Ali, A, & Clements, MA (2013). Spoken web search using and ergodic hidden Markov model of speech. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 861–862).Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2014). SpeeD@MediaEval 2014: Spoken term detection with robust multilingual phone recognition. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 721–722).Caranica, A, Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2015). SpeeD@MediaEval 2015: Multilingual phone recognition approach to Query By Example STD. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 781–783).Kesiraju, S, Mantena, G, Prahallad, K (2014). IIIT-H system for MediaEval 2014 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 761–762).Ma, M, & Rosenberg, A (2015). CUNY systems for the Query-by-Example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 831–833).Takahashi, J, Hashimoto, T, Konno, R, Sugawara, S, Ouchi, K, Oshima, S, Akyu, T, Itoh, Y (2014). An IWAPU STD system for OOV query terms and spoken queries. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 384–389).Makino, M, & Kai, A (2014). Combining subword and state-level dissimilarity measures for improved spoken term detection in NTCIR-11 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 413–418).Konno, R, Ouchi, K, Obara, M, Shimizu, Y, Chiba, T, Hirota, T, Itoh, Y (2016). An STD system using multiple STD results and multiple rescoring method for NTCIR-12 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-12. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 200–204).Sakamoto, N, Yamamoto, K, Nakagawa, S (2015). Combination of syllable based N-gram search and word search for spoken term detection through spoken queries and IV/OOV classification. In Proc. of ASRU. IEEE, New York, (pp. 200–206).Hou, J, Pham, VT, Leung, C-C, Wang, L, 2, HX, Lv, H, Xie, L, Fu, Z, Ni, C, Xiao, X, Chen, H, Zhang, S, Sun, S, Yuan, Y, Li, P, Nwe, TL, Sivadas, S, Ma, B, Chng, ES, Li, H (2015). The NNI Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 141–143).Vavrek, J, Viszlay, P, Lojka, M, Pleva, M, Juhar, J, Rusko, M (2015). TUKE at MediaEval 2015 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 451–453).Mantena, G, Achanta, S, Prahallad, K (2014). Query-by-example spoken term detection using frequency domain linear prediction and non-segmental dynamic time warping. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 22(5), 946–955.Anguera, X, & Ferrarons, M (2013). Memory efficient subsequence DTW for query-by-example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICME. IEEE, New York, (pp. 1–6).Tulsiani, H, & Rao, P (2015). The IIT-B Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 341–343).Bouallegue, M, Senay, G, Morchid, M, Matrouf, D, Linares, G, Dufour, R (2013). LIA@MediaEval 2013 spoken web search task: An I-Vector based approach. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 771–772).Rodriguez-Fuentes, LJ, Varona, A, Penagarikano, M, Bordel, G, Diez, M (2013). GTTS systems for the SWS task at MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 831–832).Wang, H, Lee, T, Leung, C-C, Ma, B, Li, H (2013). Using parallel tokenizers with DTW matrix combination for low-resource spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICASSP. IEEE, New York, (pp. 8545–8549).Wang, H, & Lee, T (2013). The CUHK spoken web search system for MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 681–682).Proenca, J, Veiga, A, PerdigĂŁo, F (2014). The SPL-IT query by example search on speech system for MediaEval 2014. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 741–742).Proenca, J, Veiga, A, Perdigao, F (2015). Query by example search with segmented dynamic time warping for non-exact spoken queries. In Proc. of EUSIPCO. Springer, Berlin, (pp. 1691–1695).Proenca, J, Castela, L, Perdigao, F (2015). The SPL-IT-UC Query by Example search on speech system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 471–473).Proenca, J, & Perdigao, F (2016). Segmented dynamic time warping for spoken Query-by-Example search. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 750–754).Lopez-Otero, P, Docio-Fernandez, L, Garcia-Mateo, C (2015). GTM-UVigo systems for the Query-by-Example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 521–523).Lopez-Otero, P, Docio-Fernandez, L, Garcia-Mateo, C (2015). Phonetic unit selection for cross-lingual Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ASRU. IEEE, New York, (pp. 223–229).Saxena, A, & Yegnanarayana, B (2015). Distinctive feature based representation of speech for Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 3680–3684).Skacel, M, & Szöke, I (2015). BUT QUESST 2015 system description. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 721–723).Chen, H, Leung, C-C, Xie, L, Ma, B, Li, H (2016). Unsupervised bottleneck features for low-resource Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 923–927).Yuan, Y, Leung, C-C, Xie, L, Chen, H, Ma, B, Li, H (2017). Pairwise learning using multi-lingual bottleneck features for low-resource Query-by-Example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICASSP. IEEE, New York, (pp. 5645–5649).Torbati, AHHN, & Picone, J (2016). A nonparametric Bayesian approach for spoken term detection by example query. In Proc. of Interspeech. ISCA, Baixas, (pp. 928–932).Popli, A, & Kumar, A (2015). 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    Comparison of the renal effects of bisphenol A in mice with and without experimental diabetes. Role of sexual dimorphism.

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    Bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical -xenoestrogen- used in the production of the plastic lining of food and beverage containers, is present in the urine of almost the entire population. Recent studies have shown that BPA exposure is associated with podocytopathy, increased urinary albumin excretion (UAE), and hypertension. Since these changes are characteristic of early diabetic nephropathy (DN), we explored the renal effects of BPA and diabetes including the potential role of sexual dimorphism. Male and female mice were included in the following animals' groups: control mice (C), mice treated with 21.2 mg/kg of BPA in the drinking water (BPA), diabetic mice induced by streptozotocin (D), and D mice treated with BPA (D + BPA). Male mice form the D + BPA group died by the tenth week of the study due probably to hydro-electrolytic disturbances. Although BPA treated mice did not show an increase in serum creatinine, as observed in D and D + BPA groups, they displayed similar alteration to those of the D group, including increased in kidney damage biomarkers NGAL and KIM-1, UAE, hypertension, podocytopenia, apoptosis, collapsed glomeruli, as well as TGF-ÎČ, CHOP and PCNA upregulation. UAE, collapsed glomeruli, PCNA staining, TGF-ÎČ, NGAL and animal survival, significantly impaired in D + BPA animals. Moreover, UAE, collapsed glomeruli and animal survival also displayed a sexual dimorphism pattern. In conclusion, oral administration of BPA is capable of promoting in the kidney alterations that resemble early DN. Further translational studies are needed to clarify the potential role of BPA in renal diseases, particularly in diabetic patients.pre-print3531 K
