129 research outputs found

    Uticaj slušnog uzrasta na razumevanje verbalnih naloga kohlearno implantirane dece

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    Hearing age is defined as a period of using any amplification. Most researches indicate that hearing age influences the developmental rate of auditory and speech-language abilities in deaf children, especially when cochlear implantation was performed before the age of three. This research is aimed at analyzing the influence of hearing age on understanding verbal instructions in children with cochlear implants. The sample consists of 23 children with cochlear implants and 21 children with normal hearing, aged between 4 and 10. Hearing age of children with cochlear implants was between 2 and 7 years. Token Test with toys, adapted for children with hearing impairments, was used to analyze understanding verbal instructions. The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences between children with cochlear implants and children with normal hearing, aged between 4 and 7, on all subtests and the total score regardless of the hearing age (sub1 p lt 0.001, sub2 p lt 0.000, sub3 p lt 0.001, total score p lt 0.000). No statistically significant differences were determined on any of the subtests in children aged between 7.1 and 10, regardless of the hearing age. Comparative results analysis within the experimental group of children with different hearing age indicates that the difference in understanding verbal instructions between these two groups is not statistically significant.Slušni uzrast se definiše kao vremenski period korišćenja amplifikacije. Većina istraživanja pokazuju da slušni uzrast utiče na brzinu formiranje slušnih i govorno-jezičkih sposobnosti gluve dece, naročito ako je kohlearna implantacija urađena pre treće godine života. Istraživanje je bilo usmereno na ispitivanje uticaja slušnog uzrasta na razumevanje verbalnih naloga kohlearno implantirane dece. Uzorkom je bilo obuhvaćeno 23 kohlearno implantirane dece i 21 dete urednog sluha uzrasta od 4 do 10 godina. Slušni uzrast kohlearno implantirane dece se kretao od 2 do 7 godina. Za ispitivanje razumevanja verbalnih naloga korišćen je Token test sa igračkama koji je adaptiran za decu oštećenog sluha. Analiza rezultata je pokazala da postoje statistički značajne razlike između kohlearno implantirane i čujuće dece na svim subtestovima i u ukupnom skoru na uzrastu od 4 do 7 godina bez obzira na slušni uzrast (subtest1 p lt 0,001, subtest2 p lt 0,000, subtest3 p lt 0,001, ukupan skor p lt 0,000), a na uzrastu od 7,1 do 10 godina statistički značajna razlika nije uočena ni na jednom subtestu takođe bez obzira na slušni uzrast. Komparativna analiza rezultata unutar eksperimentalne grupe između dece različitog slušnog uzrasta pokazala je da razlika između ove dve grupe u razumevanju verbalnih naloga nije statistički značajna

    Realism’s Understanding of Negative Numbers

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    Our topic is the understanding of the nature of negative numbers – the entities to which expressions such as ‘-1’ refer. Following Frege, we view positive whole numbers as providing the answer to the question „how many?“ In this light, how are we to view negative numbers? Both positive and negative numbers can be ordered through the relation of larger or smaller. It is then true of all negative numbers that they are entities which are (somehow) smaller than zero. For many, this has been understood as an ontological paradox: how can something be „less than nothing?“ Some propose to avoid the paradox by treating negative numbers as mere façons de parler. In this paper, we propose a more realist account, taking as our starting point the thesis that there is at least one familiar type of object, the magnitude of which can be expressed with negative numbers, namely, debt. How can the sense of an expression be ontologically paradoxical, yet the expression itself still plausibly refer to a social object such as a debt? Or, put differently, how is it possible to be, at the same time, a realist in financial theory and a nominalist in mathematical theory? The paper first shows that the paradox arises when the two distinct ways in which negative numbers are connected to real objects are run together. The first of the two refers to debt only, whereas the second could refer to debt, as well as to physical objects. Finally, we claim that a debt is at once a specifically social object and part of reality as described by physics

    Model for business results improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Doktorska disertacija analizira da li ulaganja u dodatne materijalne i nematerijalne kompenzacije zaposlenima ima uticaj na poslovne rezultate (poslovne prihode) preduzeća i na koji način. Dodatne materijalne i nematerijalne kompenzacije smatraju se finansijskim troškom i pravilna politika upravljanja kompenzacijama od velikog je značaja za upravljanje resursima preduzeća. Ovo istraživanje sprovodi merenje uticaja materijalnih i nematerijalnih kompenzacija na finansijski rezultat. Nakon sprovedenog istraživanja i dobijenih rezultata, došlo se do novih saznanja u ovoj naučnoj oblasti koja mogu doprineti razumevanju procesa donošenja racionalnih odluka vezanih za proces kompenzovanja zaposlenih i njihovoj optimizaciji.PhD thesis investigates whether additional material and non-material compensation policy towards employees has an impact on business results (i.e. revenues) of the sampled enterprises. Additional material and non-material compensation policy represents financial cost and the well-defined policy of compensation is very usefull for the management decision making process. This research measures their impact on the financial result. The results obtained can be usefull as new findings in this scientific field, as well as for understanding the process of rational business decisions with focus on the compensation of employees and their optimization

    Model for business results improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Doktorska disertacija analizira da li ulaganja u dodatne materijalne i nematerijalne kompenzacije zaposlenima ima uticaj na poslovne rezultate (poslovne prihode) preduzeća i na koji način. Dodatne materijalne i nematerijalne kompenzacije smatraju se finansijskim troškom i pravilna politika upravljanja kompenzacijama od velikog je značaja za upravljanje resursima preduzeća. Ovo istraživanje sprovodi merenje uticaja materijalnih i nematerijalnih kompenzacija na finansijski rezultat. Nakon sprovedenog istraživanja i dobijenih rezultata, došlo se do novih saznanja u ovoj naučnoj oblasti koja mogu doprineti razumevanju procesa donošenja racionalnih odluka vezanih za proces kompenzovanja zaposlenih i njihovoj optimizaciji.PhD thesis investigates whether additional material and non-material compensation policy towards employees has an impact on business results (i.e. revenues) of the sampled enterprises. Additional material and non-material compensation policy represents financial cost and the well-defined policy of compensation is very usefull for the management decision making process. This research measures their impact on the financial result. The results obtained can be usefull as new findings in this scientific field, as well as for understanding the process of rational business decisions with focus on the compensation of employees and their optimization

    Kant: dolg in nič. »Manj od ničle (nič)«

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    It is well known that since their inception as equation solving algorithms, negative magnitudes have achieved legitimacy through their interpretation as debt. The transformation of mathematics into a natural science has rendered this view unsatisfactory. Kant’s 1763 essay on negative magnitudes is an attempt to follow Euler’s indispensability argument from Reflexions sur l’espace et le temps, to show the reality (in the physical sense) of negative magnitudes starting from Newton’s third law of motion. Kant’s term real opposition (a breakthrough from Aristotle: “quantity has no concrete opposition,” Cat. 5b 11) seeks to reconcile the old interpretation – debt – with the new one – force. What interests us in this text is the difficulty emerging from this endeavour: the repression of the paradox of negative magnitudes (“less than nothing”), which is only properly elucidated when interpreted as debt. That is to say, the paradoxical quality of negative magnitudes (that they are “weniger wie Nichts” – “less than nothing”), which only debt as a social object could render real, becomes the main obstacle to their physical interpretation.Znano je, da so negativne velikosti svojo legitimnost od svojega nastanka dalje dobile skozi to, da so bile interpretirane kot dolg. S pretvorbo matematike v prirodoslovje pa je ta interpretacija postala nezadostna. Kantov spis iz leta 1763 o negativnih velikosti predstavlja poskus, da se po vzoru na Eulerjev argument o neizogibnosti iz dela Réflexions sur l'espace et le temps pokaže realnost (v fizikalnem smislu) negativnih velikosti izhajajoč iz tretjega Newtonovega zakona akcije in reakcije. Kantov pojem realne zoperstavljenosti (ki je v razmerju do Aristotela novost: »kvantiteta nima nobene konkretne zoperstavljenosti«, Cat 5b11) skuša dotedanjo interpretacijo – dolg, spraviti z novo – silo. V tekstu nas zanima težava, ki pri tem nastopi: potlačitev paradoksa negativnih velikosti (»manj od nič«), ki ga je lahko interpretativno zadovoljil le dolg. Drugače rečeno, paradoksna lastnost negativnih velikosti (da so »weniger wie Nichts«), ki jo je lahko za realno naredil dolg kot družbeni objekt, postane glavna prepreka za njihovo fizikalno intepretacijo

    Structural and computational study of quinoline-based chalcogensemicarbazones

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    Chalcogensemicarbazones are condensation products between semicarbazide and its sulphur and selenium isosters with carbonyl compounds with a broad spectrum of biological activities [1-3]. In this work the X-ray structural investigation of library of six chalcogensemicarbazones has been complemented with computational study of their global and local reactive properties, within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). Among other information, DFT calculations helped us to locate the most reactive sites of studied molecules and to identify their sensitivity towards the oxidation. Investigated compounds have been also checked for their optoelectronic properties, due to the fact that they share certain structural similarity with molecules that have exhibited potentially important properties for the area of organic electronics. Pharmacokinetic properties have been assessed by the analysis of frequently employed drug likeness parameters

    Sinteza, karakterizacija i procena antioksidativne i antimikrobne aktivnosti tri nova n-heteroaromatična hidrazonil-tiazola

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    (Thiazolyl-2-yl)hydrazones (THs) are a group of organic compounds containing both hydrazone and 1,3-thiazole pharmacophores present in many approved drugs. They have been investigated greatly in recent years due to potent anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antituberculosis, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic activities. In this study, one pyridine-based and two quinoline-based, novel THs were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The antimicrobial activity of the compounds was tested against five Gram-positive and five Gram-negative bacteria, as well as against three fungi. The antioxidant capacity of the compounds was tested in six antioxidative assays. The results showed that quinoline-based THs were more active against tested Gram-negative bacteria and fungi strains than pyridine-based compounds. All the compounds showed excellent antioxidative activity comparable to or greater than the used standards (vitamin C and Trolox). Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) parameters were calculated in-silico. Results pointed to promising good pharmacokinetics profiles of investigated compounds, especially 2-quinoline carboxaldehyde-based compound, which can be a lead drug candidate.(Tiazolil-2-il)-hidrazoni (TH) su grupa organskih jedinjenja koja sadrže i hidrazon i 1,3-tiazol farmakofore koje su prisutne u mnogim odobrenim lekovima. Poslednjih godina se u velikoj meri istražuju zbog jakih antikancerogenih, antibakterijskih, antifungalnih, antituberkuloznih, antiinflamatornih i antiparazitskih aktivnosti. U ovoj studiji, sintetisan je jedan novi TH na bazi piridina i dva na bazi hinolina, koji su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, infracrvenom spektroskopijom sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR) i spektroskopijom nuklearne magnetne rezonancije (NMR). Antimikrobna aktivnost jedinjenja je testirana na pet Gram-pozitivnih i pet Gram-negativnih bakterijskih sojeva, kao i na tri soja gljivica. Šest antioksidativnih testova je korišćeno za određivanje antioksidativnog kapaciteta sintetisanih jedinjenja. Rezultati su pokazali da su TH na bazi hinolina aktivniji prema testiranim Gram-negativnim sojevima bakterija i prema gljivicama, nego jedinjenja na bazi piridina. Sva jedinjenja su pokazala odlično antioksidativno dejstvo, uporedivo ili veće od korišćenih standarda (vitamin C i troloks). Parametri apsorpcije, distribucije, metabolizma, izlučivanja i toksičnosti (ADME) izračunati su in-silico. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre farmakokinetičke profile ispitivanih jedinjenja, posebno jedinjenja na bazi 2-hinolinkarboksaldehida koje ima potencijal da bude kandidat za osnovno jedinjenje (engl. lead compound)

    Etiopatogeneza, dijagnoza i terapija stečenog megakolona pasa

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    Megacolon refers to an abnormal dilatation of the colon. This condition occurs in both humans and animals. Although it seems to be more common in cats, megacolon may also occur in dogs. However, data regarding the etiopathogenesis, clinical course and outcome of canine megacolon are scarce. The aim of this study is to present the experience of our team in diagnosis and therapy of canine acquired megacolon, with particular reference to etiopathogenetic aspects. The prospective study included 28 dogs affected with megacolon, aged 5-9 years. The 26 animals underwent a surgical procedure (colonotomy followed by manual extraction of faeces), and were followed up for a period of 28 days. On the basis of anamnestic data, clinical and radiographic findings, 7 dogs (25%) were presented with idiophatic acquired megacolon, while 75% of cases had secundary acquired megacolon of different etiology (including pelvic canal stenosis, lumbar and sacral spinal injuries or back leg fractures, in 46% of cases; keeping the animals in the backyard and irresponsibility of their owners, in 11%; non-adequate nutrition, in 11%; and decreased physical activity and keeping animals in small flats, in 7%). During early postoperative period, the medical treatment and dietary regimen enabled defecation in 65% of cases. The remaining 35% of cases were treated with Cisapride in order to establish spontaneous defecation. All dogs recovered completely during the 28- days follow-up period. According to the results of interviews with dog owners, all animals were in good condition six months after the surgical procedure.Megakolon označava abnormalnu dilataciju kolona. Javlja se i kod ljudi i kod životinja. Iako je oboljenje češće kod mačaka, javlja se i kod pasa. Međutim, podaci o etiopatogenezi, kliničkom toku i ishodu bolesti megakolona kod pasa su oskudni. Stoga je cilj ove studije da se iznesu sopstvena iskustva o dijagnostici i terapiji stečenog megakolona kod pasa, sa posebnim naglaskom na etiopatogenetski aspekt oboljenja. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatila je 28 pasa sa megakolonom, starosti 5-9 godina. Dvadeset šest životinja podvrgnuto je hirurškoj intervenciji (kolonotomija sa manuelnom ekstrakcijom fecesa) i praćeno postoperativno u toku 28 dana. Na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka dobijenih od vlasnika pasa, kliničkog i radiografskog nalaza, 7 pasa (25%) imalo je idiopatski stečeni megakolon, dok je kod 21 psa (75%) bolest okarakterisana kao sekundarni stečeni megakolon uzrokovan različitim etiološkim faktorima (uključujući stenozu pelvičnog kanala, oštećenje lumbalne i sakralne kičme ili frakturu zadnjih ekstremiteta, kod 46% pasa; čuvanje životinja u dvorištu i nedovoljni nadzor od strane vlasnika, kod 11%; neadekvatna ishrana, kod 11%; smanjenja fizičke aktivnosti i čuvanje životinja u skučenom prostoru, kod 7%). U ranom postoperativnom periodu, terapija i režim ishrane doveli su do uspostavljanja defekacije kod 65% pasa. Kod preostalih 35% slučajeva spontana defekacija je uspostavljena primenom terapije Cisapridom. Sve životinje su se u toku 28-dnevnog nadzora kompletno oporavile, a odlično opšte stanje zabeleženo je, na osnovu intervjua sa vlasnicima i 6 meseci nakon hirurške intervencije

    Modeliranje ekstremnih vrijednosti ukupnog sadržaja elektrona na području Srbije

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    This paper is dedicated to modeling extreme TEC (Total Electron Content) values at the territory of Serbia. For the extreme TEC values, we consider the maximum values from the peak of the 11-year cycle of solar activity in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 for the days of the winter and summer solstice and autumnal and vernal equinox. The average TEC values between 10 and 12 UT (Universal Time) were treated. As the basic data for all processing, we used GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) observation obtained by three permanent stations located in the territory of Serbia. Those data, we accept as actual, i.e. as a “true TEC values”. The main objectives of this research were to examine the possibility to use two machine learning techniques: neural networks and support vector machine. In order to emphasize the quality of applied techniques, all results are adequately compared to the TEC values obtained by using International Reference Ionosphere global model. In addition, we separately analyzed the quality of techniques throughout temporal and spatial-temporal approach.Ovaj rad je posvećen modeliranju ekstremnih TEC vrijednosti (Total Electron Content – ukupan sadržaj elektrona) na području Srbije. Pod ekstremnim TEC vrijednostima razmatrali smo one koje se javljaju u toku maksimuma Sunčeve aktivnosti koji se periodično ponavljaju svakih 11 godina i to za odabrane 2013., 2014. i 2015. godinu. U navedenim godinama razmatrane su srednje vrijednosti TEC-a tijekom ljetnje i jesenske ravnodnevnice i u dnevnom razdoblju 10–12 UT (univerzalno vrijeme). Navedene srednje vrijednosti TEC određivane su na osnovu GNSS opažanja (globalni navigacijski satelitski Sustavi) tri stanice trajno smještene na teritoriju Srbije. Podaci su u okviru ovih istraživanja tretirani kao ‘uvjetno točne’ vrijednosti. Osnovni cilj straživanja bio je ispitivanje mogućnosti korištenja dviju metoda strojnog učenja: neuronskih mreže i metode podržavajućih (potpornih) vektora. U cilju naglašavanja kvalitete primijenjenih tehnika svi rezultati su adekvatno uspoređivani sa TEC vrijednostima određenim Međunarodnim Referentnim Ionosfernim globalnim modelom (IRI). Pored navedenog posebno je analizirana kvaliteta metoda kroz vremenski i prostorno-vremenski pristup