University of Arts in Belgrade

Digital Repository of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
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    3763 research outputs found

    The Integrative Potential of Contemporary Perspectives on the Nature/Culture Conceptual Relationship

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    In this paper, I analyze and compare Maria Kronfeldner’s and Tim Ingold’s views on the conceptual relationship between nature and culture. I show that despite the differences, their views remain close particularly in terms of their integrative potential. The ultimate purpose of this examination is to lay the groundwork for further research on the problem of conceptual integration between sociocultural anthropology and evolutionary psychology. The paper comprises four main sections. First, I briefly explore the history of Darwinism to show how nature and culture were conceptualized within this framework. Second, I deal with Kronfeldner’s separationist stance and Ingold’s holistic perspective on the nature/culture conceptual relationship. Third, I discuss the implications of their views on the choice of research heuristics in the sciences that study human nature and cultures. While I interpret Ingold as supporting methodological integration, Kronfelder argues for a version of integrative pluralism. Lastly, I provide an outlook for further discussions on conceptual integration and integrative pluralism

    Gender Equality for Show: Serbian Performative Europeanization

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    The chapter aims to show how gender equality can be used for populist purposes, becoming performative in the constitution of façade democracy. It looks at specifics of the relationship between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the state-led gender equality policymaking in Serbia. Namely, in contrast to the anti-gender mobilization worldwide, most often heartily supported by the relevant religious actors, Serbia witnessed an unexpected silence on the side of the SOC representatives on issues of gender equality. The chapter provides a look back at the years prior to 2017, demonstrating the power and presence of SOC in shaping Serbian conservative politics, to then focus on the recent political developments, revolving around the appointment of the first lesbian Prime Minister. The chapter ultimately shows how the catch-all populism of the current regime succeeds in capturing gender equality from the feminist movement, making the Serbian Orthodox Church, at the same time, the most unlikely ally in the state gender equality for show

    Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy

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    In this article, our focus is on the topic of engagement and possibility of empathy with future generations. We acknowledge that empathy for future generations is practically unattainable in its strictest sense due to the lack of access to their potential mental states and the absence of direct interaction. Additionally, we will draw upon the arguments presented by Goldie and Slaby to address concerns regarding the potential paternalization that may arise in empathic relations towards future generations. However, despite these limitations, it is important to emphasize that we are still engaged with future generations. Instead of adopting a paternalizing approach where we impose expectations on how they should feel, our engagement exposes us to the anticipated but unknown judgments of future generations. Throughout this article, we will argue that engagement with future generations brings out our own social self-consciousness and provides a basis of our connectedness and responsibility towards future generations

    Infrapolitical Necessity, Inconspicuous and Honorable: We Begin Again

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    Commentary on Moreiras, Alberto (2020), Infrapolítica, instrucciones de uso. Madrid: La Oficin

    Diptych Logic: Interview with Peter Eisenman

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    The heritage of Oedipus’ Sphinx: the destiny of self-identification

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    Рад излаже историју саморазумевања човека пратећи промене кроз које је пролазило разумевање митског сусрета Едипа и Сфинге. Прво се детектује образац према коме модерна у Едипу препознаје и слави тријумф човека над природом и његово одговарајуће уздизање у сувереног субјекта. Средишњи део рада нуди преглед савремених (ре)интерпретација Сфингиног наслеђа које сугеришу пожељност или неопходност „нове митологије”. Оне врхуне у налазу да је Едип, у компулзивном настојању да потпуно рашчара свет, прогнао сваку тајну и занос из њега, па је дошло доба за његово „поновно зачаравање”. Завршни део рада искушава и препоручује трећу стратегију: просветитељско демитологизовање просветитељства као последњег мита, разоткривење да је Едип тајна Сфинге, да је она његов конструкт. Стога је на њему да преузме одговорност за пројекције произашле из несигурности у властити идентитет и статус у свету, уместо да митским представама обнавља образац непријатељског држања према природи и свему различитом од себе.The paper seeks to signalize the history of human self-understanding through the changes that the mythical encounter between Oedipus and the Sphinx underwent. First, a pattern is detected according to which the modern in Oedipus recognizes and celebrates the triumph of man over nature and his corresponding elevation into a sovereign subject. The central part of the paper offers an overview of contemporary (re)interpretations that restore the right to the Sphinx and suggest the desirability or necessity of a “new mythology”. The central part of the paper offers an overview of those contemporary (re)interpretations that restore the right of the Sphinx and suggests the desirability or necessity of a “new mythology”. The finding is that Oedipus, in a compulsive endeavour to completely disenchant the world, banished every secret and ecstasy from it, so the time has come for its “re-enchantment”. The final part of the paper tests and recommends a third strategy: the Enlightenment’s demythologization of the Enlightenment as the last myth, revealing that Oedipus is the secret of the Sphinx, his construct. That is why it is his responsibility for insecurity into his own identity and status in the world not to move narcissistically onto projections of everything different from himself that he has subjugated or will subjugate, but, for the sake of both himself and the world, less intimidated, more peacefully and in solidarity approach to it

    Quick Natural Cure-Alls: Portrayal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine in Serbian Online Media

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    To describe how Serbian online media cover the topic of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TM/CAM), we conducted a content analysis of 182 articles from six news and six magazine websites, published July–December 2021. Biologically based treatments, predominantly herbal products framed as Serbian or Russian folk medicine, were the most common (70.9%, 205/289 practices). The practices were often presented as general health enhancers (18.4%, 71/386 claims); other common reasons given for the use of TM/CAM were to alleviate respiratory problems, boost the immunity, and detox. The tone was overwhelmingly positive, with most of the positive articles (82.4%, 145/176) neglecting to present information on potential harms of TM/CAM use. Few articles provided a recommendation to speak with a healthcare provider (13.6%, 24/176); in contrast, the recommended dosage was often explained (59.7%, 105/176). TM/CAM practitioners (15.9%, 28/176) and conventional medicine practitioners (12.5%, 22/176) were most commonly cited sources. Articles tended to appeal to TM/CAM’s tradition of use (65.3%, 115/176), naturalness (45.5%, 80/176), and convenience (40.9%, 72/176), used pseudoscientific jargon (59.7%, 105/176), and failed to cite sources for the claims that TM/CAM use is supported by science (22.2%, 39/176). Much of the information provided in Serbian online media seems to be uncritical, with a potential for misleading consumers

    Istorijsko-materijalistička kritika

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    Škola sumnje

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    Burdijeova teoretizacija simboličkog

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