107 research outputs found

    Utilization of Agile Scrum and Usage of Support Software Tools

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    Agilní metodiky vývoje software jsou velmi populární pro jejich efektivitu a flexibilitu. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na agilní metodiku vývoje software nazvanou Scrum. Nejprve je uvedena základní charakteristika a srovnání tradičních a agilních metodik. Pozornost je věnována zejména zmíněné metodice Scrum, která je v praktické části znázorněna na příkladu využití konkrétní firmou. K organizaci metodiky Scrum je vhodné využít některý ze softwarových nástrojů. Proto je uveden také přehled a základní srovnání nejpoužívanějších podpůrných softwarových nástrojů, pro organizaci této metodiky. Závěrem práce jsou doporučení ke zlepšením pro zkoumaný tým, na základě identifikovaných nedostatků.Agile software development methodologies are very popular for their efficiency and flexibility. This thesis focuses on agile software development methodology called Scrum. Basic description and comparison of traditional and agile methodologies is mentioned at first. Attention is paid to methodology Scrum which is shown on an example of usage by a specific company. It is convenient to use some software tool for organization of Scrum methodology. Therefore, an overview of the most common tools and basic comparison of software tools for organizing this methodology is presented. Conclusion of this thesis is recommendation for improvements for the investigated team, based on issues which were identified.

    Postmodern and critical anthropology

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    This article focuses on the emergence of postmodern and critical anthropology in the late twentieth century approaches which strongly affected main epistemological assumptions. Here attention is paid to dismissal of ahistoric structuralism, essentialism and universalist positivism and to the move towards much more historical awareness concerned with conditions of production of anthropological knowledge. Critical re-readings of anthropological body of knowledge done by postmodern and critical anthropologists (e. g. Clifford, Rabinow, Marcus) reflect political, discursive and rhetorical aspects of anthropological representations. The main insights of French poststructuralist (Foucault, Derrida, Bourdieu) were adopted and led to discoursive and dialogical paradigm inside this movement. Advancement of critical reflections has resulted into many contemporary approaches in the field of social constructivism, politics of identity, globalisation and transnationalism.This article focuses on the emergence of postmodern and critical anthropology in the late twentieth century approaches which strongly affected main epistemological assumptions. Here attention is paid to dismissal of ahistoric structuralism, essentialism and universalist positivism and to the move towards much more historical awareness concerned with conditions of production of anthropological knowledge. Critical re-readings of anthropological body of knowledge done by postmodern and critical anthropologists (e. g. Clifford, Rabinow, Marcus) reflect political, discursive and rhetorical aspects of anthropological representations. The main insights of French poststructuralist (Foucault, Derrida, Bourdieu) were adopted and led to discoursive and dialogical paradigm inside this movement. Advancement of critical reflections has resulted into many contemporary approaches in the field of social constructivism, politics of identity, globalisation and transnationalism

    A combined NMR and DFT study of conformational dynamics in lanthanide complexes of macrocyclic DOTA-like ligands

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    [Abstract] The solution dynamics of the Eu(III) complexes of H4dota (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetracarboxylic acid) and H5do3ap (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-4,7,10-tris(carboxymethyl)-1-methylphosphonic acid, bound in both monoprotonated and fully deprotonated forms) were investigated by using a combination of NMR measurements and DFT calculations. In solution, an equilibrium between the square antiprismatic (SAP) and twisted-square antiprismatic isomers (TSAP) of these complexes is present. These two isomers interconvert by rotation of the pendant arms or inversion of the cyclen chelate rings. 1D EXSY NMR spectra were used to determine these exchange rates with unprecedented accuracy. It was found that the two processes occur at different rates. Additional variable-temperature measurements allowed determination of the corresponding activation parameters for the two processes. DFT calculations were then used to obtain mechanistic information at the molecular level. The results show that the cyclen inversion pathway involves stepwise inversion of the four chelate rings formed upon metal ion coordination. However, the arm rotation process may operate through a synchronous rotation of the pendant arms or a stepwise mechanism depending on the system. A mixed cluster-continuum approach was required to improve the agreement between experimental and calculated activation parameters for the arm rotation process. The obtained results will aid the design of MRI contrast agents. Furthermore, the methodology developed in this work can be further applied for the investigation of other dynamic paramagnetic systems, e.g. peptides with Ln(III) probes or natively paramagnetic metalloproteins.Czech Science Foundation; 16-03156SCharles University; 1076016Czech Republic. Ministry of Education; LTC 170607Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; CTQ2013-43243-


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    Second order gradient ascent pulse engineering

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    We report some improvements to the gradient ascent pulse engineering (GRAPE) algorithm for optimal control of quantum systems. These include more accurate gradients, convergence acceleration using the BFGS quasi-Newton algorithm as well as faster control derivative calculation algorithms. In all test systems, the wall clock time and the convergence rates show a considerable improvement over the approximate gradient ascent.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Performance of the cross-polarization experiment in conditions of radiofrequency field inhomogeneity and slow to ultrafast magic angle spinning (MAS)

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    In this paper, we provide an analytical description of the performance of the cross-polarization (CP) experiment, including linear ramps and adiabatic tangential sweeps, using effective Hamiltonians and simple rotations in 3D space. It is shown that radiofrequency field inhomogeneity induces a reduction in the transfer efficiency at increasing magic angle spinning (MAS) frequencies for both the ramp and the adiabatic CP experiments. The effect depends on the ratio of the dipolar coupling constant and the sample rotation frequency. In particular, our simulations show that for small dipolar couplings (1 kHz) and ultrafast MAS (above 100 kHz) the transfer efficiency is below 40 % when extended contact times up to 20 ms are used and relaxation losses are ignored. New recoupling and magnetization transfer techniques that are designed explicitly to account for inhomogeneous radiofrequency fields are needed.</p

    Probing Receptor Specificity by Sampling the Conformational Space of the Insulin-like Growth Factor II C-domain

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    Insulin and insulin-like growth factors I and II are closely related protein hormones. Their distinct evolution has resulted in different yet overlapping biological functions with insulin becoming a key regulator of metabolism, whereas insulin-like growth factors (IGF)-I/II are major growth factors. Insulin and IGFs cross-bind with different affinities to closely related insulin receptor isoforms A and B (IR-A and IR-B) and insulin-like growth factor type I receptor (IGF-1R). Identification of structural determinants in IGFs and insulin that trigger their specific signaling pathways is of increasing importance in designing receptor-specific analogs with potential therapeutic applications. Here, we developed a straightforward protocol for production of recombinant IGF-II and prepared six IGF-II analogs with IGF-I-like mutations. All modified molecules exhibit significantly reduced affinity toward IR-A, particularly the analogs with a Pro-Gln insertion in the C-domain. Moreover, one of the analogs has enhanced binding affinity for IGF-1R due to a synergistic effect of the Pro-Gln insertion and S29N point mutation. Consequently, this analog has almost a 10-fold higher IGF-1R/IR-A binding specificity in comparison with native IGF-II. The established IGF-II purification protocol allowed for cost-effective isotope labeling required for a detailed NMR structural characterization of IGF-II analogs that revealed a link between the altered binding behavior of selected analogs and conformational rearrangement of their C-domains

    Indirect detection of infinite-speed MAS solid-state NMR spectra

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    Heavy spin-1/2 nuclides are known to possess very large chemical shift anisotropies that can challenge even the most advanced magic-angle-spinning (MAS) techniques. Wide manifolds of overlapping spinning sidebands and insufficient excitation bandwidths often obfuscate meaningful spectral information and force the use of static, low-resolution solid-state (SS)NMR methods for the characterization of materials. To address these issues, we have merged fast-magic-angle-turning (MAT) and dipolar heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (D-HMQC) experiments to obtain D-HMQC-MAT pulse sequences which enable the rapid acquisition of 2D SSNMR spectra that correlate isotropic 1H chemical shifts to the indirectly detected isotropic “infinite-MAS” spectra of heavy spin-1/2 nuclides. For these nuclides, the combination of fast MAS and 1H detection provides a high sensitivity, which rivals the DNP-enhanced ultra-wideline SSNMR. The new pulse sequences were used to determine the Pt coordination environments in a complex mixture of decomposition products of transplatin and in a metal-organic framework with Pt ions coordinated to the linker ligands

    Extraordinary event as an illegal migration within state border sector of The South Bohemia Region.

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    My work is based on study of theoretic supporting dokuments and alalysis statistical datas of Czech Republic Police. There is an evaluation of finding datas about illegal migration in South Bohemia Region on section of state border between Czech Republic and Austria within last five years. Next task of my work is to describe how Czech Republic is ready for accession to the Schengen area and because of that for abolition of checks of internal border. The next substance of my work are informations about organizational structure of Department of Foreigner and Border Police and its aktivity. Then informations about state border and the Schengen Agreement
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