236 research outputs found

    Controllerens rolle og bruk av styringsverktøy : en studie av hvordan controllerens rolle i organisasjonen og bruk av forskjellige styringsverktøy bidrar til å skape verdi

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    Denne utredningen er en casestudie av et norsk selskaps virksomhet både i og utenfor Norge. Målet med utredningen har vært å bli bedre kjent med controlleres rolle i organisasjonen og deres holdninger til forskjellige styringsverktøy. Fra litteraturen finner vi hentydninger til en “tradisjonell” controllerrolle som som står i kontrast til den mer moderne “nye” controllerrollen. Vi ønsket å finne ut hvorvidt de aspektene som beskrives ved disse rollene er noe som kommer frem i en virkelig organisasjon. Vi har også undersøkt hvilke holdninger controllerne har til forskjellige styringsverktøy og hvorvidt de legger til rette for verdiskaping

    Species-occupancy distribution removes an excessive parameter from species-area relationship

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    Aim Although species-occupancy distributions (SODs) and species-area relationships (SARs) arise from the two marginal sums of the same presence/absence matrices, the two biodiversity patterns are usually explored independently. Here, we aim to unify the two patterns for isolate-based data by constraining the SAR to conserve information from the SOD. Location Widespread. Methods Focusing on the power-model SAR, we first developed a constrained form that conserved the total number of occupancies from the SOD. Next, we developed an additive-constrained SAR that conserves the entire shape of the SOD within the power-model SAR function, using a single parameter (the slope of the endemics-area relationship). We then relate this additive-constrained SAR to multiple-sites similarity measures, based on a probabilistic view of Sørensen similarity. We extend the constrained and additive-constrained SAR framework to 23 published SAR functions. We compare the fit of the original and constrained forms of 12 SAR functions using 154 published data sets, covering various spatial scales, taxa and systems. Main conclusions In all 23 SAR functions, the constrained form had one parameter less than the original form. In all 154 data sets the model with the highest weight based on the corrected Akaike's information criteria (wAICc) had a constrained form. The constrained form received higher wAICc than the original form in 98.79% of valid pairwise cases, approaching the wAICc expected under identical log-likelihood. Our work suggests, both theoretically and empirically, that all SAR functions may have one unnecessary parameter, which can be excluded from the function without reduction in goodness-of-fit. The more parsimonious constrained forms are also easier to interpret as they reflect the probability of a randomly chosen occupancy to be found in an isolate. The additive-constrained SARs accounts for two complimentary turn-over components of occupancies: turnover between species and turnover between sites

    Food of Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) chicks raised on rocky shores in Southern Norway

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    In the archipelago between Lista and Lindesnes on the southern coast of Norway, we found that Eurasian Oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus, chose the prey types that were most abundant within their breeding territories although periwinkles, Littorina littorea, were selected against. This indicates short foraging excursions. The archipelago is divided into three topographical sections that roughly reflect the degree of wave action. Based on differing wave action, food availability for oystercatchers differed in the three sections in the following manner: the inner-section (little wave action) easily available food (sessile blue mussels, Mytilus edulis), the middle-section (intermediate wave action) mixed food availability with a dominance of periwinkles, and the outer-section (much wave action) different prey types dominated by limpets, Patella vulgata. We observed more predation by mink, Mustela vison, in the outer section of the archipelago. The risk of predation from the larger gulls, Larus spp., seemed to be similar throughout the archipelago. Oystercatchers breeding in the inner- and middle-sections were more influenced by human activity and boat traffic than birds in the outer-section of the archipelago. The oystercatchers seemed to adapt to human disturbance thereby improving feeding conditions for both themselves and their offspring

    Discourses regarding the sustainability and environmental considerations in physical planning of second homes in Norwegian mountain destinations: a comparison between governmental documents, research literature and the general media

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    The neoliberal trend in spatial planning seemingly causes the loss of control of spatial plans for destination developments in the mountain regions of southern Norway. The predominant local discourse, as seen in local newspapers and other media, was originally positive to the development of second homes. Changes in development plans have, as in the Skeikampen-destination case, incited strong counter-discourses based on concerns for pasture rights, nature values, and access, in addition to sustainability in general. These discourses create a perception of reality in stark contrast to the central- government discourse, as found in the plan and building act, and governmental documents

    Barriers and challenges to sustainable physical planning for mountain destinations and second-home developments in the mountain region of south-eastern Norway: the reign of governments or developers?

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    The number of hotels in the mountains of south-eastern Norway has decreased over the last three decades, with a concurrent increase in the number of modern, privately-owned second homes. The growth of second-home villages and associated commercial activity has produced sustainability issues. The shift in the planning and development process from the local government to private developers has resulted in a piece-by-piece process with the loss of sight of long-term consequences. This short review discusses the causes of uncontrolled or poor planning of mountain regions; in particular, the neoliberal trend in physical planning and the problem of small local communities

    Konkurs jako metoda pedagogiczna w turystycznej edukacji uniwersyteckiej: studium przypadku nauczania twórczego rozwiązywania problemów

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    Głównym celem artykułu jest dyskusja na temat tego, czy możliwość implementacji konkursu jako narzędzia edukacyjnego do rozwijania kreatywności uczestników jest ograniczona, kiedy główną motywację uczestniczących w nim studentów stanowi wygrana. Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu jako studium przypadku wykorzystano konkurs 24HOURS. Do oceny efektywności konkursu zastosowano trzy metody: pisemną ankietę, indywidualne wywiady pogłębione oraz ankietę online. Wyniki wykazały, iż konkurs zwiększył kreatywność studentów w stopniu niezadowalającym, ponieważ bardziej byli oni skupieni na wygraniu lub zdobyciu wiedzy niż na współpracy lub interakcji z członkami innych zespołów studenckich. Badanie potwierdziło, że opiekunowie studentów są odpowiedzialni za uruchomienie mechanizmów ukierunkowanych zarówno na współpracę, jak i na kreatywność podczas konkursu. Biorąc jednak pod uwagę, że oczekiwania dotyczące zaangażowania opiekunów stały się źródłem pewnych problemów, rola tych osób powinna zostać ściśle określona. Analiza studium przypadku przedstawiona w tym artykule powinna przyczynić się do lepszego rozumienia przez pedagogów projektowania i wykorzystywania konkursów jako narzędzi edukacyjnych

    The planning system in Norway with focus on mountain destinations

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