22 research outputs found


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    Sejalan dengan semakin sempitnya lahan di perkotaan, bangunan vertikal menjadi pilihan untuk hunian,salah satunya ialah rusunawa baik rusunami dan rusunawa yang dihuni oleh kalangan menengah ke bawah.Dalam konteks pragmatik, muncul fenomena alih kode dan campur kode sebagai dimensi sosial, budaya,dan ekonomi yang menjadi implikasi dari masyarakat multikultur dan multilingual. Keberagaman bahasa dapat menimbulkan masalah yang berimplikasi pada terjadinya konflik di antara penghuni. Penghuniapartemen yang berasal dari keberagaman sosial budaya dan perilaku telah membuat gaya bertutur merekamenunjukkan ciri-ciri yang khas. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan adanya alih kode antara bahasa Indonesiadan bahasa Inggris. Fenomena alih kode muncul karena adanya pengaruh kemajuan ipteks dan arusglobalisasi. Alih kode memang merupakan model gaya bertutur kalangan penghuni apartemen yang kianhari semakin tumbuh subur


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    In most of the literatures up to the sixties, we could see how important the role of teachers was. For instance, it was told how a student would rush to take over his teacher's bike and stuff once he saw the teacher came in to the school. We could read from the literatures of the past where teachers had always the authority that they were highly respected by the students. In the stories, we could frequently encounter a student would do the lawn mowing for his teacher's sake. Once a student saw a teacher from a distance, he or she would instantly come towards the teacher and greet. On the contrary, in today's literatures, teachers become the object of fun, intimidation, and even insult. It is terribly ironic. Teachers have lost their authority and credibility. In this particular research, the teacher's authority is compared. The study uses descriptive-comparative analysis. The data have been taken from the literatures of the 60s and the era of 2000s and collected through the literature review and interviews. It is expected that this study would regain the snuffed out authority of the teachers. The authoritative teachers are ultimately required so that they can lead a more effective and quality teaching and learning process. The authority of the teachers should be inserted to today's literatures. It is the obligation of the duty of the man of letters to return the teachers to the higher respected human beings. Key words: Teachers' authority, the literature of the 60s and 2000s, comparative analysi


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    Era mutakhir yang modern, era global, berteknologi tinggi, serba digital, yang ditandai dengan semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan telah mendorong manusia seperti mesin yang tidak punya hati, tidak memiliki rasa kemanusiaan, tidak memedulikan lingkungan sekitarnya, dan justru dipenuhi oleh ketidakjujuran, manipulasi, kekerasan, saling sikut, dan tidak punya hati nurani. Oleh sebab itu, pendidikan harus dikemas dengan muatan yang berperspektif integritas dan humanistik. Pendidikan tidak boleh dimaknai sebagai aktivitas atau kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas saja. Pendidikan haruslah mengacu kepada berbagai proses dan aktivitas yang harus bersifat produktif, kreatif, pengembang skill, kepribadian, integrasi, keprimaan, sampai pengokoh moral dan spiritual. Pendidikan harus diarahkan dan dikelola dengan tujuan yang jelas, yaitu mampu mengembangkan nilai-nilai positif pada peserta didik. Melalui pendidikan, harus dapat memunculkan sosok-sosok yang memiliki karakter dan kepribadian yang kokoh dan teruji, baik dalam bidang keilmuan maupun dalam bidang kemanusiaan. Pendidikan antikorupsi sejalan dengan pendidikan yang berkarakter dan humanistik mulai gencar diwacanakan oleh pemerintah. Selain menjadi bagian dari proses pembentukan akhlak peserta didik, pendidikan antikorupsi dan humanistik diharapkan mampu menjadi fondasi utama dalam pembentukan jati diri yang jujur dan berparadigma Pancasila serta UUD 1945 sesuai dengan UU No. 20, Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Jika pendidikan antikorupsi dan humanistik sudah menjadi orientasi dan tujuan pembelajaran, tentu sekolah akan menjadi tempat penyemaian budaya kejujuran. Bukan hanya melahirkan generasi penerus yang pandai secara intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual, tetapi juga memiliki kepribadian yang berkarakter, berintegritas, dan bertanggung jawab. Upaya pemberantasan korupsi tidak dapat diselesaikan secara instan. Langkah preventif yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi bahaya laten ini, hendaknya dimulai dari lembaga yang sifatnya laten pula yaitu proses pembelajaran di lembaga pendidikan. Demikian juga di satuan pendidikan tinggi, perguruan tinggi dan mahasiswa diharapkan berperan aktif mencegah korupsi dengan berperan sebagai agen perubahan dan motor penggerak utama dalam gerakan antikorupsi di masyarakat. Kata kunci: pendidikan antikorupsi, satuan pembelajaran berkarakter, humanistic The modern global era, which is equipped with high technology, digitalized and characterized by the development of science, has driven humans like heartless machines that do not have any senses of humanity, do not care of the environment, and filled with dishonesty, manipulation, violence, nudge each other, and do not have any consciences instead. Hence, education has to be packed with loads of integrity and humanistic perspective. Education should not be interpreted as an activity of teaching and learning in classroom, yet should refer to various processes and activities that are productive and creative, improve skills, personality, integrity, and fitness. It should be directed and managed with clear purposes. In addition, education should be able to spawn figures who have qualified personality, not only in the field of science but also in humanity. Anticorruption education is on the same page with the humanistic education which is started to be proclaimed by the government rapidly. Aside from being a part of the process of students' morale formation, character and humanistic education is expected to be able to be a primary foundation in the character building which is honest and has the paradigm of Pancasila and UUD 1945 according to UU No. 20 year 2003 about National Education System. If this kind of education has been an orientation and aim of the learning process, the school will definitely become a place to seed the honesty habit. It engenders the next generation who is not only smart in intellectual but also has good outlook according to the highest standard of behavior. The efforts to get the rid of corruption cannot be completed instantly. Preventive attempt done to reduce this ulterior harm should be started from the learning process in the education institution. Similarly, in units of higher education, college and university students are expected to play an active role to prevent corruption by acting as an agent of change and a major driving force in the anti-corruption movement in society. Keywords: anti-corruption education, characterized learning units, humanisti


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    Conversationalist and opponent in a certain context have to create the teamwork so that both parties can reach the same intention. The effort is accomplished using "Maksim" (Cooperative Principle). This research will be analyzed and explained the positive "Maksim". The writer interests to do this research because the expanding of the positive maksim in acting to say, communications in acting to say will become fluently, pleasant, and even can bring kindliness. A study of the positive "maksim" covers the "maksim" of wisdom, cheapness, acceptance, ordinary, proper, and sympathy. This explanation becomes important because the writer has noticed that the behavior of conversationalist society tends to be apathetical, uncared, undignified, disrespect, and less have empathy to others. The positive "maksim" in psychological approach is studied because the appearance of positive or negatif maksim depends on the psychological condition of the conversationalist. The existence of this research is psychologically expected that the negatif behavior of conversationalist can be improved and , turned into the positive behavior of conversationalist. It has become our duty to realize the importance of creating the positive atmosphere in all matter, including the Language behavior. Keywords: behavioral act to say, maksim, psychological approach, positive psycholog


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    It has become a reality that a woman is the second class citizen in the society. The role of the woman had not been counted on. In the field of education, economics, social, religious conviction, also politics, woman has always been gazed at an eye. Furthermore, the woman is the creature who has always been set aside in the world of politics. In the matter of political jargon, the woman did not get the place, did not have the right, and her role was stunted. Development of political jargon today really does not take sides with the woman. Jargon like "a leader must be man", "woman might be apolitical", "woman is only served man", "man is the head, the woman is only a follower", "woman has really became polished in the political campaign", "woman is only as the political colleague", "women is only behind the screen", "women should not dared to entered political field that belongs to the man", "women is only as the implementation and the commodity of activism", "woman became the display window of political views", "women is only as a jack up voice", "woman was made bait in political negotiations", and much other political jargon that very much insulted and stunted the female capacity in the political field. Keyword: jargon politik, ketidakberpihakan terhadap perempuan, dominasi laki-lak


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    Language serves as a means of communication and interaction in society. It functions if the language has a meaning. The language will have particular sense if it has a context. In this term the context is divided into two: context of situation and context of culture. An act sequence can be well understood and obvious if it has the context of situation and the context of socio-cultural in which language is used. The context of situation is a place where the speech is expressed directly. An apartment is a residence located on one floor of multistory buildings that has its own particularities in its position as the context of the situation. Based on the observations, tenants of subsidized apartment come from different level of social, economic, and culture, which apparently have their own style of speaking. The primary focus of this research is the speaking styles of apartment tenants who come into contact with the language with all forms of language events as a result. Study approach of the research is socio-pragmatic study. The reason for using socio-pragmatic study is that the act sequence has a social function as a means of communication and it is used to identify a social group as well as the act sequence itself is a pragmatic social interaction. Tenants arising from different socio-culture and behavior perform their typical characteristics of speaking style. In this research, the existence of code switching between Indonesian and English was found. The phenomenon of code switching appears because of the influence of science, technology and telecommunication advances and the globalization era. Code switching becomes the speaking styles among apartment tenants, which are more and more flourishing. Keywords: speaking style, tenants of subsidized apartment, code switching, socio-pragmati


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    Penggunaan stimulasi media yang kreatif dan inovatif dapat meningkatkan minat belajar anak dalam pemerolehan bahasa. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini ialah untuk mengungkapkan peningkatan kemampuan bahasa pada anak dengan stimulus games edukasi. Penulisan makalah ini menggunakan metode pengembangan media pembelajaran dan penelitian tindakan (action research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan indeks kemampuan berbahasa teregister dengan stimulus media games edukasi serta dapat meningkatkan nilai dan karakter kreatif pada anak, khususnya usia 5 tahun. Hal itu terlihat dalam perubahan setiap aksi yang penulis lakukan berdasarkan isi dan tindak tutur anak serta pengukuran indeks kemampuan berbahasa, khususnya ditinjau dari perkembangan sintaksis dan pragmatis. Selain itu, pengembangan media pemerolehan bahasa akan menumbuhkan motivasi, kreativitas, dan karakter positif pada anak. Pengembangan stimulus media pemerolehan bahasa ini dapat dijadikan model untuk peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa pada anak normal


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    Merupakan satu kenyataan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia itu multietnis, multiagama, multikutural, atau multibudaya. Keragaman atau keberbedaan itu merupakan kenyataan yang harus diterima. Dalam masyarakat multibudaya, keberbedaan itu dapat menimbulkan pertikaian atau perpecahan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan suatu upaya agar keberbedaan itu justru dapat menumbuhkembangkan rasa bangga dan cinta kepada bangsa dan negara karena bangsa kita memiliki kekayaan dan keunikan budaya yang sangat luar biasa dan keberbedaan itu dapat pula menjadi alat untuk menciptakan insan yang memiliki karakter kebangsaan. Hal tersebut menjadi sangat penting mengingat derasnya arus globalisasi dan bebasnya unsur budaya luar yang melenggang memasuki wilayah kita. Dengan demikian, diperlukan suatu upaya untuk memperkukuh rasa kebangsaan. Salah satunya adalah dengan pengajaran bahasa yang berkarakter kebangsaan. Karakter kebangsaan yang tinggi dapat secara dinamis digunakan untuk mengatasi ancaman, kendala, atau tantangan yang datang dari luar yang dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup dan keutuhan bangsa. Untuk mewujudkan insan yang berkarakter kebangsaan dalam masyarakat multibudaya, diperlukan revitalisasi pendidikan yang diarahkan kepada perspektif multibudaya. Pendidikan dapat dijadikan alat yang mampu menuntun peserta didik menjadi manusia yang berperilaku dan berakhlak baik sekaligus memiliki karakter kebangsaan yang kuat. Pengajaran bahasa dapat dijadikan motor untuk mengimplementasikan pendidikan yang berperspektif multibudaya, yaitu pendidikan yang memiliki visi dan misi untuk menghargai keberbedaan atau pluralitas, demokrasi, humanisme, dan mengembangkan karakter kebangsaan. Pengajaran bahasa perlu direvitalisasi agar mampu membuat siswa menjadi insan yang menjunjung tinggi moralitas, kedisiplinan, keadilan, kesetaraan, kepedulian sosial, integritas, tanggung jawab, serta cinta kepada tanah air dalam perilakunya sehari-hari. Guru pun dianggap memiliki power untuk mengubah dan merevitalisasi pengajaran bahasa yang konvensional menjadi pengajaran bahasa yang berkarakter kebangsaan dan berperspektif multibudaya. Kata Kunci: peran guru, revitalisasi pendidikan, karakter kebangsaan, multibuday

    Models of Language Teaching and Humanizing Education

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    Modern, digitalized, high tech, global era characterized by the development of sciences has transform human beings into heartless machines with no sense of humanity and no concerns to their surrounding environment. Therefore, education should be packed with loads that include the perspective of humanism. Education should not be interpreted as a mere class teaching-learning activity. Education should refer to the various processes and activities that should be productive; creative; develop skills, personality, integration, and excellence; and up to moral and spiritual reinforcement.  Education shall be managed and directed with clear objectives, which are capable to develop positive values in learners. Education should be able to create figures with solid and proven character and personality both in the field of science and the humanities. Humanizing education means it is capable to produce human with sense of "humanity" which is characterized by the willingness to help others; empathy; honesty; share; loyalty; the willingness to take valuable lessons; persistent and tenacious,; high-respect of pluralism; tolerance; respect to others; patience; replied good for evil; always puts the good rather than evil, continuous efforts to improve the quality of charity and kindness; humility; and sincere. Therefore, the teaching materials must also be interpreted, filled, and imbued with the messages of humanity. These entire facts mean that teaching materials are not mere “soulless and empty” materials since if it is, then the materials will be like empty casket with no benefit to human life and livelihood. Approach of humanism in modern era education is considered as the most appropriate solution since this kind of education has education activities that don’t works like the machines do, and this means the students, teachers, and teaching materials should also be “humanized” in order to achieve educational goals optimally and in accordance with the vision and mission carried. This research discuss model of language teaching with humanistic perspective. Hopefully, through language teaching with humanism approach, students and teachers may rediscover the "human side" that may have been lost and undetected

    Absolute Study of Language Using Softskill Methodology

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    The aim of this paper is to do a research on study of language using soft skill methodology, because the supremacy of language is not solely master on concepts, theory, ideas, and etiquette of language, but the important thing is the supremacy of language that can be used as expansion character and personality. If this happen, people will supreme on language skill with expansion on character and high moral to dig the effectiveness. The need of skills are not technical. With soft skill, ones is able to have the circumstantial sensitivity, high creativity, that is able to look for unthinkable opportunity and gaps by others, conducting new concepts and innovative, and also can fulfill a new demand in society. Based study on soft skill methodology, it is expected to develop intelligence together with expansion character, sensitivity, personality, activity in social interaction, and high moral. The supremacy of language based on hard skill represents the old concepts and is out of date. The supremacy of language with soft skill methodology is absolute. In the discussion above, found the following things. In language learning, each teaching material is given special themes that can provoke soft skills of learners, in language learning in the classroom, there must be an interaction between lecturers and students, it is necessary to design tasks that empower soft skill skills to learners, with the soft skill approach, we can design the rules in the class, in language learning, soft skill approach can also be done in extra curricular and  to support language learning with soft skill approach, there are activities that can be used to develop soft skill