374 research outputs found

    PyScan: Interfacing Laboratory Instruments with Python

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    Laboratory instruments can be interfaced with and controlled from personal computers. Several programs to scan lasers and acquire data have been written by students in the Polik Lab. However, computer hardware and software change more rapidly (3-5 years) than instrument lifetime (20 years). Thus, programs must be replaced to run on modern computers and operating systems. This can be done to minimize dependence on specific hardware and software. PyScan is a laser instrument interface program intended to replace the Polik Lab’s current software. It allows the user to control the laser, setup a scan, acquire data, and store the data for subsequent analysis. PyScan is written in Python 3 in order to run on various computer platforms and access a variety of data acquisition products. This flexibility insulates it from future hardware and software changes

    Alveolar macrophages and the diagnosis of drowning

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    In the present study, we examined the number of alveolar macrophages in lung tissue from 17 cases of fresh water drowning, 22 cases of acute death and 6 cases of lung emphysema. When counting only the number of alveolar macrophages per alveolus without consideration of the alveolar size we found no relevant differences between the groups investigated. To exclude any influence of the alveolar size on the results the surface density of the alveolar macrophages and interstitial tissue was estimated and compared in the different groups. In cases of drowning, the lungs showed significantly lower values in both categories. The ratio of ‘alveolar macrophages/interstitial tissue’ was also reduced in cases of drowning in comparison to the other groups, however, without significant differences. These morphometrical results characterizing the ‘emphysema aquosum’ with almost ‘empty’ and dilated alveoli could be explained by a wash-out effect of the drowning fluid leading to a partial removal of the macrophages from the alveoli. This hypothesis was confirmed by the detection of alveolar macrophages in the drowning froth by immunohistochemical analysis. Even though alveolar macrophages were unambiguously identified in advanced putrefied lungs in HE-stained sections as well as by immunohistochemical staining, an estimation of the number of these cells cannot provide further information for the diagnosis of drowning in putrefied corpses due to the autolytic destruction of the lung architecture providing no reliable values

    Early Niche Graves in the Turfan Basin and Inner Eurasia

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    This PhD research analysed mortuary variability at Yanghai and the Turfan Basin to un-derstand the emergence of lateral niche graves around 200 BCE and its significance in an Inner-Eurasian context. This research relates to a larger niche grave debate which has existed for decades. Attributes of 519 graves at site level and 150 graves at regional level were fed into a specially designed database. More than 5300 entries were collected at the lowest possible level, so that they could be aggregated at any time to the desired research constructs. This made it possible to look at the data from multiple perspectives, views or paradigms. A fivefold set of parameters was assessed related to grave architecture, human remains, animal remains, grave goods and chronology. The results suggest the Yanghai niche grave occupants represented an emerging pas-toralist elite skilled in mounted shooting, who controlled the Turfan Basin and part of the Tianshan area from c. 200 BCE onward. They depended on the Jiaohe Goubei elite who occupied a strategic position and borrowed their power from a clever navigation between western and eastern powers. Jiaohe Goubei showed close connections with the Balikun grasslands. The niche grave practices of both areas probably originated in the Hexi Cor-ridor but also showed different affiliations. Another niche grave centre in the Yili Basin was not responsible for the emergence of this grave type in the Turfan Basin, but triggered instead a series of events west of the Tianshan. Analysis of Yanghai demonstrated that the introduction of niche graves did not result in a sudden replacement of the local population. Adoption by locals was more important than migration and there was a close symbiosis between shaft and niche grave occupants. The regional analyses indicated a differential integration of niche grave practices by different communities in the Turfan Basin

    Crohn\u27s Disease: Management, Emerging Therapies and the Role of the Pharmacist

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    Crohn\u27s disease is a relapsing-remitting disorder of the gastrointestinal tract caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors. Pharmacologic treatment of Crohn\u27s disease is patient-specific, and regimens vary widely between individuals. Drug regimens are typically based on 5-aminosalicylate therapy and may include a combination of steroids, histamine 2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, immunomodulators, antibiotics, biologic agents and other medications aimed at symptom relief. A new medication, vedolizumab, is currently in phase III clinical trials awaiting U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use in Crohn\u27s disease. Vedolizumab is an alpha-integrin inhibitor, which is anticipated to have a better safety profile than Tysabri® ( natalizumab ), an alpha-integrin inhibitor already approved for treatment of Crohn\u27s disease. Pharmacists have an opportunity to educate Crohn\u27s disease patients about nonpharmacologic management including counseling on diet, exercise, stress-relief therapy and use of multivitamins as well as the importance of regular colonoscopies and visits to a primary care practitioner. Pharmacists can also educate patients and practitioners about alternative therapies including probiotics, fecal microbiota transplantation and fish oils which may help manage the disease

    Simultaneous Separation and Detection of Cations and Anions Ion a Microfluidic Device with Suppressed Electroosmotic Flow and a Single Injection Point

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    A rapid and simultaneous separation of cationic and anionic peptides and proteins in a glass microfluidic device that has been covalently modified with a neutral poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) coating to minimize protein adsorption is presented. The features of the device allow samples that contain both anions and cations to be introduced from a central flow stream and separated in different channels with different outlets—all in the presence of low electroosmotic flow (EOF) imparted by the PEG coating. The analytes are electrophoretically extracted from a central hydrodynamic stream and electrophoretically separated in two different channels, in which pressure driven flow has been suppressed through the use of hydrodynamic restrictors. Having different outlets for the electrophoretic separation channels that are spatially separated from the injection enables coupling with further downstream functionalities or off-chip detection, such as mass spectrometry. A plug of charged analyte is hydrodynamically pumped to the sampling intersection and anions from the plug migrate electrophoretically toward the anode in one channel while cations migrate toward the cathode in the other channel due to suppressed EOF from the PEG coating. The separations presented here required less than a minute to complete and produced average separation efficiencies of up to about 3,500 plates from a separation length of 2 cm. The extraction efficiency of both cations and anions from the hydrodynamic stream is determined experimentally and compared with a previously reported model that was used to determine anion extraction efficiency. The extraction efficiency is determined to be 87% and 98% for the two sample mixtures analyzed, and the values predicted by the model are within 3.5% of the experimental data. It is anticipated that this basic approach for simultaneous separation of anions and cations with reduced EOF will be integrated into larger microfluidic systems because the design provides separate outlets that can feed downstream processes or linked to off-chip detection

    Ensayos de dinteles de fábrica de ladrillo atirantada sobre los nuevos Apoyos Pi, distanciados 6m entre sí

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    Comunicación presentada en las II Jornadas de Investigación en Construcción: "60 años de Informes de la Construcción", celebradas los pasados 22, 23 y 24 de mayo de 2008 en el Instituto "Eduardo Torroja" de Ciencias de la Construcción (IETCC-CSIC) de Madrid.Comparando la Arquitectura de Ladrillos del s.XIX con el empleo del ladrillo en la Arquitectura del s.XX, se puede observar que abunda mayor patología en las fábricas de ladrillo cara vista recientes que en las más antiguas. El primer paso para prevenir la abundante fisuración de la albañilería apreciada en España a finales del siglo pasado, se dio en 1992, con la realización del "Manual Murfor: La fábrica armada", estableciéndose en él los criterios posteriormente contemplados en el "Eurocódigo 6: Estructuras de Fábrica", de recomendar armar con el 0,03% de la sección del muro, y a distancias verticales no mayores de 600mm. Las primeras aplicaciones arquitectónicas de la fábrica armada en España, fueron realizadas por este Arquitecto en sus obras de la Plaza de la Remonta y de El Espinillo, divulgándose por su potencial arquitectónico, tanto en Europa como en América.En este artículo se retoman las posibilidades del incremento de prestaciones de la fábrica armada Murfor con "arcos atirantados ciegos de gran luz", establecidas por primera vez en el Manual español, lo que permite salvar 6m de luz con solamente 2 armaduras Murfor de 5mm de diámetro en la parte inferior de los dinteles.Los autores agradecen la inestimable colaboración de los Institutos de Investigación IBAC de Aachen (Alemania) y el I.E. Torroja de Madrid (España), por haber hecho posible esta interesante colaboración investigadora europea de valor internacional.Peer reviewe

    6m Span Lintels Tests on a New Wall Pi-brackets Type

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    Reinforced masonry has been subject to research and investigation in Spain for over 20 years now. This paper presents a new contribution within the AllWall System, referred to as the Halfen-Allwall support (Pi-Bracket). This support being regularly spaced every 6m to form a "braced arch" effect and provide reinforced masonry. This line of investigation has been made possible through the industrial development of a new patented invention under the trade name Halfen-AllWall Pi-Brackets in combination with Murfor brickwork reinforcement. This combination provides a new way of supporting external walls at fixed points coinciding with the verticals of the structural supports. The system prevents the loading of slabs which, in addition to providing great economy in construction, inhibits cracking due to structural deformation at the support base of the wall and also allows the continuation of insulation and ventilation throughout the cavity. Three tests of the Pi-Brackets have been made in Germany and other three 6m span walls on the Pi-Brackets, have been tested in Instituto Eduardo Torroja (Madrid). The results of this research opens a new solutions for the enclosure masonry walls, that is wide use in the Spanish building for its economy and easy construction

    M & L Jaargang 11/2

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    GeneriekTeresa Patricio, Jose Maria Rubio en Pierre Smars De woning Hankar (met nota over de tuin door Herman Van den Bossche). [The Hankar House at Brussels.]Op nog maar luttele maanden van de honderdste verjaardag van het mythisch dubbel Art Nouveau-manifest van Victor Horta èn Paul Hankar, vraagt precies het eigen woonhuis van deze laatste beangstigd om een tweede levenskans.Nauwgezet speurwerk liet Teresa Patricio, Jose Maria Rubio en Pierre Smars alvast toe de onverhoopte bewaringstoestand èn onthullende kwaliteiten van dit cult-huis te onderkennen.Hun suggestie tot restauratie van essentieel geachte ruimten grijpt ongetwijfeld een zeldzame kans aan om het schaarse nog bewaard gebleven oeuvre van Hankar ook daadwerkelijk te rehabiliteren.Ludo Meesters De heuvelrug tussen Herentals en Kasterlee. [The range of hills between Herentals and Kasterlee.]Toponiemen als Kruisberg, Bosbergen, Galgenberg, Langenberg of Hoge Berg lijken niet meteen te verwijzen naar een karakteristiek Vlaams landschap, ook al blijken ze beperkt tot kleine oneffenheden van een uitgestrekte heuvelrug langsheen de Kleine Nete. Een omvangrijk landduincomplex en suggestieve plaatsnamen als Snepkensvijlver, Schoutenheide, Lavendelven, Koningsbos of Goor Akkers wijzen hoe dan ook ondubbelzinnig op de aanwezige troeven voor de oprichting van een regionaal landschapspark. Aldus althans Ludo Meesters, die met concrete beschermings- en beheersvoorstellen plant, mens en dier op vreedzame wijze op deze plek ziet cohabiteren.Maurits Timperman en Miek Goossens m.m.v. Marc Vandendries Huize Rutsaert in Veurne (met nota over Het onderzoek naar de originele polychromie door M. Buyle). [The Rutsaert House in Veurne.]Samen met zovele \u27onnuttige\u27 lotgenoten zou ook het witte nonnenklooster te Veurne op last van Jozef II in 1783 de deuren sluiten.Vrijwel meteen omgebouwd tot een merkwaardige staalkaart van Frans classicisme, zou Huize-Rutsaert niet enkel haar verleden niet totaal verloochenen, maar voortaan een markante opeenvolging van bewoners kennen.Naar aanleiding van de gevelrestauratie gaat historicus Maurits Timperman hier, samen met Miek Goossens en Marc Vandendries, nader op in.SummaryM&L Binnenkran

    Superfluorinated Ionic Liquid Crystals Based on Supramolecular, Halogen-Bonded Anions

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    Unconventional ionic liquid crystals in which the liquid crystallinity is enabled by halogen-bonded supramolecular anions [CnF2n+1-I···I···I-CnF2n+1]- are reported. The material system is unique in many ways, demonstrating for the first time 1)ionic, halogen-bonded liquid crystals, and 2)imidazolium-based ionic liquid crystals in which the occurrence of liquid crystallinity is not driven by the alkyl chains of the cation
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