833 research outputs found

    Incident light orientation lets C4 monocotyledonous leaves make light work differently

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    Photosynthesis is an important driver of ecosystem sustainability in the face of climate change. Monocotyledonous crop species with C4 photosynthesis such as maize (Zea mays L; corn) and sugar cane are crucial for future food security and biofuel crop requirements, while C4 pasture grasses such as Paspalum are central to natural ecosystems. The global demand for corn will exceed that for wheat and rice by 2020, making it the world's most important crop. Light-driven photosynthesis supports plant biomass production, but plants have also evolved safety valve mechanisms that attenuate the absorption of potentially lethal levels of excess light. The array of survival responses that enables leaves to evade photoinhibition is complex and involves chloroplast and leaf movement as well as the molecular rearrangements that facilitate thermal energy dissipation. Here we report a novel morphological mechanism that allows C4 monocotyledonous leaves to regulate photosynthesis independently on each surface with respect to incident light allowing better adaptation to water deficits and light stress. We show that under abaxial illumination as occurs when monocotyledonous leaves curl in response to water stress the stomata close and photosynthetic metabolism shuts down on the adaxial surface of C4 leaves but these parameters increase in function to the abaxial surface. We discuss how this regulation confers a survival advantage to the C4 relative to C3 leaves which are unable to regulate their dorso-ventral functions in relation to light

    Role of the Dental Community in HPV Vaccination Promotion

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    Introduction. With increasing awareness that human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), dental providers may play an important role in promoting HPV vaccination and preventing cancer. Our goal was to assess knowledge and current HPV vaccine counseling practices among Vermont dentists and dental hygienists to identify potential targets for state-level interventions to increase vaccine coverage. Methods. We developed a survey to assess knowledge, beliefs, practices and barriers regarding HPV vaccination, and distributed it via email to practicing Vermont dentists and dental hygienists. Free responses were analyzed using a coding framework generated from three key informant interviews. Results. 90% of providers believe it is important for them to play an “active role” in their patients’ general medical care, yet only 50% believe it is their responsibility to recommend HPV vaccine. Only 50% feel knowledgeable enough to recommend the vaccine. 78.6% of providers rarely discuss HPV vaccination with their age-appropriate patients, and 82% rarely recommend the vaccine. When asked to name the biggest barrier against recommending vaccination, providers named the following factors most frequently: “not responsibility of dental provider” (27%); lack of confidence in knowledge (19%); time constraints (14%); and parent philosophical/religious opposition (11%). Discussion. Because dentists and dental hygienists care for a broad pediatric population across the state, dental communities may be poised to play an expanded role in Vermont’s efforts to improve its HPV vaccination coverage. Our study identifies several potential areas for provider-focused interventions, which include educating providers about the HPV vaccine and reducing significant barriers against recommending.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1266/thumbnail.jp

    Short-term mucosal disruption enables colibactin-producing <i>E. coli</i> to cause long-term perturbation of colonic homeostasis

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    Colibactin, a bacterial genotoxin produced by E. coli strains harboring the pks genomic island, induces cytopathic effects, such as DNA breaks, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, display changes in their microbiota with the expansion of E. coli. Whether and how colibactin affects the integrity of the colonic mucosa and whether pks+ E. coli contributes to the pathogenesis of colitis is not clear. Using a gnotobiotic mouse model, we show that under homeostatic conditions, pks+ E. coli do not directly interact with the epithelium or affect colonic integrity. However, upon short-term chemical disruption of mucosal integrity, pks+ E. coli gain direct access to the epithelium, causing epithelial injury and chronic colitis, while mice colonized with an isogenic & UDelta;clbR mutant incapable of producing colibactin show a rapid recovery. pks+ E. coli colonized mice are unable to reestablish a functional barrier. In turn, pks+ E. coli remains in direct contact with the epithelium, perpetuating the process and triggering chronic mucosal inflammation that morphologically and transcriptionally resembles human ulcerative colitis. This state is characterized by impaired epithelial differentiation and high proliferative activity, which is associated with high levels of stromal R-spondin 3. Genetic overexpression of R-spondin 3 in colon myofibroblasts is sufficient to mimic barrier disruption and expansion of E. coli. Together, our data reveal that pks+ E. coli are pathobionts that promote severe injury and initiate a proinflammatory trajectory upon contact with the colonic epithelium, resulting in a chronic impairment of tissue integrity

    Medienwissenschaft und Kapitalismuskritik

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    Nachdem â€șKritikâ€č wĂ€hrend der vergangenen Jahrzehnte in vielen geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Kreisen eher verschmĂ€ht wurde, erlebt sie gegenwĂ€rtig auch in der Medienwissenschaft wieder einen Aufschwung. Gerade das in Verruf geratene Projekt einer Gesellschaftskritik scheint seit der Finanzkrise von 2007 wieder an akademischer AttraktivitĂ€t zu gewinnen. Dabei liegt die gedankliche Verbindung von Medienwissenschaft und Kapitalismuskritik nahe, schließt man damit doch an zwei dominante Selbstbeschreibungen der westlichen Gesellschaften an: die der Medien- oder Informationsgesellschaft einerseits und die einer kapitalistischen oder marktwirtschaftlichen Gesellschaft andererseits. Insofern scheint ein Dialog zwischen der Erforschung von Medien und der Erforschung des Kapitalismus geradezu zwingend. Das vorliegende Heft versammelt eine Reihe von Texten, die weniger konkrete Fallstudien zu einzelnen Medien und Medienpraktiken, sondern vornehmlich theoriebezogene DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge sind, welche das diskursive Feld der Medienwissenschaft und Medienforschung ausloten und auf die virulenten Fragen der Kapitalismuskritik hin befragen

    Stand der ResistenzzĂŒchtung bei Weisser Lupine

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    Weisse Lupine ist ein proteinreiches Tierfutter, gesundes Nahrungsmittel und ökologisch sehr wertvoll. Durch die Pilzkrankheit Anthraknose (Erreger: Colletotrichum lupini) ist der Anbau der Weissen Lupine jedoch fast vollstĂ€ndig eingestellt worden. 2014 hat das FiBL mit einem Pre-Breeding Projekt zur ZĂŒchtung von widerstandsfĂ€higen Weissen Lupinen begonnen.Wir prĂŒften jedes Jahr ca.100 Landsorten und genetische Ressourcen aus aller Welt auf ihre Anthraknosetoleranz und kreuzten die tolerantesten Akzessionen mit kommerziellen Sorten. Die fortgeschrittensten Zuchtlinien befinden sich nun in der F5/F6. Seit Herbst 2020 testen wir diese mit kĂŒnstlicher Inokulation in Klimakammerversuchen (Alkemadeetal.,2020)

    MicroRNA-122 and cytokeratin-18 have potential as a biomarkers of drug-induced liver injury in European and African patients on treatment for mycobacterial infection

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    Funding: Sarah Rupprechter was funded by the UK Medical Research Council via the Doctoral Training Programme Grant in Precision Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.Aims Patients on antituberculosis (anti‐TB) therapy are at risk of drug‐induced liver injury (DILI). MicroRNA‐122 (miR‐122) and cytokeratin‐18 (K18) are DILI biomarkers. To explore their utility in this global context, circulating miR‐122 and K18 were measured in UK and Ugandan populations on anti‐TB therapy for mycobacterial infection. Methods Healthy subjects and patients receiving anti‐TB therapy were recruited at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK (ALISTER—ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03211208). African patients with human immunodeficiency virus–TB coinfection were recruited at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda (SAEFRIF—NCT03982277). Serial blood samples, demographic and clinical data were collected. In ALISTER samples, MiR‐122 was quantified using polymerase chain reaction. In ALISTER and SAEFRIF samples, K18 was quantified by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Results The study had 235 participants (healthy volunteers [n = 28]; ALISTER: active TB [n = 30], latent TB [n = 88], nontuberculous mycobacterial infection [n = 25]; SAEFRIF: human immunodeficiency virus‐TB coinfection [n = 64]). In the absence of DILI, there was no difference in miR‐122 and K18 across the groups. Both miR‐122 and K18 correlated with alanine transaminase (ALT) activity (miR‐122: R = .52, 95%CI = 0.42–0.61, P 50 U/L with higher sensitivity/specificity than K18. There were 2 DILI cases: baseline ALT, 18 and 28 IU/L, peak ALT 431 and 194 IU/L; baseline K18, 58 and 219 U/L, peak K18 1247 and 3490 U/L; baseline miR‐122 4 and 17 fM, peak miR‐122 60 and 336 fM, respectively. Conclusion In patients treated with anti‐TB therapy, miR‐122 and K18 correlated with ALT and increased with DILI. Further work should determine their diagnostic and prognostic utility in this global context‐of‐use.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Hypertension screening, awareness, treatment, and control in India:A nationally representative cross-sectional study among individuals aged 15 to 49 years

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence on where in the hypertension care process individuals are lost to care, and how this varies among states and population groups in a country as large as India, is essential for the design of targeted interventions and to monitor progress. Yet, to our knowledge, there has not yet been a nationally representative analysis of the proportion of adults who reach each step of the hypertension care process in India. This study aimed to determine (i) the proportion of adults with hypertension who have been screened, are aware of their diagnosis, take antihypertensive treatment, and have achieved control and (ii) the variation of these care indicators among states and sociodemographic groups. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used data from a nationally representative household survey carried out from 20 January 2015 to 4 December 2016 among individuals aged 15-49 years in all states and union territories (hereafter "states") of the country. The stages of the care process-computed among those with hypertension at the time of the survey-were (i) having ever had one's blood pressure (BP) measured before the survey ("screened"), (ii) having been diagnosed ("aware"), (iii) currently taking BP-lowering medication ("treated"), and (iv) reporting being treated and not having a raised BP ("controlled"). We disaggregated these stages by state, rural-urban residence, sex, age group, body mass index, tobacco consumption, household wealth quintile, education, and marital status. In total, 731,864 participants were included in the analysis. Hypertension prevalence was 18.1% (95% CI 17.8%-18.4%). Among those with hypertension, 76.1% (95% CI 75.3%-76.8%) had ever received a BP measurement, 44.7% (95% CI 43.6%-45.8%) were aware of their diagnosis, 13.3% (95% CI 12.9%-13.8%) were treated, and 7.9% (95% CI 7.6%-8.3%) had achieved control. Male sex, rural location, lower household wealth, and not being married were associated with greater losses at each step of the care process. Between states, control among individuals with hypertension varied from 2.4% (95% CI 1.7%-3.3%) in Nagaland to 21.0% (95% CI 9.8%-39.6%) in Daman and Diu. At 38.0% (95% CI 36.3%-39.0%), 28.8% (95% CI 28.5%-29.2%), 28.4% (95% CI 27.7%-29.0%), and 28.4% (95% CI 27.8%-29.0%), respectively, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, and Haryana had the highest proportion of all adults (irrespective of hypertension status) in the sampled age range who had hypertension but did not achieve control. The main limitation of this study is that its results cannot be generalized to adults aged 50 years and older-the population group in which hypertension is most common. CONCLUSIONS: Hypertension prevalence in India is high, but the proportion of adults with hypertension who are aware of their diagnosis, are treated, and achieve control is low. Even after adjusting for states' economic development, there is large variation among states in health system performance in the management of hypertension. Improvements in access to hypertension diagnosis and treatment are especially important among men, in rural areas, and in populations with lower household wealth

    Variation in health system performance for managing diabetes among states in India:a cross-sectional study of individuals aged 15 to 49 years

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    Background: Understanding where adults with diabetes in India are lost in the diabetes care cascade is essential for the design of targeted health interventions and to monitor progress in health system performance for managing diabetes over time. This study aimed to determine (i) the proportion of adults with diabetes in India who have reached each step of the care cascade and (ii) the variation of these cascade indicators among states and socio-demographic groups. Methods: We used data from a population-based household survey carried out in 2015 and 2016 among women and men aged 15–49 years in all states of India. Diabetes was defined as a random blood glucose (RBG) ≄ 200 mg/dL or reporting to have diabetes. The care cascade—constructed among those with diabetes—consisted of the proportion who (i) reported having diabetes (“aware”), (ii) had sought treatment (“treated”), and (iii) had sought treatment and had a RBG &lt; 200 mg/dL (“controlled”). The care cascade was disaggregated by state, rural-urban location, age, sex, household wealth quintile, education, and marital status. Results: This analysis included 729,829 participants. Among those with diabetes (19,453 participants), 52.5% (95% CI, 50.6–54.4%) were “aware”, 40.5% (95% CI, 38.6–42.3%) “treated”, and 24.8% (95% CI, 23.1–26.4%) “controlled”. Living in a rural area, male sex, less household wealth, and lower education were associated with worse care cascade indicators. Adults with untreated diabetes constituted the highest percentage of the adult population (irrespective of diabetes status) aged 15 to 49 years in Goa (4.2%; 95% CI, 3.2–5.2%) and Tamil Nadu (3.8%; 95% CI, 3.4–4.1%). The highest absolute number of adults with untreated diabetes lived in Tamil Nadu (1,670,035; 95% CI, 1,519,130–1,812,278) and Uttar Pradesh (1,506,638; 95% CI, 1,419,466–1,589,832). Conclusions: There are large losses to diabetes care at each step of the care cascade in India, with the greatest loss occurring at the awareness stage. While health system performance for managing diabetes varies greatly among India’s states, improvements are particularly needed for rural areas, those with less household wealth and education, and men. Although such improvements will likely have the greatest benefits for population health in Goa and Tamil Nadu, large states with a low diabetes prevalence but a high absolute number of adults with untreated diabetes, such as Uttar Pradesh, should not be neglected

    Mitochondrial respiratory pathways modulate nitrate sensing and nitrogen-dependent regulation of plant architecture in Nicotiana sylvestris

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    Mitochondrial electron transport pathways exert effects on carbon–nitrogen (C/N) relationships. To examine whether mitochondria–N interactions also influence plant growth and development, we explored the responses of roots and shoots to external N supply in wild-type (WT) Nicotiana sylvestris and the cytoplasmic male sterile II (CMSII) mutant, which has a N-rich phenotype. Root architecture in N. sylvestris seedlings showed classic responses to nitrate and sucrose availability. In contrast, CMSII showed an altered ‘nitrate-sensing’ phenotype with decreased sensitivity to C and N metabolites. The WT growth phenotype was restored in CMSII seedling roots by high nitrate plus sugars and in shoots by gibberellic acid (GA). Genome-wide cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of leaves from mature plants revealed that only a small subset of transcripts was altered in CMSII. Tissue abscisic acid content was similar in CMSII and WT roots and shoots, and growth responses to zeatin were comparable. However, the abundance of key transcripts associated with GA synthesis was modified both by the availability of N and by the CMSII mutation. The CMSII mutant maintained a much higher shoot/root ratio at low N than WT, whereas no difference was observed at high N. Shoot/root ratios were strikingly correlated with root amines/nitrate ratios, values of <1 being characteristic of high N status. We propose a model in which the amine/nitrate ratio interacts with GA signalling and respiratory pathways to regulate the partitioning of biomass between shoots and roots
