15 research outputs found

    Political economy of death and the concept of the king's two bodies: The funeral of King Aleksandar Karađorđević I in 1934

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    Ubistvo kralja Aleksandra uzdrmalo je evropsku javnost pred početak Drugog svetskog rata. Imalo je još veći odjek u kompleksnoj južnoslovenskoj državi. U takvom napetom trenutku, bilo je važno očuvati državno jedinstvo i ispuniti pravni i simbolički vakuum uzrokovan kraljevim ubistvom. Elite su stoga upotrebile stari srednjovekovni koncept dva kraljeva tela. Shodno tome, sahrana kralja Aleksandra dobila je obeležja masovnog spektakla u kome je smrt kralja postala simbol državnog jedinstva.The assassination of King Aleksandar shook the European public at the dawn of WWII. It had even more pronounced effects in the compound South Slavic state. In such a tense moment, it was necessary to preserve state unity and fill the legal and symbolic vacuum caused by the King's murder. Thus, the elites employed the old medieval concept of the king's two bodies. According to this principle, the funeral of King Aleksandar assumed the features of a mass performance wherein the death of the ruler turned into the symbol of state unity

    Dynastic-National Landscape: Gardens and Parks of the Dedinje Royal Palaces Complex

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    Dvorski kompleks na Dedinju u Beogradu predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih ideoloških toposa dinastije Karađorđević i ključ za razumijevanje jugoslavenske monarhije u međuratnom razdoblju. Slojevito koncipirana reprezentativna cjelina i pejzažno uređenje dešifrira željene kulturne okvire, vrijednosni sustav i kolektivni identitet heterogene zajednice koje je spram ideja jugoslavenstva nastojao izgraditi kralj Aleksandar I.The Royal Palaces Complex in Dedinje in Belgrade represents one of the most important ideological topoi of the Karađorđević Dynasty as well as the major key to understanding of the Yugoslav Monarchy in the interwar period. An insight into this elaborately conceived representative complex and its landscape design reveals the desired cultural frameworks, value system and collective identity of a heterogeneous community that King Alexander I was striving to create in line with the ideas of Yugoslavism

    The challenges of the digital world

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    Izdavanje sveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog udžbenika pod nazivom Izazovi digitalnog svijeta rezultat je višegodišnjeg znanstvenog istraživanja, a obuhvaća inženjere, psihologe i pravnike – doktore znanosti i priznate stručnjake u svojim područjima. Ukupno 14 autora s različitih fakulteta Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku te Sveučilišta u Zagrebu napisalo je ukupno 12 poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju pregled psiholoških, pravnih i tehničkih aspekata informacijske sigurnosti i zaštite privatnosti i općenito digitalnog svijeta. Osim analize trenutnog stanja te prikaza uzročno posljedičnih odnosa između ponašanja i rizika od mogućih posljedica, navedene su i preporuke za zaštitu pojedinaca. Obrađene su teme koje obuhvaćaju područja informacijske sigurnosti i zaštite privatnosti, a koje su posljednjih godina izuzetno aktualne, kako u javnosti tako i u znanstvenim krugovima, zbog sve većih sigurnosnih problema koji se pojavljuju u gotovo svim aspektima ljudskoga života. Upravo je interdisciplinarni pristup, temeljen na analizi ponašanja korisnika raznih informacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava, omogućio sveobuhvatni pristup u ovome udžbeniku. Udžbenik je namijenjen svim korisnicima informacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava koji se u svojem svakodnevnim radu i aktivnostima susreću s raznim problemima digitalnog doba, od proboja informacijske sigurnosti, odnosno otuđenja i krađe digitalnih podatka te njihove zlouporabe, do različitih oblika zlostavljanja novim informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama

    The challenges of the digital world

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    Izdavanje sveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog udžbenika pod nazivom Izazovi digitalnog svijeta rezultat je višegodišnjeg znanstvenog istraživanja, a obuhvaća inženjere, psihologe i pravnike – doktore znanosti i priznate stručnjake u svojim područjima. Ukupno 14 autora s različitih fakulteta Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku te Sveučilišta u Zagrebu napisalo je ukupno 12 poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju pregled psiholoških, pravnih i tehničkih aspekata informacijske sigurnosti i zaštite privatnosti i općenito digitalnog svijeta. Osim analize trenutnog stanja te prikaza uzročno posljedičnih odnosa između ponašanja i rizika od mogućih posljedica, navedene su i preporuke za zaštitu pojedinaca. Obrađene su teme koje obuhvaćaju područja informacijske sigurnosti i zaštite privatnosti, a koje su posljednjih godina izuzetno aktualne, kako u javnosti tako i u znanstvenim krugovima, zbog sve većih sigurnosnih problema koji se pojavljuju u gotovo svim aspektima ljudskoga života. Upravo je interdisciplinarni pristup, temeljen na analizi ponašanja korisnika raznih informacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava, omogućio sveobuhvatni pristup u ovome udžbeniku. Udžbenik je namijenjen svim korisnicima informacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava koji se u svojem svakodnevnim radu i aktivnostima susreću s raznim problemima digitalnog doba, od proboja informacijske sigurnosti, odnosno otuđenja i krađe digitalnih podatka te njihove zlouporabe, do različitih oblika zlostavljanja novim informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama

    Stable population structure in Europe since the Iron Age, despite high mobility

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    Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000–3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed from the historical period onward (3000 YBP - present). To address this, we collected whole genomes from 204 individuals from Europe and the Mediterranean, many of which are the first historical period genomes from their region (e.g. Armenia and France). We found that most regions show remarkable inter-individual heterogeneity. At least 7% of historical individuals carry ancestry uncommon in the region where they were sampled, some indicating cross-Mediterranean contacts. Despite this high level of mobility, overall population structure across western Eurasia is relatively stable through the historical period up to the present, mirroring geography. We show that, under standard population genetics models with local panmixia, the observed level of dispersal would lead to a collapse of population structure. Persistent population structure thus suggests a lower effective migration rate than indicated by the observed dispersal. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be explained by extensive transient dispersal arising from drastically improved transportation networks and the Roman Empire’s mobilization of people for trade, labor, and military. This work highlights the utility of ancient DNA in elucidating finer scale human population dynamics in recent history


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    The purpose of this paper is to reveal how, over the time, Avala was put on the map, and became an influential symbolic topos of Serbian national memory. Furthermore, having fostered the evocation of national tradition related to this place, using the natural characteristics of this particular area and by the means of updating its exceptional historical and memorial capacity, Avala gained a highly committed and symbolic meaning in the mental geography of our nation. Later on, this potential was recognized as a tempting opportunity to create a monument with an overwhelming capacity for imposing a newly created Yugoslav cultural model by means of a highly needed transforming and re-designing the ideological identity of Avala. Raising a prominent national monument, the memorial complex to the Unknown Hero on Avala, near Belgrade, is a paradigm of obliteration, redefinition and alteration of tradition and collective memory. In the case of Avala we can clearly follow the process of exploitation and revision of the strategically selected image of the past and its adaptation to the needs of the current period.Avala se, pokazaćemo ovim radom, tokom vremena mapirala kao uticajni simbolički topos srpske nacionalne memorije. Negovanom evokacijom nacionalne tradicije vezane za ovo mesto, korišćenjem prirodnih karakteristika samog područja i aktuelizacijom istorije ovog prostora koji poseduje veliki memorijski potencijal, Avala je zadobila angažovano i simbolično značenje u mentalnoj geografiji srpstva. Sve ovo je, razume se kasnije prepoznato kao primamljiva mogućnost za stvaranje spomenika sa ogromnim kapacitetom za nametanje novonastalnog jedinstvenog Jugoslovenskog kulturnog modela, uz nužno preoblikovanje i preoznačavanje ideloškog identiteta. Izgradnja memorijalnog kompleksa na Avali posvećenog Neznanom junaku, istaknutog nacionalnog spomenika, predstavlja paradigmatski primer brisanja, redefinisanja I preoznačavanja tradicije i kolektivnog pamćenja. Na primeru Avale možemo da jasno pratimo proces eksploatacije i revizije strateški izabrane slike prošlosti i njenog prilagođavanja aktuelnim vremenima


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    The process of founding and shaping a capital proved to be one of the key issues within the representative culture in any era. This was of particular importance when it came to the 19th century societies in the Balkans due to the emergence of national consciousness and the creation of nation-states on what had been Ottoman territory for quite a long time. Despite the lack of independence and extreme political circumstances, the Serbian community was aware of contemporary European phenomena in creating and disseminating the ruler’s image as an important part of enhancing the sense of national identity. The heart of Serbia under the reign of Milos Obrenovic was a princely court in Gornja Crnuca that, in spite of its structural simplicity, was an unmistakable expression of the highest state authorities.Proces zasnivanja i oblikovanja prestonice pokazao se ključnim pitanjem reprezentativne kulture svakog perioda. Ovo je bilo od posebne važnosti kada je reč o devetnaestovekovnim društvima na teritoriji Balkana s obzirom na buđenje nacionalne svesti i stvaranje nacionalnih država na teritoriji koja je dugo bila pod osmanskom vlašću. Uprkos nespotojanju državnosti i ekstremnim političkim okolnostima srpsko društvo pokazalo je zavidan stepen pozavanja evropskih fenomena kada je reč o stvaranju i odašiljanju vladarske slike kao važnog dela podsticanja svesti o nacionalnom identitetu. Srce Srbije pod ranom vladavinom Miloša Obrenovića bio je dvor u mestu Gornja Crnuća koje je uprkos svojoj strukturalnoj jednostavnosti bilo nepogrešivi odraz najvišeg državnog autoriteta

    The endowment edifices of Nikola Spasic and his fund in Knez-Mihailova street

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    Nikola Spasic (1838-1916), famous merchant and Serbian benefactor, gave a tremendous contribution to the architectural development of our recent past The area of Knez-Mihailova street preserves four magnificent edifices that Nikola Spasic bequeathed to the Serbian people, and those buildings are Spasic’s family house, the House of Serbian National Invalid Fund Saint George, Sloga palace and Grand passage. The plans for these buildings were drawn up by the most notable Serbian architects during the times of extreme scarcity and difficulties. Therefore, Spasic’s endowment edifices represent important testimony of the genesis of Serbian capital urban tissue. The creation of modern city and an uncritical hostile attitude toward the monuments of the epoch of academism, as well as the insufficiently researched field of our recent architectural past, have altogether made that many of valuable buildings have been destroyed or lost over the time. Because of carelessness and ignorance, Spasic’s endowment edifices sank into oblivion and reached us as neglected and of changed form. Nowadays, when the professional architectural revision of the role of the past is undertaken the researches of these important monuments, their evaluation and quality contribute to the creation of the proper critical judgment about our architecture

    Contribution to research on Crown Prince Mihailo's palace in Belgrade

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    The subject of the research of this paper is the history and architecture of the palace that was built for the Serbian Crown Prince Mihailo Obrenovic, and that had been located within the central court complex of the Obrenovic Dynasty, in the immediate vicinity of Terazije Square in Belgrade. The attractive edifice lasted from 1860-1909 and was important marker in urban setting of Belgrade. The aim of the paper was to analyze and reconstruct the original appearance of this capital building on the basis of the scarce existing sources and available evidences. The edifice has been constructed with the idea of creating a royal residence that has been set within the framework of modern understandings of a ruler's space. Even though it didn't become the actual home of Prince Mihailo Obrenovic it was built and equipped according to the functions and needs of the official princely court. The research focus was placed on the background and particular reasons for conceiving and constituting this kind of representative architectural building of engaged rhetoric. Considering the social conditions, sudden and frequent changes within the political scene and changed understandings of the ruler's authority within the framework of the 19th century Serbian state, we have tried to explain and argue reasons and circumstances that led Prince Milos to decide to build this type of ruling residence for his successor. The issue of metropolis wasn't resolved until 1841. However, Serbian ruler was aware of the current European practice. We have reviewed historical backgrounds and strivings of Prince Milos Obrenovic to catch up with the European model when it comes to the ruler's ideology within which the court, it position, architecture and design held an impact of extraordinary importance. At the same time, the attempt was made to point to the essential changes when it comes to the widespread belief in attribution of the architectural design. We have challenged the authorship of Kosta Sreplovic that was set in the past and offered possible directions which would further point to new observations of authors' contributions and interpretations of European influences on the development of court architecture in our midst. The circumstances surrounding the pulling down and complete deletion of this topos from the mental geography of the inhabitants of the Serbian capital were also considered. The architecture of the palace did not fit into ideological shift and desirable shape of the king's court. Still, its initial idea lives through the fact that its place occupies the Presidential Palace, therefore it continues existing as an effective ruler's topos

    Courts of the dynasties Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic in Serbia

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    Предмет истраживања ове дисертације представљају дворови династија Обреновић и Карађорђевић који су настајали током деветнаестог и двадесетог века на територији Србије. Са становишта савремених изучавања историје и теорије архитектуре, дворске културе и шире схваћеног појма двора, који ће бити образложен у уводним поглављима текста, овај рад има за циљ да синтетички прикаже и методолошки утемељено протумачи дворове владара модерне српске државе, од вожда Карађорђа, до кнеза Павла Карађорђевића. Функционисање српских дворова и његових укућана пратили смо током дугог периода који је трајао од почетка Српске револуције 1804. године, до освита Другог светског рата. У тако широко уоквиреном временском простору, посматрали смо сложени живот владара српских династија Обреновић и Карађорђевић у садејству са њиховим владарским седиштима која су пролазила кроз различите трансформације у распону од конака, до палате и виле. Топологија владарских седишта представљала је неодвојив сегмент у нашем тумачењу специфичне и веома сложене симболике двора. Позиције на којима су дворови подизани, маркери су стратешки битних тачака које су нам давале добар смер који нас је упућивао у дешифровање идеологије простора и помогао нам да уочимо одразе легитимисања и инструментализације власти у оквирима бурне политичке историје модерне српске државе са одвећ наглим преокретима. Темеље за овакво тумачење дворова, пружиће нам сазнајне технике историје уметности, али и појмовна апаратура њој сродних дисциплина, првенствено културне историје, естетике, социологије и визуелне културе. Постављањем дворова у систем визуелне културе, отворили смо могућност да се они валоризују изван искључиве естетске категоризације. Специфичне особености природе власти и феномен приватности владара која је овде схваћена као политичка категорија, омогућили су нам да се у одређеним сегментима рада фокусирамо и упустимо и у феноменолошка тумачења карактеристичног дворског живота, његових утицајних домета, али и извесних лимита. Истовремено, то не значи да смо маргинализовали формалне аспекте дворова, будући да је естетско грађење владарске слике, па самим тим и двора, умногоме одређено обавезујућим концептом величајности. Сходно захтевима и принципима владарске пропаганде рад наглашава како су српски дворови, такође, представљали најрепрезентативније градитељске и уметничке целине у држави. С тим у вези, посебна пажња и фокус овог истраживања били су усмерени на подробну анализу архитектонског обликовања и формалног конституисања српских дворова, њихову просторну организацију и визуелни идентитет. Дескриптивна анализа представљала је суштински темељ за одговор на полазишна питања о томе шта је то формално, током деветнаестог и двадесетог века у српској средини, било препознато као здање двора, шта су његове особености и зашто се у датом тренутку усваја одређени културни образац и архитектонски тип владарске резиденције. Овде ваља напоменути да се рад, у складу са историјском датошћу, бави дворовима на територији данашње Србије, не испуштајући при томе из вида, историјске транформације њеног државног уређења. Упркос географској ограничености, која је овде искључиво практичне природе, уложили смо труд да кроз компаративну анализу објективно сагледамо градитељске домете дворских комплекса наших династија, појаснимо утицаје под којима се они формирају и да обогатимо сазнања о дворској култури и укусу династија Обреновић и Карађорђевић.Subject of this dissertation are the courts of the dynasties Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic that were created during the nineteenth and twentieth century, at the territory of Serbia. From the standpoint of the modern views on the history and theory of architecture, courtly culture and the understood concept of the court, which will be explained in the introductory chapter of the text, this paper aims to make an elaborate synthesis and to construe methodologically the courts of the modern Serbian state, from Karadjordje to Prince Paul Karadjordjevic. We have observed the existence of the Serbian courts and their occupants over a long period, which lasted from the beginning of the Serbian revolution in 1804 to the dawn of the Second World War. Setting such a widely framed time span, we have observed the complex life of the Serbian rulers, members of Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic dynasties through the prism of their royal seats which went through various transformations ranging from the konaks to the palaces and villas. Topology of the rulers’ seats was the inseparable segment of our interpretation of specific and very complex symbolism of the courts. Positions where the courts were raised were markers of the strategically important points that gave us good direction to decrypt the ideology of particular space and helped us to observe the reflections of legitimizing and instrumentation of power within the turbulent political history of the modern Serbian state with way too much upheaval. We found the ground for this interpretation of courts with help of the cognitive techniques of art history, but also via conceptual apparatus of the related disciplines, particularly cultural history, aesthetics, sociology, and visual culture. By placing the courts in a system of visual culture, we have been given the opportunity to valorize them beyond the exclusive aesthetic categorization. Specific features of the nature the power and the phenomenon of the ruler’s privacy that is here taken as a political category, had enabled us to focus at certain segments and to dive into the phenomenological interpretation of the characteristic court life, its influential range, but also the limits as well. However, it does not mean that we have excluded the formal aspects of the courts, as the aesthetic construction of the royal image, and therefore the court itself are determined largely by the binding concept of la magnificenza. In accordance with the requirements and principles of the ruling propaganda, this paper highlights how the Serbian courts, also represented the most representative architectural and artistic objects in the country. With reference to this, special attention and focus of this research were aimed at a detailed analysis of the architectural design and the formal constitution of the Serbian courts, their spatial organization and visual identity. Descriptive analysis was essential for providing the answers to the initial questions of what was formally recognized as a court during the nineteenth and twentieth century in Serbia, what were its features and why, at any given moment, adopted particular cultural patterns and architectural type of the royal residences. Here it should be noted that, due to the historical circumstances, the paper deals with the courts at the territory of today's Serbia, bearing constantly in mind the historic transformation of its political system. Despite the geographic limitations, here purely practical, we invested an effort to make the comparative analysis and to note as objectively as possible the architectural achievements of the royal compounds of our dynasties, to explain the influences that formed them, and to enrich the knowledge of the culture and taste of the royal dynasties of the Obrenovics and Karadjordjevics