105 research outputs found

    The Role of User Support Services in Modern Auditing

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    Do the existing ways of providing user support apply to auditors or is there something that is unique or different with the auditors\u27 need for user support? The auditing context has some special characteristics that may be analyzed to answer this question. The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical model that illustrates how computerized decision aids affect user support services in modern auditing. Little is known about the auditors\u27 perceived need for user support and the support services made available to them by the audit firms. Some previous studies on the use of software applications in auditing have suggested that the use will increase in the future, however, there has not been any evidence of that happening. Maybe this is an indication that the lack of efficient user support is hindering the spread of the use of decision aids in audit firm

    Microbial secondary metabolites in homes in association with moisture damage and asthma

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    We aimed to characterize the presence of microbial secondary metabolites in homes and their association with moisture damage, mold, and asthma development. Living room floor dust was analyzed by LC-MS/MS for 333 secondary metabolites from 93 homes of 1-year-old children. Moisture damage was present in 15 living rooms. At 6 years, 8 children had active and 15 lifetime doctor-diagnosed asthma. The median number of different metabolites per house was 17 ( range 8-29) and median sum load 65 ( 4-865) ng/m(2). Overall 42 different metabolites were detected. The number of metabolites present tended to be higher in homes with mold odor or moisture damage. The higher sum loads and number of metabolites with loads over 10 ng/m(2) were associated with lower prevalence of active asthma at 6 years ( aOR 0.06 ( 95% CI <0.001-0.96) and 0.05 (<0.001-0.56), respectively). None of the individual metabolites, which presence tended ( P <0.2) to be increased by moisture damage or mold, were associated with increased risk of asthma. Microbial secondary metabolites are ubiquitously present in home floor dust. Moisture damage and mold tend to increase their numbers and amount. There was no evidence indicating that the secondary metabolites determined would explain the association between moisture damage, mold, and the development of asthma.Peer reviewe

    Ilmanvaihto- ja jäähdytysjärjestelmien resilienssi lämpöaaltojen ja hengitystieinfektioiden suhteen : Uudis- ja korjausrakennusten teknisten ratkaisujen toiminta muuttuvissa olosuhteissa

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    Tutkimuksessa tehtiin laskennallisia tarkasteluja helleaaltojen vaikutuksista sisälämpötilaan sekä kenttämittauksia ja virtaussimulointeja ilmanvaihdon mitoituksen merkityksestä hengitystieinfektioiden torjunnassa. Lisäksi arvioitiin korkeiden lämpötilojen terveyshaittoja sekä influenssaviruksen terveysvaikutuksien ja koronapandemian merkitystä Suomen ylikuolleisuuteen. Passiivisilla auringonsuojaratkaisuilla ja ilmanvaihdon tehostuksella voidaan vähentää rakennusten ylilämpenemistä, mutta ne eivät yksistään riitä torjumaan sitä. Helleaalloista aiheutuu Suomessa vuosittain keskimäärin noin 110 ennenaikaista kuolemaa ja 170 sairaalahoitojaksoa, ja tulevaisuudessa haitat voivat moninkertaistua. Asuntojen ylilämpenemisen torjuntatoimien avulla on mahdollista ehkäistä merkittävä osuus vakavista terveyshaitoista. Nykyiset ilmavirrat ovat opetustiloissa ja kuntosalissa riittäviä hengitysinfektioriskin hallintaan. Avotoimistossa noin 20 %:a pienempi henkilömäärä voidaan nähdä järkevänä ratkaisuna epidemiatilanteessa. Hengitystieinfektiot ovat yleisin lyhyiden työstä poissaolojen syy Suomessa ja ne aiheuttavat sekä työnantajille että yhteiskunnalle kustannuksia sairauspoissaoloina, lisääntyneinä terveydenhuollon menoina ja suurentuneena kuolleisuutena.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Original Contribution Effects of Cold Weather on Mortality: Results From 15 European Cities Within the PHEWE Project

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    Weather-related health effects have attracted renewed interest because of the observed and predicted climate change. The authors studied the short-term effects of cold weather on mortality in 15 European cities. The effects of minimum apparent temperature on cause-and age-specific daily mortality were assessed for the cold season (October-March) by using data from 1990-2000. For city-specific analysis, the authors used Poisson regression and distributed lag models, controlling for potential confounders. Meta-regression models summarized the results and explored heterogeneity. A 1°C decrease in temperature was associated with a 1.35% (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.16, 1.53) increase in the daily number of total natural deaths and a 1.72% (95% CI: 1.44, 2.01), 3.30% (95% CI: 2.61, 3.99), and 1.25% (95% CI: 0.77, 1.73) increase in cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrovascular deaths, respectively. The increase was greater for the older age groups. The cold effect was found to be greater in warmer (southern) cities and persisted up to 23 days, with no evidence of mortality displacement. Cold-related mortality is an important public health problem across Europe. It should not be underestimated by public health authorities because of the recent focus on heat-wave episodes. cold; Europe; mortality; temperature; urban health; weather Abbreviation: PHEWE, Assessment and Prevention of Acute Health Effects of Weather Conditions in Europe

    The “Perfect Storm” for Type 1 Diabetes: The Complex Interplay Between Intestinal Microbiota, Gut Permeability, and Mucosal Immunity

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    It is often stated that type 1 diabetes results from a complex interplay between varying degrees of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. While agreeing with this principal, our desire is that this Perspectives article will highlight another complex interplay potentially associated with this disease involving facets related to the gut, one where individual factors that, upon their interaction with each another, form a “perfect storm” critical to the development of type 1 diabetes. This trio of factors includes an aberrant intestinal microbiota, a “leaky” intestinal mucosal barrier, and altered intestinal immune responsiveness. Studies examining the microecology of the gastrointestinal tract have identified specific microorganisms whose presence appears related (either quantitatively or qualitatively) to disease; in type 1 diabetes, a role for microflora in the pathogenesis of disease has recently been suggested. Increased intestinal permeability has also been observed in animal models of type 1 diabetes as well as in humans with or at increased-risk for the disease. Finally, an altered mucosal immune system has been associated with the disease and is likely a major contributor to the failure to form tolerance, resulting in the autoimmunity that underlies type 1 diabetes. Herein, we discuss the complex interplay between these factors and raise testable hypotheses that form a fertile area for future investigations as to the role of the gut in the pathogenesis and prevention of type 1 diabetes

    Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk of incident stroke:A pooled study of nine scandinavian cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: Transportation noise is increasingly acknowledged as a cardiovascular risk factor, but the evidence base for an association with stroke is sparse. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the association between transportation noise and stroke incidence in a large Scandinavian population. METHODS: We harmonized and pooled data from nine Scandinavian cohorts (seven Swedish, two Danish), totaling 135,951 participants. We identified residential address history and estimated road, railway, and aircraft noise for all addresses. Information on stroke incidence was acquired through link-age to national patient and mortality registries. We analyzed data using Cox proportional hazards models, including socioeconomic and lifestyle con-founders, and air pollution. RESULTS: During follow-up (median = 19:5 y), 11,056 stroke cases were identified. Road traffic noise (Lden ) was associated with risk of stroke, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.06 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.03, 1.08] per 10-dB higher 5-y mean time-weighted exposure in analyses adjusted for indi-vidual-and area-level socioeconomic covariates. The association was approximately linear and persisted after adjustment for air pollution [particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of ≤2:5 lm (PM2:5 ) and NO2 ]. Stroke was associated with moderate levels of 5-y aircraft noise exposure (40–50 vs. ≤40 dB) (HR = 1:12; 95% CI: 0.99, 1.27), but not with higher exposure (≥50 dB, HR = 0:94; 95% CI: 0.79, 1.11). Railway noise was not associated with stroke. DISCUSSION: In this pooled study, road traffic noise was associated with a higher risk of stroke. This finding supports road traffic noise as an important cardiovascular risk factor that should be included when estimating the burden of disease due to traffic noise. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8949

    Impact of Dietary Gluten on Regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells in BALB/c Mice

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    Dietary gluten influences the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and a gluten-free (GF) diet has a protective effect on the development of T1D. Gluten may influence T1D due to its direct effect on intestinal immunity; however, these mechanisms have not been adequately studied. We studied the effect of a GF diet compared to a gluten-containing standard (STD) diet on selected T cell subsets, associated with regulatory functions as well as proinflammatory Th17 cells, in BALB/c mice. Furthermore, we assessed diet-induced changes in the expression of various T cell markers, and determined if changes were confined to intestinal or non-intestinal lymphoid compartments. The gluten-containing STD diet led to a significantly decreased proportion of γδ T cells in all lymphoid compartments studied, although an increase was detected in some γδ T cell subsets (CD8+, CD103+). Further, it decreased the proportion of CD4+CD62L+ T cells in Peyer's patches. Interestingly, no diet-induced changes were found among CD4+Foxp3+ T cells or CD3+CD49b+cells (NKT cells) and CD3−CD49b+ (NK) cells. Mice fed the STD diet showed increased proportions of CD4+CD45RBhigh+ and CD103+ T cells and a lower proportion of CD4+CD45RBlow+ T cells in both mucosal and non-mucosal compartments. The Th17 cell population, associated with the development of autoimmunity, was substantially increased in pancreatic lymph nodes of mice fed the STD diet. Collectively, our data indicate that dietary gluten influences multiple regulatory T cell subsets as well as Th17 cells in mucosal lymphoid tissue while fewer differences were observed in non-mucosal lymphoid compartments

    Latent class analysis reveals clinically relevant atopy phenotypes in 2 birth cohorts

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    Background: Phenotypes of childhood-onset asthma are characterized by distinct trajectories and functional features. For atopy, definition of phenotypes during childhood is less clear. Objective: We sought to define phenotypes of atopic sensitization over the first 6 years of life using a latent class analysis (LCA) integrating 3 dimensions of atopy: allergen specificity, time course, and levels of specific IgE (sIgE). Methods: Phenotypes were defined by means of LCA in 680 children of the Multizentrische Allergiestudie (MAS) and 766 children of the Protection against allergy: Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) birth cohorts and compared with classical nondisjunctive definitions of seasonal, perennial, and food sensitization with respect to atopic diseases and lung function. Cytokine levels were measured in the PASTURE cohort. Results: The LCA classified predominantly by type and multiplicity of sensitization (food vs inhalant), allergen combinations, and sIgE levels. Latent classes were related to atopic disease manifestations with higher sensitivity and specificity than the classical definitions. LCA detected consistently in both cohorts a distinct group of children with severe atopy characterized by high seasonal sIgE levels and a strong propensity for asthma; hay fever; eczema; and impaired lung function, also in children without an established asthma diagnosis. Severe atopy was associated with an increased IL-5/IFN-gamma ratio. A path analysis among sensitized children revealed that among all features of severe atopy, only excessive sIgE production early in life affected asthma risk. Conclusions: LCA revealed a set of benign, symptomatic, and severe atopy phenotypes. The severe phenotype emerged as a latent condition with signs of a dysbalanced immune response. It determined high asthma risk through excessive sIgE production and directly affected impaired lung function.Peer reviewe