62 research outputs found

    Under suspicion

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    Orientador: Silvia Hunold LaraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Esta dissertação estuda a população negra paulistana no início do século XX na cidadede São Paulo, a partir da grande imprensa, de documentação policial e da chamada imprensa negra. Os jornais negros foram escritos por indivíduos que se nomeavam como "classe dos homens de cor". Para ser considerado "homem de cor" o negro deveria seguir algumas regras de conduta moral, expressas em artigos e por meio de críticas em seções específicas dos periódicos, e quem não compartilhava essas determinações era chamado por eles de "pretos". Combater o racismo e a discriminação eram os objetivos dos homens de cor, no entanto, esse só poderia ser efetivado por meio de ação conjunta de todos os negros, que deveriam dizimar os estigmas sociais a eles associados, como considerá-los a priori vagabundos, embriagados e criminosos. Em se tratando de mulheres negras, a estigmatização vinculava-se, além de tudo, à idéia de prostituição. Seguindo o ponto de vista dos homens de cor, buscamos entender como os negros apareciam na grande imprensa e em processos policiais. Verificamos que eram vistos como sujeitos suspeitos antes mesmo de se comprovar sua participação em algum delito, além da identificação não primar pela identidade do negro, mas ser feita unicamente por meio da cor. Dessa forma, procuramos entender como se dava a inserção de toda população negra nos bairros paulistanos, e se havia de fato separação entre homens de cor e pretos. Compreendemos que a estratégia dos homens de cor, para combater o racismo e a discriminação por meio da conduta, não surtia o efeito desejado porque todos os negros eram considerados suspeitos em potencial, pois independente da alcunha que atribuíssem a si mesmos, eram apenas "negros" para a sociedade paulistanaAbstract: This dissertation is about black population in São Paulo city, in the beginning of XXcentury, through black press, great press, and police documentation. Individuals who nominated themselves as "class of the colored men" had written the black periodicals. For being considerated "colored man", black people must follow some rules of moral behavior, propagated in articles and by critical in specific sections of the black newspapers. Who did not share those rules were been called for them by "pretos". "Colored men" had fought racism and discrimination, however, that fight could only been accomplished by the black people's joint action which ought to decimate the social preconception they were associate by society, whom considers them a priori as vagabonds, tipsy and criminal. Black women, over all, were been tied to prostitution idea. Following the view of "colored men", we try to understand how blacks appeared in great press and police processes. We verify that black citizens were been suspected before someone proves their participation in some infraction. They were been seen without a name, but being identify solely by means of the color. Thus we try to understand how was the insertion of all black people into São Paulo's quarters, and if it had separation between "colored men" and "pretos". We understand that the strategy of the "colored men" did not occasion the desired effect because all blacks were been considered as potential suspected, independent of the nickname they attributed themselves, they were only "black" for general societyMestradoHistoria SocialMestre em Históri

    Genome-Wide Association Study and Pathway-Level Analysis of Kernel Color in Maize.

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    Rapid development and adoption of biofortified, provitamin A-dense orange maize (Zea mays L.) varieties could be facilitated by a greater understanding of the natural variation underlying kernel color, including as it relates to carotenoid biosynthesis and retention in maize grain. Greater abundance of carotenoids in maize kernels is generally accompanied by deeper orange color, useful for distinguishing provitamin A-dense varieties to consumers. While kernel color can be scored and selected with high-throughput, low-cost phenotypic methods within breeding selection programs, it remains to be well established as to what would be the logical genetic loci to target for selection for kernel color. We conducted a genome-wide association study of maize kernel color, as determined by colorimetry, in 1,651 yellow and orange inbreds from the Ames maize inbred panel. Associations were found with y1, encoding the first committed step in carotenoid biosynthesis, and with dxs2, which encodes the enzyme responsible for the first committed step in the biosynthesis of the isoprenoid precursors of carotenoids. These genes logically could contribute to overall carotenoid abundance and thus kernel color. The lcyE and zep1 genes, which can affect carotenoid composition, were also found to be associated with colorimeter values. A pathway-level analysis, focused on genes with a priori evidence of involvement in carotenoid biosynthesis and retention, revealed associations for dxs3 and dmes1, involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis; ps1 and vp5, within the core carotenoid pathway; and vp14, involved in cleavage of carotenoids. Collectively, these identified genes appear relevant to the accumulation of kernel color

    A foundation for provitamin A biofortification of maize: genome-wide association and genomic prediction models of carotenoid levels.

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    Efforts are underway for development of crops with improved levels of provitamin A carotenoids to help combat dietary vitamin A deficiency. As a global staple crop with considerable variation in kernel carotenoid composition, maize (Zea mays L.) could have a widespread impact. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of quantified seed carotenoids across a panel of maize inbreds ranging from light yellow to dark orange in grain color to identify some of the key genes controlling maize grain carotenoid composition. Significant associations at the genome-wide level were detected within the coding regions of zep1 and lut1, carotenoid biosynthetic genes not previously shown to impact grain carotenoid composition in association studies, as well as within previously associated lcyE and crtRB1 genes. We leveraged existing biochemical and genomic information to identify 58 a priori candidate genes relevant to the biosynthesis and retention of carotenoids in maize to test in a pathway-level analysis. This revealed dxs2 and lut5, genes not previously associated with kernel carotenoids. In genomic prediction models, use of markers that targeted a small set of quantitative trait loci associated with carotenoid levels in prior linkage studies were as effective as genome-wide markers for predicting carotenoid traits. Based on GWAS, pathway-level analysis, and genomic prediction studies, we outline a flexible strategy involving use of a small number of genes that can be selected for rapid conversion of elite white grain germplasm, with minimal amounts of carotenoids, to orange grain versions containing high levels of provitamin A

    Missing Gamma-ray Halos and the Need for New Physics in the Gamma-ray Sky

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    An intergalactic magnetic field stronger than 3×10−133\times10^{-13}~G would explain the lack of a bright, extended degree-scale, GeV-energy inverse Compton component in the gamma-ray spectra of TeV-blazars. A robustly predicted consequence of the presence of such a field is the existence of degree-scale GeV-energy gamma-ray halos -- gamma-ray bow ties -- about TeV-bright active galactic nuclei, corresponding to more than half of all radio galaxies. However, the emitting regions of these halos are confined to and aligned with the direction of the relativistic jets associated with gamma-ray sources. Based on the orientation of radio jets, we align and stack corresponding degree-scale gamma-ray images of isolated Fanaroff-Riley class I and II objects and exclude the existence of these halos at overwhelming confidence, limiting the intergalactic field strength to <10−15<10^{-15}~G for large-scale fields and progressively larger in the diffusive regime when the correlation length of the field becomes small in comparison to 1 Mpc. When combined with prior limits on the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field, this excludes a purely magnetic explanation for the absence of halos. Thus, it requires the existence of novel physical processes that preempt the creation of halos, e.g., the presence of beam-plasma instabilities in the intergalactic medium or a drastic cutoff of the very high energy spectrum of these sources.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Missing Gamma-Ray Halos and the Need for New Physics in the Gamma-Ray Sky

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    An intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) stronger than 3 × 10^(−13) G would explain the lack of a bright, extended degree-scale, GeV-energy inverse Compton component in the gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars. A robustly predicted consequence of the presence of such a field is the existence of degree-scale GeV-energy gamma-ray halos (gamma-ray bow ties) about TeV-bright active galactic nuclei, corresponding to more than half of all radio galaxies. However, the emitting regions of these halos are confined to and aligned with the direction of the relativistic jets associated with gamma-ray sources. Based on the orientation of radio jets, we align and stack corresponding degree-scale gamma-ray images of isolated Fanaroff–Riley class I and II objects and exclude the existence of these halos at overwhelming confidence, limiting the intergalactic field strength to <10^(−15) G for large-scale fields and progressively larger in the diffusive regime when the correlation length of the field becomes small in comparison to 1 Mpc. When combined with prior limits on the strength of the IGMF, this excludes a purely magnetic explanation for the absence of halos. Thus, it requires the existence of novel physical processes that preempt the creation of halos, e.g., the presence of beam-plasma instabilities in the intergalactic medium or a drastic cutoff of the very high-energy spectrum of these sources

    Vermessen und Teilen - Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten

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    Dieser Lehrforschungsbericht untersucht die Praktiken und Diskurse beim Umgang mit persönlichen Körperdaten, die mittels digitaler Selbstvermessung erfasst werden. Werden Körpderdaten wie Puls, Gewicht, Laufstrecke, Essverhalten etc geteilt und wenn ja, wie? Die Forschungsgruppe führte dazu Interviews mit Nutzern solcher Selbstvermessungsgeräte und machte Diskursanalysen zu Fitness, Gesundheit und Datennutzung. Die Forschungsdaten wurden sowohl praxistheoretisch interpretiert als auch mit den Techniken der Situationsanalyse strukturiert. Dieses Vorgehen bettete sich in den Forschungsstil der Grounded Theory ein

    Von Willebrand factor propeptide and pathophysiological mechanisms in European and Iranian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in the 3WINTERS-IPS study

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    Background Type 3 von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a severe bleeding disorder caused by the virtually complete absence of von Willebrand factor (VWF). Pathophysiological mechanisms of VWD like defective synthesis, secretion, and clearance of VWF have previously been evaluated using ratios of VWF propeptide (VWFpp) over VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) and factor (F)VIII coagulant activity (FVIII:C) over VWF:Ag. Objective To investigate whether the VWFpp/VWF:Ag and FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratios may also be applied to understand the pathophysiological mechanism underlying type 3 VWD and whether VWFpp is associated with bleeding severity. Methods European and Iranian type 3 patients were enrolled in the 3WINTERS-IPS study. Plasma samples and buffy coats were collected and a bleeding assessment tool was administered at enrolment. VWF:Ag, VWFpp, FVIII:C, and genetic analyses were performed centrally, to confirm patients' diagnoses. VWFpp/VWF:Ag and FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratios were compared among different variant classes using the Mann-Whitney test. Median differences with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using the Hodges-Lehmann method. VWFpp association with bleeding symptoms was assessed using Spearman's rank correlation. Results Homozygosity/compound heterozygosity for missense variants showed higher VWFpp level and VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio than homozygosity/compound heterozygosity for null variants ([VWFpp median difference, 1.4 IU/dl; 95% CI, 0.2-2.7; P = .016]; [VWFpp/VWF:Ag median difference, 1.4; 95% CI, 0-4.2; P = .054]). FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratio was similarly increased in both. VWFpp level did not correlate with the bleeding symptoms (r = .024; P = .778). Conclusions An increased VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio is indicative of missense variants, whereas FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratio does not discriminate missense from null alleles. The VWFpp level was not associated with the severity of bleeding phenotype.Peer reviewe

    Development of surface plasmon resonance-based sensor for detection of silver nanoparticles in food and the environment

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    Silver nanoparticles are recognized as effective antimicrobial agents and have been implemented in various consumer products including washing machines, refrigerators, clothing, medical devices, and food packaging. Alongside the silver nanoparticles benefits, their novel properties have raised concerns about possible adverse effects on biological systems. To protect consumer’s health and the environment, efficient monitoring of silver nanoparticles needs to be established. Here, we present the development of human metallothionein (MT) based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor for rapid detection of nanosilver. Incorporation of human metallothionein 1A to the sensor surface enables screening for potentially biologically active silver nanoparticles at parts per billion sensitivity. Other protein ligands were also tested for binding capacity of the nanosilver and were found to be inferior to the metallothionein. The biosensor has been characterized in terms of selectivity and sensitivity towards different types of silver nanoparticles and applied in measurements of real-life samples—such as fresh vegetables and river water. Our findings suggest that human MT1-based SPR sensor has the potential to be utilized as a routine screening method for silver nanoparticles, that can provide rapid and automated analysis dedicated to environmental and food safety monitoring

    Bleeding symptoms in patients diagnosed as type 3 von Willebrand disease : Results from 3WINTERS-IPS, an international and collaborative cross-sectional study

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    Background Type 3 von Willebrand's disease (VWD) patients present markedly reduced levels of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII. Because of its rarity, the bleeding phenotype of type 3 VWD is poorly described, as compared to type 1 VWD. Aims To evaluate the frequency and the severity of bleeding symptoms across age and sex groups in type 3 patients and to compare these with those observed in type 1 VWD patients to investigate any possible clustering of bleeding symptoms within type 3 patients. Methods We compared the bleeding phenotype and computed the bleeding score (BS) using the MCMDM-1VWD bleeding questionnaire in patients enrolled in the 3WINTERS-IPS and MCMDM-1VWD studies. Results In 223 unrelated type 3 VWD patients, both the BS and the number of clinically relevant bleeding symptoms were increased in type 3 as compared to type 1 VWD patients (15 versus 6 and 5 versus 3). Intracranial bleeding, oral cavity, hemarthroses, and deep hematomas were at least five-fold over-represented in type 3 VWD. A more severe bleeding phenotype was evident in patients having von Willebrand factor antigen levels <20 IU/dL at diagnosis in the two merged cohorts. In type 3 patients, there was an apparent clustering of hemarthrosis with gastrointestinal bleeding and epistaxis, whereas bleeding after surgery or tooth extraction clusters with oral bleeding and menorrhagia. Conclusions In the largest cohort of type 3 VWD patients, we were able to describe a distinct clinical phenotype that is associated with the presence of a more severe hemostatic defect.Peer reviewe
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