5 research outputs found

    Die verschiedenen Phasen der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland: Eine deskriptive Analyse von Januar 2020 bis Februar 2021

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    Am 27.01.2020 wurde in Deutschland der erste Fall mit einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion diagnostiziert. FĂŒr die Beschreibung des Pandemieverlaufs im Jahr 2020 wurden 4 epidemiologisch verschiedene Phasen betrachtet und Daten aus dem Meldesystem gemĂ€ĂŸ Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) sowie hospitalisierte COVID-19-FĂ€lle mit schwerer akuter respiratorischer Infektion aus der Krankenhaus-Surveillance eingeschlossen. Phase 0 umfasst den Zeitraum von Kalenderwoche (KW) 5/2020 bis 9/2020, in dem vor allem sporadische FĂ€lle <60 Jahre und regional begrenzte AusbrĂŒche beobachtet wurden. Insgesamt wurden 167 FĂ€lle ĂŒbermittelt, die vorwiegend mild verliefen. Dem schloss sich in Phase 1 (KW 10/2020 bis 20/2020) die erste COVID-19-Welle mit 175.013 FĂ€llen im gesamten Bundesgebiet an. Hier wurden vermehrt AusbrĂŒche in KrankenhĂ€usern, Alten- und Pflegeheimen sowie ein zunehmender Anteil an Ă€lteren und schwer erkrankten Personen verzeichnet. In Phase 2, dem „Sommerplateau“ mit eher milden VerlĂ€ufen (KW 21/2020 bis 39/2020), wurden viele reiseassoziierte COVID-19-FĂ€lle im Alter von 15–59 Jahren und einzelne grĂ¶ĂŸere, ĂŒberregionale AusbrĂŒche in Betrieben beobachtet. Unter den 111.790 FĂ€llen wurden schwere VerlĂ€ufe seltener beobachtet als in Phase 1. Phase 3 (KW 40/2020 bis 8/2021) war gekennzeichnet durch die zweite COVID-19-Welle in Deutschland, die sich zum Jahresende 2020 auf dem Höhepunkt befand. Mit 2.158.013 ĂŒbermittelten COVID-19-FĂ€llen und insgesamt deutlich mehr schweren FĂ€llen in allen Altersgruppen verlief die zweite Welle schwerer als die erste Welle. UnabhĂ€ngig von den 4 Phasen waren v. a. Ältere und auch MĂ€nner stĂ€rker von einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf betroffen.The first case of coronavirus SARS-CoV‑2 infection in Germany was diagnosed on 27 January 2020. To describe the pandemic course in 2020, we regarded four epidemiologically different periods and used data on COVID-19 cases from the mandatory reporting system as well as hospitalized COVID-19 cases with severe acute respiratory infection from the syndromic hospital surveillance. Period 0 covers weeks 5 to 9 of 2020, where mainly sporadic cases of younger age were observed and few regional outbreaks emerged. In total, 167 cases with mostly mild outcomes were reported. Subsequently, the first COVID-19 wave occurred in period 1 (weeks 10 to 20 of 2020) with a total of 175,013 cases throughout Germany. Increasingly, outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes were registered. Moreover, elderly cases and severe outcomes were observed more frequently. Period 2 (weeks 21 to 39 of 2020) was an interim period with more mild cases, where many cases were younger and often travel-associated. Additionally, larger trans-regional outbreaks in business settings were reported. Among the 111,790 cases, severe outcomes were less frequent than in period 1. In period 3 (week 40 of 2020 to week 8 of 2021), the second COVID-19 wave started and peaked at the end of 2020. With 2,158,013 reported cases and considerably more severe outcomes in all age groups, the second wave was substantially stronger than the first wave. Irrespective of the different periods, more elderly persons and more men were affected by severe outcomes.Peer Reviewe

    SurvNet@RKI - A multistate electronic reporting system for communicable diseases

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    In 2001 Germany implemented a new electronic reporting system for surveillance of notifiable infectious diseases (SurvNet@RKI). The system is currently being used in all 431 local health departments (LHD), the 16 state health departments (SHD) and the Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), the national agency for infectious disease epidemiology. The SurvNet@RKI software is written in MS Access 97 and Visual Basic and it supports MS Access as well as MS SQL Server database management systems as a back-end. The database is designed as a distributed, dynamic database for 73 reporting categories with more than 600 fields and about 7000 predefined entry values. An integrated version management system documents deletion, undeletion, completion and correction of cases at any time and entry level and allows reproduction of previously conducted queries. Integrated algorithms and help functions support data quality and the application of case definitions. RKI makes the system available to all LHDs and SHDs free of charge. RKI receives an average of 300,000 case reports and 6240 outbreak reports per year through this system. A public web-based query interface, SurvStat@RKI, assures extensive and timely publication of the data. During the 5 years that SurvNet@RKI has been running in all LHDs and SHDs in Germany it has coped well with a complex federal structure which makes this system particularly attractive to multinational surveillance networks. The system is currently being migrated to Microsoft C#/.NET and transport formats in XML. Based on our experiences, we provide recommendations for the design and implementation of national or international electronic surveillance systems

    Enteric Nervous System Structure and Neurochemistry Related to Function and Neuropathology

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