667 research outputs found

    A Direct Measurement of the Dust Extinction Curve in an Intermediate-Redshift Galaxy

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    We present a proof-of-concept study that dust extinction curves can be extracted from the infrared (IR), optical, ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray afterglow observations of GRBs without assuming known extinction laws. We focus on GRB 050525A (z = 0.606), for which we also present IR observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope at about 2.3 days post-burst. We construct the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the afterglow and use it to derive the dust extinction curve of the host galaxy in 7 optical/UV wavebands. By comparing our derived extinction curve to known templates, we see that the Galactic or Milky Way extinction laws are disfavored versus the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud (SMC and LMC) ones, but that we cannot rule out the presence of a LMC-like 2175 angstrom bump in our extinction curve. The dust-to-gas ratio present within the host galaxy of GRB 050525A is similar to that found in the LMC, while about 10 to 40% more dust is required if the SMC template is assumed. Our method is useful to observatories that are capable of simultaneously observing GRB afterglows in multiple wavebands from the IR to the X-ray.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJ. Minor changes to 2nd Paragraph of Introductio

    The contribution of seed systems to crop and tree diversity in sustainable food systems.

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    This chapter will review the evidence that shows that farmers’ access to seeds has an impact on the sustainability of food production and consumption. Diverse seeds are needed to support the diversification of agriculture, which in turn may contribute to more diverse diets, and to using species and varieties for the integrity of ecosystem services. In what follows, we define three functions of seed systems. We discuss the evidence that farmers’ seed access influences food production and consumption. We then discuss each of the three key functions (production and distribution, innovation, regulation) in turn and review the evidence that differences in the capacity of seed systems to perform each function make a difference to fulfilling the overall goal of seed systems, in terms of their contribution to sustainable food systems. We also describe existing work to provide data and indicators to characterize each seed system function and assess how these can be used to measure the link between agricultural biodiversity and sustainable food systems in this context

    Calidad de servicio de telemedicina y satisfacción del paciente en el contexto de pandemia por COVID-19 en un hospital de Pataz, 2022

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    El objetivo fue determinar la relación que existe entre la calidad del servicio de Telemedicina y la satisfacción de pacientes en el contexto de pandemia en un hospital de Pataz, 2022. La metodología fue de tipo básica, enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental, transversal, nivel descriptivo y alcance correlacional. La muestra fue de 76 usuarios del servicio de telemedicina. Se utilizaron como instrumentos dos cuestionarios, para medir la calidad de servicio y satisfacción de usuarios, validados con el método juicio de expertos, la confiabilidad fue a través del Alpha de Cronbach. Según los resultados descriptivos, el 68% percibe un alto nivel la calidad del servicio de telemedicina, 32% la considera como nivel medio. Respecto a la satisfacción de usuarios, igualmente, la mayoría (71%). reporta un alto nivel de satisfacción del servicio de telemedicina, seguido del nivel medio con 29%, Los resultados inferenciales muestran un p-valor = 0,000 < 0.05, que demuestra que existe una relación positiva significativa de moderada intensidad entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción de usuarios de telemedicina (Rho = 0,345). Concluyendo que la calidad de servicio tiene una relación significativa moderada con la satisfacción de usuarios del servicio de telemedicin

    Human cytomegalovirus US28 facilitates cell-to-cell viral dissemination

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes a number of viral proteins with homology to cellular G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). These viral GPCRs, including US27, US28, UL33, and UL78, have been ascribed numerous functions during infection, including activating diverse cellular pathways, binding to immunomodulatory chemokines, and impacting virus dissemination. To investigate the role of US28 during virus infection, two variants of the clinical isolate TB40/E were generated: TB40/E-US28(YFP) expressing a C-terminal yellow fluorescent protein tag, and TB40/E-FLAG(YFP) in which a FLAG-YFP cassette replaces the US28 coding region. The TB40/E-US28(YFP) protein localized as large perinuclear fluorescent structures at late times post-infection in fibroblasts, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Interestingly, US28(YFP) is a non-glycosylated membrane protein throughout the course of infection. US28 appears to impact cell-to-cell spread of virus, as the ΔUS28 virus (TB40/E-FLAG(YFP)) generated a log-greater yield of extracellular progeny whose spread could be significantly neutralized in fibroblasts. Most strikingly, in epithelial cells, where dissemination of virus occurs exclusively by the cell-to-cell route, TB40/E-FLAG(YFP) (ΔUS28) displayed a significant growth defect. The data demonstrates that HCMV US28 may contribute at a late stage of the viral life cycle to cell-to-cell dissemination of virus

    Re-analysis of the radio luminosity function of Galactic HII regions

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    We have re-analyzed continuum and recombination lines radio data available in the literature in order to derive the luminosity function (LF) of Galactic HII regions. The study is performed by considering the first and fourth Galactic quadrants independently. We estimate the completeness level of the sample in the fourth quadrant at 5 Jy, and the one in the first quadrant at 2 Jy. We show that the two samples (fourth or first quadrant) include, as well as giant and super-giant HII regions, a significant number of sub-giant sources. The LF is obtained, in each Galactic quadrant, with a generalized Schmidt's estimator using an effective volume derived from the observed spatial distribution of the considered HII regions. The re-analysis also takes advantage of recently published ancillary absorption data allowing to solve the distance ambiguity for several objects. A single power-law fit to the LFs retrieves a slope equal to -2.23+/-0.07 (fourth quadrant) and to -1.85+/-0.11 (first quadrant). We also find marginal evidence of a luminosity break at L_knee = 10^23.45 erg s^(-1) Hz^(-1) for the LF in the fourth quadrant. We convert radio luminosities into equivalent H_alpha and Lyman continuum luminosities to facilitate comparisons with extra-galactic studies. We obtain an average total HII regions Lyman continuum luminosity of 0.89 +/- 0.23 * 10^(53) sec^(-1), corresponding to 30% of the total ionizing luminosity of the Galaxy.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Comparison of White Blood Cell Scintigraphy, FDG PET/CT and MRI in Suspected Diabetic Foot Infection:Results of a Large Retrospective Multicenter Study

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    Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) represent one of the most frequent and disabling morbidities of longstanding diabetes; therefore, early diagnosis is mandatory. The aim of this multicenter retrospective study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of white blood cell scintigraphy (WBC), 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ((18F) FDG PET/CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in patients with suspected DFI. Images and clinical data from 251 patients enrolled by five centers were collected in order to calculate the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of WBC, FDG, and MRI in diagnosing osteomyelitis (OM), soft-tissue infection (STI), and Charcot osteoarthropathy. In OM, WBC acquired following the European Society of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) guidelines was more specific and accurate than MRI (91.9% vs. 70.7%, p &lt; 0.0001 and 86.2% vs. 67.1%, p = 0.003, respectively). In STI, both FDG and WBC achieved a significantly higher specificity than MRI (97.9% and 95.7% vs. 83.6%, p = 0.04 and p = 0.018, respectively). In Charcot, both MRI and WBC demonstrated a significantly higher specificity and accuracy than FDG (88.2% and 89.3% vs. 62.5%, p = 0.0009; 80.3% and 87.9% vs. 62.1%, p &lt; 0.02, respectively). Moreover, in Charcot, WBC was more specific than MRI (89.3% vs. 88.2% p &lt; 0.0001). Given the limitations of a retrospective study, WBC using EANM guidelines was shown to be the most reliable imaging modality to differentiate between OM, STI, and Charcot in patients with suspected DFI

    The Mass Distribution of Starless and Protostellar Cores in Gould Belt Clouds

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    Using data from the SCUBA Legacy Catalogue (850 μm) and Spitzer Space Telescope (3.6-70 μm), we explore dense cores in the Ophiuchus, Taurus, Perseus, Serpens, and Orion molecular clouds. We develop a new method to discriminate submillimeter cores found by Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) as starless or protostellar, using point source photometry from Spitzer wide field surveys. First, we identify infrared sources with red colors associated with embedded young stellar objects (YSOs). Second, we compare the positions of these YSO candidates to our submillimeter cores. With these identifications, we construct new, self-consistent starless and protostellar core mass functions (CMFs) for the five clouds. We find best-fit slopes to the high-mass end of the CMFs of –1.26 ± 0.20, –1.22 ± 0.06, –0.95 ± 0.20, and –1.67 ± 0.72 for Ophiuchus, Taurus, Perseus, and Orion, respectively. Broadly, these slopes are each consistent with the –1.35 power-law slope of the Salpeter initial mass function at higher masses, but suggest some differences. We examine a variety of trends between these CMF shapes and their parent cloud properties, potentially finding a correlation between the high-mass slope and core temperature. We also find a trend between core mass and effective size, but we are very limited by sensitivity. We make similar comparisons between core mass and size with visual extinction (for A_V ≥ 3) and find no obvious trends. We also predict the numbers and mass distributions of cores that future surveys with SCUBA-2 may detect in each of these clouds

    Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Carina Nebula: The steady march of feedback-driven star formation

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    We report the first results of imaging the Carina Nebula with Spitzer/IRAC, providing a catalog of point sources and YSOs based on SED fits. We discuss several aspects of the extended emission, including dust pillars that result when a clumpy molecular cloud is shredded by massive star feedback. There are few "extended green objects" (EGOs) normally taken as signposts of outflow activity, and none of the HH jets detected optically are seen as EGOs. A population of "extended red objects" tends to be found around OB stars, some with clear bow-shocks. These are dusty shocks where stellar winds collide with flows off nearby clouds. Finally, the relative distributions of O stars and subclusters of YSOs as compared to dust pillars shows that while some YSOs are located within pillars, many more stars and YSOs reside just outside pillar heads. We suggest that pillars are transient phenomena, part of a continuous outwardly propagating wave of star formation driven by massive star feedback. As pillars are destroyed, they leave newly formed stars in their wake, which are then subsumed into the young OB association. Altogether, the current generation of YSOs shows no strong deviation from a normal IMF. The number of YSOs suggests a roughly constant star-formation rate over the past 3Myr, implying that star formation in pillars constitutes an important mechanism to construct unbound OB associations. Accelerated pillars may give birth to O-type stars that, after several Myr, could appear to have formed in isolation.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS accepte