16 research outputs found

    Liver resection or combined chemoembolization and radiofrequency ablation improve survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background/ Aims: To evaluate the long-term outcome of surgical and non-surgical local treatments of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: We stratified a cohort of 278 HCC patients using six independent predictors of survival according to the Vienna survival model for HCC (VISUM- HCC). Results: Prior to therapy, 224 HCC patients presented with VISUM stage 1 (median survival 18 months) while 29 patients were classified as VISUM stage 2 (median survival 4 months) and 25 patients as VISUM stage 3 (median survival 3 months). A highly significant (p < 0.001) improved survival time was observed in VISUM stage 1 patients treated with liver resection ( n = 52; median survival 37 months) or chemoembolization (TACE) and subsequent radiofrequency ablation ( RFA) ( n = 44; median survival 45 months) as compared to patients receiving chemoembolization alone (n = 107; median survival 13 months) or patients treated by tamoxifen only (n = 21; median survival 6 months). Chemoembolization alone significantly (p <= 0.004) improved survival time in VISUM stage 1 - 2 patients but not (p = 0.341) in VISUM stage 3 patients in comparison to those treated by tamoxifen. Conclusion: Both liver resection or combined chemoembolization and RFA improve markedly the survival of patients with HCC

    Superficial simplicity of the 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake of Baja California in Mexico

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    The geometry of faults is usually thought to be more complicated at the surface than at depth and to control the initiation, propagation and arrest of seismic ruptures. The fault system that runs from southern California into Mexico is a simple strike-slip boundary: the west side of California and Mexico moves northwards with respect to the east. However, the M_w 7.2 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake on this fault system produced a pattern of seismic waves that indicates a far more complex source than slip on a planar strike-slip fault. Here we use geodetic, remote-sensing and seismological data to reconstruct the fault geometry and history of slip during this earthquake. We find that the earthquake produced a straight 120-km-long fault trace that cut through the Cucapah mountain range and across the Colorado River delta. However, at depth, the fault is made up of two different segments connected by a small extensional fault. Both segments strike N130° E, but dip in opposite directions. The earthquake was initiated on the connecting extensional fault and 15 s later ruptured the two main segments with dominantly strike-slip motion. We show that complexities in the fault geometry at depth explain well the complex pattern of radiated seismic waves. We conclude that the location and detailed characteristics of the earthquake could not have been anticipated on the basis of observations of surface geology alone

    Case-oriented computer-based-training in radiology: concept, implementation and evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Providing high-quality clinical cases is important for teaching radiology. We developed, implemented and evaluated a program for a university hospital to support this task. METHODS: The system was built with Intranet technology and connected to the Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS). It contains cases for every user group from students to attendants and is structured according to the ACR-code (American College of Radiology) [2]. Each department member was given an individual account, could gather his teaching cases and put the completed cases into the common database. RESULTS: During 18 months 583 cases containing 4136 images involving all radiological techniques were compiled and 350 cases put into the common case repository. Workflow integration as well as individual interest influenced the personal efforts to participate but an increasing number of cases and minor modifications of the program improved user acceptance continuously. 101 students went through an evaluation which showed a high level of acceptance and a special interest in elaborate documentation. CONCLUSION: Electronic access to reference cases for all department members anytime anywhere is feasible. Critical success factors are workflow integration, reliability, efficient retrieval strategies and incentives for case authoring

    Just Friends? : Richard Rolle and the Possibility of Christian Friendship Between Men and Women

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    Tutkimus kÀsittelee Richard Rollen (k. 1349), englantilaisen erakon ja uskonnollisen kirjailijan, kÀsityksiÀ ystÀvyydestÀ yleensÀ ja erityisesti hengellisestÀ ystÀvyydestÀ miesten ja naisten vÀlillÀ. Rolle kirjoitti useita latinan- ja keskienglanninkielisiÀ tutkielmia ja hengellisiÀ oppaita, joissa hÀn sivusi ystÀvyyden tematiikkaa sekÀ omaelÀmÀkerrallisesta ettÀ teoreettisesta nÀkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen pÀÀasiallisina lÀhteinÀ kÀytetÀÀn seitsemÀÀ Rollen omaa teosta sekÀ kanonisoinnin toivossa hÀnestÀ laadittua pyhimyselÀmÀkertaa. Tutkimus esittelee Rollen ystÀvyysteoriaa ja suhteuttaa sen 1300-luvun Yorkshiren historialliseen kontekstiin, Rollen kirjallisiin esikuviin sekÀ hÀnen ajatteluunsa yleensÀ. Rolle nÀyttÀÀ tunteneen sekÀ Ciceron (k. 43 eaa.) ettÀ Aelred Rievaulxlaisen (k. 1167) teokset ystÀvyydestÀ, mutta sovelsi nÀiden nÀkemyksiÀ omintakeisesti. Rollen maailmankuvalle oli ominaista jyrkkÀ kaksijakoisuus maailman ja Jumalan rakkauden vÀlillÀ, minkÀ vuoksi ero pyhÀn ja maallisen ystÀvyyden vÀlillÀ oli ehdoton. VÀÀrÀnlainen ystÀvyys oli vaarallista etenkin kontemplatiivista elÀmÀÀ harjoittaville erakoille ja anakoreeteille, joita Rolle opasti vÀlttÀmÀÀn ihmiskontakteja. JyrkkyydestÀÀn huolimatta Rolle erosi edeltÀjistÀÀn ja 1300-luvun valtavirrasta puolustamalla sukupuolten vÀlisen pyhÀn ystÀvyyden mahdollisuutta. Tutkimuksen keskeinen löytö on, ettÀ Rolle mÀÀritteli sukupuolten vÀlisen ystÀvyyden hengelliseksi ohjaukseksi ja perusteli siten sen tarpeellisuutta; naiset tarvitsivat pyhien miesten neuvoja pelastuakseen. TÀllainen opetusystÀvyys ei ollut tasa-arvoinen suhde, vaan miehen tuli opastaa ja oikaista naista tÀmÀn omaksi parhaaksi. Toisaalta Rolle uskoi naisten mahdollisuuksiin saavuttaa hengellisen elÀmÀn korkeimmat asteet. LÀhteet paljastavat, ettÀ Rolle tosiasiassa opasti naisia esittÀmÀnsÀ mallin mukaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ yksittÀisille naisille laaditut kansankieliset opaskirjeet sisÀltÀvÀt opetusystÀvyyden keskeisiÀ piirteitÀ ja noudattavat sen hierarkista logiikkaa: Rolle esiintyy vÀlittÀjÀnÀ Jumalan ja lukijan vÀlillÀ houkutellen, moittien ja neuvoen lukijaa, jotta tÀmÀ saavuttaisi yhÀ korkeamman pyhyyden asteen. Rollen ja anakoreetti Margaret Kirkebyn vÀlinen suhde, jota on keskiajalla ja myöhemmin pidetty esimerkkinÀ pyhÀstÀ ystÀvyydestÀ, nÀyttÀÀ myös muiden lÀhteiden valossa olleen hierarkkinen opetussuhde. Tutkimuksessa argumentoidaan, ettÀ Rollen kirjoittamista motivoi tarve itsepuolustukseen ja toiminnan oikeuttamiseen; hÀnen kontaktinsa naisiin herÀttivÀt epÀilyksiÀ. Rolle halusi olla hengellinen auktoriteetti, mutta hÀnellÀ ei ollut luostarisÀÀntökunnan, kerjÀlÀisveljestön tai pappisviran tuomaa virallista tukea, joten hÀnen paras mahdollisuutensa itsepuolustukseen oli kirjallinen toiminta. Oikeuttaakseen toimintansa naisten parissa Rolle esitti mallin Jumalan rakkauden elÀvöittÀmÀstÀ pyhÀstÀ elÀmÀstÀ, johon kuului velvollisuus opettaa naisia ystÀvinÀ. LisÀksi Rollen tuli osoittaa, ettÀ hÀnen oma elÀmÀnsÀ edusti hÀnen puolustamaansa mallia, jonka edellytyksenÀ oli vÀlinpitÀmÀttömyys maallisia houkutuksia kohtaan. Kaiken tÀmÀn takana nÀyttÀÀ olleen toive tasavertaisen ystÀvÀn löytÀmisestÀ: Rolle ei ollut löytÀnyt vertaistaan ystÀvÀÀ, joka olisi jakanut hÀnen hengelliset kokemuksensa, joten hÀn pyrki hengellisen ohjauksen avulla nostamaan edes yhden oppilaistaan tasolleen. On huomionarvoista, ettÀ Rolle nÀyttÀÀ pitÀneen naisia kelvollisina kandidaatteina tÀllaiseen suhteeseen

    Contrast Agents for MR Imaging of the Liver

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    Radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of osteoid osteoma-5-year experience

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    a b s t r a c t Purpose: This study aimed to determine the success and complication rates of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in treatment of osteoid osteoma (OO) and duration of pain relief. Furthermore value of bone biopsy prior to the RFA was evaluated. Materials and methods: Within 61 months 39 patients (23 male, 16 female, 7-53 years, mean 18.7 years, median 17 years) suffering from osteoid osteoma were treated. Lesions were located in femur (n = 20), tibia (n = 10), spine (n = 5), humerus (n = 1), radius (n = 1), talus (n = 1) and pelvis (n = 1). In children, RFA was performed under general anaesthesia, in adults conscious sedation was preferred. In 29 of 39 (74%) lesion biopsies were obtained. Cooling of skin was performed in OOs located in bones with minor soft tissue covering (tibia, radius) and saline flushing via an additional needle was performed if the OO was adjacent to nerval structures. Primary success rate, complications, symptom-free interval, follow-up and biopsy results were evaluated. Results: Within observation period (1-61 months; median: 32 months) 38 of 39 patients were successfully treated and had no more complaints. In 3 of 38 patients relapse occurred after 1, 14 and 32 months and RFA was repeated. Two major complications (broken drill, infection) and 2 minor complications (hematoma, prolonged pain) were observed. Biopsy was able to prove diagnosis in 14 of 29 (48%) cases. Conclusions: Biopsy prior to treatment is not mandatory due to a remarkable amount of false negative findings in clinically and morphologically unambiguous cases of OO. RFA is a highly effective, efficient, minimally invasive and safe method for the treatment of OO

    The uppermost mantle seismic velocity and viscosity structure of central West Antarctica

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    Accurately monitoring and predicting the evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet via secular changes in the Earth’s gravity field requires knowledge of the underlying upper mantle viscosity structure. Published seismic models show the West Antarctic lithosphere to be ∌70–100 km thick and underlain by a low velocity zone extending to at least ∌200 km. Mantle viscosity is dependent on factors including temperature, grain size, the hydrogen content of olivine, the presence of partial melt and applied stress. As seismic wave propagation is particularly sensitive to thermal variations, seismic velocity provides a means of gauging mantle temperature. In 2012, a magnitude 5.6 intraplate earthquake in Marie Byrd Land was recorded on an array of POLENET-ANET seismometers deployed across West Antarctica. We modelled the waveforms recorded by six of the seismic stations in order to determine realistic estimates of temperature and lithology for the lithospheric mantle beneath Marie Byrd Land and the central West Antarctic Rift System. Published mantle xenolith and magnetotelluric data provided constraints on grain size and hydrogen content, respectively, for viscosity modelling. Considering tectonically-plausible stresses, we estimate that the viscosity of the lithospheric mantle beneath Marie Byrd Land and the central West Antarctic Rift System ranges from ∌ 10 20 – 10 22 Pa s. To extend our analysis to the sublithospheric seismic low velocity zone, we used a published shear wave model. We calculated that the velocity reduction observed between the base of the lithosphere (∌4.4–4.7 km/s) and the centre of the low velocity zone (∌4.2–4.3 km/s) beneath West Antarctica could be caused by a 0.1–0.3% melt fraction or a one order of magnitude reduction in grain size. However, the grain size reduction is inconsistent with our viscosity modelling constraints, suggesting that partial melt more feasibly explains the origin of the low velocity zone. Considering plausible asthenospheric stresses, we estimate the viscosity of the seismic low velocity zone beneath West Antarctica to be ∌ 10 18 – 10 19 Pa s. It has been shown elsewhere that the inclusion of a low viscosity layer of order 1019 Pa s in Fennoscandian models of glacial isostatic adjustment reduces disparities between predicted surface uplift rates and corresponding field observations. The incorporation of a low viscosity layer reflecting the seismic low velocity zone in Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment models might similarly lessen the misfit with observed uplift rates