70 research outputs found
Upgrade of the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer for Mainz MAMI-C
The Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer at Mainz has been upgraded so that it
can be used with the 1500 MeV electron beam now available from the Mainz
microtron MAMI-C. The changes made and the resulting properties of the
spectrometer are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure
Estimating Distribution of Hidden Objects with Drones: From Tennis Balls to Manatees
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones, have been used widely in military applications, but more recently civilian applications have emerged (e.g., wildlife population monitoring, traffic monitoring, law enforcement, oil and gas pipeline threat detection). UAV can have several advantages over manned aircraft for wildlife surveys, including reduced ecological footprint, increased safety, and the ability to collect high-resolution geo-referenced imagery that can document the presence of species without the use of a human observer. We illustrate how geo-referenced data collected with UAV technology in combination with recently developed statistical models can improve our ability to estimate the distribution of organisms. To demonstrate the efficacy of this methodology, we conducted an experiment in which tennis balls were used as surrogates of organisms to be surveyed. We used a UAV to collect images of an experimental field with a known number of tennis balls, each of which had a certain probability of being hidden. We then applied spatially explicit occupancy models to estimate the number of balls and created precise distribution maps. We conducted three consecutive surveys over the experimental field and estimated the total number of balls to be 328 (95%CI: 312, 348). The true number was 329 balls, but simple counts based on the UAV pictures would have led to a total maximum count of 284. The distribution of the balls in the field followed a simulated environmental gradient. We also were able to accurately estimate the relationship between the gradient and the distribution of balls. Our experiment demonstrates how this technology can be used to create precise distribution maps in which discrete regions of the study area are assigned a probability of presence of an object. Finally, we discuss the applicability and relevance of this experimental study to the case study of Florida manatee distribution at power plants
Atomistic modelling of scattering data in the Collaborative Computational Project for Small Angle Scattering (CCP-SAS)
The capabilities of current computer simulations provide a unique opportunity to model small-angle scattering (SAS) data at the atomistic level, and to include other structural constraints ranging from molecular and atomistic energetics to crystallography, electron microscopy and NMR. This extends the capabilities of solution scattering and provides deeper insights into the physics and chemistry of the systems studied. Realizing this potential, however, requires integrating the experimental data with a new generation of modelling software. To achieve this, the CCP-SAS collaboration (http://www.ccpsas.org/) is developing open-source, high-throughput and user-friendly software for the atomistic and coarse-grained molecular modelling of scattering data. Robust state-of-the-art molecular simulation engines and molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo force fields provide constraints to the solution structure inferred from the small-angle scattering data, which incorporates the known physical chemistry of the system. The implementation of this software suite involves a tiered approach in which GenApp provides the deployment infrastructure for running applications on both standard and high-performance computing hardware, and SASSIE provides a workflow framework into which modules can be plugged to prepare structures, carry out simulations, calculate theoretical scattering data and compare results with experimental data. GenApp produces the accessible web-based front end termed SASSIE-web, and GenApp and SASSIE also make community SAS codes available. Applications are illustrated by case studies: (i) inter-domain flexibility in two- to six-domain proteins as exemplified by HIV-1 Gag, MASP and ubiquitin; (ii) the hinge conformation in human IgG2 and IgA1 antibodies; (iii) the complex formed between a hexameric protein Hfq and mRNA; and (iv) synthetic 'bottlebrush' polymers
Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia
For centuries swidden was an important farming practice found across the girth of Southeast Asia. Today, however, these systems are changing and sometimes disappearing at a pace never before experienced. In order to explain the demise or transitioning of swidden we need to understand the rapid and massive changes that have and are occurring in the political and economic environment in which these farmers operate. Swidden farming has always been characterized by change, but since the onset of modern independent nation states, governments and markets in Southeast Asia have transformed the terms of swiddeners’ everyday lives to a degree that is significantly different from that ever experienced before. In this paper we identified six factors that have contributed to the demise or transformation of swidden systems, and support these arguments with examples from China (Xishuangbanna), Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. These trends include classifying swiddeners as ethnic minorities within nation-states, dividing the landscape into forest and permanent agriculture, expansion of forest departments and the rise of conservation, resettlement, privatization and commoditization of land and land-based production, and expansion of market infrastructure and the promotion of industrial agriculture. In addition we note a growing trend toward a transition from rural to urban livelihoods and expanding urban-labor markets
Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment
For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion
Deep Dive on Open Practices: Understanding Preregistration with Scott Peters and Karen Rambo-Hernandez
In this deep dive session, we introduce the basics of pre-registration: a method for creating a permanent record of a research plan prior to conducting data collection and/or data analysis. We discuss the conceptual similarities and practical differences between pre-registration and registered reports and traditional approaches to educational research. We provide some practical advice from our own experiences using this practice in our own research and resources available for researchers interested in pre-registering their work. Finally, we end with questions and discussion about adopting pre-registration practices and unique considerations for implementing pre-registration in education research
Crystal structure and solution state of the C-terminal head region of the narmovirus receptor binding protein
ABSTRACT Increased viral surveillance has led to the isolation and identification of numerous uncharacterized paramyxoviruses, rapidly expanding our understanding of paramyxoviral diversity beyond the bounds of known genera. Despite this diversity, a key feature that unites paramyxoviruses is the presence of a receptor-binding protein (RBP), which facilitates host-cell attachment and plays a fundamental role in determining host range. Here, we study the RBP presented on the surface of rodent-borne paramyxoviruses Mossman and Nariva (MosV and NarV, respectively), viruses that constitute founding members of the recently defined Narmovirus genus within the Paramyxoviridae family. Crystallographic analysis of the C-terminal head region of the dimeric MosV and NarV RBPs demonstrates that while these glycoproteins retain the canonical six-bladed β-propeller fold found in other paramyxoviral RBPs, they lack the structural motifs associated with established paramyxovirus host-cell receptor entry pathways. Consistent with MosV-RBP and NarV-RBP undergoing a distinct entry pathway from other characterized paramyxoviruses, structure-based phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that these six-bladed β-propeller head domains form a singular structural class that is distinct from other paramyxoviral RBPs. Additionally, using an integrated crystallographic and small-angle X-ray scattering analysis, we confirm that MosV-RBP and NarV-RBP form homodimeric arrangements that are distinct from those adopted by other paramyxovirus RBPs. Altogether, this investigation provides a molecular-level blueprint of the narmovirus RBP that broadens our understanding of the structural space and functional diversity available to paramyxovirus RBPs. IMPORTANCE Genetically diverse paramyxoviruses are united in their presentation of a receptor-binding protein (RBP), which works in concert with the fusion protein to facilitate host-cell entry. The C-terminal head region of the paramyxoviral RBP, a primary determinant of host-cell tropism and inter-species transmission potential, forms structurally distinct classes dependent upon protein and glycan receptor specificity. Here, we reveal the architecture of the C-terminal head region of the RBPs from Nariva virus (NarV) and Mossman virus (MosV), two archetypal rodent-borne paramyxoviruses within the recently established genus Narmovirus, family Paramyxoviridae. Our analysis reveals that while narmoviruses retain the general architectural features associated with paramyxoviral RBPs, namely, a six-bladed β-propeller fold, they lack the structural motifs associated with known receptor-mediated host-cell entry pathways. This investigation indicates that the RBPs of narmoviruses exhibit pathobiological features that are distinct from those of other paramyxoviruses
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