1,774 research outputs found

    Photo-assisted Andreev reflection as a probe of quantum noise

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    19 pages, 11 figuresAndreev reflection, which corresponds to the tunneling of two electrons from a metallic lead to a superconductor lead as a Cooper pair (or vice versa), can be exploited to measure high frequency noise. A detector is proposed, which consists of a normal lead--superconductor circuit, which is capacitively coupled to a mesoscopic circuit where noise is to be measured. We discuss two detector circuits: a single normal metal -- superconductor tunnel junction and a normal metal separated from a superconductor by a quantum dot operating in the Coulomb blockade regime. A substantial DC current flows in the detector circuit when an appropriate photon is provided or absorbed by the mesoscopic circuit, which plays the role of an environment for the junction to which it couples. Results for the current can be cast in all cases in the form of a frequency integral of the excess noise of the environment weighted by a kernel which is specific to the transport process (quasiparticle tunneling, Andreev reflection,...) which is considered. We apply these ideas to the measurement of the excess noise of a quantum point contact and we provide numerical estimates of the detector current

    The Propagation of Magneto-Centrifugally Launched Jets: I

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    We present simulations of the propagation of magnetized jets. This work differs from previous studies in that the cross-sectional distributions of the jets's state variables are derived from analytical models for magneto-centrifugal launching. The source is a magnetized rotator whose properties are specfied as boundary conditions. The jets in these simulations are considerably more complex than the ``top-hat''constant density etc. profiles used in previous work. We find that density and magnetic field stratification (with radius) in the jet leads to new behavior including the separation of an inner jet core from a low density collar. We find this {\it jet within a jet} structure, along with the magnetic stresses, leads to propagation behaviors not observed in previous simulation studies. Our methodology allows us to compare MHD jets from different types of sources whose properties could ultimately be derived from the behavior of the propagating jets.Comment: 42 pages, accepted by the Ap

    Dephasing due to a fluctuating fractional quantum Hall edge current

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    The dephasing rate of an electron level in a quantum dot, placed next to a fluctuating edge current in the fractional quantum Hall effect, is considered. Using perturbation theory, we first show that this rate has an anomalous dependence on the bias voltage applied to the neighboring quantum point contact, because of the Luttinger liquid physics which describes the fractional Hall fluid. Next, we describe exactly the weak to strong backscattering crossover using the Bethe-Ansatz solution

    Structure and Stability of Keplerian MHD Jets

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    MHD jet equilibria that depend on source properties are obtained using a simplified model for stationary, axisymmetric and rotating magnetized outflows. The present rotation laws are more complex than previously considered and include a Keplerian disc. The ensuing jets have a dense, current-carrying central core surrounded by an outer collar with a return current. The intermediate part of the jet is almost current-free and is magnetically dominated. Most of the momentum is located around the axis in the dense core and this region is likely to dominate the dynamics of the jet. We address the linear stability and the non-linear development of instabilities for our models using both analytical and 2.5-D numerical simulation's. The instabilities seen in the simulations develop with a wavelength and growth time that are well matched by the stability analysis. The modes explored in this work may provide a natural explanation for knots observed in astrophysical jets.Comment: 35 pages, accepted by the Ap

    Photo-assisted Andreev reflection as a probe of quantum noise

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    Andreev reflection, which corresponds to the tunneling of two electrons from a metallic lead to a superconductor lead as a Cooper pair (or vice versa), can be exploited to measure high frequency noise. A detector is proposed, which consists of a normal lead--superconductor circuit, which is capacitively coupled to a mesoscopic circuit where noise is to be measured. We discuss two detector circuits: a single normal metal -- superconductor tunnel junction and a normal metal separated from a superconductor by a quantum dot operating in the Coulomb blockade regime. A substantial DC current flows in the detector circuit when an appropriate photon is provided or absorbed by the mesoscopic circuit, which plays the role of an environment for the junction to which it couples. Results for the current can be cast in all cases in the form of a frequency integral of the excess noise of the environment weighted by a kernel which is specific to the transport process (quasiparticle tunneling, Andreev reflection,...) which is considered. We apply these ideas to the measurement of the excess noise of a quantum point contact and we provide numerical estimates of the detector current.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Star formation in the central 0.5 pc of the Milky Way

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    The supermassive black hole candidate at the Galactic Center is surrounded by a parsec-scale star cluster, which contains a number of early type stars. The presence of such stars has been called a "paradox of youth" as star formation in the immediate vicinity of a supermassive black hole seemed difficult, as well as the transport of stars from far out in a massive-star lifetime. I will recall 30 years of technological developments which led to the current understanding of the nuclear cluster stellar population. The number of early type stars known at present is sufficient to access the 3D structure of this population and its dynamics, which in turn allows discriminating between the various possible origins proposed along the years.Comment: 8 pages, invited review for the conference "The Universe under the Microscope" (AHAR 2008), to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series by Institute of Physics Publishin

    The Acoustic Peak in the Lyman Alpha Forest

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    We present the first simulation of the signature of baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) in Lyman alpha forest data containing 180,000 mock quasar sight-lines. We use eight large dark-matter only simulations onto which we paint the Lyman alpha field using the fluctuating Gunn-Peterson approximation. We argue that this approach should be sufficient for the mean signature on the scales of interest. Our results indicate that Lyman alpha flux provides a good tracer of the underlying dark matter field on large scales and that redshift space distortions are well described by a simple linear theory prescription. We compare Fourier and configuration space approaches to describing the signal and argue that configuration space statistics provide useful data compression. We also investigate the effect of a fluctuating photo-ionizing background using a simplified model and find that such fluctuations do add smooth power on large scales. The acoustic peak position is, however, unaffected for small amplitude fluctuations (<10%). Larger amplitude fluctuations make the recovery of the BAO signal more difficult and may degrade the achievable significance of the measurement.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; v2: minor revision matching version accepted by JCAP (new references, better figures, clarifications

    Revisiting the relationship between host attitudes and tourism development: A utility maximization approach

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    Host attitudes toward tourists are critical to the sustainable development of the tourism industry. Although numerous studies have focused on investigating host attitudes toward tourists and tourism development, the theoretical support from an economic perspective in this field is still underdeveloped. By following the social exchange theory and applying a utility maximization model, the current study not only explains Doxey’s Irridex model from an economic perspective but also complements the findings of the tourism area life cycle model proposed by Butler. Results show that the public resources at the destination, along with the ability of local community in channeling (foreign) tourism income into productivity advancement, influence the optimal level of tourism development in a destination

    Does non-invasive brain stimulation modify hand dexterity? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    peer reviewedIntroduction: Dexterity is described as coordinated hand and finger movement for precision tasks. It is essential for day-to-day activities like computer use, writing or buttoning a shirt. Integrity of brain motor networks is crucial to properly execute these fine hand tasks. When these networks are damaged, interventions to enhance recovery are frequently accompanied by unwanted side effects or limited in their effect. Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) are postulated to target affected motor areas and improve hand motor function with few side effects. However, the results across studies vary, and the current literature does not allow us to draw clear conclusions on the use of NIBS to promote hand function recovery. Therefore, we developed a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of different NIBS technologies on dexterity in diverse populations. This study will potentially help future evidence-based research and guidelines that use these NIBS technologies for recovering hand dexterity. Methods and analysis: This protocol will compare the effects of active versus sham NIBS on precise hand activity. Records will be obtained by searching relevant databases. Included articles will be randomised clinical trials in adults, testing the therapeutic effects of NIBS on continuous dexterity data. Records will be studied for risk of bias. Narrative and quantitative synthesis will be done. Ethics and dissemination: No private health information is included; the study is not interventional. Ethical approval is not required. The results will be reported in a peer-review journal. © 2017 Article author(s). All rights reserved

    Circulation and Oxygen Distribution in the Tropical Atlantic Cruise No. 80, Leg 1; October 26 to November 23, 2009 Mindelo (Cape Verde) to Mindelo (Cape Verde)

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    METEOR cruise 80/1 was a contribution to the SFB 754 “Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean”. Shipboard, glider and moored observations are used to study the temporal and spatial variability of physical and biogeochemical parameters within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the tropical North Atlantic. As part of the BMBF “Nordatlantik” project, it further focuses on the equatorial current system including the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and intermediate currents below. During the cruise, hydrographic station observations were performed using a CTD/O2 rosette, including water sampling for salinity, oxygen, nutrients and other biogeochemical tracers. Underway current measurements were successfully carried out with the 75 kHz ADCP borrowed from R/V POSEIDON during the first part of the cruise, and R/V METEOR’s 38 kHz ADCP during the second part. During M80/1, an intensive mooring program was carried out with 8 mooring recoveries and 8 mooring deployments. Right at the beginning of the cruise, a multidisciplinary mooring near the Cape Verde Islands was recovered and redeployed. Within the framework of SFB 754, two moorings with CTD/O2 profilers were recovered and redeployed with other instrumentation in the center and at the southern rim of the OMZ of the tropical North Atlantic. The equatorial mooring array as part of BMBF “North Atlantic” project consists of 5 current meter moorings along 23°W between 2°S and 2°N. It is aimed at quantifying the variability of the thermocline water supply toward the equatorial cold tongue which develops east of 10°W during boreal summer. Several glider missions were performed during the cruise. One glider was recovered that was deployed two months earlier. Another glider was deployed for two short term missions, near the equator for about 8 days and near 8°N for one day. This glider was equipped with a new microstructure probe in addition to standard sensors, i.e. CTD/O2, chlorophyll and turbidity