817 research outputs found

    A equiparação da licença paternidade à licença maternidade como forma de reduzir a discriminação de gênero no mercado de trabalho

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    As licenças paternidade e maternidade são institutos legais com fundamento constitucional que objetivam garantir o direito dos pais no que tange os cuidados iniciais com a prole. Ocorre que existe uma gigantesca diferença entre os prazos concedidos para ambos os institutos, desencadeando uma série de restrições de acesso e desenvolvimento no mercado de trabalho em relação as mulheres. Tal percepção tem trazido à discussão a necessidade de que a licença paternidade seja alçada a prazo semelhante ao da licença maternidade, ou mesmo que a legislação pátria insira no rol dos direitos trabalhistas a chamada licença parental. Por licença parental entende-se aquela cujo usufruto é compartilhado por homens e mulheres, cujo decisão do prazo a ser utilizado por cada um pertence ao casal, sendo possível ao estado estabelecer patamares mínimos de utilização para o homem como forma de estimular seu uso por este. A discussão sobre tais medidas perpassa os poderes judiciário, executivo e legislativo, bem como a própria cultura predominante no país. Os diversos exemplos captados em outras nações servem de alento para demonstrar as possibilidades relacionadas à adoção de políticas que tratem homens e mulheres como responsáveis em grau semelhante pelo cuidado com os filhos e no desempenho das atividades domésticas, permitindo as mulheres ascensão no mercado de trabalho a um patamar até então restrito aos homens

    Insulin secretion mechanisms in pancreatic islets of protein-restricted rats supplemented with taurine

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    Orientador: Everardo Magalhães CarneiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A desnutrição ainda é um problema de saúde pública que afeta principalmente países em desenvolvimento e sua prevalência chega a ser crescente em algumas áreas. Vários estudos obtiveram êxito em correlacionar a má nutrição em estágios iniciais de vida com o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes tipo 2 na vida adulta. No modelo de desnutrição pós desmame verifica-se menor secreção de insulina estimulada por glicose e outros agentes insulinotrópicos bem como menor expressão de várias proteínas envolvidas com a funcionalidade da célula b. Estudos realizados por nosso grupo e outros laboratórios mostram que a suplementação de camundongos com taurina aumenta a secreção de insulina além de regular o influxo de íons Ca2+ para as células b, etapa crucial para o processo secretório. Para avaliar os efeitos da taurina sobre animais desnutridos, utilizamos ratos wistar, machos com 21 dias de vida. Os animais receberam dieta contendo 17% de proteína (normoprotéica) (C) ou 6% de proteína (hipoprotéica) (D). Animais C e D receberam suplementação com taurina a 2,5% na água de beber por 30 dias (CT30 e DT30) ou 90 dias (CT90 e DT90). Em seguida avaliamos parâmetros biométricos e bioquímicos, tolerância à glicose, secreção de insulina estimulada por glicose e pelo agonista colinérgico carbacol, expressão de proteínas envolvidas no controle da secreção de insulina e, finalmente, registramos os movimentos citoplasmáticos de íons Ca2+ após estímulo com glicose e carbacol. Verificamos que a restrição protéica retardou o crescimento dos animais além de reduzir a concentração plasmática de proteínas totais (C = 6,81±0,04; CT30 = 7,15±0,54; CT90 = 6,87±0,19; D = 5,35±0,24; DT30 = 5,37±0,28; DT90 = 5,70±0,09 g/dl; n = 3-5) e albumina (C = 3,20±0,11; CT30 = 3,41±0,02; CT90 = 3,18±0,05; D = 2,74±0,07; DT30 = 2,49±0,09; DT90 = 2,67±0,04 g/dl; n = 5-9) sem efeito da suplementação com taurina. Os animais D se mostraram mais tolerantes à glicose e a suplementação com taurina por 90 dias restaurou parcialmente a tolerância desses animais (C = 30249±2682; CT30 = 37255±6691; CT90 = 29365±2257; D = 16916±1609; DT30 = 18791±2859; DT90 = 23425±3856 AAC; n = 5-9). Nesse trabalho mostramos que a suplementação com taurina corrige a hipoinsulinemia verificada em animais desnutridos alimentados (C = 4,97±0,34; CT90 = 3,56±0,52; D = 1,39±0,10; DT90 = 3,31±0,70 ng/ml; n = 5-8) bem como a responsividade de ilhotas isoladas a concentrações crescentes de glicose. Verificamos também que a taurina normaliza a secreção de insulina potencializada pelo carbacol (C = 9,4+0,8; CT90 = 12,4+0,7; D = 6,4+0,5; DT90 = 9+0,7 ng/ml; n = 12). As respostas secretórias foram observadas em conjunto com a regulação da expressão das proteínas SERCA3 (C = 100+21; CT90 = 174+17; D =96+90; DT90 = 149+11 % do C; n = 6), receptor muscarínico M3 (C = 100+24; CT90 = 155+80; D = 51+10; DT90 = 108+14 % do C; n = 5) e sintaxina 1 (C = 100+30; CT90 = 92+40; D = 50+12; DT90 = 77+11 % do C; n = 5) que participam do controle de diferentes etapas do processo de secreção de insulina. Por fim, verificamos que a suplementação com taurina melhorou o padrão de oscilação de íons Ca2+ após estímulo com glicose. Concluímos então que a suplementação com taurina por 90 dias restaura a sensibilidade das ilhotas à glicose e ao carbacol possivelmente pela regulação do fluxo de cálcio para as células b bem como pela modulação da expressão de proteínas que controlam o processo de secreção de insulina.Abstract: Malnutrition still is a public health issue, especially in developing countries. Many studies correlate malnourishment during early life and the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on latter stages. Animal models of malnutrition reveal impaired insulin secretion stimulated by glucose and other insulinotropic agents as well as lower expression of key proteins for b cell function. The literature shows that taurine supplementation increases insulin secretion and regulates calcium dynamics on b cells. Male, 21 days old, wistar rats received diet containing 17% (C) or 6% (D) of protein. Both groups received taurine supplementation on the drinking water for 30 (CT 30 and DT 30) and 90 (CT90 and DT 30) days. Next we assessed biometric and biochemical parameters, glucose tolerance, glucose and carbacholstimulated insulin secretion, protein expression of muscarinic M3 receptor, Phospholipase C b2, SERCA3, Syntaxin 1 and, finally, we registered cytoplasmic Ca2+ after stimulus with glucose and carbachol. Protein restricted rats showed lower body weight, plasma proteins (C = 6,81±0,04; CT30 = 7,15±0,54; CT90 = 6,87±0,19; D = 5,35±0,24; DT30 = 5,37±0,28; DT90 = 5,70±0,09 g/dl; n = 3-5), albumin (C = 3,20±0,11; CT30 = 3,41±0,02; CT90 = 3,18±0,05; D = 2,74±0,07; DT30 = 2,49±0,09; DT90 = 2,67±0,04 g/dl; n = 5-9) and increased glucose tolerance (C = 30249±2682; CT30 = 37255±6691; CT90 = 29365±2257; D = 16916±1609; DT30 = 18791±2859; DT90 = 23425±3856 AUC; n = 5-9). Taurine supplementation had no effect upon nutritional status parameters and partially restored glucose tolerance and insulinemia to C levels. Taurine increased secretory response to glucose and carbachol (C = 9,4+0,8; CT90 = 12,4+0,7; D = 6,4+0,5; DT90 = 9+0,7 ng/ml; n = 12). It also increased protein expression of M3 receptor (C = 100+24; CT90 = 155+80; D = 51+10; DT90 = 108+14 % of C; n = 5), SERCA 3 (C = 100+21; CT90 = 174+17; D =96+90; DT90 = 149+11 % of C; n = 6) and syntaxin 1 (C = 100+30; CT90 = 92+40; D = 50+12; DT90 = 77+11 % of C; n = 5). Finally, taurine supplementation for 90 days improved Ca2+ dynamics when the islets were stimulated with glucose. In conclusion, these data show that taurine supplementation restores secretory responsiveness to glucose and carbachol possibly through Ca2+ dynamics modulation and increased expression of key proteins for insulin secretion.MestradoFisiologiaMestre em Biologia Funcional e Molecula

    Irrigation water salinity and silicon negatively interfere with the physiology and delay the flowering of ornamental sunflowers

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    Although silicon is considered a non-essential element for plants, its application can mitigate the harmful effects of salt stress. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the physiological and flowering responses of ornamentalsunflower depending on the application of silicon and irrigation with saline water. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design with six replications, in a 4 x 5 factorial scheme, referring to four electrical conductivities of irrigation water (ECw): 0.5; 1.5; 2.5 and 3.5 dS m-1 and silicon doses: 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg L-1, with potassium silicate as the source. The following were evaluated: internal carbon concentration, transpiration, rate of liquid photosynthesis, instant efficiency of carboxylation, leaf indexes of chlorophyll a, b, chlorophyll a/b ratio, total chlorophyll, external and internal diameter of the chapter, number of petals, appearance of floral bud, beginning of flowering and full opening of the floral bud. Salinity negatively affects photosynthetic activity and flowering of ornamental sunflower plants, so that plants irrigated with saline water (3.5 dS m-1) delayed the appearance of the flower bud, the flowering index and the total opening of the floral button. The application of silicon in ornamental sunflower plants is not effective to mitigate the deleterious effects of salinity on the plant’s physiology. In addition, the addition of silicon is also not able to repair the losses in terms of flowering caused by salt stress in the species.Although silicon is considered a non-essential element for plants, its application can mitigate the harmful effects of salt stress. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the physiological and flowering responses of ornamentalsunflower depending on the application of silicon and irrigation with saline water. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design with six replications, in a 4 x 5 factorial scheme, referring to four electrical conductivities of irrigation water (ECw): 0.5; 1.5; 2.5 and 3.5 dS m-1 and silicon doses: 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg L-1, with potassium silicate as the source. The following were evaluated: internal carbon concentration, transpiration, rate of liquid photosynthesis, instant efficiency of carboxylation, leaf indexes of chlorophyll a, b, chlorophyll a/b ratio, total chlorophyll, external and internal diameter of the chapter, number of petals, appearance of floral bud, beginning of flowering and full opening of the floral bud. Salinity negatively affects photosynthetic activity and flowering of ornamental sunflower plants, so that plants irrigated with saline water (3.5 dS m-1) delayed the appearance of the flower bud, the flowering index and the total opening of the floral button. The application of silicon in ornamental sunflower plants is not effective to mitigate the deleterious effects of salinity on the plant’s physiology. In addition, the addition of silicon is also not able to repair the losses in terms of flowering caused by salt stress in the species

    Case Report: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction in a High-Risk Patient With Incisional Hernia and Complications From Oncological Treatment

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    Introduction: A high risk patient with evisceration underwent to abdominal wall reconstruction without mesh or drains. We present a case of a 62 years-old female patient with a significant medical history of Wilson’s disease-related hepatopathy Child-Pugh class B classification, sequelae of a stroke, and relevant surgical background including total hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and Hartmann’s procedure for ovarian neoplasm stage 3. The patient developed a large incisional hernia in the midline incision while undergoing Bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment for clinical oncology. During an attempt at skin closure due to erosion and necrosis, there was progressive deterioration leading to evisceration. We opted for abdominal wall reconstruction by transposing the hernia sac without using mesh and employing hemostatic powder (Arista) to mitigate the risk of bleeding in a high-risk patient due to recent bevacizumab use and hepatopathy. The patient had a favorable postoperative course without any other intervention in abdominal wall. Patient developed worsening hepatic function with the presence of ascites, constipation, and disorientation. On the 6th day postoperative, a tomography was performed, which showed colonic distension without obstructive factors and a slight amount of supra-aponeurotic fluid. The patient was discharged on the 10th day postoperative after improvement of the condition with clinical treatment. The patient has been progressing under outpatient follow-up for 5 months, with a resumption of chemotherapy cycles and no evidence of hernia recurrence.Conclusion: Further studies and long-term follow-up are necessary to evaluate the efficacy and safety of hernia sac transposition as a mesh-free technique and the use of hemostatic powder without drains in high-risk patients. However, our case highlights the potential feasibility of these approaches in carefully selected cases

    Work, gender, and mental health: a qualitative and quantitative research among fire fighters

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    Este estudo objetivou avaliar os indicadores de saúde mental dos bombeiros e os fatores que a influenciam, destacando as diferenças entre as mulheres e os homens. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que articulou métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Na primeira etapa, avaliou-se através de instrumentos psicológicos a saúde mental geral, depressão, estresse, ansiedade, desesperança, ideação suicida e consumo de álcool. Participaram dessa fase 303 bombeiros, sendo 277 homens e 26 mulheres. Na segunda etapa, as entrevistas foram avaliadas através da análise de conteúdo, feitas com 37 bombeiros, entre os quais 18 eram homens e 19 mulheres. Os indicativos de depressão, estresse, comprometimentos em saúde mental geral prevaleceram para a amostra feminina. Os discursos de homens e de mulheres se organizaram diferentemente, tanto nas queixas sobre o trabalho e a vida pessoal e social, como nas consequências percebidas para a vida e a saúde. Conclui-se que as influências de aspectos do trabalho, do indivíduo e de sua vida social provavelmente contribuem para a saúde mental de bombeiros, de forma não hierárquica e complexa. Da mesma maneira, cada um desses fatores pode influenciar um ao outro dinamicamente.This study aimed to assess firefighters' mental health indicators and what it was influenced by, highlighting differences between males and females. The study was exploratory and based on qualitative and quantitative methods. Firstly, indicators such as general mental health, depression, stress, anxiety, hopelessness, suicide ideation and alcohol use pattern were measured with the use of valid psychological tests. The sample comprised 303 firefighters: 277 males and 26 females. After that, 37 out of the total were interviewed (18 males and 19 females). Finally, their answers were evaluated using content analysis technique. The psychological indicators showed prevalence of depression, stress and general mental health higher among females than males. The men's and women's answers content were differed on their complaints about work, private and social lives as well as on their consequences perception on health and life at large. These results indicated that either work or private and social life probably affects firefighters' mental health in a non-hierarchical and complex way. Likewise, work, private and social lives probably affect each other dynamically

    Whey Protein Hydrolysate Increases Translocation Of Glut-4 To The Plasma Membrane Independent Of Insulin In Wistar Rats.

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    Whey protein (WP) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) have the recognized capacity to increase glycogen stores. The objective of this study was to verify if consuming WP and WPH could also increase the concentration of the glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 in the plasma membrane (PM) of the muscle cells of sedentary and exercised animals. Forty-eight Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 8 per group), were treated and fed with experimental diets for 9 days as follows: a) control casein (CAS); b) WP; c) WPH; d) CAS exercised; e) WP exercised; and f) WPH exercised. After the experimental period, the animals were sacrificed, muscle GLUT-1 and GLUT-4, p85, Akt and phosphorylated Akt were analyzed by western blotting, and the glycogen, blood amino acids, insulin levels and biochemical health indicators were analyzed using standard methods. Consumption of WPH significantly increased the concentrations of GLUT-4 in the PM and glycogen, whereas the GLUT-1 and insulin levels and the health indicators showed no alterations. The physical exercise associated with consumption of WPH had favorable effects on glucose transport into muscle. These results should encourage new studies dealing with the potential of both WP and WPH for the treatment or prevention of type II diabetes, a disease in which there is reduced translocation of GLUT-4 to the plasma membrane.8e7113


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    A partir das vozes de grandes destaques de luxo dos desfiles das escolas de samba, este estudo tem, por objetivo, enumerar, analisar e investigar o imaginário desses personagens sobre o olhar da plateia sobre si e sobre suas performances quando estão no grande palco do samba, o sambódromo, vestidos de suas fantasias esplendorosa. Para a construção deste imaginário, entrevistou-se um grupo de destaques das escolas de samba e observou-se as recorrências em suas falas a fim de identificar núcleos temáticos elencados por eles sobre esse olhar do outro


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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the pitaya’s Hylocereus undatus performance under field conditions. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD). Five treatments consisting of the four different fertilizer dosages were included in this study, namely T1 (00-120-320-120); T2 (04-080-160-080); T3 (06-060-100-060); T4 (08-000-000-000) and T5 (Control:  00-000-000-000) of bovine manure (kg pit-1), urea (g pit-1), super simple (g pit-1) and potassium chloride (g pit-1), respectively. Parameters such as height, number, length, width, area, and volume of the cladodes were assessed at 20 and 320 days after planting. The number of fruits produced and mineral composition (N, K, Ca, Mg, P, and S) of H. undatus plants were also assessed. The results on morphometric characteristics of the cladodes, macronutrient composition, and fruit yield have been recorded with higher values in treatments 3 and 4. However, according to the principal component analysis performed, treatment 3 was the one that correlated with the evaluated characteristics. The results have indicated clearly the importance of combination of adequate dose of mineral and organic fertilizer for better vegetative performance and yield of pitaya crop

    Age-dependent changes in rat lacrimal gland anti-oxidant and vesicular related protein expression profiles

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    Anti-oxidation and exocytosis are important for maintaining exocrine tissue homeostasis. During aging, functional and structural alterations occur in the lacrimal gland (LG), including oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA. The aims of the present study were to determine in the aging LG: a) the effects of aging on LG structure and secretory activity and b) changes in the expression of oxidative stress markers.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe