23 research outputs found

    Representative federal supreme court? The impact of public hearings in the deliberation

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    O trabalho objetiva realizar uma análise acerca do papel contramajoritário exercido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal em comparação com a tentativa de ampliação da participação da sociedade civil mediante instrumentos como as audiências públicas. A partir de autores da teoria democrática da representação, o artigo contempla um estudo empírico de dados e números os quais buscam aferir a efetiva influência das audiências públicas no processo de deliberação do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa envolve uma análise de dados qualitativos, mediante o diagnóstico de causalidades assimétricas paralelas, em torno das audiências realizadas e cujos processos foram julgados em Plenário. Ao final, o artigo apresenta conclusões no sentido de que as audiências estão abaixo do potencial dialógico e da capacidade de influenciar na deliberação do Supremo Tribunal Federal.The paper aims to analyse the counter majoritarian role exercised by the Brazilian Supreme Court in comparison with a wider participation of civil society through instruments such as public hearings. From a perspective of democratic representation doctrines, the article engages in an empirical study of data and figures seeking to identify the effective influence of those hearings in the Supreme Court deliberation process. In light with the methodology employed, the research was based on a qualitative data analysis, which endeavour uneven bars causalities, related to the hearings that were realized and whose cases were held. At the end, I conclude that the public hearings are below of its dialogical capacity and far behind to influence the deliberation of the Supreme Court


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    This essay aims at analyzing the main aspects related to a prison system’s lawsuit judged by the Brazilian Supreme Court in which the “Unconstitutional State of Affairs” adjudication technique was firstly examined. Challenging the base arguments that were presented in the ADPF 347, Justice Rapporteur Marco Aurélio, the article’s purpose is points out that there was not an institutional failure of both Legislative and Executive branches of government in order to justify a structural intervention for overcoming alleged barriers. A parallel with Colombian Supreme Court adjudication practices will be drawn in accordance with the legal transplants theory to understand how Brazil would achieve its reach just importing a structural injunction model that even in Colombia did not work in prisons.Keywords: Unconstitutional State of Affairs. Structural Injunction. ADPF 347. Brazil’s Supreme Court. Colombia’s Supreme Court. Legal Transplants


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    This essay propose an analysis related to how Warren Court became very particular in American constitutional history by confronting Jim Crow laws, especially by applying the Bill of Rights against States. In this essay, we outline the complexity of the unwritten Constitution after Brown vs Board of Education and other specific contributions of the Warren Court. Cases like Brown vs. Board of Education will be analyzed from a different point of view to understand the Court’s methods and how they affect the comprehension of fundamental rights today beyond what is the constitutional text.This essay propose an analysis related to how Warren Court became very particular in American constitutional history by confronting Jim Crow laws, especially by applying the Bill of Rights against States. In this essay, we outline the complexity of the unwritten Constitution after Brown vs Board of Education and other specific contributions of the Warren Court. Cases like Brown vs. Board of Education will be analyzed from a different point of view to understand the Court’s methods and how they affect the comprehension of fundamental rights today beyond what is the constitutional text

    Direito à privacidade e proteção de dados no ciberespaço : a accountability como fundamento da Lex Privacy

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2019.A regulação do ciberpespaço tem representado um expressivo desafio para os reguladores estatais e privados. A análise dos modelos de regulação estatal, corregulação e autorregulação demonstram que a disrupção, convergência e digitalização são fenômenos da modernidade que demandam adaptações segundo uma perspectiva plural e policontextual. Por essa razão, nessa tese se demonstrará que a regulação plural pode contribuir para uma mais adequada tutela da proteção dos dados pessoais e privacidade, dada a legitimidade dos meios de controle, promoção da autonomia e responsividade. A manifestação da corregulação e da regulação estatal sobre a privacidade e proteção de dados pessoais deixa de ser antagônica para se tornar complementar. Nesse cenário, o consentimento deixa de ser encarado como uma solução para todas as operações de tratamento de dados para ser reposicionado em conjunto com a accountability. Por meio da conjugação dos variados modelos regulatórios que se concebe a figura da Lex Privacy, enquanto arcabouço normativo construído sobre o papel complementar da accountability na tutela da privacidade e proteção dos dados pessoais.The regulation of the cyberspace is a considerable challenge that public and private regulators have been facing. By analyzing the main theories on the regulation of the cyberspace, one can identify its strong influence on the privacy and data protection regulatory perspectives. The analysis of the state regulatory models, co-regulation and self-regulation indicated that disruption, convergence and digitalization are modern phenomena that require adaptations from a plural and multi-contextual perspective. This thesis will focus on the main aspects of the autonomy, control and accountability in order to explain that consent needs to be subject to a deep review. The expression of the co-regulation and the government regulation on privacy and personal data protection become complementary, instead of antagonistic. It is in this combination of regulatory proceedings scenario that the Lex Privacy arises, as a normative framework built on the complementary role of accountability on the privacy and personal data protection

    A evolução da proteção patrimonial dos cônjuges no direito de família: um estudo de caso do regime de separação de bens

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    In recent years, legislative changes have been occurring worldwide to protect equality between spouses. This article specifically takes into account the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 which, following a trend established by the jurisprudence, admitted the surviving spouse as a legitimate heir, while guaranteeing his/her right to property and the division of inheritance within the conventional separation of property regime. This article seeks to analyze the evolution of the protection of a surviving spouse’s assets according to a cultural redefinition of the jurisprudence by the Superior Court of Justice. Nos últimos anos, verificou-se no cenário mundial uma onda crescente de alterações legislativas voltadas a proteger a igualdade e a situação patrimonial dos cônjuges. Neste cenário e considerada a mudança do papel das mulheres na sociedade, o Código Civil Brasileiro de 2002 elevou o cônjuge sobrevivente à condição de herdeiro necessário, além de lhe ter assegurado prerrogativas como o direito real de habitação e a particiação na sucessão no regime de separação convencional de bens. Este artigo terá como objetivo analisar a evolução da proteção patrimonial dos cônjuges sobreviventes a partir de uma ressignificação cultural da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça do Brasil

    A eficácia dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00091723 342.7:347 S693ed 2.ed. (2011


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    This essay aims at analyzing the main aspects related to a prison system’s lawsuit judged by the Brazilian Supreme Court in which the “Unconstitutional State of Affairs” adjudication technique was firstly examined. Challenging the base arguments that were presented in the ADPF 347, Justice Rapporteur Marco Aurélio, the article’s purpose is points out that there was not an institutional failure of both Legislative and Executive branches of government in order to justify a structural intervention for overcoming alleged barriers. A parallel with Colombian Supreme Court adjudication practices will be drawn in accordance with the legal transplants theory to understand how Brazil would achieve its reach just importing a structural injunction model that even in Colombia did not work in prisons.Keywords: Unconstitutional State of Affairs. Structural Injunction. ADPF 347. Brazil’s Supreme Court. Colombia’s Supreme Court. Legal Transplants

    Teoria democrática e a ação coletiva de pequenos grupos

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    Inclui bibliografia.Texto em português; resumo em português e inglês.Thiago Luís Santos Sombr