777 research outputs found

    Different Responses in Geographic Range Shifts and Increase of Niche Overlap in Future Climate Scenario of the Subspecies of Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier

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    Climate change is suggested to be one of the possible drivers of decline in pollinators. In this paper, we applied an ecological niche model to modeling distributional responses in face of climate changes for the subspecies of Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier. This species is divided into two subspecies based on difference in the yellow tergal stripes, which are continuous in M. q. quadrifasciata and interrupted in M. q. anthidioides. The geographic distribution of each subspecies is also distinct. M. q. quadrifasciata is found in colder regions in the Southern states of Brazil, whereas M. q. anthidioides is found in habitats with higher temperatures, suggesting that ecological features, such as adaption to distinct climatic conditions may take place. Thus, the possibility of having diff erent responses in geographic range shifts to future climate scenario would be expected. This study aimed to investigate the eff ects of climate changes on the distribution of the two M. quadrifasciata subspecies in Brazil, using an ecological niche model by the MaxEnt algorithm. Our results indicate that the subspecies showed clear diff erences in geographic shift patterns and increased climate niche overlap in the future scenarios. M. q. anthidioides will have the potential for an increase of suitable climatic conditinos in the Atlantic Forest, and towards the Pampa biome, while M. q. quadrifasciata will suffer a reduction of adequate habitats in almost all of its current geographic distribution. Given the potential adverse eff ects of climate changes for this subspecies, conservation actions are urgently needed to avoid that it goes extinct

    Relationship between emotion and health: a two-way street

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    Emotional reactions impact on people's health and quality of life. With the advent of neuroscience in the 1990s, much research has focused on the relationship between neural circuits and emotional reactions. In this sense, we have identified a 2031% growth in research linking emotions and health between 1990 and 2022. Using the Text mining tool called "Biotext Tools", we performed a literature search, focusing on diseases of old age and covid-19. Emotion molecules (EMs), produced by the endocrine system, impact the homeostasis of the body, affecting the biological balance of the body. We related the EMs with diseases of the elderly and Covid-19, in order to analyze the impact of emotional states on the development and treatment of these pathologies. To this end, the bidirectional relationship between anxiety, depression, heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases was analyzed. Finally, Coronavirus severity and mortality levels were related to cortisol, testosterone, and serotonin levels

    How can nutritional additives modify ruminant nutrition?

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    This review illustrates the relationships between additives in the diets of ruminants and the consequence for ruminant nutrition. Feed additives are used to improve animal performance and/or the quality of the products. There are several categories of additives available for ruminant nutrition, with emphasis on antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, plant extracts, and exogenous enzymes. Antibiotics, essential oils, and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria, consequently modulating the ruminal fermentation pattern. Prebiotics favor microbial growth, providing greater digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Probiotics are living microorganisms that improve the ruminal environment, promoting microbial growth and resulting in increased digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms, besides favoring microbial adhesion and colonization and facilitating feed degradation. Tannins, whether altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population, are effective in improving animal performance. However, the effects of additives on the quality of the products are linked to diet quality. Highlights Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms. Exogenous enzymes favoring the microbial adhesion and colonization of the particles, aid in the degradation of the feed. Tannins can altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population. Essential oils and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria and consequently modulate the ruminal fermentation.This review illustrates the relationships between additives in the diets of ruminants and the consequence for ruminant nutrition. Feed additives are used to improve animal performance and/or the quality of the products. There are several categories of additives available for ruminant nutrition, with emphasis on antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, plant extracts, and exogenous enzymes. Antibiotics, essential oils, and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria, consequently modulating the ruminal fermentation pattern. Prebiotics favor microbial growth, providing greater digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Probiotics are living microorganisms that improve the ruminal environment, promoting microbial growth and resulting in increased digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms, besides favoring microbial adhesion and colonization and facilitating feed degradation. Tannins, whether altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population, are effective in improving animal performance. However, the effects of additives on the quality of the products are linked to diet quality. Highlights Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms. Exogenous enzymes favoring the microbial adhesion and colonization of the particles, aid in the degradation of the feed. Tannins can altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population. Essential oils and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria and consequently modulate the ruminal fermentation

    How Far Upstream: A Review of Estuary-Fresh Water Fish Movements in a Large Neotropical Basin

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    The present study comprises the first systematic analysis of the limits of upstream movement by some fish species that use the estuarine area of the Patos Lagoon basin in southern Brazil. The Sinos River sampling program included 86 sites, sampled from 1998 to 2014, covering lowland stretches and headwater streams. The Guaíba sampling program was conducted from February 2011 to March 2013 and comprised 59 independent samples. Six fish species using estuarine areas occur in the upper Patos basin, 250–500 km from the Patos Lagoon outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Parapimelodus nigribarbis specimens ranged from 11.3 to 18.9 cm (median = 13.3 cm) in length, i.e., were adults (Sinos, n = 459; Guaíba, n = 149). The species was captured almost 500 km from the Patos outlet, as far as 180 km upstream in the Sinos main channel. In Guaíba Lake, the species was captured mainly in autumn, although it was more abundant in winter and spring in the Sinos River. Lycengraulis grossidens was captured in the Sinos Basin, restricted to the lower stretches in spring and summer months (n = 7). In Guaíba Lake (n = 134) the species occurred throughout the lake and year-round, and was ten times more abundant in spring. Most specimens were adult (8.2–26.9 cm, median = 20.0 cm). Most Micropogonias furnieri individuals (n = 63) were juveniles (10.7–33.4 cm, median = 14.2 cm). The species was not captured in the Sinos Basin. In Guaíba Lake M. furnieri occurred predominantly in the southernmost part (downstream) and was more abundant (>10×) in winter. Genidens genidens (n = 27) was captured only in summer in the southern part of Guaíba Lake (closest to the outlet). Most individuals were adults (24.5–34.0 cm, median = 27.8 cm). Genidens barbus (n = 7) was restricted to spring and summer months and was captured only in southern (near-outlet) parts of Guaíba Lake, comprising mainly large juveniles and adults (31.5–68.0 cm, median = 37.9). Mugil liza (n = 13) appeared in spring in relatively low abundances but was widespread throughout Guaíba Lake during the summer. The species was not captured in the Sinos sampling program. The size profile comprised specimens nearing maturity (34.3–45.5 cm, median = 38.9 cm). Finally, we suggest possible biological cycles for these species that combine these new distribution data with published information

    3‑Aminopropyl-triethoxysilane-Functionalized Tannin-Rich Grape Biomass for the Adsorption of Methyl Orange Dye: Synthesis, Characterization, and the Adsorption Mechanism

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    A biomass amino silica-functionalized material was successfully prepared by a simple sol–gel method. 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) was added to a tannin-rich grape residue to improve its physicochemical properties and enhance the adsorption performance. The APTES functionalization led to significant changes in the material’s characteristics. The functionalized material was efficiently applied in the removal of methyl orange (MO) due to its unique characteristics, such as an abundance of functional groups on its surface. The adsorption process suggests that the electrostatic interactions were the main acting mechanism of the MO dye removal, although other interactions can also take place. The functionalized biomass achieved a very high MO dye maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) of 361.8 mg g–1. The temperature positively affected the MO removal, and the thermodynamic studies indicated that the adsorption of MO onto APTES-functionalized biomass was spontaneous and endothermic, and enthalpy is driven in the physisorption mode. The regeneration performance revealed that the APTES-functionalized biomass material could be easily recycled and reused by maintaining very good performance even after five cycles. The adsorbent material was also employed to treat two simulated dye house effluents, which showed 48% removal. At last, the APTES biomass-based material may find significant applications as a multifunctional adsorbent and can be used further to separate pollutants from wastewater


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    With the advances in today's chemical pesticides, global agriculture has become extremely productive, which, from another point of view, brought many environmental problems, especially in relation to damage caused by pesticides and the improper disposal of their packages. Brazil, on the other hand, holds the world record in the collection and recycling of empty pesticides containers, which could only be configured within a process of compromise among all stakeholders: from the manufacturers of pesticides to the farmer (or rural enterprise). The objective of this study was to analyze the measures taken from storage, to transportation, and to collection posts of empty pesticides containers, by a large Brazilian sugar and ethanol company. The methodology has adopted of an exploratory nature within a qualitative approach, through a semi-structured interview with the logistics and material manager of the company investigated. It was found that the company follows a strict process of handling empty containers of pesticides, following the standards and laws of the country, aiming to achieve the ISO14000 certification, for the social compromise to the community in which it operates

    Influence of temperature and culture media on growth and lipolytic activity of deep-sea Halomonas sulfidaeris LAMA 838 and Marinobacter excellens LAMA 842

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    Bacteria with lipolytic activity are widespread in the marine environment. These organisms can be usedas a source of lipases with activity in unusual conditions such as low temperatures and high salinities.These characteristics allow them to be applied to several industrial processes and products includingwastewater treatment and detergent production. In this context the lipolytic activity of bacteria isolatedfrom deep-sea sediments of the South Atlantic was evaluated. Among the collection studied, two strains,Halomonas sulfidaeris LAMA 838 and Marinobacter excellens LAMA 842, were selected for further analysisconcerning their growth and lipolytic activity in different temperatures and culture media. Both strainswere characterized as mesophiles: H. sulfidaeris LAMA 838 grew best at 30ºC, while M. excellens LAMA 842showed a maximum growth rate between 20 and 25ºC. Maximum lipolytic activity for both microorganismswas observed above 45ºC, but only M. excellens LAMA 842 had lipolytic activity at low temperatures (5ºC) aswell. Considering the culture media employed, H. sulfidaeris LAMA 838 grew better in marine broth withoutTween 40, while M. excellens LAMA 842 grew best in marine broth supplemented with Tween 40. Bothorganisms had maximum lipolytic activity in rich or minimal media supplemented with Tween 40. Theseresults demonstrate the potential of deep-sea bacteria as sources of lipases and indicate conditions thatmay be used in their cultivation and for the production of industrially relevant enzymes


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    Com o objetivo de avaliar as características fisiológicas de clones de batata-doce em Vitória da Conquista – BA este experimento foi conduzido, composto por 16 clones oriundos de Janaúba- MG, Viçosa – MG, Bom Jardim de Minas – MG, Gurupi – TO, Santo Antônio da Platina – PR, Holambra II – SP, Vitória da Conquista – BA e Condeúba – BA. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 16 tratamentos e 3 repetições, dividido em 3 blocos. Avaliaram-se as seguintes características: potencial hídrico foliar, teor relativo de água, teor de prolina livre e teor de clorofila total. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade. Não foram constatadas diferenças do potencial hídrico e teor relativo de água entre os clones estudados. Entretanto, para o teor de prolina foi possível separar os clones de batata-doce em dois grupos distintos, destacando-se com os valores mais elevados os clones 7, 9, 19, 25, 29, 30, 38, 44 e 100. Houve correlação negativa entre o teor relativo de água e o potencial hídrico medido às 5:00 e 12:00 horas. O teor de clorofila correlacionou-se positivamente com prolina.With the purpose of assessing physiological characteristics of sweetpotato clones in Vitória da Conquista, sixteen clones were analyzed, originating from Janaúba, MG, Viçosa, MG; Bom Jardim de Minas, MG; Gurupi, TO; Santo Antônio da Platina, PR; Holambra II, SP; Vitória da Conquista, BA; and Condeúba, BA. Random plots were utilized with 16 treatments and three repetitions divided in 3 blocks.  The following characteristics were analyzed: hydric potential; relative water ratio; proline ratio; and total chlorophyll ratio. The data were submitted to variance analysis using a Scott–Knott test with 5% probability. Among the clones analyzed, no differences in hydric potential or relative ratio of water were encountered.  However, regarding proline ratios, it was possible to separate the clones into two distinct groups:  the clones standing out with the most elevated values were clones7, 9, 19, 25, 29, 30, 38, 44 and 100. A negative correlation was found between the relative water ratio and the hydric potential measured before sunrise and at midday. However, no correlations were found among the hydric potential at 05.00 h, hydric potential obtained at noon and the relative ratio of water with the ratio of proline.  The chlorophyll ratio presented had a positive correlation with proline