104 research outputs found

    In vitro formation of osteoclasts from long-term cultures of bone marrow mononuclear phagocytes

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    The chondro-osseous continuum: is it possible to unlock the potential assigned within?

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    Endochondral ossification (EO), by which long bones of the axial skeleton form, is a tightly regulated process involving chondrocyte maturation with successive stages of proliferation, maturation, and hypertrophy, accompanied by cartilage matrix synthesis, calcification, and angiogenesis, followed by osteoblast-mediated ossification. This developmental sequence reappears during fracture repair and in osteoarthritic etiopathology. These similarities suggest that EO, and the cells involved, are of great clinical importance for bone regeneration as it could provide novel targeted approaches to increase specific signaling to promote fracture healing, and if regulated appropriately in the treatment of osteoarthritis. The long-held accepted dogma states that hypertrophic chondrocytes are terminally differentiated and will eventually undergo apoptosis. In this mini review, we will explore recent evidence from experiments that revisit the idea that hypertrophic chondrocytes have pluripotent capacity and may instead transdifferentiate into a specific sub-population of osteoblast cells. There are multiple lines of evidence, including our own, showing that local, selective alterations in cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling also indelibly alter bone quality. This would be consistent with the hypothesis that osteoblast behavior in long bones is regulated by a combination of their lineage origins and the epigenetic effects of chondrocyte-derived ECM which they encounter during their recruitment. Further exploration of these processes could help to unlock potential novel targets for bone repair and regeneration and in the treatment of osteoarthritis

    Deficiency and Also Transgenic Overexpression of Timp-3 Both Lead to Compromised Bone Mass and Architecture In Vivo

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    Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3) regulates extracellular matrix via its inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases and membrane-bound sheddases. Timp-3 is expressed at multiple sites of extensive tissue remodelling. This extends to bone where its role, however, remains largely unresolved. In this study, we have used Micro-CT to assess bone mass and architecture, histological and histochemical evaluation to characterise the skeletal phenotype of Timp-3 KO mice and have complemented this by also examining similar indices in mice harbouring a Timp-3 transgene driven via a Col-2a-driven promoter to specifically target overexpression to chondrocytes. Our data show that Timp-3 deficiency compromises tibial bone mass and structure in both cortical and trabecular compartments, with corresponding increases in osteoclasts. Transgenic overexpression also generates defects in tibial structure predominantly in the cortical bone along the entire shaft without significant increases in osteoclasts. These alterations in cortical mass significantly compromise predicted tibial load-bearing resistance to torsion in both genotypes. Neither Timp-3 KO nor transgenic mouse growth plates are significantly affected. The impact of Timp-3 deficiency and of transgenic overexpression extends to produce modification in craniofacial bones of both endochondral and intramembranous origins. These data indicate that the levels of Timp-3 are crucial in the attainment of functionally-appropriate bone mass and architecture and that this arises from chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages

    Subcellular localization of Mitf in monocytic cells

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    Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (Mitf) is a transcription factor that plays an important role in regulating the development of several cell lineages. The subcellular localization of Mitf is dynamic and is associated with its transcription activity. In this study, we examined factors that affect its subcellular localization in cells derived from the monocytic lineage since Mitf is present abundantly in these cells. We identified a domain encoded by Mitf exon 1B1b to be important for Mitf to commute between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Deletion of this domain disrupts the shuttling of Mitf to the cytoplasm and results in its retention in the nucleus. M-CSF and RANKL both induce nuclear translocation of Mitf. We showed that Mitf nuclear transport is greatly influenced by ratio of M-CSF/Mitf protein expression. In addition, cell attachment to a solid surface also is needed for the nuclear transport of Mitf

    Genetic and physical interactions between Microphthalmia transcription factor and PU.1 are necessary for osteoclast gene expression and differentiation

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    The microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF), a basic-helix-loop-helix zipper factor, regulates distinct target genes in several cell types. We hypothesized that interaction with the Ets family factor PU.1, whose expression is limited to hematopoietic cells, might be necessary for activation of target genes like tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in osteoclasts. Several lines of evidence were consistent with this model. The combination of MITF and PU.1 synergistically activated the TRAP promoter in transient assays. This activation was dependent on intact binding sites for both factors in the TRAP promoter. MITF and PU.1 physically interacted when coexpressed in COS cells or in vitro when purified recombinant proteins were studied. The minimal regions of MITF and PU.1 required for the interaction were the basic-helix-loop-helix zipper domain and the Ets DNA binding domain, respectively. Significantly, mice heterozygous for both the mutant mi allele and a PU.1 null allele developed osteopetrosis early in life which resolved with age. The size and number of osteoclasts were not altered in the double heterozygous mutant mice, indicating that the defect lies in mature osteoclast function. Taken in total, the results afford an example of how lineage-specific gene regulation can be achieved by the combinatorial action of two broadly expressed transcription factors
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