203 research outputs found

    Stellar Dynamics and the implications on the merger evolution in NGC6240

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    We report near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of the luminous merging galaxy NGC 6240. Stellar velocities show that the two K-band peaks separated by 1.6arcsec are the central parts of inclined, rotating disk galaxies with equal mass bulges. The dynamical masses of the nuclei are much larger than the stellar mass derived from the K-band light, implying that the progenitor galaxies were galaxies with massive bulges. The K-band light is dominated by red supergiants formed in the two nuclei in starbursts, triggered ~2x10^7 years ago, possibly by the most recent perigalactic approach. Strong feedback effects of a superwind and supernovae are responsible for a short duration burst (~5x10^6 years) which is already decaying. The two galaxies form a prograde-retrograde rotating system and from the stellar velocity field it seems that one of the two interacting galaxies is subject to a prograde encounter. Between the stellar nuclei is a prominent peak of molecular gas (H_2, CO). The stellar velocity dispersion peaks there indicating that the gas has formed a local, self-gravitating concentration decoupled from the stellar gravitational potential. NGC 6240 has previously been reported to fit the paradigm of an elliptical galaxy formed through the merger of two galaxies. This was based on the near-infrared light distribution which follows a r^1/4-law. Our data cast strong doubt on this conclusion: the system is by far not relaxed, rotation plays an important role, as does self-gravitating gas, and the near-infrared light is dominated by young stars.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, using AASTEX 5.0rc3.1, paper submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, revised versio

    Imaging of Nitric Oxide in Nitrergic Neuromuscular Neurotransmission in the Gut

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    Background: Numerous functional studies have shown that nitrergic neurotransmission plays a central role in peristalsis and sphincter relaxation throughout the gut and impaired nitrergic neurotransmission has been implicated in clinical disorders of all parts of the gut. However, the role of nitric oxide (NO) as a neurotransmitter continues to be controversial because: 1) the cellular site of production during neurotransmission is not well established; 2) NO may interacts with other inhibitory neurotransmitter candidates, making it difficult to understand its precise role. Methodology/Principal Findings: Imaging NO can help resolve many of the controversies regarding the role of NO in nitrergic neurotransmission. Imaging of NO and its cellular site of production is now possible. NO forms quantifiable fluorescent compound with diaminofluorescein (DAF) and allows imaging of NO with good specificity and sensitivity in living cells. In this report we describe visualization and regulation of NO and calcium (Ca2+Ca^{2+}) in the myenteric nerve varicosities during neurotransmission using multiphoton microscopy. Our results in mice gastric muscle strips provide visual proof that NO is produced de novo in the nitrergic nerve varicosities upon nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerve stimulation. These studies show that NO is a neurotransmitter rather than a mediator. Changes in NO production in response to various pharmacological treatments correlated well with changes in slow inhibitory junction potential of smooth muscles. Conclusions/Significance: Dual imaging and electrophysiologic studies provide visual proof that during nitrergic neurotransmission NO is produced in the nerve terminals. Such studies may help define whether NO production or its signaling pathway is responsible for impaired nitrergic neurotransmission in pathological states

    What Powers Ultra-luminous IRAS Galaxies?

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    We present an ISO SWS and ISOPHOT-S, mid-infrared spectroscopic survey of 15 ultra-luminous IRAS galaxies. We combine the survey results with a detailed case study, based on near-IR and mm imaging spectroscopy, of one of the sample galaxies (UGC 5101). We compare the near- and mid-IR characteristics of these ultra-luminous galaxies to ISO and literature data of thirty starburst and active galactic nuclei (AGN), template galaxies. We find that 1) 70-80% of the ultra-luminous IRAS galaxies in our sample are predominantly powered by recently formed massive stars. 20-30% are powered by a central AGN. These conclusions are based on a new infrared 'diagnostic diagram' involving the ratio of high to low excitation mid-IR emission lines on the one hand, and on the strength of the 7.7um PAH feature on the other hand. 2) at least half of the sources probably have simultaneously an active nucleus and starburst activity in a 1-2 kpc diameter circum-nuclear disk/ring. 3) the mid-infrared emitting regions are highly obscured. After correction for these extinctions, we estimate that the star forming regions in ULIRGs have ages between 10^7 and 10^8 years, similar to but somewhat larger than those found in lower luminosity starburst galaxies. 4) in the sample we have studied there is no obvious trend for the AGN component to dominate in the most compact, and thus most advanced mergers. Instead, at any given time during the merger evolution, the time dependent compression of the circum-nuclear interstellar gas, the accretion rate onto the central black hole and the associated radiation efficiency may determine whether star formation or AGN activity dominates the luminosity of the system.Comment: 63 pages postscript (ex. MS Word), 11 postscript and 2 gif figures, submitted to ApJ. See also http://www.mpe-garching.mpg.de/ISO/preprint/MPE-IR-97003.htm

    Adaptive Optics Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Young Stellar Objects in LkH_alpha 225

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    Progress in understanding the embedded stars in LkHa225 has been hampered by their variability, making it hard to compare data taken at different times, and by the limited resolution of the available data, which cannot probe the small scales between the two stars. In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, we present new near-infrared data on this object taken using the ALFA adaptive optics system with the MPE 3D integral field spectrometer and the near-infrared camera Omega-Cass. The stars themselves have K-band spectra which are dominated by warm dust emission, analagous to class I-II for low mass YSOs, suggesting that the stars are in a phase where they are still accreting matter. On the other hand, the ridge of continuum emission between them is rather bluer, suggestive of extincted and/or scattered stellar light rather than direct dust emission. The compactness of the CO emission seen toward each star argues for accretion disks (which can also account for much of the K-band veiling) rather than a neutral wind. In contrast to other YSOs with CO emission, LkHa225 has no detectable Br_gamma emission. Additionally there is no H_2 detected on the northern star, although we do confirm that the strongest H_2 emission is on the southern star, where we find it is excited primarily by thermal mechanisms. A second knot of H_2 is observed to its northeast, with a velocity shift of -75kms and a higher fraction of non-thermal emission. This is discussed with reference to the H2O maser, the molecular outflow, and [S II] emission observed between the stars.Comment: to appear in ApJ, April 2001. 18 pages, including 6 figure

    The central region of M83: Massive star formation, kinematics, and the location and origin of the nucleus

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    We report new near-IR integral field spectroscopy of the central starburst region of the barred spiral galaxy M83 obtained with CIRPASS on Gemini-S, which we analyse in conjunction with GHaFaS Fabry-Perot data, an AAT IRIS2 Ks-band image, and near- and mid-IR imaging from the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. The bulk of the current star formation activity is hidden from optical view by dust extinction, but is seen in the near- and mid-IR to the north of the nucleus. This region is being fed by inflow of gas through the bar of M83, traced by the prominent dust lane entering into the circumnuclear region from the north. An analysis of stellar ages confirms that the youngest stars are indeed in the northwest. A gradual age gradient, with older stars further to the south, characterises the well-known star-forming arc in the central region of M83. Detailed analyses of the Pa beta ionised gas kinematics and near-IR imaging confirm that the kinematic centre coincides with the photometric centre of M83, and that these are offset significantly, by about 3 arcsec or 60 pc, from the visible nucleus of the galaxy. We discuss two possible options, the first of which postulates that the kinematic and photometric centre traces a galaxy nucleus hidden by a substantial amount of dust extinction, in the range A_V=3-10 mag. By combining this information with kinematic results and using arguments from the literature, we conclude that such a scenario is, however, unlikely, as is the existence of other "hidden" nuclei in M83. We thus concur with recent authors and favour a second option, in which the nucleus of the galaxy is offset from its kinematic and photometric centre. This is presumably a result of some past interaction, possibly related to the event which lies at the origin of the disturbance of the outer disk of the galaxy. (Abridged)Comment: MNRAS, in press; 16 pages latex, 15 figure

    Spectra and Light Curves of Six Type Ia Supernovae at 0.511 < z < 1.12 and the Union2 Compilation

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    We report on work to increase the number of well-measured Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at high redshifts. Light curves, including high signal-to-noise HST data, and spectra of six SNe Ia that were discovered during 2001 are presented. Additionally, for the two SNe with z>1, we present ground-based J-band photometry from Gemini and the VLT. These are among the most distant SNe Ia for which ground based near-IR observations have been obtained. We add these six SNe Ia together with other data sets that have recently become available in the literature to the Union compilation (Kowalski et al. 2008). We have made a number of refinements to the Union analysis chain, the most important ones being the refitting of all light curves with the SALT2 fitter and an improved handling of systematic errors. We call this new compilation, consisting of 557 supernovae, the Union2 compilation. The flat concordance LambdaCDM model remains an excellent fit to the Union2 data with the best fit constant equation of state parameter w=-0.997^{+0.050}_{-0.054} (stat) ^{+0.077}_{-0.082} (stat+sys\ together) for a flat universe, or w=-1.035^{+0.055}_{-0.059} (stat)^{+0.093}_{-0.097} (stat+sys together) with curvature. We also present improved constraints on w(z). While no significant change in w with redshift is detected, there is still considerable room for evolution in w. The strength of the constraints depend strongly on redshift. In particular, at z > 1, the existence and nature of dark energy are only weakly constrained by the data.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. For data tables, code for cosmological analysis and full-resolution figures, see http://supernova.lbl.gov/Union

    An empirical approach towards the efficient and optimal production of influenza-neutralizing ovine polyclonal antibodies demonstrates that the novel adjuvant CoVaccine HT(TM) is functionally superior to Freund's adjuvant

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    Passive immunotherapies utilising polyclonal antibodies could have a valuable role in preventing and treating infectious diseases such as influenza, particularly in pandemic situations but also in immunocompromised populations such as the elderly, the chronically immunosuppressed, pregnant women, infants and those with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to optimise current methods used to generate ovine polyclonal antibodies. Polyclonal antibodies to baculovirus-expressed recombinant influenza haemagglutinin from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1 (PR8) were elicited in sheep using various immunisation regimens designed to investigate the priming immunisation route, adjuvant formulation, sheep age, and antigen dose, and to empirically ascertain which combination maximised antibody output. The novel adjuvant CoVaccine HTℱ was compared to Freund’s adjuvant which is currently the adjuvant of choice for commercial production of ovine polyclonal Fab therapies. CoVaccine HTℱ induced significantly higher titres of functional ovine anti-haemagglutinin IgG than Freund’s adjuvant but with fewer side effects, including reduced site reactions. Polyclonal hyperimmune sheep sera effectively neutralised influenza virus in vitro and, when given before or after influenza virus challenge, prevented the death of infected mice. Neither the age of the sheep nor the route of antigen administration appeared to influence antibody titre. Moreover, reducing the administrated dose of haemagglutinin antigen minimally affected antibody titre. Together, these results suggest a cost effective way of producing high and sustained yields of functional ovine polyclonal antibodies specifically for the prevention and treatment of globally significant diseases.Natalie E. Stevens, Cara K. Fraser, Mohammed Alsharifi, Michael P. Brown, Kerrilyn R. Diener, John D. Haybal

    SINFONI - Integral Field Spectroscopy at 50 milli-arcsecond resolution with the ESO VLT

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    SINFONI is an adaptive optics assisted near-infrared integral field spectrometer for the ESO VLT. The Adaptive Optics Module (built by the ESO Adaptive Optics Group) is a 60-elements curvature-sensor based system, designed for operations with natural or sodium laser guide stars. The near-infrared integral field spectrometer SPIFFI (built by the Infrared Group of MPE) provides simultaneous spectroscopy of 32 x 32 spatial pixels, and a spectral resolving power of up to 3300. The adaptive optics module is in the phase of integration; the spectrometer is presently tested in the laboratory. We provide an overview of the project, with particular emphasis on the problems encountered in designing and building an adaptive optics assisted spectrometer.Comment: This paper was published in Proc. SPIE, 4841, pp. 1548-1561 (2003), and is made available as an electronic reprint with permission of SPIE. Copyright notice added to first page of articl

    MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images

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    We introduce a method to convert stereo 360{\deg} (omnidirectional stereo) imagery into a layered, multi-sphere image representation for six degree-of-freedom (6DoF) rendering. Stereo 360{\deg} imagery can be captured from multi-camera systems for virtual reality (VR), but lacks motion parallax and correct-in-all-directions disparity cues. Together, these can quickly lead to VR sickness when viewing content. One solution is to try and generate a format suitable for 6DoF rendering, such as by estimating depth. However, this raises questions as to how to handle disoccluded regions in dynamic scenes. Our approach is to simultaneously learn depth and disocclusions via a multi-sphere image representation, which can be rendered with correct 6DoF disparity and motion parallax in VR. This significantly improves comfort for the viewer, and can be inferred and rendered in real time on modern GPU hardware. Together, these move towards making VR video a more comfortable immersive medium.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, Published at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), Project Page: http://visual.cs.brown.edu/matryodshk
